Dear Beloveds,
On awareness given by Mohanji about 12.12.12 and 21.12.12; many people round the world took efforts to come out of their cozy shell to feel the pain of others. Mohanji says, “Beat the Tamas”. But actually when all worked physically, they realized where the tamas was and how to beat that! This seva activity that happened on 12.12.12 is a small example of practical implementation of what Gurus and Masters have been saying since ages.
Mohanji was in Muscat on 12.12.12. It was pleasure to see bubbly and a child like happiness on him all through the day. He says, “Feed birds and animals and all those who need food. I will be happy”. Yes, that bliss on him was so blissful. All have felt his presence while performing seva. Some have actually seen Mohanji in other forms. Surely, all those who performed seva and those who received seva on 12.12.12 have evolved.
Please read the seva happened in various cities of India, USA, UK, South Africa, Abudhabi, Dubai and Muscat in their own words. We cannot say that it is the complete account. Many have done seva. Some would not like to disclose. We respect all. We are grateful to all.
Love and regards,
BTW Family
Dr. Anjali Maheshwari (Jalgaon)
Anjali started from house in the morning and gave food to all animals and birds she came across till the evening. Crows, sparrows, cows, dogs, cats, squirrels, and many more! She didn’t even leave ants from offering food. Amazing Anjali!
BTW Family Jammu
Food seva started on 12.12.12 and will continue till 21.12.12!
Inspired by Mohanji, a South Indian restaurant in DLF Phase IV Gurgaon served 108 people on 12.12.12 and seva will continue till 21.12.12

Jayashree, Deepali, Anurag, Nilkanth, Padmaja, Suresh and BTW Family (Pune)
12.12.12 was indeed energetic. It’s really amazing how easily such a mammoth task completed. We (Anurag, Deepa, Suresh, Jayashree, Nilkanth) decided to do the seva together. Padmaja did the seva with her friends.
We five decided to pack the home made food consisting of Poori, Bhaji and sooji Halwa in an aluminum Box. Suresh arranged packing material. Deepali and Jayashree did the cooking. Anurag, Neelkanth and Suresh helped in packing the food in containers.
We started at around 1030 hrs. From Khadakwasla to Katraj, we distributed the food to many who included Construction Workers, Laborers, People living on road side and Rag-pickers.
Some incidences are still fresh in our minds. When Suresh gave one packet to an elderly person (rag-picker) he accepted the food but without any emotion. He continued to look in the direction he was going without even looking at Suresh. Then we distributed some food to construction workers carrying out work on fly-over near Dahyari area. One elderly person to whom I gave packet to was talking to himself and was eating something already. When he saw me approaching with a food packet in hand he kept down the packet he was holding and accepted the packet from me with his other hand raised to sky as if thanking GOD. Then he opened the packet and started eating whilst talking to himself. We offered food for approximately 105 people.

We reached one open ground near the road side where a lot of small huts were located. We thought of distributing one or two packets per hut. But whilst distributing there was such a big commotion that people surrounded us demanding more. Since packets were less we could not gave to all but made sure children get one each since they started crying. It was one big emotional experience. This was akin to what one see in UN camps in Africa.
Deepali and Jayashri also distributed to some ladies who were construction workers and some were rag-pickers.
The whole day was such an enlightening one. We initially thought it would be difficult to find any one. But the seva completed so easily. The difficulty was actually created by mind. And once we started on our journey everything fell in place to complete one jigsaw puzzle.
With Mohanji’s guidance Seva was conducted at Jabalpur and Mandla (Madhya Pradesh) at banks of River Narmada by Deepali’s brother, and mother. They did seva for around 25 people.

Vinita Agarwal (Bangalore)
With grace, love, blessings & guidance of our dear Mohanji, I along with both my kids Vedant & Vedika could do Food Seva.
The morning started with prayers & connection to Mohanji. The grace was flowing. In spite of, I could manage food seva. Lunch was organized at Cancer hospital. Hospital does not accept cooked food so offered them raw dal, rice, salt & oil a day before. On 12.12.12 , went to the hospital & served them the cooked food made by the hospital staff with the raw materials supplied.
