The series of “Mohanji Satcharita” had begun on the auspicious day of Dussera and Shirdi Sai Baba’s Maha Samadhi day in October 2018. Today on yet another auspicious day of Guru Poornima, we conclude this series with the 9th chapter of the Mohanji Satcharita with another three beautiful stories! Thus, 81 heartfelt, sincere & true testimonials by devotees of Mohanji from across the globe have spread the fragrance of devotion and love for Mohanji through this series. Each story is a true “Guru Leela” of Mohanji showing various dimensions of our dear “Jagat Mitra” – friend of the Universe, Mohanji.
Mohanji’s leelas will not end. Mohanji’s Satcharita stories will not end too. This is just a brief interval until we return with yet another colourful bouquet of flowers of gratitude.
Till then enjoy this series of Mohanji Satcharita with the 9 chapters.
Sandra, Dragana and Reena offer their bouquet of love and gratitude to Mohanji by sharing their incredible experiences of Mohanji’s presence without presence.
The art of seeing rainbows at night
By Urav and Sandra Sankar
It’s like being aboard a rocket cruiser named ‘Master of the Universe’, where having no expectations is the only thing that’s going to take you to warp speed and inter-dimensional travel.
In meditation, we are able to leave this so-called reality and race into the so-called unknown. In dance, we lose our mind amidst cosmic spirals of ecstatic bliss. In walking, we connect to the integral nature of the Self, to the heartbeat of Shakti Maa. We are blessed with so many gifts to gather on this bountiful path of liberation, making life lighter, brighter and happier.
In this world, the big thing is ‘fearlessness’. A picture of a typical Amazon Warrior pops into my head. No. That’s too limiting. Let’s just say that this feels more like being a fearless Warrior of Love and Light. In this beautiful life, that Light is Mohanji. Check that. The darkness is all Mohanji too. In the absence of duality, we find Mohanji. Everything is Mohanji.
So, there is nothing to be scared of, right? Our beloved Parabrahma says ‘I am with you. Keep walking.’ Yes, we also run, jump, swoop, dive and leap with carefree abandon. In doing so we acclimatise to fateful and fearless truths that awareness brings to the table. We begin to flow through the tests and curves that life deals out.
This is all our beloved Mohanji’s grace. Nothing can stop karma. Only beloved Mohanji’s grace can. Contemplate on the waves of karmic providence that created the circumstances that brought us here. To this point. This timeline. To exactly this time-space continuum. Frankly, this feels very much like surfing. Low waves, high waves, sometimes outright tsunamis!
No worry when our beloved Mohanji is here. The great sobering lesson that grows on you is complete humility. Every breath becomes thank you, thank you, thank you, beloved Mohanji. Humbled gratitude to You for all the ‘saves’ not just in this life but all lives.
Guru’s light is like an exquisite prism of conscious revelation. Such is the grace of a timely breath swooping ‘reveal’ of the Absolute by Mother Divine. Our Mohanji’s canvas of innumerable colours illuminates every facet of our lives.
A few nights ago, our young son saw the beautiful outline of a form draped in hues of different rays of light, standing next to his bed. The colours that dominated the spectrum were red, yellow and blue. The astral form of our beloved Parabrahma also had three dark stripes of red, yellow and blue across the forehead and both feet.
This was part of the long-distance Mai-Tri Method healing. The healer was in a different timeline in another part of the world. What an exquisite truth! Consciousness has no distance. Call Mohanji. He comes. Think of Mohanji. He is there! Always present!
Think of our mind like a switch that goes off and on. When we switch off our mind, we experience the glory of Mohanji in 360 degrees. Children do that naturally. A few days later, our son caught sight of a rainbow and said that was exactly what he saw that night.

Think about it. A rainbow at night!
Unity in Oneness
By Dragana Tešanović

During the last several days of the program on the Bosnian Pyramids in 2019, I was feeling quite confused. Everything was so overwhelming for me as it seemed that there were so many people with whom I did not interact. Until now I did not understand that Mohanji brings all of His people (by saying His people, I mean people who are connected to His consciousness) with Him no matter where and how distant they are physically. As I realized this, I remembered several other occasions when He was on some pilgrimage and I had a feeling that I was there with Him.
