Being Mohanji for Me Is…

“Being Mohanji” series has been popular. There is a lot of interest in devotees to share their expressions and there are also numerous people who get inspired by reading others’ expressions. One is simply reminded that Mohanji is beyond His form, much beyond His body. He is omnipresent and operates from the level of omnipresence, from the level of utmost subtlety, which is cosmic energy. Each person experiences this in a unique way, yet, none can even comprehend, let alone  describe the totality of what Mohanji is. Even if 7.6 billion people described Him, we would not be able to cover all aspects of Him. We can only BE Him. Mohanji says,

Who is Mohanji? For you, I am what you make out of me. I am all situations, all beings, all emotions and all things. What you think I am is what I am for you.”


Who is Mohanji - quote
It is indeed a strong inspiration to be able to read the honest and true expressions from people on Mohanji’s effect on their lives, the transformations that have happened.

” Being Mohanji”, not just a mere quote with a photo to show off, these are precious pearls of truth and conviction strung in one thread of faith, devotion and surrender to divinity!

Here are some expressions.

With love,

Mohanji Team

Being Mohanji expressions - divider for the blog



Shyama , The UK:

Being Mohanji for me is to practise His teachings with faith and conviction. To lead a life of sacrifice, awareness, compassion, love, gratitude and humility. Mohanji encourages us to give to Mother Earth and to serve all beings, to have a higher purpose.

I have become more aware and compassionate towards Mother Earth and other beings since meeting Mohanji. Becoming vegan was a big change in my thought process and way of living. Recycling and reducing plastic and water usage at home and work place has become very important to me as I realise how much harm and pollution is being caused to the environment by our insensitive actions.

Whenever my thoughts, words and actions are aligned for a higher purpose, Mohanji has always given me the opportunity to serve. Becoming a Mai Tri healer is one such example. It’s wonderful to be able to serve others with love and gratitude.

Being Mohanji has given me the courage to discover different aspects of myself, to accept myself for who I am and to evolve in awareness.”


Madhusudan, India:

“I first met Mohanji in mid-2014. Almost 4 years later, I have understood that He truly means it when He says “I am with you”. How else can I explain the various shifts I have observed in myself? I am less judgemental and more accepting of people and their idiosyncracies. Tough situations don’t faze me as much – Mohanji once told me “don’t look at anything as a problem. Take them as situations that you need to pass through”. So whatever happens, fears and insecurities have been replaced by the faith that I’m protected, as long as I have the patience to allow situations to unfold. Alongside, I can see that my sense of surrender has increased as well. Be it situations in personal or professional life, I call on Him and pronto, clarity emerges and some solutions crop up.

Seeing how Mohanji leads His life is an inspiration in itself – not a second wasted, every thought, word and action driven by purpose, and always thinking of others first and how to help them. Being in this state is an aspiration for me and the few moments I have just touched this feeling makes it truly worth chasing.

I have also come to understand that being spiritual does not mean being an ascetic or a recluse. Finding peace and purpose while fulfilling all the wordly duties – to family, society, profession and country- is essential to progress on the path of liberation.

Thanks to Mohanji, I have had the fortune of meeting various Gurus and Masters and obtaining their blessings, and in some cases the privilege of serving them personally. Further, I have gained a whole new family of people around the world, all united by a common factor – Mohanji! I could never have imagined knowing people from Serbia, Macedonia or South Africa and feeling like I have known them for a long time!

I can clearly see that my degree of awareness has gone up. The occasional doubt, the occasional violent thought, the spontaneous judgement, the occasional inflated ego – I get all of this every now and then; only difference now is that I am also able to observe it, if not immediately, then at least later with introspection. So the intensity is lower and it also helps to work towards avoiding these traps later.

I can go on and on and list several anecdotes that have led me to these observations. But suffice to say that being with Mohanji, I have come to understand that my goal is not to be WITH Mohanji, but to actually BE Mohanji! I pray that my Guru showers his grace to make this happen.”

Mita, The UK

Being Mohanji for me isflowing through life accepting each and every moment as they unfold. Trying to be in the now with full awareness and letting go of the past. Ultimately loving everyone and everything and doing your best to live a life of Ahimsa.