In the evening dinner was made in our kitchen for 42 physically challenged girls & taken to their centre & served them with love. Then there was a blanket distribution for 100 labourers in my locality. May the grace always flow.
Dr. Divya Gupta (Jammu)
I had a pleasure to be at my home and share the vibrational day with my family. There was a great change at our home itself. The inertia, me and my dad had been feeling for the last two years suddenly vanished. My dad who is an architect by profession, had altogether stopped working since his retirement in 2009. And suddenly on 12.12.12 plans to open an office in collation with two other just worked out.
So with Mohanji’s blessings we started the great day by doing a small puja in their new office. After that we prepared some stuffed buns at home for food seva, with help of my parents and aunt at our place. We thought before having lunch that lets serve the hot food. So filling the basket with 60 buns we started the seva. Just outside our gate there were three children playing, when one of them asked my mom in a bold voice, “What’s in the basket?” As if he was just waiting for the prasad. His aura and the glow in his eyes just dazzled me. It felt as if masters were in that child and taking what was their!!!
I’m very happy that Mohanji blessed us with his presence. The seva went so well. We distributed at two places. Everybody accepted the prasad with welcoming smile. The little seva we performed may be just a drop in a huge ocean but it was a way to be in contact with the ONE.

Deepa Nair (Kerala)
My dear family members
Sharing with you the interesting experience which I had on this auspicious day of 12.12.12, the magical day of shift in awareness leading to oneness among all of us.
From morning my heart was with our family members who are doing various food seva activities in different parts of the world. I deeply wished that I could physically do any food seva activity on this auspicious day. I felt that there is a satisfaction in preparing food with my own hand and serving it to our fellow beings. Last year on 11.11.11 I had distributed food packets in Dubai and I wished I could serve food to at least one hungry person today. But due to health reasons doctor advised me to avoid travelling and I am taking rest in my home in Kerala with my mother and daughter. So there is no way that I could do food distribution to anyone physically except to the birds and animals in the vicinity.
My mother went outside and I could enjoy a beautiful meditation at 12 noon. I meditated on Parabrahma, my guru and Shirdi Sainathan. When my mother came back she asked me to join for lunch. We have a dog in our house and usually I give him food. When I went to kitchen I noticed rice in a separate vessel. My mom told me that is the rice which she had newly purchased and it is of cheaper price and it is meant only for the dog. Since my mother had made fish curry she told me that she will give food to our dog “Babu” as lovingly called by the children. Since I am vegetarian I had made vegetable curry for myself and I decided not to give it to Babu since he would like fish curry more.
I kept some food for the crows, took my food in a plate and directly went to front drawing hall where the althar is located instead of sitting with mom in dining room. After offering the food to God/Guru I started eating it. As I was enjoying my lunch I could hear my mother’s scolding.. “Are you out of your senses? Which food you are taking? It was the rice I kept for the dog. I told you that”. Then only I noticed it! I could not control my laughter and could feel master’s wink and smile. I enjoyed Babu’s rice amidst the scolding and could not find any taste difference. Such partiality was not tolerable, at least on this auspicious day of oneness.” Babu enjoyed my portion as well.
The leelas did not end there. After lunch while I was taking rest I heard someone calling outside. To be sincere I was hoping to hear that call from morning. I went outside to find a man asking for alms. These days it is a rare sight in our area. The first thing I noticed was his graceful smile and neat cloths. He wore a yellow colour shirt and dhoti. After giving some money to him I asked him whether I could serve some food for him. He told “I had my lunch. I don’t need any rice. If you have any curry please pack it and give to me.” I packed and gave the vegetable curry to him and suddenly he bent and touched my feet. I was taken aback. Then he raised both hands and blessed me” May you have god’s blessings for your kindness”. He again and again blessed and thanked me and left. It was a strange behavior indeed .I felt so much of joy and satisfaction.