I want to share one such experience. I have to start from the very beginning as His ways are very mysterious. It was the year 2018. In January I had to pass my academic writing exam. There were several themes to write about. I chose to write about a theme with the title, ‘What would I change if I had a time machine?’ Naturally, I wrote that I am proud of everything that happened in my past and if it did not happen, I would not be here now. I also wrote that if I had a time machine, I would like to return to my mother`s womb, because that is the only place where I would feel secure and carefree. This is because I do not feel as secure now as I should be. The only thing I know is that I wrote the essay from the bottom of my heart without any expectations.

Two months later, I received the call to go and visit the greatest sanctuary dedicated to the Virgin Mary (Shakti manifestation) in Ukraine, which was very affordable for me at that time. At the very same time, Mohanji was on a pilgrimage to Machu Picchu (Shakti place). What makes this place in Ukraine so powerful is the spring from which water started flowing when Mother Mary descended from the heights and touched the stone with her feet.
Besides this, the most interesting thing is that there is a cave in which a saint called Jov spent 20-30 years in silence, and guess what – the cave is in the shape of a womb, and it can hold only up to 4 people at one time. It is a place which the orthodox Christians usurped as their own. In this cave, I witnessed that beyond duality there is only oneness. So the trip was heavy.
There was only one person who knew me on the bus, and after several hours I started feeling the pressure of odd looks that I received. I was looked upon strangely as I did yoga, meditated, so on and so forth. Some of them approached me with the speech that these things I was doing were not good…blah, blah. So my mind started receiving the info about how my path was wrong. It was not easy for me to stay firm and stable around 60 other souls looking upon me like a possessed person, hahaha.
I just held Mohanji`s hand and was calling out to Him during the entire trip. I said to myself, “Ok, this is just one of His leelas. I know that this path is my life and I will wait for the confirmation as a witness.”
I visited a few other places of high energy before I entered the cave on the last day. People shared some stories that the cave would let you in and out if you are not possessed or something like that, and it won’t let you go out if you have great sins. Terrifying stories. I have to be honest, for a moment I was a bit frightened.
What happened next was mind-blowing! Even though there was a queue in front of the cave, when it was my turn to enter, I somehow ended up alone there. So there was only one thought with which I entered the cave, but I received much more. The thought was, “Please, let this path be the one for me.”
After several seconds, Saint Jov, whose presence one can tangibly feel inside this cave, became one with Mohanji and showed me that separation only exists within the mind. To my surprise, my awareness also lifted beyond the dual mind and I felt like I was one with them. I felt everything around me was part of me at that moment. Then I realized that my every heartbeat radiates a certain vibration, and if my heart radiates purity, the same thing will show outside (as within, so without) and vice versa. That realization gave me the strength to follow my path, the path of pathlessness. The path of unconditional love, non-violence, kindness, compassion, goodness, and companionship.
I am so grateful to Mohanji, without whom all of this would be impossible to realize. Before Mohanji, every breath of mine was a struggle. Now He empowers me to live my life purposefully and adds more meaning to it. And yes, when He says that He is with us, He really is. The only difference is in the mind. We think from the mind that the connection is lost. But Mohanji dwells within our hearts.
Thank you Mohanji. I surrender everything to you. I love you, through each and everyone as per my capacity.
Transformation by divine guidance
By Reena Kumar
Salutations to my Guru, who is an infinite ocean of compassion, grace, and bliss. Mohanji showers His grace 24×7 on everyone, everywhere. Mohanji has transformed us completely by His grace. Now, all the concepts, fears and stresses have vanished. He has taught me to flow through life and accept the person and situation as it is without complaining.
