This 21st June 2023 (International Yoga Day) we are celebrating the 8th Anniversary of Conscious Walking technique launch into the world!

Conscious Walking is a powerful dynamic meditation technique, which is as effective as 3 hours of sitting meditation and is created by the world-renowned humanitarian Mohanji. It is practiced in more than 25 countries in the world, and in the past year we’ve had 500+ Conscious Walking sessions worldwide.
For the great achievers who walked many hours regularly we issues more than 30 awards for the accomplishment and 3 certificates for more than 50 hours walked.

We are sharing a few inspiring testimonials by CW practitioners from around the globe:
“Heartfelt gratitude for this sacred gift of Conscious Walking lovingly provided by beloved Mohanji, as He is walking this path with me. This is the most beautiful start of my day to connect to my soul, the silence, limitlessness & bliss.”
– Phoebe Götzel
Pretoria, South Africa
“I walk consciously because this technique brings me the kind of inner peace I crave. I walk with the Conscious Walking team in my city once a week and use the technique myself whenever I need stability and focus before some meeting, do example, or before doing simultaneous translation.”
– Asja Dupanovic
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Mohanji Wellness Walking
On 14 July 2022, in the presence of Dr. Semir Osmanagic, the discoverer of Bosnian pyramids, we inaugurated the Mohanji Wellness Walking facility at the prominent location of Park Ravne 2 within Bosnian Pyramid complex in Visoko, Bosnia & Herzegovina.

“Being in the present to connect to the calm flow of nature & God that gives me happiness & contentment. Feeling the warm sun rays & birds singing praise for a new day!”
– Annamarie Götzel
Pretoria, South Africa
“Conscious walking has made it possible for me to find space within myself in the midst of an urban jungle, for a quiet meeting with myself. While still surrounded by the noise and the race of the everyday life, it has given me the opportunity to find time during which I am not excluded from the world around me, but intensely present, having a relationship with what is within me, and all around me.”
– Vesna Stanković, Serbia
“Easy and empowering.”
– Aleksandar Stanković, Serbia

Dimensions of Conscious Walking: Methods for enhancing CW
Watch Mohanji talk about Conscious Walking: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Few videos from CW practitioners: Video 1, Video 2, Video 3 ,
Read more about Conscious Walking: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Testimonials from practitioners: Part 1
If you would like to learn Conscious Walking please write an e-mail to Conscious Walking Team at and they will guide you further. You could also join our Global Conscious Walking community on Facebook and find out about updates, experiences and events happening across the world.