Christopher Greenwood
Day 139 – Trust stabilizes and protects
Good morning everybody. I hope that you are doing well.
This morning I read a quote from Mohanji about Baba Muktananda, a disciple of Bhagavan Nityananda, another powerful master who lived in Ganeshpuri, and his samadhi is not far from where our centre of benevolence will be. The quote said that the secret power of a disciple is unshakable trust in his/her guru. When Baba Muktananda was asked how he attained his spiritual powers, he said that it wasn’t through practices or meditation; it was simply that he never asked his guru, “Why?”

Mohanji says that this kind of trust stabilizes, protects and makes a person invincible.
I shared a similar story in a past recording about Deepaka, whose guru abused him and put him through all sorts of challenges and tests, but he stuck firmly with his guru, and that’s how he attained his prowess. For me, this is a good point to reflect upon because much of the time I spend with Mohanji can be incredibly unpredictable. I’m sure anybody who has spent some time will be able to tell you the same. Sometimes you will be tasked to prepare something important, so you spend a lot of time making sure it’s correct and then, at the last minute, plans change and will no longer be required.
Constant shifting and changing, if you took a step back, you may think that there’s something not quite right here. How can this change so quickly? It’s incredibly dynamic, and I’ve learnt that the journey is much smoother if I flow with the events as they happen and trust that it’s all contributing toward a good and positive outcome.
Sometimes, I may not understand the reason behind actions that can cause the feeling of confusion, but I know this as the pushing of comfort zones, breaking patterns and frames that I have created. Without the unexpected and out-of-the-ordinary incidents, I may not awaken from my slumber of long-held patterns and comforts. This often means that there’ll be situations which push my comfort zone because I would have been expecting something, or I would have become familiar with something and settled. I think these things, which might seem strange in a way that is unexpected and out of the ordinary, are important because I would never have been woken up from my slumber of long-held patterns otherwise.
I remember a conversation which I had some time ago with Mohanji. We were talking again about why it’s so important to be wary of doubts. I feel that this question: “Why? Why is this happening? Why is it done this way?” is a slippery slope. After all, this question naturally sows a seed of doubt, and that’s all the mind needs to begin judging, comparing and creating separation.
Mohanji has said that once doubts set in, judgments can start, and comparisons begin sooner or later. There can come a separation in mind; once that’s set, it can very quickly turn into a physical separation, and alienation follows.
Today’s quote was a good reminder for me, bringing back the memory of these conversations. It’s a point for reflection because I recognize that in all the work which we’re doing, I have faith that what we are doing, what Mohanji is doing, is always for a higher and benevolent cause.
I may not understand it. I may not see the whole picture or the complete vision, but there’s always something positive for me, the world, or others. There are numerous pieces of evidence of this that I have seen. You only need to look at all the platforms that are selflessly traded and the transformation it has brought to thousands, if not millions of people.
Have confidence that he knows what he’s doing.
Hope you have a great day ahead.

Day 140 – Appreciating the good in others
Good morning, everybody!
I’m always amazed at the sheer number of people Mohanji is in contact with daily to move activities forward. He communicates and works with people worldwide from early morning until late evening. We have many activities happening globally through the various Mohanji-founded platforms. Alongside that, Mohanji has a number of roles in an advisory capacity for people doing equally great things in the world.
I’ve observed that he always sees the good in people, the best in people and their potential. He finds a way to encourage their talents; he empowers them to thrive in what they’re good at. It is the same for everybody who comes to him, even those who’ve ended up betraying him or talking bad about him. He never places expectations on people, nor does he talk too much about their weaknesses. Instead, he encourages and appreciates their talents, which you can visibly see gives people confidence, self-esteem and energy to do great things.
My lesson from this was that, more often than not, people gravitate to the bad things about a person, their deficiencies, and what they are not good at. For the thousands of good things someone does, we focus on the one bad thing that completely eclipses that person’s talents and good qualities.

I include myself in this because I’ve realized that it’s easy to form an opinion or a criticism or take a view on what somebody has or hasn’t done. Thinking on this a bit more deeply, I realized this was due to an expectation placed on them on how they should or shouldn’t have been, which is entirely unfair.
The practical lesson I’m taking from this is that now I’m consciously shifting my mindset to recognize that we all have weaknesses, yes, but more than that, people have great talents and capacities. If I can identify that more; recognize and encourage those qualities, the righteous qualities of those around me, it can make a difference.
I feel if all began to appreciate the good qualities in people, then that gives more support and guidance, which in the end, can turn into much more being done for everything which we’re contributing to.
I hope you have a great day.
Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 3rd July 2022
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