Dear family members, those who are familiar with Mohanji’s/ Baba’s teachings and leelas and have read “Sai satcharitha”do not need any explanation. For the new members it was leela to show the oneness among all creatures. I wanted to serve food a human being with my own hand. That wish was fulfilled by master. But before it he showed me that when I shared my lunch with dog and birds his hunger was satisfied .There is no difference between “Deepa” or “Babu”. There is no difference between humans and other creatures. Same soul shining in all creatures. That’s why the sadhu did not take rice but the curry which was the only thing I made with my hand today.
Dear master thank you for fulfilling my wish once again and giving me the satisfaction of serving you/Baba on this auspicious day.
With love and surrender
Phaneender Bhavaraju with his wife Richa and little Siddhant (Mumbai)
Divine Father Mohanji has beautifully arranged the visit to Ganeshpuri on such an important day. The story goes as follows….
I visited Ganeshpuri in September and have donated for food seva on behalf of Mohanji and BTW family.
On 11th I received a call from the accountant of Ganeshpuri – Nithyanandji’s temple saying that the amount I paid on that day has not yet been credited to the samsthans account. I immediately said to him that I will pay the amount through NEFT transfer and after 2-3 sentences disconnected the phone.
Then I realized that tomorrow being 12.12.12 I should call and check for Food Seva. I called him back and he said that the food seva is already booked but I can do laddoo seva. I was slightly disappointed as I really desired to serve at least one meal. I still happily confirmed that I will transfer the amount and seva should definitely happen.
The accountant has my Gurgaon address in his records. So he said, “if you had been in Mumbai it would have been great, you could have had Darshan and then arranged for the seva yourself instead of merely transferring the money”. I recognised that Mohanji spoke through him and immediately replied that I will be at Ganeshpuri by 9.30 am next day.
I reached Ganeshpuri the next day, he informed me that he has arranged for the evening meal seva i.e snacks seva for 350 students!!. The students play and then attend tuition classes after having snacks. He said that the person who booked for the day called and postponed his seva!!!
I was filled with tears in my eyes as the divine game of Mohanji unraveled and each and every desire of ours has got fulfilled.
We reached Mumbai Dec2nd and from that day Richa(my spouse) has been expressing her deepest desire to visit Ganeshpuri, her father used to visit Ganeshpuri in late 1980’s!!! Her and mine deep desire to do something really good on 12.12.12 was fulfilled in an amazingly divine way!!!
We distributed fruit juice to 30 children as soon as we entered the temple complex and we were lost in the stupendous energy and love that engulfed us that I forgot to take any photographs. We loved every moment at Ganeshpuri had an excellent special Darshan arranged by the accountant of the temple.
While I was Garlanding Nithyanandji’s statue from behind, I was actually garlanding Mohanji and had to move my hands in such a way as if I was moving his long locks to put the garland. I used adjust his hair locks from behind during Kailash trip!!!!!!
Richa has seen Lord Balaji of Tirupathi instead of Nithyanandji, Richa has never prayed to lord Balaji and was wondering. But she walked to a shop outside the temple and saw a picture of Lord Balaji and Nithyanandji together. Divine proof!!!
We then visited the Nath Saint whom Mohanji met during his previous trip to Ganeshpuri. We spent some time with him and took his blessings before leaving Ganeshpuri. The saint’s eyes were filled with love when mentioned that we know him through Mohanji.
I was filled with such amazing energy that I continued the seva with BTW Mumbai family till 1am in the night despite a long to and fro trip to Ganeshpuri!!!
Why did the accountant call me on 11th Dec after 3 months??? We all know the wire puller behind such amazing events!!!
Our dearest Mohanji has always assured us that every spiritual heartfelt desire will be fulfilled and he ensures it!!!!
Our deepest gratitude to Mohanji for the wonderful blessings bestowed on us and for giving us the lovely opportunity to arrange for food seva in Ganeshpuri on behalf of BTW family.

