By Milica Bulatovic, South Africa
What is the Guru?
The Guru is existence itself and is found in all aspects of this creation. The Guru is not separate from the soul; the Guru is our very own self; the Guru is in nature and is nature. That is why Lord Dattatreya, the living embodiment of the Guru principle, took as his own Guru 24 beings and elements found in nature.
Betraying the Guru is, therefore, a betrayal of nature, of existence and especially of ourselves. It is a betrayal of your very existence as a soul, which stretches far beyond this life across time and countless lifetimes.
Forms and consequences of betrayal
Through lies and negative gossip about the Guru, we make ourselves vulnerable to the influence of negative forces which perpetuate themselves through us, without our awareness, and we become stuck in a never-ending cycle of negativity. Once the cycle of lies and gossip begins, it is a downward spiral. Lies breed more lies, disconnecting us more and more from the truth; from the awareness and connection to the highest consciousness, represented by the Guru, which we may have cultivated through strenuous effort through lifetimes and may be lost in a single moment of doubt.
One doubt is enough to open the floodgates. When we spread negativity, our frequency drops to a very low level, where we can become receptive to dark energies and extremely low-frequency beings. It can happen to anyone: I have personally seen this happen to people who were almost touching the realm of silence and to people who were on the border between light and shadow most of their lives.
If we are experiencing doubt, contemplation and speaking to someone who is stable, someone who guides us appropriately and will not feed negativity, who is not easily influenceable, would help. We need tremendous awareness to keep our frequency high and not fall into the daily, seemingly unimportant traps that lead us to the betrayal of life or existence.
Many have betrayed the Guru or the existence at some point by going into gossip, jealousy, comparison, competition, fear, greed, revenge, criticism, ownership, and so betraying themselves. Eating meat that another being had to be killed for betrays our existence. By choosing to drink milk taken from a calf, which is also often killed, we betray our existence because we love the taste! Even thoughts of a negative nature add to negative consumption.
And further, this will influence our actions too. The more we are unconscious, the more we take in negativities that make us heavy, and the more we don’t live our truth. This is how on a daily basis, we betray ourselves. All these accumulate, and we start carrying the vibrations of betrayal and heavy guilt, and we start attracting these into our life more and more, creating situations that we cry and complain about. We disconnect from ourselves by compromising our conscience for the sake of pressures and expectations from the family and society.
The biggest of the associated emotions that come with betrayal is guilt. Many of us will say that we don’t know where our guilt comes from; it comes from the pattern of repeated betrayal, something as small as an unconscious habit or something much larger. Emotions are sticky and binding by nature, and so bind further heavy emotions into our system. We become very easily disturbed by our circumstances.

As you can see, there are many levels of betrayal. Betraying the Guru creates very heavy burdens, as they came only to bring higher awareness, to lift people from a fallen state of consciousness to higher levels of awareness and, ultimately, back to ourselves (self-realization). They live a dharmic life, uphold dharma, and have no personal karma. So, to betray such a pure state of being is to create an especially huge karmic debt.
Betrayal of the Guru can be in many forms:
- Being afraid to speak about them
- remaining silent at a moment where speaking our truth or speaking about our Guru is what is appropriate and honest
- hiding from the world that we are following a Guru
- leaving them when they don’t fulfil our expectations,
- talking badly about them and assassinating their character through lies.
This is directly negating your existence. We are actually influencing our own karma and that of our whole lineage, those behind us, as well as the generations to come.
To reach the level of awareness, wherein we are aware of all of these patterns and emotions that bind us, lower our frequency and take us deeper into unconscious living, we need a Guru who has walked the same path, overcome the mind and stands as a pure example of our potential, and whose presence transforms us and brings this awareness. He is pure consciousness, and the level of transformation and elevation in awareness we experience will be in accordance with the depth of our connection to him. By betraying a Guru, we are sabotaging the only thing that can give us what we have been searching for, for lifetimes. It is self-sabotage, as our patterns are the ones that will disconnect us from consciousness.
If we leave the Guru because he is breaking our habits, boundaries, and concepts because it becomes uncomfortable, we can stagnate more in our comfort zones, at least keep silent about it. It is always free will if we want to walk the path of self-realization, and nobody forces us to stay. Don’t betray and talk bad out of pure non-understanding of the highest truths they represent and live.