Mina, Serbia:

“Minds were talking, ‘Why are they following Mohanji?!!?’ God replied: ‘Mohanji does not accept anybody to follow Him, He approves only BECOMING MOHANJI.’

Being Mohanji, for me, means living 100% selfless life, where one does not care about his food, clothing, time, rest, and not caring whether he will even get any of these on a daily basis.

Being Mohanji means consciously leaving every kind of self-comfort to instead serve the world.

Being Mohanji is never partially like ‘weekends excluded’ etc. It means serving the world 24 hours/7 days a week. No rest.

To be Mohanji is to be extremely rich from the inside – egoless to care for and love even those who stab us from behind and hate us. It is choosing to look at all as the survivors and warriors of their own inner battles. It means understanding.

Being Mohanji means to keep giving, giving and giving. Never taking. Just accepting whatever comes.

Being Mohanji means to be positive, but not as people may interpret – sitting in a chair and positively relaxing. Being positive as Mohanji is is positiveness IN ACTION. No imagination. Being Mohanji means being REAL and living a PROOF that living selflessly is POSSIBLE.

It is not easy to be Mohanji 24/7. But, Mohanji is.

Being Mohanji means shifting from ‘I do this for me’ into ‘I do this for the world.’ The path further takes us to ‘I live for the world.’ and the destination is ‘I become the world.’ Unity. Only here compassion can blossom. Violence dies in the ocean of compassion. Choose whichever light you want to shine – for us, Mohanji is the Sun that we shall shine. ‘Following’ Mohanji is not our aim. BEING Mohanji is.”

Ivana, Croatia

Being Mohanji is coming back home, with warm welcome. He is destination, path and source. The one who is walking the path with me, helping me move away any obstacles on my way home.

George, The USA:

Being  Mohanji is the stripping away of the societal conditioning and false identifications that I have come to call myself. In his presence these false identifications are illumined. Their grip on me is loosened and slowly by his Grace they begin to shed away. These moments of self-realization are enough for me to leave behind all that I am to plunge into the vast ocean of divinity I’ve come to know as Mohanji.

Mahesh, Canada

Being Mohanji, for me is to be humble, understand every individual is a karmic being. Each pattern is unique. Respect it. Do not judge, there is nothing right or wrong in this world. Facilitate, execute and be ready for the changes, accept as them as they come.


Kristina, Croatia:

Being Mohanji for me is being unconditional love and compassion – seeing everyone and everything as a part of me and accepting life as it happens without resisting.

Rima, India

Being Mohanji for me is being in purest, innocent, fluid Bhaav of Karm Yog, Gyan Yog, Bhakti Yog and Kriya Yog. He has simplified every aspect of human existence. May I merge with that simplicity and purity.

Another aspect of Mohanji is being an instrument of Divine will, I am in the process of interiorising this!!!

Dushi, The UK

Being Mohanji to me is being nothingness, emptiness.

Ananth, India

Being Mohanji means being in total acceptance at all times. By being Mohanji, one will personify total witness-hood and unshakable faith in the Path and Guru. Being Mohanji to me means being liberated from everything that binds.

Rakshitha, Australia

Being Mohanji means caring for all beings, showering unconditional love and compassion at all times.
Being the embodiment of love and living a purpose driven life.

Salona, South Africa

Being Mohanji for me means to be true to My Self. To fulfil each day by completing my duties without self doubt or worry. But in the realisation that I am beyond this birth, this life, this circumstance and beyond the limiting beliefs of society.

Smriti, Australia

Being Mohanji for me is to be in a perpetual state of love , empathy, kindness and bliss. Having an understanding that each individual is a unique expression of soul and is to be loved and respected as they are.

Payal, India

Being Mohanji is Consciousness , perpetual state of fluidity , becoming the water , being Mohanji is forgiving and giving , being Mohanji is nothingness and The whole itself and last but the least Mohanji is Satyam Shivam Sundaram.


Jelena, Germany

Being Mohanji is having a home and loving and supportive family in every corner of the world. What connects us all is life with the highest purpose: selfless, compassionate serving of all.