Nandita Singh (Gurgaon)
On 12th December 2012, here in Gurgaon, we conducted a food distribution outside the Phase 3 Sai Baba temple and other areas, such as construction sites surrounding our house. This was followed by a distribution of ‘aloo paranthas,’ in the neighbourhood which were requested by the kids at the school where we teach English. A blanket and food distribution was also carried out late into the night, in areas outside of Phase 3 and in Sectors 14 and 57 in Gurgaon. With Baba and Mohanji’s blessings we were able to distribute a total of 355 food packets all over Gurgaon. This day was meant to be auspicious and it was on so many levels that all of us were left immensely satisfied, but with also an urge to serve more. It is due to Mohanji’s blessings that we were able to serve so many needy people. Even amongst the frenzy and busy schedule that this day brought with it, we were all left with a sense of peace and fulfillment.
Love Always
C L Gupta
My family (wife Sneh & son Amit) offered food to 270 persons with full love & respect to the people. It really gave much satisfaction and coolness to me.

Lata, Ganesh and Viji
Here is a summary of our 12.12.12 seva /actvities
Seva in Chennai:
We started our 12/12/12 Seva in Chennai, India – we had arranged for lunch to be served to all the 650 residents of Little Drops – a loving Home for the elderly men and women who have been abandoned by their families, some children and mentally challenged girls who have been victims of abuse. This event was coordinated by my mother, Mrs. Lakshmi Balakrishnan and my sister, Veena Kannan. We have been associated with this institution for many years. Our friend, Paul and his wife Sheela who run the Home are real life heroes. They quit good jobs to take on their Life’s calling – to serve the elderly, mentally challenged girls and educate poor children who otherwise would be made to work menial jobs. We offer our gratitude to them for taking this great responsibility and tirelessly serving day after day sincerely and joyously in spite of the enormous challenges they face.
Vishnu Sahasranama Chanting:
As the lunch time in Chennai was getting wrapped up, we woke up in Virginia, USA, with an early morning chanting of Prataha smarami followed by the Vishnu Sahasranama which we did as a group, connecting through audio conference, remembering the Lord and our Master.
Seva at Washington DC
After working for the first half of the day, several of us gathered at the Garrison Elementary School in Washington DC. Sadly, there are so many poor families living in the United States. This program which we participated is organized by the charitable institution called Martha’s Table. This was a unique event. Groceries comprising of rice, canned beans, soups, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, bread and snacks, were provided for families of the children attending this school. These supplies were arranged in tables in the school’s auditorium. After completion of classes, the children came in batches to have some food/snacks in the auditorium while waiting for their parents to pick them up. We have a picture of this attached. When the parents came to pick the children up later in the afternoon, they were given shopping bags and they went around the tables collecting the groceries that they wanted. The volunteers were interacting with these families and it ended up like a nice social gathering rather than a charitable event. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take pictures. We are sharing a few pictures of the groceries placed in the auditorium to give an idea of how it looked like!
Seva in Virginia
While this event was happening in Washington DC, another BTW family member, Viji Sagar was coordinating an event few miles away, in Virginia, where food items were purchased and sandwiches were put together 60 bagged lunches which were distributed to people who live on the streets.
We all got back to our respective homes and we had the honor of doing a SKYPE chat with Mohanji. It was early morning on December 13th for Him. And He so graciously spent almost two hours patiently answering questions, sharing insights and showering His Grace on us.
12.12.12 was a joyful and fulfilling day! Thank You Mohanji for Inspiring and Guiding us!
Viji (Virginia; USA)
Dear Family Members:
Ever since I connected to Mohanji about a year ago, he has been delivering lessons and experiences at an extremely high rate. Most of them blew right past me as I was trying to figure things out and orient myself. Recently I started to have my Aha! moments when I stopped to analyze what the lesson was in the given situation. Today I had one such experience which I wanted to share with the group. It was a very powerful lesson for me.
