Healing Meditation In Cuenca, Ecuador

By Maja Otovic

On July, 9th 2016, we had a wonderful and transformative experience of Healing Meditation with Swamiji Mohana Bhaktananda from South Africa. Swamiji Bhaktananda is a devotee of Mohanji who conducts Healing Meditations by connecting to Mohanji’s consciousness. Swamiji was guiding 16 participants through this group meditation via Skype. Half the people who came to this meditation had never even heard of Mohanji, and even though Mohanji’s picture was there, they weren’t asking questions. The Power of Purity meditations started in Cuenca only a month and a half prior to this meditation. However, some people from that meditation group couldn’t make it, while many others I met for the first time. An example of this is Mario, who was only dropping his wife by car, and at the last moment simply decided to climb the stairs with her (they had neither heard of Power of Purity meditations nor of Mohanji).

The whole group would like to give our sincere gratitude to Swamiji who was guiding us so lovingly through this experience. People felt really touched by his charming and kind personality. Also, big gratitude to Milica from South Africa, who made this happen even though we were a very new group; to Su, who offered to be a host when she first heard of it and did an amazing job; and to Dionne, who supported this idea from the start. Big thanks to all of the participants, physically present or not, who took part in it and made this lovely magic happen. The final gratitude, of course, goes to Mohanji – the very Source of all healing. But I just don’t know how to say it. It’s just too big to express in words.

Mohanji- blessing

Here are some of the experiences from the participants, in their own words:

Dionne: “I believe the healing meditation began the night before, as I saw much suffering for females in the world for several hours. At the end, I was shown that I could best be of help by going inside and being a light from the Source to these and other situations where I don’t have the power to change them. Then I saw many people from this life and forgave them. I understood that suffering gives an opportunity to awaken from this dream that is ordinary consciousness on earth. Then the only person I wasn’t able to forgive was my father. As the meditation began, I felt the huge powerful energy of the group and a great heart link to Swamiji. He was delightful, light and endearing, very present with us and funny too. The first thing that happened was that the “ice wall” that was around me about my father broke up and came down. Then I began seeing a big beautiful magenta light, then emerald green, then back and forth, until they merged. Then my heart energy grew and grew until it pushed far outside of my body.

I felt the awareness of God’s presence in my belly, up and down my spine and the aura surrounding me. I was in a beautiful bubble of light source energy. Protected and safe, in well-being and love. I breathed in and out, surrender-acceptance, surrender-acceptance. My neck twisted around and around and released knotted up karma. I allowed the karma of this and past lives to be collected in the wood in my hand and then burned up in the fire. I was shown to be a conscious light source of God energy into the world for those I can assist and those whose suffering I cannot directly help. I was aware of Consciousness within me, intense presence, and focused awareness. The feeling of Divine Source expressing through me. Thank you with all my heart!”


Andrea: “When Maja invited me to the healing meditation, I felt it was going to be a huge blessing in my life. But the experience itself exceeded all my expectations. I have been working in my spiritual path for 17 years and after trying several paths, I gave up for 5 years. I am a woman who had suffered the impact of a controlling and sexist society. Deep in my heart, I had lots of resentment without even knowing it. During the healing meditation, I was transported in the most kind and loving manner to my past lives, where I had chosen to be a woman, and I could see that the resentment was in my soul for very long. I have experienced so much abuse and sacrifice for others because of my female status. Even now, my life has been full of abuse and I have avoided speaking out my truth aloud, so as not to upset or make others feel uncomfortable. Swamiji was so kind and loving while supporting us during the meditation. His simple technique resolved my never ending pattern of not speaking my truth as a woman. I’m so blessed to be a woman and understand my life purpose as such. Thank you for this amazing experience.”

Gloria: “Yesterday I had an experience that was completely different from anything I’ve ever had in my life. I don’t have the right words to express it. The only thing I can say is that with each breath, and with my heart and mind open to God, my body and each and every cell of my body vibrated. I could feel life vibrating within me. I could feel the suffering in some parts of my body because they were in pain and under pressure. It was a unique experience. I felt my body could explode from all the energy, all the life. In the end, there was peace, tranquility, gratefulness, and the pain was gone. I felt full of energy and in harmony with myself, without any fear. I can only express gratitude for this opportunity I was given to feel something new, something profound.”