Dr Harpeet Wasir, India

Being Mohanji is to see Mohanji in all the people and patients I come across. Hold them, touch them, hug them and be one with them in only healing love, sewa and gratitude with an absolute state of bliss and silence.

Lana, USA

Being Mohanji for me is seeing everybody and everything as my beloved Mohanji.

Deloshni, South Africa

To me being Mohanji is being nestled in divine love 100% of the time. Zero judgement, zero intolerance, zero fears!!! Always attracting the best possible outcomes by being connected to unconditional love.

Devi, Serbia

Being Mohanji for me is being fearless, loving and authentic no matter what. But more than anything, it means being an instrument of the supreme energy of the Source that melts all the sense of ‘me and mine’, up to a point at which the longing of my soul for many lifetimes is fulfilled – that of merging with Mohanji’s consciousness.

Yohan, The UK

Being Mohanji is Fire of Shiva.

Biljana, Serbia

Being Mohanji for me is being fresh and new each moment and continuously letting this moment go when it is over. Nothing is stored inside.

Being Mohanji for me is to love God most of all and surrender everything to God’s will.

Being Mohanji for me is to be totally empty so that God constantly reflects in your expressions 100%

Being Mohanji for me is to be compassionate, but dispassionate, staying untainted by negativity, not allowing wears and tears of life to make you disfunctional, being helpful but not sentimental.

Being Mohanji for me is to be extremely subtle. To be powerful though seeming to be ordinary. To have total maturity.

Being Mohanji for me is to consciously operate from a level beyond space and time and giving these gifts of the Highest to the world.

Maja O., Serbia

Being Mohanji for me means LOVE, FREEDOM and a PATH. Be the Universe and its part in full consciousness. Being a hand given to everyone and everything which comes our way. Being faith. Being CONFIDENCE in existence, pure Bliss each moment. Being STRENGTH. Being LIFE. Being… with awareness about all this. Timeless and endless blessing.

Vijay, The UK

Being Mohanji for me is to be in the consciousness of Shiva where you experience His grace, guidance and protection and consequently feel relaxed about your inner and outer journey, knowing you will reach your destination.

Alex, Serbia

Being Mohanji for me is simply vastness… The vastness of the heart which grows more and more. It is my feeling.

Vidya, The USA

Being Mohanji to me is feeling unconditional love towards all beings. Staying in the present and experiencing every moment completely from the bottom of my heart.

Harish, The UK

Being Mohanji for me is connecting through faith and surrender to create a pure channel for grace to flow. Any doubt breaks this flow.

Monika, Serbia

Being Mohanji for me is being the light to the world, being in the embrace of Truth, living with purpose and changing the world with our example, through the acts of kindness and compassion, fight against negativity with one and only weapon – positivity.

Kishore, India

Being Mohanji for me is to be able to understand my emotions such as anger, fear and restlessness. It becomes so easy to handle these emotions, rather than being driven by them. At all times, I feel his grace helping me to respond in the best peaceful way that I can, rather than reacting.

Jelena T., Serbia

Being Mohanji for me is being Love, continuous, unconditional love and gratitude – primordial and inexhaustible for all that comes in our life.

Sabyaschi, USA

Being Mohanji is to treat life as a joke… To keep laughing… If we can laugh at the highest point of sorrow, life is full of laughter.

Ivana, Serbia

Being Mohanji is being compassionate, humble and serving the Earth. Being strict and lovable. Being eternal. Radiating pure unconditional love.

Nirupama, India

It’s being spontaneous and to love all unconditionally. Prepare and equip the young ones to deal with emotional upheavals and be prepared for natural calamities so that they come up as strong individuals.

Hemant, The UK

Being Mohanji is about bringing positive changes in my life; guiding me in connecting with the source, help developing constant self awareness, lead a life of non-violence in thoughts, words and actions and the list goes on … Most importantly, providing the priceless insurance and assurance that ‘I am with you’

Natasa, Serbia

Being Mohanji for me means to watch the world, to witness, accept and love everything that is in us and around us. It is a continuous feeling of confidence, peace and joy. The light which the soul and overflows on all people who we meet on our life journey. Tremendous love for everyone and everything.