As part of my seva activity tomorrow I am assembling 60 bagged lunches which will be delivered to the people who live on the streets of DC. In the lunch bag, we will be packing two sandwiches and a bunch of other goodies. One of the requirements was to not add mustard and mayonnaise since it will make the sandwich soggy, but to include little pouches of mayo and mustard like the ones you can pick up at a fast food restraunt. I tried to purchase those pouches but could not find any since they are made for restaurants. I did not have the heart to distribute dry sadwiches without the option of mustard and mayo. So I decided to go to a fast food restraunt and grab a handful since they just give them away. We all know we can buy a small order of fries at the drive thru and get more packs of ketchup than the fries in the order. So off I went on my mission to find the little pouches of mayo. Easy Breezy!!! Right? Well, thats what I thought.
Now I have to tell you a little bit about myself. I am more than happy to help anybody….but when it comes to asking for a favor for myself…I am tounge tied. I cannot bring myself to ask anyone for anything specially if it involves money…..yes, it is the fear of rejection and the fear of taking a blow to my big fat ego. I would avoid asking a favor, unless I am absolutely sure that the other party will oblige.
Back to my quest for mayo, I went to the first grocery store and looked for the manager who I had established a relationship with. I went straight to him, knowing full well that he will not refuse me. Of course, he was kind enough to give me what he had, which was a little less than 30 pouches of mayo and a ton of mustard. I was all excited now. I had the mayo but I couldn’t give half the people the sandwiches with the mayo and the other half dry sandwiches. Since the first manager helped me, I moved on to a fast food store across the street. I went there and proudly explained to the lady what I was doing and asked her for 30 pouches, feeling very confident that she will reach over for the pouches and hand them to me, with no questions asked. Not so easy!!! she cross examined me like an income tax auditor and after speaking to her manager, she very reluctantly gave me 10 pouches and shooed me out of there like I was beggar, scrounging for free food. Boy was that a blow to my EGO! Now I had 40 of the 60 pouches I needed. I cannot give up now!! Can I?

So off I drove to the adjacent fast food chain. The nice little guy at the counter very sweetly asked me if he can help me. Based on my experience at the previous restaurant, I decided I had to go straight to the decision maker, the MANAGER. There were other customers deciding on their food order when the manager came out and asked me if he could help. It started off as a very polite conversation and as I happily tried to explain to him that I was putting together lunch bags for the homeless and that I wanted to know if he can give me 20 packs of mayonnaise….he looked at me square in the eya and said “what do you want me to do?” Are you ordering food from here? I quickly pulled my dropped jaw back up and mumbled the words “I can, but can you give me some mayo”. He continued to ask why you don’t go to the other restaurant across the street for which I excitedly said I did and I need 20 more. To that he said, if you went there, why are you coming here….are you trying to collect sauces? If you want to order food you can stay or else leave now. OH my God! I noticed that the people gathered to order their food, were looking at me. I wished the ground would crack open and swallow me….no such luck….my knees were jello and I somehow managed to walk out of there.
I came back to my car and something in me said you can’t stop now. It had become a personal challenge for me. I prayed to Mohanji and said “you got to make this happen, I don’t know how”., and started to drive to the next fast food restaurant. On my way something told me to go to a nearby gas station. I did not know why, but I pulled in anyway and walked into the convenience store. The sales man, was a very stern looking sardar. I was not sure what to do. On an initial glance I did not see the packs of mayo. I just stood there staring. He looked at me with a very serious look and said “what you want”? I got my courage up (after the humiliation from the other stores) and slowly asked him if he had pouches of mayo. Without uttering a single word or a change in facial expression, he just turned around and walked away, opened the freezer door and walked right in. Oh Boy!! I just stood there for a couple of minutes not knowing what to do. Was he going to lock himself up in the freezer till I leave? or Was he going to get someone to throw me out? Did I say something to offend him?….all kinds of thoughts running through my head. Just as I was getting ready to leave, Mr. Sardarji came out of the freezer with a BOX full of little pouches of mayonnaise. I was shocked, happy and at a loss of words. I tried explaining what it was for and he didn’t want to hear any of it. He just said take what you want and moved on to his next customer. As I was standing there diligently counting out 20 pouches, he turned to me and said take half and leave half for me. He then proceeded to ask me if I needed ketchup and packed the mayo in a nice little bag for me. He was a man of few words but all action. I said a little prayer and blessing for sardarji when I pulled out of the gas station. The man doesn’t even realize that he has done seva on the most auspicious day of his lifetime.
