By Mahesh Bhalerao, Canada

Many of those who are connected to Mohanji know of His tremendous energy that can feel like sahasra sooryaya (a thousand suns), and be difficult to handle. It is hard to put a frame around the energy of someone like Mohanji who is beyond frames. He transcends ordinary human nature and thinking levels. I was very fortunate to accompany Mohanji on his first visit to Brazil, which was immediately after the trip to Machu Picchu in Peru. On April 10, 2018, we left for Sao Paulo at noon reaching there at 8pm. During the stay in Brazil with Mohanji, I had a number of remarkable experiences in the eight days that followed. Everyday, I was witnessing His leelas (divine acts), and the miracles taking place in front of everyone, a few of which I would like to share below.
Awareness of Mohanji’s Omnipresence
I must say that this time around, I felt much more connected to Mohanji, feeling His presence even when He was not around. Early one morning as I was doing my daily sadhana (spiritual practice), I felt as if the portion of the house where Mohanji was sleeping was not attached to the building. Then I got the feeling that Mohanji had left the room and gone somewhere very far in space. I went into a state of panic, but started reciting the Mohanji Gayatri mantra, praying to Him to come back and not leave us. After an hour of prayer, I felt His presence in the room. Mohanji had returned to His room! I was experiencing this vision during sadhana (spiritual practice) and not seeing with my physical eyes.

Later during breakfast that morning, I told him of my experience during sadhana (spiritual practice). He confirmed that he had indeed been busy travelling astrally. Though I had heard about His astral travel before, this was the first time I had the personal experience that He was not in the body and felt His presence when He came back.
Mohanji is omnipresent, this awareness was now clear to me.
He is always listening: Everyday Mohanji, George and I would sit together for lunch. It is usual practice for me to offer my food to Mohanji (not physically, but through prayers) before I start eating. When I would pray mentally in this way, Mohanji would pick up something to eat from my plate and would say, “Ok, start, I have received it”.
I never realised the true meaning of this until one day as I offered my prayers and was about to start eating my meal, he said to me, “I did not receive your food; your mind was somewhere else”. I was taken aback when I heard that because it was true that I had been distracted because my mind was partially occupied with something else. Respectfully, I asked him to repeat what he said, and he asked me, “Who do you offer food to, before you start eating?” I replied, “I offer my food to you, Father, as always”. Then I realised that I had never told him before that I always offer the food to him. That day I had not done my prayers with full attention, and so the food had not reached him. My guru bhai (brother) George who was sitting next to me, asked Mohanji, “Did you receive my food?” and Mohanji immediately replied, “Yes, I did”.

I was not sad at that moment, because I was experiencing the moment of truth. Here was my Lord, my Bhagwan (God) in front of me, my saakshat Vishnu svaroop (the true incarnation of Lord Vishnu) telling me that although He had not received it, it was fine and gave me the slice of mango that He had in His hand. At that moment, I could sense that my ears had gone red hot as soon as I ate that mango. I couldn’t talk much, I was feeling ashamed. Overall, it was a clear indication that
Mohanji listens to you and He is always with you.
Awareness of Supreme Consciousness in Mohanji
On our second day in Brazil, we decided to travel to Rio de Janeiro to see the statue of Christ the Redeemer. This 38m tall statue of Jesus, that stands atop Mount Corcovado, was built to counter the increasing acts of “Godlessness”. In this statue, Jesus is standing with his arms wide open as if he is ready to give everyone a big hug. To reach the statue, one has to take a cable train ride up the mountain which is a beautiful experience.

The initial plan was to go by car from Sao Paulo to Rio and back. However, since this involved long travel time, we decided to take a flight. We booked the plane tickets and left for the airport. However, due to heavy traffic on the way to the airport, we missed our flight. However, this gave me an opportunity for rectifying the mistake I had done while booking the tickets. I felt as if Mohanji was just saving me from more frustration due to the mistakes in ticket booking.
Not only this, I realised later that how divine beings and Gurumandala comes down to help in every act that involves Mohanji. This happens in a much subtle way, unrecognised for general public, but who is closely connected to Mohanji will be able to recognise this.
We were guided to a post office from where we could get the ticket that could take us right up to the top-level, near the statue. This post office was not in a visible place, but we had divine help with us! Though I couldn’t recognise at that point, a blessed soul (may be one of the Nath Gurus who came in disguise), took us right to the correct spot from where we can buy the ticket. Of course it was Mohanji in the first place who had guided me to approach this gentleman, amongst the big crowd in the airport. Looking back, I now realise, it was all the leela (divine Act) of Gurumandala. This gentleman himself was a visitor there who came for some official meeting and was not conversant of the local area. But he guided, lead the way right up to the ticket point, spending his precious time trying to help! Re-visualising the scene once again, where this gentleman and I were walking ahead and Mohanji slightly behind, it was as if the body guards marching ahead, clearing the way for the Master!
This was not just a lesson in humility that I learnt from Mohanji, watching him how he was addressing people in the most humble and respectful way while requesting information, but also I recognised (though bit later) that how Gurumandala came down to facilitate every thing.
This is just another evidence of the true stature of my Guru – Parabrahma!
I learnt a lesson: it is not merely about listening to or reading Mohanji’s teachings but also living them and recognising the subtlety.
Though this was something I knew, I had never experienced it.
When it was time to board the cable train, the girl at the counter informed us that we would reach the top around 5 PM and that it may get dark. She showed us the scene up hill on her television at the train boarding station. The whole area and the statue was fully covered in clouds. One could not see anything. Further, there was a possibility of rain which meant the possibility that the clouds may not only continue to completely obscure our view of the statue. Hearing this, both George and I turned to Mohanji. He said, “No, we will go”. He joked “We have a pact with the weather”. We knew he meant it. Without any hesitation, we got on the train. When we reached the top, it was almost 5 PM just as the girl had informed us. As expected, we saw that the statue was completely covered by clouds. Even though we were taking pictures, Christ’s statue was fully covered with clouds and we had to stop.

