By Saraswati S
A few months ago, I found a book by Paramhansa Yoganandaji on the shelf in my friend’s house. I borrowed it from her and read it. That’s how I came to know of Mahavatar Babaji. While I was reading the book, I became sentimental when I saw Babaji’s picture and requested him to show me a way, to come and guide me as I was not a spiritual person. I imagined him knocking my front door. Two days later, when I was surfing the net, out of nowhere, I saw a picture of this guy who had the top of his head covered in ash. It wrote about Mohanji and his selfless spiritual and social actions to help liberate people out of compassion. About the picture, it said it was a sign of him burning the last remnants of his karma, and his ultimate liberation . The more I read, the more I felt as if he is the one Babaji had sent me. I remember that it said in the book that you’ll not come to me unless I want or your soul cries for help. I had met many gurus but never felt as if I belonged to them or they belonged to me. There was no connection. But once I saw Gurudev Mohanji’s picture, I felt very familiar as if I knew him from years ago. He felt as if he was a part of my family. Like my long lost mother.

So, I followed his facebook very hesitantly and got in touch with him. His divine compassion had no boundaries. I couldn’t believe he would respond to a mere person like me. One time, my mom who was in my native country got very sick and I wrote to him requesting him to please watch over her for me. My compassionate Gurudev Mohanji made a promise to do so and he said I am always with her. I knew Guru’s words should not be taken lightly and went to sleep with a light heart that night thanking him. My mom’s health was not that good and she was already suffering from heart disease. My husband and I decided to bring her to the US to visit us. She had just returned 4 months ago and her visa had expired. We had sent all the documents but 2 documents were missing and the embassy personnel had informed her to bring those two documents and come again for the interview. My husband searched 3 times through the document bags and could not retrieve it.

A month had passed and to order the same documents through the USCIS meant my mom had to wait another 4 months in my native country. One night before going to bed, I felt very sad and tears filled my eyes. I usually casually talk to Mohanji, my ishta deva (favorite god) Shiva and Mahavatar Babaji in my prayers. I did the same kind of talk and told them that I am surrendering all my problems at your feet. Now it’s up to you guys to perform a miracle. Like a child who complains to a parent. I did so and went to sleep. The next day, something in me told me to look into the document bag once again. I told my husband to help me fetch the bag from the closet. He was a little irritated as he had already looked into it multiple times. He brought the bags and I opened the first bag and inside, right in the front, was a brown envelope labeled “Mom’s travel documents” in my handwriting which I don’t recollect was there. Inside the envelope, I found both the documents which I had sent along with mom and she had misplaced and lost it. That very moment, we scanned the documents and emailed them to my cousin sister to print for the visa interview.

Next day, my mom got the visa which allowed her to come to the US immediately. My husband who does not believe in miracles was in awe and he told this incident to everyone we met. My mom, on the other hand, had no answer how I found the documents while she had herself brought them to her home. My Gurudev Mohanji kept his promise. He indeed is always with us and helps us all the time no matter how far we live. I have now come to realize that He is the one Parabrahma. My faith in him knows no boundaries. At first, I was trying to keep it within me to avoid unintended attention. But with the permission of Guru Maa Devi, I share this in the hope that it will revive faith of other spiritual friends. So with my sincerest gratitude towards Lord Shiva, Mahavatar Babaji, and my Gurudev Mohanji, I submit this testimonial through this article. I have learnt never to take Guru’s words lightly. Their words carry the weight of unbreakable truth and I believe that I am very fortunate to have found such a true master. We don’t need to ask anything from him. He knows it all and he is everywhere. He asks for nothing. We just need to have strong faith and surrender everything to his lotus feet.

My thousand fold namans (prostations) to my Gurudev Mohanji.
May we all keep firm faith and surrender totally to the Guru’s lotus feet and attain liberation.
May we all dissolve in the divine light of Parabramha.
Om Jai Gurudev Mohanji, Om Jai Parabramha.
Saraswati S.
Virginia, USA
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Blessed are those who have the faith, for that is what is most needed.
Jai Baba