Mohanji, thank you for sequencing the events so beautifully. If the first guy hadn’t given me the 30 pouches, I probably wouldn’t have proceeded to the next guy. If he didnt give me 10, i probably wouldn’t have pushed my self to go further. Without your guidance I would not have gone to a gas station, of all places for mayo. Surely wouldn’t have thought the sardarji would just hand me a box of mayo.
Through this experience, I have learnt it is very important to treat EVERYONE with dignity and respect and also that help comes from the most unexpected places, and above all when one surrenders grace flows and things fall in place beautifully. All this from a little pouch of Mayo….Thanks Mohanji. for making this a very memorable seva experience.
Happy 12th Everybody!!!!!
Rajesh Ramanaidoo and the BTW Family in London
In the UK we linked up with two Mother Teresa homes in London that offer food and shelter for the homeless. The morning of 12/12/12 was extremely cold – the temperature guage on my car recorded the temperature as -4 degrees centigrade! Our volunteers rose early well before dawn. One team of 5 people cooked food at home and went along to the Mother Teresa center in Southall that serve food daily to the homeless. They arrived in time, said a prayer with the nuns and served every one of the homeless that filed in. The food was just enough for all those who came!
Another team of us (9 people) went to the Mother Teresa home in South London with a car full of food that needed to be cooked on site. When we arrived, some of us started cooking the curry while the others started peeling 40 kg of potatoes for the mashed potato dish. The race against time had started! We had just over 3 hours to cook enough food for about 150 people! We made it just in time. The menu was freshly made mashed potatoes, vegetable and bean curry, salad and pudding with custard.
The homeless people filed in from the street which was home for many of them and sat down quietly while the Nuns read from the Bible and said a touching prayer. They were then served with love and affection. They enjoyed their delicious lunch, many asking for second portions and also food to take away. At the end of the session our BTW team stayed behind to wash up, clean and mop the floor. Some then went on to their workplace having enjoyed the experience of service.
That evening we had a special session of Power of Purity Meditation. Those participants who could not attend the lunch seva brought along non perishable items such as Rice, dahl, pasta, tea, coffee, oil, jam, biscuits, soup, tinned food, long life milk, toiletries etc for donating to the poor. The meditation session was especially powerful that evening with many participants having some very nice experiences. After the meditation we had some tea together and then packed the goods in our cars to be distributed to the Mother Teresa centers and food banks that weekend. Exhausted, as I was going to bed that evening, I received a text at 11:33 pm from one of the people who came to the meditation but was not able to join us for the seva that morning His message was: ‘Gave some MacDonald to tramps around Victoria. It must be catching!’
We offer thanks to Mohanji for his guidance on how we should prepare for this transition and also for inspiring us to greater acts of service.
With love and gratitude..

BTW Family of Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi BTW Family had celebrated the day 12.12.12 by all means by distributing lunch to the needy of 400 workers in the various locations of Abu Dhabi.
In fact everyone spared their time (BTW family members) harmoniously to happen this in the way of its happening and cherished that outcome right away from heart. A team including Amma, Monia, Swatiji, Bhushanda, Hemkant and Sushamadi were involved for packing foods in the various individual packets. Food was ready by early morning. Amma had cocked rajma rice & sweet at home and in addition to this we had bought one banana and one pack of lebon (buttermilk) and that is what the format of one set of food pack.