PMB: “During the Healing meditation, I felt pain in my back and in the back of my head. Then, it was like someone was attacking me. I felt it vividly, and I was afraid. Swamiji led me through it by calling my name and telling me to let it go at the right time.  The whole healing meditation was about one hour and twenty minutes, but for me time literally flew.  After that, I felt light, really light, like a burden was taken from my shoulders. And now, I’m managing pressure in a different way. I’m not experiencing anxiety as I was a few months ago. And now I have the feeling that Mohanji is closer to me.  I’m eager to continue practicing the Power of Purity Meditation.”

Poe’s experience written by his wife Dionne: “Poe had difficulty breathing during the healing meditation and felt and saw his chest encased in a hard shell, like a turtle shell.
Swamiji spoke to him directly saying “Breathe deeply, Poe, breathe deeply.” After that, the shell broke open and he has been able to breathe well since. After returning home, he went to bed with fever and chills and vomited during the night. He stayed in bed the next day with chills, fever, headache, heartburn and vomited again. He took nothing orally, not even water. The following day he was in bed again, although was able to take sips of water and blended soup. He thought this ‘sickness’ was in response to the meditation and that his heart chakra had expanded and opened. He’s waiting to see what other feelings and messages come to him.’’

Mohanji radiating, both hands blessing

After a week, Dionne added: ‘’ Since the healing meditation, my husband hasn’t had a single drink. Not even one. He noticed that his sugar craving was also gone. He recently had a dream about no longer eating meat, as had I, so we decided not to eat meat anymore. This has all been very easy since the healing meditation. No alcohol, no craving sugar, no eating meat and our appetite is no longer so strong. We get mildly hungry but not ravenously so. This is a wonderful development.’’

I would also like to share my own experience, and what happened in the following days. From the very start of the meditation, I could feel my heart expanding and a lovely energy that made me so happy. I was singing almost throughout the whole meditation. Sometimes it was a humming sound, and sometimes high-pitched tones that I make when I meditate as well. The sound was traveling upwards, or was oriented in the heart region, and sometimes in the throat part. The throat area was where the tone was unclear and would often break. I could feel a big ball in there, a big block that I knew I have. As Swamiji was guiding participants one by one, I would sometimes stop the singing in order to translate. In general, I felt simply happy and light. At some point, it was my turn. The moment Swamiji said my name, things started developing. It happened quite quickly and effortlessly. I started screaming. Like really loud. I could feel something going out from the lower part of my back and climbing up. There were only a few screams, but big ones.


As I was sitting on the floor, my upper part of the body melted completely on the yoga mat. I was totally fine. I did not feel any fear, or worry, apart from the ones “what are the others thinking now?”, and “Am I disturbing anyone?”. I could hear Swamiji chanting a mantra, and I was already looking forward to feeling the effect of this cleansing. I should explain that I already had cleansings where I would scream like that. It happened earlier in March, and it was a whole series of it – every few days another session, and more screaming. Lots of it got out, but I was feeling far less calm then. That one was not an easy thing for me, as I was alone (the wonderful woman working with me was on the other side of the screen), and as I was facing some of my biggest fears. This one with Swamiji was without any stress. Afterwards, I cried for a few moments , and as soon as I could take the first deep breath, I was back to that happy and lovely place. I just spontaneously continued singing, trying to deal with that ball that was still in my throat.

The ending of the meditation was very powerful for me, as Swamiji was praying for us. He said we were as a group most connected to Jesus, so he was praying to Him. I could not translate at that point, as I felt I couldn’t move. I don’t remember the beginning, so I’ll write only the second part because I owe these words to our Spanish-speaking participants, “…and I pray to Jesus that he removes all the blockages from you. I pray to Jesus that you have the same strength that He had. And I pray most of all that this is your last incarnation on Earth.”