Veni, South Africa

Being Mohanji is being LOVE. Love is your natural state of being. Be yourself…Be oneness. Love all , serve all.

Dragan, Serbia

Being Mohanji is being in tune with your nature and your Soul. Being in tune with your nature is being in tune with who you chose to be in this birth time and evolving to the Highest that you can. Being in tune with your Soul is understanding that you are All and All is you, there is no separation.

Being Mohanji is to express your gratitude by serving others through various platforms and dissolve into the ocean of Divine Soul that you are.

Ana, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Being Mohanji is always adding value to the world by being kind, loving, compassionate, helpful and selfless. When we become the best version of ourselves, when we lead by example and shine bright, people around us will grow and shine, too.

Sandra, South Africa

Being Mohanji is becoming a child again. By surrendering in full faith to Mohanji’s Consciousness one gets lost in Bliss State only to find one is already Atma, eternal and fearless.

Being Mohanji for me is learning to become empty so as to become light. Just Being Me in the moment is enough.

Phoebe Amelia, South Africa

Being Mohanji is to smile, laugh, dance, live simply & being true self of divine unconditional love & light to happily serve & protect mother earth and all living beings.
Live consciously in thoughts, words & deeds in the now without mental, physical & emotional attachment to material things & relationships as this is liberation and realisation of blessings in life.

Tina, USA

Being Mohanji for me is living a life with kindness and compassion for all beings and expressing unconditional love under all circumstances. It translates to accepting everyone with love and flowing in life without any resistance.

Nilesh, The UK

Being Mohanji for me means to be free and Liberated.

Nikita, India

Being Mohanji is to be an epitome of love, compassion and humility. To be an instrument to fulfill the dreams of anxious patients visiting me and be a meaningful person for the society, world and Mother Earth.

Jelena S., Serbia

Being Mohanji for me means total discovering oneself, deep rooting in one’s own essence, establishing in the center of peace and serenity and the point from which I turn from the state of taking into the state of giving. Mohanji for me means one completely new life. Love without any boundaries.

Lisa, The UK

Being Mohanji to me is to be Unconditional love, ‘no mind’, total stillness.

Padmini, Singapore

Being Mohanji means being loving, being compassionate, accepting life as it unfolds with grace and equanimity, living every moment in awareness.

Natesh, The USA

Being Mohanji means living in a state of naturally expanded consciousness as much as I’m able. Accepting what life brings my way with equanimity. Being love, kindness and compassion and being a benefit to the world. Ultimately, being a Liberated Soul, if that is meant to be.


Nameshri, South Africa

Being Mohanji is the key to riding this wave called Life.

Rajesh, India

Being Mohanji to me is being the highest (topsy turvy) ideal of human potential where being one’s true self is being everyone, being ordinary is being extraordinary, being meek is being strong, being here and now is being in all space and time, where silence speaks everything, stillness performs all action and emptiness brings completion; and where you can have everything when you want nothing.

Barbara, Serbia

Being Mohanji is being FIRE!
Pure, Fearless and Free.
Being Mohanji is being the SUN!
Purposeful, Unstoppable, Unconditional and Selfless.

Priya, South Africa

BeingMohanji is about living my truth every day. It is about trying to be the best version of myself even when I am challenged. It is about accepting my reality and embracing it with grace and love. It is with every breath I feel Shiva, I feel Mohanji.

Anja, Serbia

Being Mohanji for me is expressing and radiating unconditional love and divine light to all the beings of the world and mother nature, by living your life authentically through compassion, humility, gratitude, acceptance and selflessness.

Manu, The USA

Be Fearless and BE RESPONSIBLE for your words, acts and thoughts. FLOW, EXPERIENCE and DO your work with CONVICTION.
Mohanji is an Ocean and each individual gets his/her share of unique experience as required.

Vacharya, South Africa

To me, being Mohanji means to know that there is no difference between you or anyone else. To realise the divinity inside you and others, To love and serve unconditionally. To be liberated and feel your connection to the supreme consciousness. To live your life with 100% awareness.

