We are immortal beings

Sandra Sankar,  South Africa

There are great trails in our lives that reveal how far we have come spiritually. When our beloved Parabrahma protects us, he insulates us not just from the highs and lows in the world but also from our mind.

I have been remarkably calm and collected, making our Dad’s final funeral preparations. There is a remarkable difference in how stable I am compared to the time I lost my mum over twenty years ago: night and day. There appears to be a loving cocoon of protection around not just me but also all those I love.

In my mind eye, I had placed my sick Dad before Mohanji and told him, ok, I am leaving Dad in your care. I do not want him to suffer and will honour my Dad’s decision about his soul journey in this life. With that resolution, the father I have loved more than life passed away peacefully into the light. He was stable and in high care in a private hospital.

A week before, I had woken up in the middle of the night by a loud and clear telepathic message.

“They ALL are coming!”

I had the impression that a great number of souls had gathered all around me – so many. I had felt momentarily overwhelmed. From that moment, I understood my beloved Dad’s time was close. Hindus believe that our ancestors or loved ones come to help us transition, like angels.

Always filled with Mohanji’s unconditional love, the deep emotional pain that I would have otherwise experienced did not happen. As I write this, I am still calm and stable during and after the funeral, which was yesterday.

A few days before, I was singing a beautiful Hindi movie song my father used to sing to me playing his guitar, and I used to sing back to him as a little girl. The song was about a father telling his child how much he loves her. I had made up my own childish loving reply to him and sang back to him.

Those were one of a great many touching moments of unconditional love I had experienced as a young child, always surrounded by laughter and songs. Tears of love rolled down my eyes. Daddy … The next moment, I ‘saw’ him appear next to me, smiling lovingly. He looked young, healthy, and so very handsome again!

Again, such healing, deeply comforting and momentous revelation. There is no death. We are immortal beings – I breathe in and out, filled with an exquisite sense of tranquility and peace. Mohanji does not only take care of me but my whole family. My entire lineage! That is a lot of people! Intense. Spectacular. Just WOW! I remain humbled and deeply grateful and, yes, ever so blessed.

The words thank you, thank you, beloved Parabrahma swaroopa Mohanji is not enough. My bhaav for Mohanji cannot be explained away by mere words. Mohanji is beyond words. Beyond worldly experiences. Mohanji is love incarnate. Pyaare, pyaare Mohanji.

I am Mohanji. Mohanji is me. There is no separation. I am unshakable.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 10th June 2021


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