11 Mohanji - Jesus energy

After the meditation, a couple of us shared our experiences, and I felt the need to say to the others that I was totally okay. Swamiji said that a huge cleansing had taken place, and that my blocks were mainly from this life and the emotional suffering I’d been through. We could still feel the beautiful energy in the room as we were having some snacks and meeting each other – as most of us didn’t even know each other’s names. 🙂

For me, and some others as well, the meditation did not stop there. In the following period, I was going further through the process. Thanks to the removal of that block down my spine, I could breathe and get enough energy. Swamiji said that I’ll feel the difference in my shoulders. Before, I could not sit up straight, as there was a blocking knot in my spine which was now gone. I felt so much lighter and spacious from within. In the next few days, I faced a lot of emotional baggage that I was carrying. Up on the surface came the feelings of not being loved, of being considered unworthy. I cried the suffering through very difficult times. I was also facing the negativity from the recent period which was there for me to bring to surface the emotions from my past that I was projecting now, and releasing them.

Mohanji- gratitude

I felt deep gratitude for this opportunity. I remembered how someone taught me to take responsibility for everything that happens in our life. I remembered how, through the assistance of others, I gained the perspective on past lives that has helped me detach from this character that I am playing in this life, and to understand the given lessons with more clarity. I accepted that everything was and is my choice, and that in the grand scale it serves the purpose of my growth. I was facing the guilt of all the pain I’d been through, of accepting who knows when the role of the victim, and of forgetting that I couldn’t be anything apart from the Oneness and Unity. I was embracing with gratitude people and events from my past.

On this beautiful journey, I have had a big support and help of many people. Some of those I have never met, nor can I explain the connection that is felt. During one of the meditations on Mohanji’s retreat I was somewhere deep in my heart. I didn’t know where I went, but I ‘came back’ feeling lots of gratitude for everyone who was there. I felt the strong need to tell them how beautiful and magnificent they all are. A couple of years later, I was reading someone’s blog on Mohanji and it took me to that same place. It was like a different dimension. I experienced Unity with everyone connected to Mohanji. I felt expanded, as if just being a wave of that wonderful energy of Love – without being Me, but Being All of Us as that Love. I would like to thank you all for sharing your Light and Love. It has meant a lot to me. 🙂

8 The merry group at the retreat on Andrevlje

Please, I don’t mean to say that this Love is limited only to those who know Mohanji one way or the other. Several friends have contacted me in those couple of days before the Healing meditation saying they were all of a sudden strongly thinking of me. Thank you for tuning in, and being there with us. As you saw, He is way beyond any man-made boundaries such as religion or culture. Through Him, we can connect to any Master that our heart calls for. They are all One. All are Love.

Another experience that happened a few days after the meditation was only an expression of that truth. I was reading Mohanji’s blog on Vasudevan Swamy, and as I was looking at the eyes of Vasudevan Swamy, a completely new experience for me happened. First I heard chanting, and I immediately started chanting myself. Then the energy started flowing in the upper part of my head while I just kept looking at his eyes.  Vasudevan Swamy’s face began transforming. It was changing again and again. It was transforming into faces of many, many Masters. I could clearly see Mohanji several times, but there were many other Masters, and I don’t even dare to say I was able to recognize who they were. Some I didn’t even know.

Vasudevanji, a powerful and loving saint at the Nath mandir at Vajreshwari 1a

This play continued for a few minutes; it just went on and on. The energy was getting stronger, and I didn’t know if I could handle it. My physical system was really pushed, and I still feel the effect of it. All of these Masters are One, and that is why it does not matter to which one of them we connect to, nor what religion we belong to. In Mohanji’s words, “There are not “many” masters. There is only One Master and His or Her many manifestations. The various forms are an illusion. Your mission in this lifetime is to stay linked to the unmanifested behind all manifestations.”

Mohanji-with-Sri Vasudevan -at-nath-mandir_saint

Thank you my Ecuadorian Family, you made all this possible. I am so grateful to you for all the Love that you created. It is so beautiful.

Eternal Gratitude, Dearest Mohanji. All Your Grace. Love Always, Beyond anything.

Love to All,
Maja Otovic



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