In daily life, if we live selfishly only for our own family, being in constant desire mode and wanting more things, we don’t add any value to our society and take from Mother Earth. This leads us nowhere.
But we are taught this way even in schools. Be better than others, your value is higher if you earn a lot, and if you have a fancy car or a big house, you are successful. The truth is different. We cannot take anything from this Earth on the day we depart and leave the body, but we certainly leave lighter if we have been kind and loving, if we served our community and the helpless, and shared and cared about all. True wealth is what you give to this world, not what you take from it.
How the insight came
This is crystal clear now after spending five days in silence during the Empowered 5.0 program with Mohanji. A complete software change happened to me with his grace!

Also, by his grace, I have been experiencing stability, fewer thoughts and more silence for many years and learnt not to have any expectations, and so this is how the insight came:
I experienced an explosion of pain in all the nerves of my body. No position was without excruciating pain, but I accepted it, stayed peaceful, and just witnessed it, as I knew that the Guru was working on me, and this is pure Guru’s Grace.
Why do I say that? For me to go through such pain now was to prevent me from experiencing it later on in life, and it is due to my karma. I have done something, and my ancestors have done something for me to experience it.
At some point, Mohanji gave me another important vision, how complex karma is. I saw the karmic structure as a ball of wool. Each strand and layer had some connection with each other and were creating more strands or making them hold firmly together. What holds one ball of karma is similar patterns. It is very difficult merely to understand it and forget about releasing it.
Soon after, he showed me how he was shaking the whole structure and creating cracks so the light of awareness could come through. This is also part of the reason why it was so painful.
As days went by, much clarity came my way; all this was coming from the internal Guru Tatwa Principle. The Guru within and the external Guru were guiding me. Suddenly, I felt that I doubted myself so much, and the deep insecurity I had experienced was due to a betrayal of existence or betrayal of Guru at some point in the past.
I became aware of this recurring pattern of betrayal in my life due to experiencing it personally. It created new awareness, and so I contemplated deeper on it.
Another vision came of war scenes and me being left alone in the rubble of buildings that collapsed and all my family killed. I was shown that on a physical level, my legs and stomach were weak due to past life war impressions, and as I became aware of this, the diarrhoea that started that day vanished, and a surge of new energy came rushing into my legs and stomach.
The new energy remains after many weeks, and for the first time in my life, I can work on strengthening my legs at the physical level.
When the last day came, I wanted to make as much use of that day’s precious silence as possible. The night before, my mind was racing about where to sit the next day as I needed a backrest with the option of lying down. It was so funny how my mind started acting out just before the end of the program and got affected by a minor issue. I couldn’t sleep for a few hours as I couldn’t decide where to choose to sit the next day. Finally, I surrendered it to Mohanji.
When I arrived at 5 am, all spots were taken; the only one left was my old spot where I was all five days. How typical of the mind to overthink and go in circles about insignificant issues when all is predetermined for us. It was a good lesson to observe.
That last day I sat without a backrest for hours with an entirely straight spine, which I could not do for the past 15 years. At one point, I asked myself, “How is this possible? What is holding me straight with no discomfort?” The answer came: existence itself is holding me. At the end of the program, all pain had vanished.
A complete software change. A totally new me! Confident, with no fear, and able to fully express myself even in public. I felt a new lease on life. I felt terrified of speaking in public before, but that is all gone now; there is extreme clarity.
Mohanji has washed away so much in me, so many blockages. I always stayed steady in my faith in accepting all that was happening in my life. I never said no to anything that was asked of me, even public programs, but I was terrified inside. I felt like I would be crucified in public each time, although this is connected to other karmic events after betrayal.
Interestingly, the event that marked the times we live in is the crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus lived and spoke about unconditional love and oneness and healed many. His popularity didn’t suit the clergy and the people in power at the time. As they had power, they could easily influence people. Isn’t this still happening even in our time?!
Lies are presented as truth. From an early age, we are taught to learn and cram so much unnecessary data that we forget to use our minds and logical thinking. We disconnect from the inner truth and naturalness of our being as very young children. What is served on TV becomes the truth we live by. It is told by someone else. We disconnect from nature too. If something is told in certain institutions, we automatically accept it as truth—something to think about.
