by Christopher Greenwood
Day 169 – Second Mohanji Satsang on our land in Slovenia
Yesterday was another landmark day here in Slovenia, as we submitted the registration papers to the court for the Mohanji Institute. The institute is the structure that we’ll set up here in Slovenia for all of the Mohanji Foundation activities. It was also a great day because we held another program on the land here. This was a meditation, followed by another Satsang with Mohanji. It was a very special event.
Each day, we’ve been making good progress here and taking steps despite all the challenges of COVID. The registration itself was quite a detailed process as all the information and all the submissions are in the local language, but we have a great volunteer here who has been incredibly dedicated, ensuring that we checked everything with local advisors and lawyers and translating from English to Slovenian. They’ve seen us through that process.
Mohanji’s energy has certainly helped. For example, we had to register or set up a bank account in order to submit the documents. After applying for a bank account, when we spoke to the bank to find out how long it would take and what we needed to do, the person on the phone said that it could take anywhere up to three days, and then, as I was collecting material in the town for the fencing off of the site during the coming weekend, I received a text that it was all approved, all done. The bank account registration happened within a few hours – Amazing!
Yesterday, I picked up the material for the fencing with a local contractor. There were hundreds of poles, wires, nails, and all the other material that we need to set the boundaries for the fencing this coming weekend. Step by step, it’s taking shape. What was nice yesterday was that when I went to drop off the materials on the land and store them there, people were just arriving for the meditation. They were setting up their yoga mats on the grass and all the chairs at the top of the hill, looking down across the valley. It was another really lovely afternoon, although this time with a bit more wind. It was great timing because there were people to help unload, and for me, it’s a lovely feeling to be able to work there, on our own land, with people coming to help, naturally getting involved, doing their bit to build something together. It’s a wonderful place and it’s going to be a wonderful message to the world.
As the meditation began, I drove to collect Mohanji in time for the Satsang and when we arrived, everybody greeted him. This was beautiful amidst the nature. And the Satsang continued. Yesterday, there was more wind. So, this added a challenge. But this didn’t stop the message from being delivered. It was an open event, and although it was mainly for the Slovenian teams and people, some had travelled from all over the country to attend as well, from Ljubljana and Lake Bled. Like the previous Satsang, it was out in the open, a very intimate setting. There were just a few people, eagerly listening to Mohanji.
He began the Satsang by explaining Dattātreya. That was the first question, “Could you explain more about Dattātreya?” Very fitting. Mohanji explained that Dattātreya is not just the beautiful nature that we see around us, but also our nature, our inner nature. Yesterday, there was more wind, which was more of a challenge, but it didn’t stop the messages from being delivered.
He also spoke about the time when his transition, from his successful business career in the shipping industry to a life of spirituality, began. It was the first conversation Mohanji had with a master, which was channelled by a lady. She had been contacting him for some time over email, saying that someone really important would like to speak to you, and he had ignored it at the time, thinking it was somebody looking to sell something, or it was a scam, looking to get some money. The email exchange began, and eventually, he took the call. This Master, through the discussion, told him that he would be known all over the world, in every continent and he’ll be speaking to many people. At the time, being a big introvert, this was unimaginable, but now as he spoke, I was watching the people there listening to him and thinking about all the activities which we have across the world, how it has actually become true.
As the evening came, all the swallows were darting between the trees, the wind really picked up and it became a bit gloomy, but right towards the end, the sun broke through and there was a golden hue across the land in the valley. Mohanji even commented that it looked like heaven, and for some, it felt like that too. At the end of the Satsang, Mohanji delivered Śaktipāt to everybody who was there before everybody departed; it was another wonderful program on the land in Slovenia.

Day 170 – Supervision
This morning, thankfully, it’s a really beautiful morning here in Slovenia Sveta Ana. Today, we begin putting up the boundary fence for our land. The other day, we purchased the majority of the materials, at least to get started, and we’ll be assembling a group of people on the land for work, for the entire day I think, probably at least until early afternoon.
I’m happy that it’s sunny because then it’s not raining and so we’ll make progress today. One of the things which I’ve seen since being with Mohanji, which I really admire, is his complete commitment to every task. When he’s focused on something, he gives his all. Even for tasks like these, with the fencing, he’ll be coming in the morning, so that the direction is set and everything’s clear. Everything begins with clarity and an understanding of what needs to be done. I’ve noticed this for many of the activities that he does, he’s always fully present.
For example, with Acchan’s book launch, he was there, working out the minute details to make sure everything went smoothly. Even though he’s got many other tasks to be doing and work to be doing, he’s going to be coming in the morning, so that he can set out what we need to do here so that everything is done as it should be.
It’s something to admire and also to take a lesson from. He always says, “When we have teams and people working for us, the supervision part is really, really essential,” and I’m beginning to learn and appreciate that lesson much more.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 16th October 2022
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