Amma’s involvement in arranging this food seva is a kind of blissful act. She met many vendors and bought materials at its discounted prices. Explained to all her intension of this food seva and sought helping hands of others as well. Ambili and I had joined when few of them in the first groups were left in the morning and took that charge. We made our effort to keep reaching the food at distribution places. Ambili took one day off for this noble act and was fully involved indulging with master’s consciousness. Monia was reached with a phone call away from her busy schedule, put in her the best. Hemkant underwent tricky situations of completing with certain deadlines in the office. Still, he managed to reach for food distribution along with Ambili in the noon at a construction site in Abu Dhabi city where we had 250 labourers wanted to feed. 75 food packets for cleaners in 2 hospitals were got distributed by Ambili in the meantime. Sushama also had distributed 15 food packets to various laborers nearby her residence. The 60 food packets by means of feeding 60 fishermen were got distributed by Amma in the evening.
With the grace of our beloved Master Satguru Mohanji, we could manage to utilize our time worthwhile for this karma and had noticed many, subtle presence of our guru in every act which guided us in the way of its happening. We felt the expansion of our heart while doing so where we had the path that leading into path of pathlessness right from cooking the food, chanting the mantras, packing the same and finally getting it into reach of every person and realizing of every souls.
Pranam Guro

BTW Family, Muscat
Rajesh Singh, Muscat
The morning started at 6 am with ration consisting of rice, vegetables and fruits distribution to 5 Omani families comprising of 35 members. These families living in Al Seeb and Al Mawela do not have any regular source of income and are very poor. The afternoon food packets were distributed to 125 staff from a local manpower contracting company where the wages are low. Here the job was done by about 12 people playing different roles. The evening was made up of cooking and packing a hot south Indian meal comprising idli, vada, sambar, white and red chutney and sweets. This was served to 27 construction workers at their place of residence at about 8 pm. The events happened one after the other effortlessly with the continuous grace of Mohanji. The high energy levels witnessed right through the day made it really worth while.
Biba, Deepali, Sanjay, Firoz and Kiran, Muscat
Home made food was distributed to workers in Ruwi area of Muscat. Firoz had suggested the area. Kiran cooked the food. Biba, Deepali and Sanjay packed the food. Little Mila also served the food! The togetherness and personally serving gave immense satisfaction.
Ashima, Dubai
Although I had sent money to Seva Foundation for the food seva but after reading Mohanji’s email and meeting him, I really felt the need to dedicate some time, get out of my inertia mode and do something personally on 12.12.2012. I thought about it and could not really find a Seva activity but on 11th night a thought crossed my mind that we have so many cleaners who and maintenance workers in my building. I am aware that they have meager salaries of 500-750 and don’t enjoy a good meal. I have my in laws here for visit and my 16 month old demands a lot of time too. I thought making food would be difficult so why not get food packets /sweet packets from a sweet shop.
I discussed the thought with my hubby and gladly slept .Next morning I got busy with daily chores and got so engrossed that completely forgot about it .My friend called up and asked if I could bring Ishana to meet her son so that they could play together. I got out of the house by placing Ishana in the car seat. I drove her unaided for the first time and surprisingly she was very happy. The moment we reached my friends place she looked at Baba’s photo in my car and called out , “SAI”. I felt my third eye throbbing and I was instantly remained of my thought .I went to my friend’s place and asked her if she could help me with arranging the food packets.
Came back home, put Ishana to sleep and took the packets to my home temple, prayed to Sai Baba to bless this food and guide me through the Seva and to bring peace to all. I got out of the home and met the cleaners and discovered there were only 4 cleaners and I had 12 packs. I was firm and knew acting swiftly would help me and not going back with the remaning packets .I stepped out and started on streets and as you would expect I met people maintenance workers from my building, my old home watchman , an old driver and ran out of the packets .Baba is great .Mohanji is my guru and he always guides me .
I was so happy through the day and kept on chanting Om Sai Ram and bhajans through the day. It was a day filled with happiness, peace and content.
I don’t have any pictures but all the scenes are scored in my memory. Next time I’ll capture them well!