Another incident that marked our time is when Peter betrayed Jesus 3 times before he was crucified by not saying he walked with him when asked, afraid that he would be killed. He carried tremendous guilt for a long time. Did we all inherit this pattern somehow as a society? Is it in our subconscious now on a global scale? Something to ponder about.
Each time we are scared to stand up for the truth, we follow this pattern. I don’t know the details of when I betrayed my Guru or existence itself. Still, it sure felt like that was the main theme for many of us who attended Empowered 5.0, and surely it feels that the burden was lifted simply due to the grace of Mohanji, who showed that he truly is unconditional love incarnate. I can say the Empowered program transformed my life!

Mohanji always recommends selfless service. We don’t know at what level we have betrayed our existence, which is the same as the existence of any being, so by serving all, a lot of karmic due is released as we become much more compassionate and kind human beings. Such positive actions reprogram us.
Connection to a powerful Master changes everything. First, so much awareness comes our way, and we start making better choices for ourselves. Second, over time your purpose shifts in life altogether. And the purpose is everything.
I am sure many people these days think about the purpose of life or have simply lost the meaning of life. Each day is almost the same; work, driving, picking up the children, cooking and then the day is done. And we believe we can’t do better. Masters awaken us to purpose.
When we awaken to the truth within, we realize how much potential is not used and how much potential we have. Another level of awakening is when one realizes that all is done through us. The biggest illusion is that we think we are the doers, which is probably the biggest misconception of our times and difficult for people to understand.
We are not people doing things; we are beings. Human beings have the capacity to be fully aware of consciousness working through us. That energy works through all of us.
Its nature is abundance. It cannot be depleted. What stops the flow in us is limiting beliefs, programs, perceptions, energy blockages connected to karma, lifestyle choices that make us heavy and adding violence and negativity in thought, word or action.
When we connect to our beingness and our nature and live the highest values of being a human, abundance can flow through us, and even many blockages can fall off in the process.
The more we observe and witness that all is done through us, the more awareness grows. We are more detached. The truth becomes more visible the more present we are. Again more awareness comes, and more is done through us as our capacity grows. As Mohanji would say, the more you are empty of concepts, the more you are eligible for consciousness to fill in. And absolutely none of this understanding and awareness would have been possible without Mohanji.
Many people who knew me before are wondering what I am doing following this man from another part of the world, who is not part of our culture. Even a comment that my parents didn’t teach me well has been made. What I would like to say about this is that my parents taught me to be free, think with my head, and make my own decisions. The freedom my parents gave me is my biggest asset, and they taught me about our traditions.
Still, truly Mohanji has taught me more in-depth what true values are, how to love, accept and respect all and how important it is to honour our roots, family and culture. Mohanji, through his life and teachings, has transformed my life completely.
Deep fulfilment and contentment are within me instead of fears, anxieties, and anger. Nothing that life brings forth destabilizes me, and a great deal of good comes out of the platforms that I am blessed to be part of. All I ask you is to think about it, don’t just accept what I wrote, as the whole purpose of this text is to take us into contemplation and connect to our own hearts and the truth within.
Mohanji has come to awaken us and bring us back to our natural selves. Humanity has fallen in consciousness too much, and we need guidance from a Master in the physical form to lead us on the path he has walked on and transcended. We are used to many habits, have adopted limiting beliefs and patterns, and see life through filters. Truth is always simple.
When we support nature and choose what expands our hearts, nature will support us, and life will support us; if we go against nature and what is natural, nature will reflect it.
With love and respect to all, I surrender this text at the lotus feet of my Guru Mohanji, who is igniting the light of awareness in me, taking me back to myself and showing me the way to the highest. This text and awareness came through me from his consciousness.
Love and respect to all existence!

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 22nd December 2022
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3 thoughts on “Betrayal, awareness and transformation”
Thank you Milica…its truly something to ponder on deeply..on how often one is betraying one’s Guru and the far reaching consequences attached to those seemingly inconsequential actions. Thanks again for your much needed write up.
Jai MohanJI, Milica, what a wonderful and insightful thought..We are proud and Blessed to read. Still trying to assimilate your thoughts in the article..Jai MohanJI..Love You Baba, Always
I’ve been given a second chance and WILL not blow it again. I needed to read this again, thanks Milica, Jai Mohanji.