When we lose ourselves for the sake of love

By Sandra Sankar, South Africa

What is bhakti? The answer to this question touches a chord deep within. When we lose ourselves for the sake of love, that is bhakti bhaav. The spontaneous flow of bhakti is like the waves of a haunting whale-song reaching out through the unfathomable dimensions of time to touch the chords of one’s soul. Mohanji’s love for us is like that. Unconditional. He sees neither race nor colour nor ethnicity. Just the glorious brilliance of our magnificent souls. Unblemished. Pure.

When we lose ourselves in the expression of this love for Mohanji in this world… that is the highest bhakti. This is Mumuksha. A fierce burning that consumes all of this world’s transitory expressions. We burn with the ultimate longing for the union with the Self. Look at Mohanji. There is only love. No frills. No thrills. Simple. Complete. Unfettered. Free.

The un-liberated mind is like a dark cave filled with blind spots. For some, it’s the stuff of nightmares. For others, an exhilarating journey to liberation. In a maze of cobwebs, our defining life experiences are trapped within innumerable cocoons of unresolved emotional moments. By now, we all know that both karmic and family lineage blueprints bring this drama into our daily life experiences.

It is unimaginable to estimate just how much baggage there actually is. All stamped with an inevitable departure and expiration date. This is the cosmic game of karma that is always at play. Only Mohanji’s loving grace can change that. This is also why Mohanji reminds us to keep walking towards the light at the end of the tunnel. In his all-seeing state of omniscience, our beloved Parabrahma misses nothing! Nothing.

After seeing Mohanji turning into blinding white luminescent radiance during our first satsang, everything I knew changed from that fateful moment. Call it a mind-shift. Since then my awareness of SELF increased exponentially and continues to shift, to this day. I now realise that I am that blinding light, too. That was some trigger for my awakening, beloved Parabrahma!


How absolutely exhilarating is it to wake up to our exquisite radiance. I am Mohanji. Mohanji is me. There is no separation. We are ONE. This is how we become unshakable. Unstoppable. Unfettered. Free. Free like the wind blowing through Kailash.

Connecting to our beloved Parabrahma’s consciousness is an adventure. The only way is to DIVE right in. Straight and true like Arjuna’s arrow. Getting to the other end is like crossing a bottomless river filled with unpredictable swirling currents. Only Guru knows the way. Mohanji has made this journey before. He knows how to navigate those dangerous currents. Stay close to our eternal lifeguard. Our beloved Light of Lights.

Through the gamut of emotions on this highly eventful journey, our beloved Parabrahma holds our hand ever so tenderly. Rest assured HE will never let go. Sometimes we get so caught up with ourselves that we forget HE is there. We fall prey to our turbulent emotions. Mistaken by the empty promises and the accolades of doership and ownership, we almost always miss the point of this lifetime by a long mile.


Mohanji says that in this day and age, we have the privilege to indulge in so many more deflections from the introspection of SELF. Let us examine this statement further. Social media platforms and trendy gadgets are all the rage these days. The pervasive thoughts that flit through our minds daily are more like these.

How cool do I look in my touched-up selfies? How sleek is my online presence? How many likes and dislikes did I get today? Who can I block today? Who is blocking my sun? What, too many messages about someone else! Not what the message is about. Just preoccupation with who is the message from.

Not what can I learn. Does this make sense? Does the truth in the message resonate with me? So, let us take a moment to ask ourselves. Is it about selfishness or selflessness? Am I drowning in the noise of this world? And lastly, perhaps most importantly, am I evolving?

Like music and movie stars the world over, pop star Michael Jackson was loved and idolised by millions when he was first discovered. However, as soon as he became a global superstar some of his fans turned on him. Social media was quickly and efficiently used to spread disinformation and negativity about him. Such is the fickleness of the human monkey mind.

Our social conditioning makes us envious of someone else’s light. So, we switch from light to dark without realising it. The adoring mob suddenly becomes a sneering mob which turns into an uncontrollably violent rampaging mob. This is how wars are created from mere disagreements. This is not bhakti.

These are conditioned responses from the mind, designed to stop us from looking inside. To stop us from discovering how spectacularly beautiful and complete we are. Each one of us. There are no exceptions. This is why Mohanji keeps reminding us. Not outside. Look inside. Watch how our world triggers the mind. Watch.

