Dear friends,
The annual Blanket Distribution of Ammucare Charitable Trust started in the most unusual way this year… Here is a most beautiful testimonial of our dear Sumit, who came all the way from Jammu (Kashmir) to meet Mohanji during last months’s Mumbai meditation – the purity with which he spoke on microphone after the meditation, during experience sharing, brought tears to many. And I had tears welling in my eyes as I went through the following write up and saw the most amazing images from the Blanket Distribution in Jammu, which was conducted in a truly unique way… It is a great joy and great blessings that we all get to join forces and serve… Please read on.

Sumit discovers his Path:
“My wife Sakshi and I started keeping fast of Sai Baba on every Thursday for our daughter’s health and to go to Shirdi Sai Baba’s temple every Thursday. Before this, I never had any inclination towards Sai Baba, but during those trips to the temple I started thanking HIM for HIS Grace on us. After March 2010 my search for the right path became very intense and I used to pray to Divine to show me the path of Love. Then came the grace – one Thursday I prayed to Sai Baba to give me success in a venture of mine, I will feed people for 4 Thursdays. Next Thursday I went to the temple, and could clearly feel BABA telling me to “feed the people first, everything else will be seen later.”
The following 3 Thursdays made the message absolutely clear “FEED all, SERVE all, LOVE all.” But at the same time I was just listening and not implementing anything. In the meanwhile, my friend Smriti told me about BTW in Gurgaon and asked me to check the website. I read the whole blog of MOHANJI and was in disbelief after seeing the GRACE of DIVINE on the MASTER. That was followed by a conversation with Abhishek in which he clearly told me about MOHANji’s message “Serve, Feed, Love all the living beings”. I was shocked and at the same time felt blessed that the message I was receiving from Sai Baba was validated and there was a strong connection between Sai Baba and Mohanji.

The very next Thursday we started the routine of feeding poor people and labour class people (helpers on the construction site, painters, carpenters etc) with some nutritious food. First Thursday we could cover 300 people and now 600 to 800 people are served every Thursday through us by the Divine Mother. After one and a half month of this routine, I generally used to open the site of Mohanji every day and in my mind used to tell HIM that February is too far and I want to meet him earlier – and soon came to know that he will be coming to Mumbai to conduct a meditation.
I strongly feel that it was only through the blessings of the people I served that I could meet Mohanji in Mumbai so unexpectedly.
Mohanji fed my hunger in Mumbai by giving me what I desperately wanted, my hunger was to establish myself on the right path that I was searching for. I was fed because through me Divine fed so many people. I bow to the MASTERS for showing me the right path and for LOVING me always. I am humbled.
After meeting Mohanji in Mumbai, when I experienced the depth of his Unconditional Love, the question started in my mind “How I can be of some use to the MASTER and HIS purpose.” The answer was simple that for serving people you don’t have to wait, just take initiative and allow the DIVINE to operate through you.

Blanket Distribution
The very first day in the morning when we went for the Blanket Distribution around 5:30 am, a person was lying on the footpath and he had covered himself with a very old cloth. When our team member (Ravinder Singh) put a blanket on him, he was shocked BIG TIME (perhaps he thought we had come to pick him up). But he started smiling when we just covered him with a warm blanket and got into the car – that smile gave us immense joy and bliss.
Throughout this distribution we were listening to Sai Baba’s Aarti and felt Mohanji’s presence. It was amazing.

After two days we went in the night because we were not comfortable with the idea of any publicity, just wanted to serve.
The very first place was a passenger shed where three people were sleeping – we took out the blanket from the car and kept it on them. One of them told us while we were leaving that few minutes back they were discussing about the cold and the need of the blanket.
This incident gave us such a kick that we left our homes at 11:30 pm and came back around 1:30 am.

On Diwali Night we again planned for the distribution, this time we clicked the pictures as well. This Diwali has been the best Diwali of our lives. One incident that shook us all was: a poor person lying outside a shop sharing his blanket with a dog. I am speechless, we are contributing nothing – imagine a person without any shelter on his head giving shelter to an animal and we people with all the resources and comforts living selfishly.

We have planned it for tonight also to give our tribute to AMMU and to MOHANji for seeing HIS AMMU in all of us and loving all of us as unconditionally as HE loved HER.

I feel such great, great joy to see how our beloved Baba is connecting us with people who choose to serve as His instruments, who choose to live love, express love, instead of merely talking about the philosophical concepts of spirituality.
Indeed, “Hands that serve are holier than lips that preach” – unless we really start expressing that immense love, no big change happens in our subtle system – and our potential is so unimaginably great….
The eternal Truth that I have witnessed and experienced is that mind will never really know the Reality of our Divinity until it has joined with the heart, until we become expanded enough to see others as reflections of ourselves – otherwise the distance and illusion of duality reigns, deep inside we remain unsatisfied, unfulfilled…

Wishing you all deep fulfillment and many selfless ACTs of Love,
Your Biba
9 thoughts on “Blanket Distribution 2010 – in Jammu”
Dear Sumit
thank you for sharing. Beautiful.
This post is an eye – and heart opener. 🙂
This is an amazing showing of grace and pure love. It is affecting me deeply and something is changing within … blessings to all who shared in this experience of giving and receiving as one … they are the same, no duality, only One heart, One love, One.
Stories like these inspires and moves me deeply. May ACT grow, prosper and expand beyond all and everything.
Bless you, Jolita A.
Dear Btw members,
I had just met Mohan bhai on saturday the 06th Nov when he came on a private visit to Palakkad,Kerala;wherein he briefly touched on the importance of 09th November and its main programmes.However, owing to its nobleness ,methink,God Baba is himself the guiding force behind this most humble and humane acts carried out by you before the ensuing winter.May the Almighty bless everyone connected with this gr8 programme and may it even encompass more such good samaritans in this endevour.GOD BLESS MOHANS” WORLD.———-M.Krishnan.-Palakkad,Kerala.
Love in its purest form
“How I can be of some use to the MASTER and HIS purpose.” The answer was simple that for serving people you don’t have to wait, just take initiative and allow the DIVINE to operate through you.
Dearest Sumit you have really understood Mohanji and that too so quickly. HIS simplicity masks his high spiritual stature.I feel happy that you and your friends have understood and implemented Mohanji’s message of DO IT. You have set the precedence for the others who hopefully will understand that they need not wait for Mohanji to personally tell them what to do . Please convey my love and regards to your friends.
Sanjay Jaju
Dearest Sanjay ji,
Pranam. Thanks for your good wishes to the ACT team. When i look back i can realize very well that Mohanji sent this idea, HE got the funds and the blankets arranged, HE was there when we were distributing during the night guiding us where to do what.
And when its the time to give credit, MASTER has given all the credit to us. This is how SIMPLE our MASTER is.
Dear Sumeet,
Real Heartfelt act for ACT.
You are such a selfless and pure person that anything that you do will have divine touch and grace.
There is clear presence of Masters in all your photos. There is one distinct white orb in some photos. This orb clearly represents master’s presence and guidance.
Please convey my love and warm regards to all your friends who did this noble deed.
Love and regards,
Dearest Deepali Didi,
All is Grace and Grace is all…..
Love & Act Always