Being Mohanji, means to be your true self and nothing else.

Don, Malaysia

Being Mohanji means beingness.
Total detachment from action and result very moment.

Hanumatananda, Macedonia

Being Mohanji for me means loving and serving Him in everyone everyday. This can never ever be understood but only lived 24/7/365.

Marijana, Croatia

Being Mohanji for me is giving a steady support, awakening the dormant life energy, selflessly connected warmth and the blessing of peace.

Subhasree, The UK

Being Mohanji is to witness the truth every moment – the natural yourself ; compassionate, flexible, accepting everything and everyone & fearlessly serve every being! Shivohum, Mohanohum!


Paolina, Croatia

Being Mohanji for me is to love everyone and everything in silence and without a reason.

Stasa, Serbia

Being Mohanji for me means FEARLESSLY going through life unconditionally ACCEPTING primarily ourselves, and then all the people and the world around us with endless love, understanding and compassion.

Dejan, Croatia

Being Mohanji for me means simply shifting from one lower level of existence into the highest, the Divine, and from there everything blossoms like a lotus flower into the infinity.

Arunasalam, The UK

Being Mohanji for me is to unconditionally love all beings and to accept all situations.

Preethi, India

Being Mohanji for me is to live a life of Total Acceptance, where I accept all actions, situations, emotions and people as unique expressions of myself without judging them. Allowing everything and everyone to play their part in the tapestry of life without resistance is something i admire in Mohanji and wish to incorporate in my life.

Nikolina, Serbia

Being Mohanji for me is being liberated from all the concepts of society and accepting yourself fully. Accepting everyone and everything that comes on our path without resistance, but with kindness, compassion and unconditional love.

Devadas, India

Being Mohanji for me is, to integrate from the scattered to become a unit and then the Universe.

Ashtamoorthy, The USA

Being Mohanji for me is to let this body be a medium to carry His Prana (the Love Energy) as long as He desires before the ultimate merger with His Supreme Consciousness.

Marijana, Serbia

Being Mohanji for me means to love and do for the world from this love.

Tanja, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Being Mohanji to me is expressing unconditional love, kindness and compassion to all fellow beings on Earth.
Reflecting the beauty of each soul, reminding them of their true nature.
Decontaminating the world with positive vibrations.

Asha, The USA

Being Mohanji means complete faith, devotion and surrender. It is clear that nothing can ever be separate from the divine, and all is well.

Mallika, India

Being Mohanji to me is all about ‘Be-ing’ as a being. Aware and still.


Kirti, India

Being Mohanji is having oxygen in this noisy world. Being the home from where life starts and to where it ends. Nowhere else to go.

Mina, Serbia

Being Mohanji for me means knowing that I am not on earth to enjoy and rest, but to GIVE. Not every selfless act suits my mind, but it is always WORTH IT much more than the comfort of my laziness. By trying to be Mohanji, I am understanding that whatever is for ME is temporary, and whatever is for the world is permanent.

Tamara, Macedonia

Being Mohanji for me means keeping my focus only on Him, with no distractions. In that way expressing love, compassion and nonviolence becomes spontaneous.

Aiswarya, India

Being Mohanji for me means unconditional love for each and every being. Realise the self, truth of self. Walk in this path to serve and be an instrument of supreme
consciousness, Shiva.

Angela, Macedonia

Being Mohanji for me is being free, natural, spontaneous.
Accepting different situations, people in life without prejudices. And not staying in the past, just moving forward…

Lata, The USA

Being Mohanji is to be in my own strength which is under the firm grip of the divine.

Shaloo, Canada

Being Mohanji for me is an expansive spaciousness imbued with nothing but peace, love and stillness.

Sanya, India

Being MOHANJI for me means ” BEING HOME”
Being HEAVEN in the middle of HELL,
Being LIGHT in the middle of DARKNESS,
Being HOPE in the middle of DESPAIR,
Being FAITH in the middle of FEAR,
Being PATIENCE in the middle of UNCERTAINTY,
Being EVERYTHING in the middle of NOTHING.

