Grace at Death – A Maitri Healing Experience

Author: Subhasree Thottungal

Grace at Death 1 A Mai Tri Healing experience

आत्मञ्जानाग्निदानेन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥९॥

Aneka-Janma-Sampraapta-Karmaindhana-Vidaahine |
Aatma jnaana-Agni-Daanena Tasmai Shree-Gurave Namah

Salutations to the noble Guru, Who Burns away the Fuel of Karma, Accumulated over Many Births, By Giving (Kindling) the Fire of Self-Knowledge.

The above shloka from Guru Gita explains how Guru helps in burning the karma thus achieving liberation.

It’s true that with absolute surrender, openness and faith, we will get to see, feel and experience the true phenomenon of how the Guru Mandala operates in various dimensions to facilitate one’s liberation.

Grace at Death 2 A Mai Tri Healing experience - Gurus

Mai-Tri method – the healing process through the divine energy of Mohanji is one such process that made me witness a powerful phenomenon recently.

Grace at Death 3 A Mai Tri Healing experience - Mohanji blessing

This incident has brought the requisite awareness to visualise and understand with more clarity than before. Hence, I feel it’s very important to convey what I have realised, which will help everyone to get the awareness of the Guru Tattwa (principle) to come out of any materialistic bindings and doubts.

A recent quote from Mohanji mentioned –

“At the time of final displacement from earth, at the time of our death, no wealth, money, power, position or relationships come handy. All that comes handy is our connection with God. Establish yourself in God while you can. That is your only insurance for a smooth transit.”

Grace at Death 4 A Mai Tri Healing experience - Mohanji

This is just so apt and relates very much to what I have witnessed.

Well, the following is how the experience goes wherein the names have been kept anonymous to respect the privacy as requested by those involved.

Around the end of December 2017, I received a request for a Mai-Tri method session for someone’s father (henceforth referred to as “uncle”), who was quite old, and was suffering from a very bad skin reaction. The doctors were unable to diagnose the root cause for close to 3-4 months.

body - Maitri Healing

From the very first session, there was an indication that the journey of the soul had started. This uncle was very connected to his Guru and to God and would always keep chanting. It was clear that the previous impressions were erupting out to finish off any karma. Uncle felt positive after the healing session and requested me to do frequent sessions, at least every alternate day if not daily!

Mohanji quote - The whole spirituality is about

Within a couple of weeks of Mai-Tri method, the doctors found the root cause of his skin disease and appropriate medications were started. I knew Divine energy was at work! We continued the sessions. In a couple of weeks, I was headed to India first to Shirdi and then for the HSTY yoga training programme. Knowing that I was going to Shirdi, Uncle and aunty (his wife) gave me some money to donate there for charity  and asked me to pray for them. Since I was also going to meet Mohanji in Shirdi, they requested to convey their gratitude to Mohanji too.

Shirdi Sai Baba and Mohanji

During this trip to India, I met Mohanji in Shirdi, had a heavenly darshan of Sai Baba and a beautiful darshan of Bhagwan Nityananda at Ganeshpuri, especially on the day of Pranapratishtha (installation of energy) of his new idol. All this could not have been possible without the grace of the Guru Mandala.

Grace at Death 5 A Mai Tri Healing experience - Prana Pratishta, Mohanji, Shirdi

After returning from India, I could not go to them for any healing session for more than a week, due to other engagements at work. Few days later, we had a Mai-Tri method session at my home by Deviji which was attended by Uncle. Even during this healing session, he had a release from past life impressions indicating their exhaustion. Along with healing, he also received Shirdi Baba’s Prasad that I had brought for Uncle.

A week later, Uncle requested to see me and have a healing session. On that evening, though otherwise quite independent, he seemed a bit lost with his neck bent and finding it hard to keep the head up. While I was looking for devotional chanting music to play in the background, the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra that too sung by his Guru started to play. A smile came on my lips. This indicated the presence of his Guru at that moment. A feeling of positivity, joy and peace overtook the otherwise uneasy physical pain. Until I was there, Uncle stayed in the same room chanting as long as the mantra was playing!

A couple of days later, I received a message that Uncle was no more. He took his last breath early in the morning, while chanting a mantra all through the night. When I went to his home and saw him, there was an amazing expression of peace on his face – no doubt the peace that the soul experiences on its way back Home! What a glorious end! Uncle left his body at his own home, amongst his loved ones while being independent until very end. No hospital stay, no hassles, no living like a vegetable.

In the last couple of months, I have felt the compassion of Guru Mandala in the healing sessions. During every session, it felt that his chain of karma was being severed by accelerating it’s realisation thus exhausting it quickly.. When all the karma was exhausted, he was embraced, guided and lifted by the Gurus on it’s final journey back home in the vehicle named “Om Namah Shivaaya!” Witnessing this was an astounding eye opener for me.

Grace at Death 6 A Mai Tri Healing experience - Baba Ganeshananda, Mohanji

Mai-Tri method with divine energy connected to Mohanji’s consciousness is not just about physical and emotional healing. It’s actually about freedom. Every time, healing helps the soul to subtly but surely detach from karma thus breaking down the chain of Karma and taking one closer to freedom and liberation. I realised once again that faith and surrender make the soul eligible to receive the eternal love and compassion from entire Guru Mandala.

I feel no less fortunate for being able to witness such a beautiful journey, even if from a distance. My head bows down to Mohanji and the entire Guru Mandala for the silent work they constantly do to empower liberation of each and every soul. May this grace of the Guru flow through us until the very last soul on earth gets liberated.

I am grateful to have found my Guru Mohanji who is carrying me on this beautiful journey through the golden path of liberation . Thank you Mohanji. Thank you, Para Brahma. I end this gratitude with a prayer to the Adi Guru, the one and only Shiva!

Om Shiva Om Shiva Paratpara Shiva

Omkareshwara Tava Sharanam

Namami Shankara Bhavani Shankara

Uma Maheswara Tava Sharanam

Om Shiva, Om Shiva, the Supreme of the most Supreme.

Shiva, the personification of Om, I surrender to you.

I bow down to Lord Shankara, The Lord of Bhavani (the source of creative energy)

Lord of Uma (Parvati), Lord of the Universe, I surrender to you


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