by Christopher Greenwood
Day 67 Lesson – Taking it to the highest
Good morning everybody, I hope you’re doing well. Yesterday was a major event with the launch of Mohanji’s father’s translations of Shri Sripada Srivallabha and the Sage of Sakuri books.
The morning was hectic preparing for the event and also for final meetings with the guests. Mohanji had arranged a big breakfast gathering in his room for the main organizers and the guests who had come. Madhu and I finalized the presentation – an overview of the Mohanji Global platforms and gave it to the chief guest to share the variety of selfless activities we’re doing across the world.
The pace and schedule of the past days have been fast; it included a visit to the Shirdi Sai Temple for lighting a lamp ceremony, and then a 4 am Club program – where Mohanji took part in an open and frank Q&A. This meant that in the morning everything needs to be set out well, to make sure timings from one event to the next are all taken into account – the travel, the equipment that’s going to be packed, what clothes are going to be worn. It’s all a big organization and logistic operation in the mornings.
We made the final arrangements, and we arrived at the venue. For me, it was a real lesson and observation that Mohanji’s vision takes all his activities to the best and the highest possible outcome. So for everything that he has to do – How far can we take it? What more can we do? And it’s always as well with a real class and elegance.
Whilst everyone had prepared well for the event, and the team had done a great job, Mohanji was always looking at the larger picture and the finer details. He wasn’t just concerned with the event being a success, but also how it would be seen and remembered and stand the test of time too. He was looking for every opportunity to make improvements and gave us guidance on how it could be made much better.
He personally received the dignitaries; he gave advice on the camera angles, the positioning. He was always aware of what was happening, how people were positioned, where the cameramen were. He would give additional instructions to make the final tweaks that would bring a real difference from time to time.
Prior to the event, he’d made sure that he consulted his uncle to get his advice on preparing for the event (showing real respect for him). What was clear was the lengths that Mohanji had gone to ensure that this was a special event for Acchan, his father, because his father had originally thought that this would be an event that was on a small scale, a release at a local Sai Baba temple. Mohanji took it to a completely different level in order to recognize the achievement that Acchan had made. Mohanji ensured that the books, which are in line with Sanatana Dharma principles, were positioned properly because the Masters in those books aren’t so well known within Kerala.
Overall, the day itself went very smoothly. The guests arrived on time; they were seated on the stage, and not only everything started in good time but also everything finished exactly on time, exactly 12 o’clock when it was meant to end, it concluded. This was very surprising given the number of people who spoke, the number of honouring that took place with the shawls and the book offerings, and we didn’t know how long people would actually speak for.
It was a real coming together of activity. In the end, everybody was also fed well, and the guests were seen off. Everybody wanted to have the opportunity to meet Mohanji, so we spoke with them, and we greeted them. In the end, I believe Acchan was very happy with the event, along with Amma, Mohanji’s mother. It was also a lesson in dedication through his efforts and single focus to ensure his father’s work was well honoured.
I hope you have a great day ahead and will speak to you soon.
Day 68 Lesson – Keeping promises
Good morning everybody. I hope you’re doing very well.
Today, I wanted to share some observations and experiences from the past day. A day travelling with Mohanji seems like quite a few days because so much is packed into the day. It’s really unexpected what happens during the course of the day. Travelling with Mohanji is fast-paced and unpredictable, so it makes it very hard to have any idea of what will happen.
Yesterday, for example, we were travelling, and we came to visit one of Mohanji’s contacts, Moti, who has an Eye Hospital. We thought it would just be a visit, to meet him and to speak to him. Some other people came to meet Mohanji as well because they were in the area. But what was supposed to be a visit changed completely. We walked to an auditorium hall where all the students from this Eye Hospital or the university were seated; there must have been about 100 people there. There was a banner for both Mohanji and Moti on the stage, and it turned into an actual Satsang show.

None of us expected this. It was another example of being flexible and also being alert and aware. So having all the right things with us, the recorder, the camera, and all the cards we needed were very important.
In situations that I found now while travelling, there’s no real ‘this is what we’re doing, so be prepared.’ You have to always be alert and be aware. Even Madhu and I were invited up on stage, and we gave a short speech ourselves too. So ‘being flexible’ is being put to the test all the time.
One of the things I was speaking to Madhu about is the energy as well that you’re surrounded with when you’re travelling with Mohanji, because it’s very active, it’s very fast, and it’s high energy. Madhu shared an experience where he goes back home after spending some time being with Mohanji; it’s almost as if he has to rest and recuperate because it’s been so intense that it requires it some time to recharge and recoup from the activity.
I can definitely experience that now because the days have flown by, and it is really relentless – from the morning right through to the evening. For example, yesterday we travelled, and we stopped at a few places too; we went to visit a Samadhi, where we were welcomed, and there was Aarti which we stayed for. Then by the time we reached the hotel, it was probably gone half past 10. Again we were up early this morning, and we came to a Kalari centre.
Yesterday as well, while observing Mohanji and travelling with him, I noticed that one of the things which he completely lives by is keeping his commitments, especially his promises; it’s something really admirable.
Yesterday, because of the unexpected events, the schedule got pushed back a little bit on when we were expected to arrive in the city where we are now – Calicut. He had promised to meet somebody, as we arrived quite late, we realized that this person was about to take the train. We quickly found out where he was, adjusted our plans and travelled to the hotel he was in so that Mohanji could keep that promise to meet him, and he did. Mohanji spent probably about half an hour with him, just before this person caught his train. We dropped him at the train station too.
There were other people on the way who he had promised to meet, and we kept all the promises. This gives a very clear and distinct understanding of the character, of the integrity, of the commitment, and also dedication. It was really admirable to observe.
Then this morning, we’re up early. As I mentioned, we came to a Kalari centre (which is the traditional martial arts) here; they also practice some treatments based on all the energetic points in the body, the marma points. We’ve come to the school here, so that’s where I am now. For me as well, this morning, because we were up early, it’s flexible to make sure I can do these recordings anywhere we are. I hope you have a good day ahead.
The main things of today’s sharing are the energy and the intensity of what it’s like to travel with Mohanji and be in his presence. People have experienced a real need to rest after time with Mohanji. And also, the fact that Mohanji is keeping his promises – everyone who he said that he would meet yesterday, he fulfilled it. All promises were kept. It was a real lesson in integrity and keeping your word.
Speak soon.
Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 17th October 2021
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