Vighnesh, The UK

Being Mohanji for me is to open the door of divinity and walk in the path less path holding HIS hand in HIS consciousness towards the destiny.

Ketan, Canada

Zero ego, no ownership, LOVE all, hate none.
This is what – being Mohanji – is for me.


Devika, India

Being Mohanji for me is like being with the entire universe. It’s a commitment to be good, do good and act good.

Eric, Canada

Being Mohanji to me is living in universal consciousness for the good of all. A state of giving without conditions. A state of acting without doubts. A state of love without boundaries.

Pritirupee, The UK

Being Mohanji for me is being in a space where very little of me exists, where small minute expressions of love, joy, kindness and compassion shine into that emptiness, where me, mine and I diminishes and awareness grows into openness where there is no beginning or end, no good or bad, everything just IS… Peace grows with guru’s grace.

Bojana, Macedonia

For me being Mohanji is life itself. Mohanji is a shining light, pure truth and full consciousness. He is a guide and much more than words can ever describe.

Neha, Canada

Being Mohanji is love oozing from each and every cell, attaining a subtle state of Pratyahaara (withdrawal) from all external senses and Dharna (concentration) on the Love Blossoming within, transforming it into Dhyaana (meditation) leading to the state of Samadhi (eternal Bliss).
Infinite Love,
Jai Jai Sadguru Shree Mohanji Maharaj.

Jayamadhavan, India

Being Mohanji for me is the Guru who showed me the Saint of all Saints Shirdi Sai Baba… the one who is with me at all times, guiding me through the right path by holding my hands!

Sini, UAE

Being Mohanji for me is the one who bestowes love & light in our life…the one who gives shoulder to lean upon. Thank you Mohanji for being with us!

Nikunj, India

Being Mohanji means flowing like a river. Living detached yet feeling unconditional love for all. To have a purpose driven life, bringing smiles without expectations and prejudice.

Gitanjali, India

Being Mohanji is being born again and living a life worth living. Being in peace, being fearless, discovering the real me.

Jayshree, The USA

Being Mohanji is accepting oneself completely as unique creation, powerful divine soul and complete. Non violence (Ahimsa) in thoughts words and actions. Speaking truth at all times not pretending being authentic. Selflessly feeding hungry helpless birds and animals and all beings. Unconditonal Love as true nature to love without expectations. Be Love.


Usha, India

Being Mohanji to me means a life of untiring and selfless service, being non-judgemental, showering unconditional love and compassion for all species all the time.

Tatjana, Serbia

Being Mohanji for me means being a child joyful, happy, fearless instrument of unconditional love, loving everything and everyone. And being the light for all beings.

Nilesh, Canada

Being Mohanji for me is constant Transformation. Right now it is living life fullest and in all its facets, experiencing and accepting what ever comes across…

Anila, India

Being Mohanji for me is to become the unconditional love to all being in the Universe and inseparable energy from the Ultimate Truth.

Trishita, Canada

For me being Mohanji means treading the path of selflessness in search of the soul-connect or oneness with existence.

Punam, Canada

Being Mohanji for me is to ignite the Light of Love in each Heart… to Heal each Heart with Love… to Hold Hands and progress Together towards the Infinite Light.

Salona, South Africa

For me Being Mohanji is “being”. Being Shiva. Being love at its highest. Being pure. Being truth. And standing for dharma in a world of adharma.

Tea, Serbia

Being Mohanji for me means being unshakeable, expressing authenticity with full integrity in every circumstance and at all times.

Bharat, India

Being Mohanji for me is EMPTY SPACE, THOUGHTLESS MIND and BLISS.

Biljana, Serbia

Being Mohanji for me is consciously operate from a level beyond space and time and giving these gifts of the Highest to the world.

Being Mohanji for me is creating an international orchestra and playing a beautiful symphony through the available instruments i.e. eligible people, while the composer is Dharma.









































1 thought on “Being Mohanji for Me Is…”

  1. harpreet wasir

    Dear Ones, There was once a series to be started which said something like What did I gain after having met Mohanji and testimonials were collected. Is that been out yet? I remember having sent one some time back. Lots of love. In His Consciousness. Harpreet


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