by a Mohanji follower
A story of awakening through service and spending time with Mohanji
I embarked on my spiritual journey along the path of Raja Yoga with Mohanji in 2022. Ever since, I’ve longed to meet him and serve him as his personal assistant, though it proved quite a challenge. His constant travels and the many individuals eager to join him in various countries as temporary assistants made it challenging for anyone to secure the chance.
However, after two years, I was finally blessed with the opportunity to be his assistant in Dubai. I had the incredible experience of traveling with him to Turkey afterward.
Before this experience, I had come across numerous testimonials from people who expressed their desire to massage Mohanji’s legs when he retired from public programs at the end of each day. (Mohanji usually likes to stay away and be alone without anybody around him after completing his programs each day.) In testimonials, his previous temporary assistants spoke of the fluidity of Mohanji’s body and about the intense, powerful energy that flowed through them, clearing blockages along the way. I, too, wished for such a transformative experience. But since Mohanji seldom allowed anyone to touch his body or massage him before his bedtime, it was very unlikely that I might have gotten a chance.
While in Dubai alone with him at the end of a busy day at work, I asked if I could massage his legs, and surprisingly, as if he understood my keen desire, he agreed, and I was indeed fortunate enough to enjoy those unique, blessed moments. As a Mai Tri practitioner, I often view the human body as fragile and burdened with emotions and emotional garbage. Yet, as I massaged Mohanji’s feet, I was struck by his body’s unmistakable, immense lightness, purity, and power. I had never encountered such a strong force running through anyone else’s body before. I could feel my hands, my entire being, and my soul being revitalized as if I were receiving blessings and purification.
Even though I was sleepy and tired that night when it came to serving him after a long day, I was completely energized—so much so that I struggled to fall asleep afterward. As his assistant, I needed to wake up early each day to prepare his tea and help plan breakfast with others before Mohanji got ready for the programs each day. At first, I was worried about oversleeping or having trouble getting out of bed, but his energy flowed smoothly through me, allowing me to easily fulfill my responsibilities.

A remarkable change I noticed in my body was that I stopped relying on my glasses without any discomfort. Going without them usually leads to headaches, but it felt like his energy and presence were healing me on every level.
Many people would have experienced this kind of lightness and purification just by hugging his body, too, as testimonials have proved time and again. He is a walking energy field. Once we are used to his energy field, it becomes very difficult to stay away from it because, outside that, everything feels too ordinary and, in a way, useless.
While serving him, another thing I noticed was that I was constantly in awe of the love and trust that children, birds, and animals showed toward him. Cats, dogs, and birds would follow him around, seeking his attention and kindness. We sometimes struggled to understand their needs, but he would always guide us, pointing out when to feed or pet them, fulfilling what they craved.

One particularly striking moment occurred while I was massaging his feet. Mohanji was tired, and he drifted off to sleep. As I paused and contemplated leaving the room, I was enveloped by the strength of his energy. When I glanced back at him, I was filled with a profound sense of incredible strength, peace, and power all at once. Even though his body was peacefully resting, he remained fully aware and attentive to all of us.
Then I remembered one of his past assistants had said, “I watched Mohanji sleeping. I felt as if a huge lion was sleeping peacefully (like Narasimha of Hindu mythology), peacefully and contented from within. But his sleep reminded me of the incredible power and potential of the one who is sleeping. If he wakes up and roars, the entire world will shiver. It reminded me of the huge walking potential universe who had chosen to rest for a short while before he resumed his huge work all over again, and in my mind, I said, “Let him sleep. He deserves it. “It was indeed a sight to watch this incredible being sleeping like an innocent baby.”

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 21st November 2024
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