The art of forgiving

By Rekha Murali, India

Since childhood, I have often heard these phrases, “To err is human, to forgive divine and yet another one, “Forgive and forget”. Pondering on these two statements, I felt that I could forgive but never forget. It seemed simple. The minute an incident of the past came to my mind, the person who did it to me appeared in my inner eye along with the situation. So, I felt I could never forget.

Recently, there were a few incidents that hurt and saddened me, causing immense stress, disappointments, upheaval, sadness, anger etc. You name the emotion, and I felt all that. I felt it was the end. It felt as though things would never lookup. I would die a lonely, sad soul. All that changed through something that Mohanji did and as usual, ‘He walked with me!’ 

I heard about the Forgiveness Process that my Guru Mohanji had given to the world. Even then, my first thought which I jokingly shared with someone was, I am prepared to do anything as an Acharya, but I am not ready to forgive. The pain and wounds were fresh, and I felt it was not easy. It was indeed my mind fooling me.

As an Acharya, what I had learnt and knew deep within was that I had to forgive and move on. Mohanji always said, “Forgiveness leads to freedom.”

Slowly with all my other practices, I realised forgiveness, letting go and moving on towards my purpose was the top priority. Soon, I got a wonderful opportunity to practise the Forgiveness Process that was recorded in Mohanji’s voice. Now, my interest was piqued. Whatever Mohanji did was always for my highest good. I was eager to unhook and forgive each and everything. My heart soon craved for the freedom that Mohanji always spoke about.

Finally, I got to do the process as it was offered to all the Acharyas for a week. I did not want to miss the opportunity and so did it all the seven days, although it is not necessary. Needless to say, I was left speechless and awed. 

The first time, it was as though I was in the world of Harry Potter, with Mohanji using a magic wand to remove all the memories from within me that were deeply embedded and dissolve them. What was surprising was that during the process, neither did I remember the people nor the situations. All that I remembered was that I had gone through varied emotions such as anger, hatred, jealousy, guilt, regrets and so on. I felt unappreciated and betrayed. Being a perfectionist, whatever I did was never good enough. So, a sense of unworthiness too seemed to linger. 

As Mohanji guided me lovingly through the process in a soothing voice, I was able to unburden myself and soar high for a few minutes with him. I understood with clarity the purpose I was born for, and I visualised my Master holding my hand and guiding me forward, leaving all the unwanted impressions, patterns, and karma behind. As we soared higher and higher, he gently sent me ahead and stayed behind to guide other souls lovingly. This really showed the liberated existence of a Master. 

This happened on most of the days that I did the process. The whole process would start with bouts of crying, and my heart would feel so heavy each time, I felt it would burst. I have never ever cried like this before. Soon it would cease, and a feeling of lightness would cover me. I would then follow Mohanji faithfully on my journey. 

This entire process of forgiveness showed me my purpose. I realised my purpose is to serve the world with unconditional love, kindness and compassion. This made me so free and accepting of my situation in life. 

Later, thinking about the process, I realised that this Forgiveness Process was not an ordinary, guided process. With each word, the Master was working on me. He was operating from a different frequency, and all that I was expected to do was follow the instructions. As usual, he did his job. He cleared layers of muck that I’d collected over lifetimes. Another strange thing was that although I got to do the process, even if I was delayed and didn’t do it at the same time every day, I’d start feeling the emotions exactly at that time.

I was under the impression that it would be easy and with a session or two, I’d be fine. But I can tell you that this process is such a precious gift, it continues to keep you in awareness and helps you to let go of the situations that you may come across in your day to day life. It is life-transforming, indeed!

Not only that, I suddenly realised that what I was holding on to, playing the victim and thinking I could never forgive disappeared. I was able to accept the situations and move on. How did that happen? As layers of impressions were getting cleared, I was able to accept myself unconditionally with my weaknesses and strengths and totally forgive myself. Once I accepted myself, forgave myself, it was automatically reflected on the outside; the forgiveness of others, the situations and the surroundings became easy.

The pain, the scars of the situation and the people who caused it did not matter because, with Mohanji’s guidance, I chose freedom, I chose acceptance of myself, I chose to love myself, and I chose the path of liberation.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 5th November 2020


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1 thought on “The art of forgiving”

  1. I wish I felt the strength to forgive. I wish my circumstances surrounding my grief of losing my oldest of 4, Sept. 5, 2020, at only 25 years old and finding out weeks later his death was not an accident but now considered a homicide….worst of all, knowing who is all involved and having to wait for justice….ha, justice?!? There will ever be actual justice because in the end, they get to live as I learn how to cope with my new Hell of ultimate loss, grief, sadness, pain…I’m am truly at peace with my inner being and soul by making a conscious decision not to forgive. 🙏🏼💛

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