These days we are so desensitized by the conditioned responses that we no longer connect to ourselves. Heavily syndicated media houses control information which keeps us trapped in the external or physical world. Our early conditioning takes place in schools and later on as adults, we are captivated by mostly empty rhetoric designed to keep us passive and compliant. Most of today’s electronic and print media contrive to keep us there.

Trapped by romantic notions of external fantasies and potential lovers we forget our greatest ETERNAL love of all time. Ourselves. Shy of our nakedness, we rush to cover up our SELF. Shielding our eyes from the breath-taking splendour of nature, we sit in concrete jungles and dream about freedom. Write about freedom. Talk about freedom. This type of self-imposed behavioural isolation from our true place within nature is directly related to the degree of desensitisation we are currently experiencing in our lives.

Did you notice that we are surrounded by innumerable ‘negative’ triggers designed to arouse our basest instincts? This is why seemingly peaceful communities who have co-existed for a long time together turn on each other in the most violent ways. The question then is. Has this aggressive gene always plagued humankind?

Are our Himalayan Yogis actually wild men gone rogue? Or are they human beings who have mastered their minds and lost themselves in their radiance? It is a documented fact that some Yogis (or Yoginis) teleport, some use telekinesis, some of them manifest their thoughts effortlessly. Some are over a thousand years old. Some don’t age. They show us that our greatness cannot be hidden from us.


Mohanji stays in the world so he can reach us where we are. Open your eyes. Open your mind. Awaken to the infinite and glorious inner multiverses by connecting to our beloved Mohanji’s consciousness. Life is neither a quirky nor a romantic movie. It is filled with highs and lows. When the going is good, the whole world is your friend. When it gets tough then we discover our true friends, says Mohanji.

Those who already love themselves do not need us to tell them that. The love we receive from them is truly selfless. Some reach out in desperation when they are down. Sometimes they get out of a rut and ignore the hand that pulled them out. This is what happens when we look for Mohanji only in bad times and forget him in good times.

Again and again, we are pawns of the lower mind. Even passive-aggressive quirkiness is unsettling. Forgive and keep moving says our beloved Parabrahma. Everyone is evolving at their own pace. Judge not lest ye be judged. Our beloved Parabrahma is there 24/7. Are you? Let’s not delude ourselves. Consistency and conviction lead us within. Mohanji is equanimous. He is unaffected by ego.

People in our lives are not pawns. Every one matters. We all have good and bad days. So how can we recognise the vibration of truth that resonates so strongly in Mohanji’s words? It’s like connecting to the waves of an audible hum. An eternal hum that originates from deep inside us. But no. Phew. Some of us wake up with an agenda for our work and social media already in mind. Yes, we are ready to go at a drop of a hat. Go where? For how long? Why do we not balance life’s both short-term and long-term goals? Dare to develop consciousness with full awareness or clarity for our evolutionary growth in this short, short life.

Ask yourself honestly, did any of us wake up with thoughts of what can we do for the world today. Even better. What can I do in this beautiful Universe today? It’s time to expand our awareness of reality. Consciousness. Mohanji also said recently, it’s time to connect to my consciousness. Not to my picture or the frames. Stop. Look again.

The time for unity with our Consciousness is upon us. Pay attention to the speed of how fast life is happening to us and around us. Some may feel a sense of breathlessness. Some may feel the time in the day is too short. It’s time to tune into the wavelength of our intuitive senses. It’s time to connect to our loving guide in this life. Parabrahma Swaroop Mohanji. No matter what the mind throws at you.

Remember it’s not accolades or titles that brought us here. Only Mohanji’s grace. Let us serve ourselves in ONENESS. The beautiful world awaits. INSIDE AND OUTSIDE.

Love you eternally beloved Parabrahma Swaroop Mohanji.



Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 1st May 2020


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1 thought on “When we lose ourselves for the sake of love”

  1. V.Subramanian

    Incredibly beautiful and subtle Reflections ! Absolutely soaked in Mohanji ‘s consciousness ! The indescribable inner radiance of the soul shines through the entire blog ! To put it succinctly, It is quintessentially Mohanji all through !

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