
Lessons Living with Mohanji – Days 95 & 96

Christopher Greenwood

Day 95 Lesson – Set in place what you need to today 

Good morning everybody. I hope you’re doing well. 

Yesterday was the beginning of the annual Global Summit. (Date was the 14th of February 2021, if this is being listened to later) All the heads of Mohanji platforms, all the individual teams within the Mohanji Foundation – such as the Kriya team, the Sadhana team, and all individual country teams come together in this unifying event. All shared the activities that were completed last year and set the focus, the goals, the orientation, and the objectives for the coming year. 

Madhusudan, the CEO of Mohanji Foundation, introduced the day, kicked off the summit (which will last for a few days), set the format, and gave a great overview of the plans for the year. He spoke about our spaces, the Centers of Benevolence (which are coming up), the land in Ganeshpuri – what is happening there, plans, and the intentions of all the elements to be put in place. I’ve shared some of those before., but these will be messages to the world of living in harmony with nature, a safe space where people can come and take part in their practices. 

The land in Ganeshpuri is by the river, so there will be bathing Ghats going down to the river. There’ll be a Shiva Linga probably installed for people to worship. There’ll also be a forest with all the animals, beings and the 27 trees associated with 27 stars that are aligned to everybody. (Everybody is connected to a particular tree, animal and bird). When you offer to that tree, it helps your life as well as your lineage.

So, aspects like that will be included in these spaces, locations for practices – such as caves for meditations, halls for yoga, satsangs, and meditations, and a place where food will be served 24/7. It is quite exciting to listen to the progress being made there. 

Mohanji reiterated that we can always be looking to do more; what more can we do today to reach the hearts of more people. He reminded us that we have this one life; let’s use our time well, be effective, and live a fulfilling life. This is the theme I wanted to speak about today because Mohanji also had a conversation on the same subject this morning with a close friend (who’s in business and has many plans for the future and various business opportunities coming up).

Mohanji always supports and encourages people, especially if they’re making a living, supporting themselves, and giving stability to others. Mohanji asked him an interesting question; he asked, “This is all good, but how much time do you have on Earth?”

I think that’s quite an impactful question. Whilst, I’ve learned from Mohanji that we should make the most of our time each day, today, there was a new dimension of how Mohanji sees his life. He is always waking up with the question, “What more he can I do?” As we spoke more, he said that he’s very realistic about life – about the reality of life. For example, say he lives maybe up until 80 years, from where he is now that’s probably only 7000 days left. So for him in that respect, each day matters, and each hour probably matters as well. 

Mohanji also adds that what’s possible today might not be possible tomorrow. We can’t guarantee that the environment will be the same; we can’t guarantee that the health will be the same. For Mohanji, it’s a hardcore reality that today is the day. Whatever needs to be set and put in place should happen when it can be. Delays can happen; there are things that you can’t control. But putting steps, completing what needs to be done, and setting what needs to be done today, is something which he was reiterating. There’s no time to waste!

What arose for me from that message was not just doing the activity, because he also asked the question, “Are you satisfied? Is there contentment in the activity?” I think that’s important learning, which I’m finding too. More than just doing an activity and taking steps to move things forward, am I also putting what needs to be done in place today? Ask (ourselves) if there is satisfaction, contentment and fulfilment in every activity.

I’m learning that as important as the activity is, it is also the attitude that matters. It is important to set an attitude in place each day because if there’s criticizing, complaining, judging, being angry, frustrations, it’s probably not worth it. With every day being important, there’s no time to waste. There’s also no reason for activity and life not to be fulfilling. It was another depth to his message to use time well, not to waste any time and to be extraordinarily realistic, that today is the only moment that we have, so to set in place whatever we need to today. 

Yesterday was another example of how quickly Mohanji works and how swiftly he puts things in place. We had a request for a call with Mohanji from some doctors, introduced by a friend, and they wanted to contribute towards some of the activities. So late last evening, after the event was over, I arranged the call. They had a good talk. It was in Malayalam, so I couldn’t understand much. After it finished, Mohanji just asked me to put them in touch with one of the ladies, Savithri, running the animal care activities in Shirdi. 

I shared the number and connection, and they had a phone call/conversation within minutes. It all happened in the space of 20 minutes. What transpired in that 20 minutes is that – they had been looking for a doctor or a series of doctors for a long time in Shirdi (they desperately needed them). It so happened that these were the exact type of doctors they needed; thus, they came together and made an agreement within 20 minutes. It was organized in such a way that what they had been looking for, for some time, came about. Mohanji put it in motion and set it in place. 

I hope you have a great day ahead and will speak to you all soon.

Day 96 Lesson – Being there for people 

Good morning everybody. I hope you’re doing well. 

This year’s theme for 2021 is flexibility, stability, and friendship. I thought today it would be good to share a conversation I had with Mohanji yesterday morning. For me, it summed up very nicely, a lesson that I’ve learned since being with Mohanji, which is we can always be there for people, and we can always stand by people. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that we have to take on everything they’re going through, their situations, problems, or troubles. We can keep a nice healthy boundary so that we’re still there for them, but we don’t take on all their trash too. 

I found that this in the past, and even now, is important for my stability because I’d become very involved in someone else’s troubles trying to help, especially if we want to look out for people and help them. I thought this was a good message to share and something that can bring stability and help build great friendships. 

These aren’t the exact words, but this was the general message. Mohanji said that sometimes in life, we really won’t know the value of something until it’s gone, and once it’s lost, we regret it. Like everything in our lives, there’s a formation stage, an appearance stage, and then a dissolution stage. For every event in life, there’s a history, a cause, which can be internal or external. 

Internal comes from what we’ve collected over lifetimes, and through this life, maybe like prejudices, bad memories, hatreds. External can be something like, if we didn’t like the first impression of someone, then we take that, and it can cause us to take on something and a situation to occur later. 

When we think that every situation has its cause and it’s probably personal to the person as well, whether internal or external, we can recognize then that every situation and everybody is unique. So, it’s quite impossible to know the true cause of a situation somebody is going through. 

I shared this message with the help desk and the engagement team, who deal with people daily. It’s important that when we speak with people and counsel them, the utmost that we could probably do is to strengthen them. For those suffering, we can strengthen that side, and that’s probably only a real possibility sometimes. 

When somebody says there’s a problem or a situation, what can we really do? We’ll never know the full reality of how that occurred, or we don’t know the cause. Hence, the most practical thing is probably to stand in solidarity with that person. What’s good about that is we don’t have to accept their version of a situation or problem or trouble. That’s theirs to take. We don’t have the whole picture, but what we can say is, “Okay, this has happened. And I’m here, and we can walk together now.” Thus, we don’t have to let people put all the burden onto us, but we can stand, strengthen and stabilize. 

Mohanji also said at the end of the conversation that the easiest way to solve a problem, especially relationship problems, is by loving and letting go of the past, accepting weaknesses, forgiving and forgetting. Nobody is perfect, and we can’t truly love another unless we accept all imperfections. 

That was a nice message which he gave yesterday morning. I hope you have a great day ahead, and I shall speak to you soon.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 23rd January 2022


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