Earlier I wrote about how my son got decent marks in his 10th standard examination, in spite of having an accident. Even after the 10th standard, his attitude towards studies was casual. His present school knew about his carelessness. So the school didn’t want to give him admission to the 11th standard. But again, a miracle took place. By Mohanji’s grace, they agreed to give him admission. At the Parent-Teacher meetings, I was told again and again about the conduct of my son towards studies because he never completed his homework on time and he used to delay submitting his projects too. Annoyed by his pattern of indifference and carelessness, we scolded him and told him to be diligent and sincere.
That night, Mohanji appeared in his teacher’s dream. She has never met Mohanji. She told me how Mohanji came in a white kurta-pyjama and instructed her to take special care of my son. It was an early morning dream. We were left speechless by this dream. Our Mohanji deeply cares for each one of us around the clock.
We were getting complaints from the school regarding my son constantly. Every day we used to sit and explain to him. He got very few marks in his class test. Yet another night, we got so frustrated, we shouted at him. And later we started crying as there was no improvement in his class test score.
That night, Freedom meditation was published. We strongly felt it as a gift from Mohanji for children and their parents who were going through the same situation us. We hoped our son would benefit from it too. Mohanji is our ‘Sankat Mochan’ (name of Lord Hanumanji). Whenever we are gloomy, Mohanji reaches out to us either through a dream or in the form of a message. But the whole year passed and my son couldn’t clear his 11th standard.
In the report card of the 11th Standard (grade), it was written that he will be retained in the same class. I requested the Principal to give him a retest to help him clear the exams. Even after the retest, he was short of a few marks. Through Mohanji’s leela, from being retained in the same class, the report card was now changed to retest.
We went to many schools seeking admission, but no school was ready to take him. Again, I requested the Principal to write in the transfer certificate that my son should be promoted to the 12th class. The Principal agreed but it was suggested that retests should be conducted by the new school. We went to 14 schools, but they all said that the old school should do the retest. Now we were exhausted. The new session of the 12th class had already started since March and now it was the month of May. My son was not able to get admission and he was lagging behind by two months. Construction work was just completed at my place and this long search for admission into a school left us totally drained out.
My son was longing to meet Mohanji. It so happened that Mohanji was there at Dr. Wasir’s place. It was a golden opportunity for us and I thanked Dr. Wasir for contacting us. Mohanji said, “Your son was missing me badly. So I gave this thought to Doctor, to call you.” Mohanji is our Vighnaharta, another name for Lord Ganesha who removes obstacles. Our Avadhoota said, “10th was good and 12th will be good.” This sentence of Mohanji helped us sail smoothly in the middle of this turmoil.
Deep inside my heart, I had firm faith that my son will get admission into the 12th standard, sooner or later. After hopping from one school to the other, my son was still not able to get admission anywhere. So someone suggested to him, “Why don’t you repeat your 11th standard?” But the boy was adamant on not repeating. To save his one year, we thought of changing the board (of studies to which a school is affiliated). My son was in a school that followed the Haryana state board pattern. We thought of shifting him from Haryana to some other state, or from CBSE to Haryana Board, or from science stream to Arts, but all in vain.
At last, by the divine leela of Mohanji, he got admission in a school which was hardly three kilometers from our house. My son’s attitude changed. He became sincere and polite. Mohanji has transformed my son totally. He’s a new person, always positive in all the aspects.
Let any situation happen in your life no matter what people say. Whatever blockages are there, our Mohanji will remove them. Follow hundred percent whatever He tells us. He knows us better than we know ourselves. Never let the monkey mind come in between you and your Guru. Destiny brings the Master and the mind takes him/her away. Keep your Guru firmly in your heart. We are not the doer. Surrender at the lotus feet of Mohanji. He will deliver at the right time, at the right place. Gratitude is a very small word to describe the divine leela and grace of Mohanji.
We are in His divine protection always. May my family and I be at the lotus feet of our Mohanji till our last breath. Infinite gratitude every second to our Mohanji for blessing, awakening, guiding and transforming us! Koti koti pranaams Mohanji!
Jai Jai Mohanji!
Join us for a discussion by reading Chapter 1 of Mohanji Satcharita this Guru Poornima!
Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 16th July 2019
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