By Sabyasachi Rath, USA
A merry band of devotees, followers and seekers gathered to meet the Master (Mohanji) in a retreat in Honesdale, PA, the abode of Swami Rama, around the time of Ram Navami (no coincidence there). Many adventures took place. However, I will just narrate mine.
My delightful better half, who was reluctant to come to a ‘spiritual’ retreat, got convinced to attend after she met Mohanji during a talk in Bethesda. As they say, once you smell the sambar, you have to taste the sambar (an old Tamil saying, maybe). So the whole family and I go to meet Mohanji over the weekend with satsangs, yoga and meditations. We were ‘lucky’ to get a house with a private bathroom with such short notice to better accommodate the whole family.
We got to meet the Master in person and get his blessings, advice, and even Shaktipat for the whole family. No mean fact for a 1.5-day stay for the family. My plan was to drop off the family on Sunday and come back to my Mohanji family on Monday (it was a 4-hour drive one way from my house). The flip side of this was that I would miss the homa (fire ceremony), which was supposed to be done at 5 am. Again, ‘luckily’, I got to hear that the homa was shifted to 2 pm, giving me a good comfortable bandwidth to reach in time.
I will digress for a paragraph to relive the atmosphere of the retreat. It was my first physical retreat, and I could only describe it as ‘love’. It can sound cliché, but unconditional love was in abundance here. Unbelievable warmth, a feeling of deep family connections with anyone around there, and a sense of feeling looked out for were overwhelmingly present throughout the retreat. Another feeling was a sense of fulfilment by just being in the physical presence of Mohanji, a deep desire getting fulfilled. Two formulas that had been churning came to my mind by the end of the retreat – Unexpected bad news = karma; Unexpected good news = grace.
Coming back to the narrative, I reached the venue around 12 pm giving me ample time to relax before the homa. The homa remains one of the most memorable events in the whole retreat. There was a very definite sense of sacredness around it. Mantras (Shiva, Datta, Devi, Hanuman) were being chanted continuously. Coconuts were offered to the sacred fire on behalf of ourselves and our loved ones. It was another sense of fulfilment being experienced here.
My turn came at the Agni Kund, and Mohanji had covered his head with a white cotton cloth. I was wondering why. And I glanced towards him. Whoa… His eyes were upon me directly. And my mind scrambled to absorb the following… #1 They were piercing right through me. My soul lay bare right there. #2 They were not his usual eyes that you see in any of his pictures or in person. #3 The eyes were the kind of eyes you see in ‘animated’ movies. They were bigger than life, appearing surreal. They were big, intense, compassionate, orange/gold/yellow in color and glowing.

I felt that some form of divinity was expressing itself through Mohanji right there. I had the grace to receive a glimpse of that divinity. I turned my head away and again looked back at him to see if the previous glimpse was some figment of my imagination, but no, those divine eyes were still there. I went back to my chanting and the homa activities and let Mohanji do his work. I am pretty sure we all were experiencing a high degree of concentration and silence inside throughout the homa. There was no other choice.
My gratitude to Mohanji always.
By Mira van Duijn, Netherlands
Two days ago, I was on my way to meet Mohanji. He was visiting the Netherlands. It would be the first time that we met in the flesh. It was a long drive from my place to (Alkmaar), where he was in the Van der Valk hotel with his beautiful and lovely wife Devi.
It was a difficult decision because my dearest husband is ill, but he was so happy for me because he knows I really love our dearest Mohanji. Also, I could stay the night with Sylvia and Gerard, who lived near the Ashram where the Kriya initiation would take place. Thank you, dear friends; you both made me feel very welcome. When I arrived, I saw how everyone from the Dutch team had done a beautiful job of taking care of everything!
When I met everyone, the greetings were overwhelming. I saw Eric Elbers also, for the first time in real life, as many of the Dutch team. From the corner of my eye, I saw Mohanji! I walked up to him and asked for a hug. When we put our arms around each other, I felt like I was disappearing into him, into love; I was home. Really at home. As I write this, I feel my heart beating in my throat. And my heart expanding, all the sadness, all my fears, they were gone. I only felt love and of coming home. No words to describe it. Purity in its purest form.
After Christopher did a PowerPoint presentation about Mohani and the various platforms, everyone received Shaktipat from Mohanji. Overwhelming energy flowed through my crown chakra straight through my body, and I felt myself become myself after a very long time. The extroverted me emerged, no fears, no thoughts, difficult to express in words, but ‘Being Me’ in the purest form.
The next day was the Kriya initiation. I had the grateful pleasure of sitting next to Devi during the Kriya practice. Everything ran in a wonderful flow. The Kriya went wonderfully; everything flowed as it should flow, the energy strengthened by Devi sitting next to me, I thought! Then the initiation, kneeling down in front of Mohanji, I felt his hands touch my crown chakra. I feel blessed.

So thankful and grateful for this wonderful opportunity to meet with Mohanji. May you all feel the warmth when you get the chance to hug our beloved Mohanji.
Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 16th June 2022
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