At that point, Mohanji simply turned around, looked at the statue and waved his hand in the air as if to clear the clouds. It was a direct message to the clouds: “Please clear off!” As if on cue, the clouds started moving away from the statue and everyone nearby was overjoyed to see the sunshine. I stood there stunned; looking at Mohanji for whom playing with Nature was part of his leelas (divine acts). He was talking to the clouds and they were moving around as per His instruction! It was a well-orchestrated play and the Christ in front of us (Mohanji) was conducting that play.

Mohanji wanted George to take a good picture of the view of the islands down below. He called us to that side of the hill. Once again, clouds were obscuring a clear view. Mohanji said “Just wait. It will clear now”. Suddenly, all clouds were swiftly moved to one side and the whole vision of the island and its surroundings became crystal clear. As soon as we finished taking pictures, clouds covered the view once again.
We further walked to the other corner of the hill to take in a different vista. I could see that the clouds were scurrying out of our way again – as if the clouds did not want to block the view of our Christ (Mohanji). While other people had their attention on the statue of Christ and were busy taking pictures, George and I were absorbed instead in the living Christ (Mohanji) in front of us and his leelas (divine act). Mohanji, whom I consider as Christ himself, was standing next to us, demonstrating through His leelas (divine acts) that nothing is impossible for us if we have full faith. He himself will fulfill the smallest wish of a bhakta (devotee) who has unshakeable faith.

As we started walking downhill, rain started. Everything was picture perfect.
Mohanji often speaks of – “connection, conviction and consistency” and if we can keep them growing, His presence within us will be maximized. While gazing at the statue, Mohanji remarked that it is a reminder of the path that leads from “Rituals to Awareness”. Mohanji is always with us all the time and we should always recognise, surrender and feel gratitude.

||Jai Brahmarishi Mohanji||
Surrendering at your Lotus feet,
Mahesh Bhalerao, Canada
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6 thoughts on “Rituals to Awareness”
Jai Mohanji! Thank you for sharing <3
Wonderful sharing 🙏
It’s very true Mohanji always stays with us which I have experienced on numerous you jimohanji
Beautiful. Amazing experiences.
Jai Brahmarshi Mohanji!
Schizophrenia is really difficult, mate. What this blog turned into, from the humble personal posts of its beginnings to adoring devotees who say M. is Christ and capitalize his pronouns. It goes the way all cults go… more and more delusional by the day. Feeding on people’s energy, never empowering them to be actual free individuals. But who wants that? Better the delusion of an incarnation of God who can direct your every step.
Thank you for bringing this point to us. It is very appropriate that you asked us this question and we really appreciate it.
Our tradition talks about spreading awareness. No propaganda. No allusions or illusions. Mohanji has said time and again that he is not Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, or any other Master. He was born as Mohanji and will die as Mohanji.
All the expressions in this blog are written by followers who have had experiences with Mohanji. These are spontaneous expressions of devotion. We have debated internally over the level of editorial control that can be exercised over these articles. Given that these are other people’s expressions, our current editorial decision is to to avoid making any changes except grammar and spellings. We only reject articles that have propaganda without basis or facts. The reasoning is given below.
The only way to avoid these issues, stated above, is in consultation with the people submitting the article. Our team feels that this amounts to coaching them on how to write their experience. More so because it is a very subjective topic on where to draw the line. Our editorial team is not comfortable stepping into that area. Hence, we have made a conscious decision to stay out of it. Very recently, we introduced a disclaimer at the end of every article for the very same reasons.
We will, in any case, discuss internally if we can take any non-intrusive measures to avoid these scenarios.
Thanks again for your taking the time to bring this to our notice.
Jai MohanjI!
Mohanji Editorial Team