Dear All,
I just got back to Munich and honestly I have no idea how to describe the marvellous and powerful day we had in Hamburg yesterday, Friday 09 April. 🙂
First of all there were two very good reasons for me to be in a celebration mood:
1. The first ever BTW & Shaktipat session conducted by Mohanji in Germany.

2. Me/Marina meeting Mohanji in his physical form finally again after one year.
My joy knew no bounds when I picked up Mohanji from the airport in Hamburg yesterday morning. I haven’t seen him since I left Dubai in February 2009. Although we are always connected, we never did this sort of a “first time ever meditation event” together. And here we were, together in the city were I grew up and studied, back in the country to which I return after 14 years abroad. Really special!
Whereas we had a slighty overcast sky in the morning, by early afternoon when Mohanji and I were talking and preparing for the meditation the sky was royal blue and cloudless.

Please note that we have seasons over here and spring has only just arrived after a long hard winter. It is absolutely delightful now to observe the budding trees and blossoming flowers. One can feel that plants and animals are bursting to get back out. So in all this energy of spring, the time of rebirth, renewal and growth, Mohanji was about to conduct the first BTW session in Western Europe! 🙂
But I better talk about the actual BTW event. Just how could I describe the indescribable?
We opened the doors at 6:30 p.m., started at 7 p.m. and did not move from our seats until after 10 p.m.! A satsang of more than 3 hours 🙂 It included pranayama, meditation, Shaktipat – given by Mohanji and myself – followed by an intense and beautiful talk by Mohanji sharing his wisdom, insights and stories, as well as answering the questions of our meditators.
I am not going to bore you with descriptions of the preliminary organisation of the evening. Of course I wanted to reach as many people as possible with the news that Mohanji (unknown here in the West) was coming over. So placing ads, making and handing out flyers, the room search/booking/ preparation (chairs, flowers, light…) etc kept me busy over the past weeks. But I enjoyed it very much.
In the end we had people coming from London (friends with whom I already had BTW in London earlier were traveling all the way to Hamburg just to meet Mohanji!), from Berlin and the area in and around Hamburg.

Everyone who arrived was greeted by Mohanji with a big smile and hug, handshake or shoulder pat, then sat down and swiftly went into silence, with open or closed eyes. Mohanji was also sitting and ready to go… The heat building up inside of me was reaching a kind of a peak, still bearable though (Already in the morning, my energy levels were going up and, with every hour in the course of the day, my trachea/windpipe felt more and more like a chimney and the inner heat was rising constantly). Even before the meditation, we were all drinking lots of water to support the system.

After the welcome and a short introduction we went straight into aum chanting and pranayama. Going through the different breathing patterns I felt that we could easily spend a whole evening with Mohanji just practicing how to breath properly. And what a privilege would that also be! Anyway, vibration levels increased and we started the Power of Purity (German version).
It was a lovely and receptive group and we sat in this wonderful, ever increasing space of serenity and peace. The atmosphere was very affectionate and personal, which made it really easy to let go of everything, just absorb the love stream and allow a profound inner connection to the divine energies.
During the meditation it was palpable that people underwent very deep cleansing. One lady was having flashes of her past life, as she told us later on, another was faced with a very old, but actually irrational fear of death. Mohanji confirmed during the sharing afterwards how everyone had made significant shifts and released inner blockages.
Not everybody wanted to share their experience or ask questions, but that’s was OK too, of course.
In any case, it was clearly perceivable that people were in a very deep state of introspection and/or “travelling” during the meditation. The love energy in the room and the shiny eyes were unmistakable after we “returned”.

Giving Shaktipat with Mohanji present was just wonderful and I felt deep gratefulness for this opportunity to let others benefit from the higher healing energies, deep love, joy – and purity.
And the beauty is also in the spectrum of experiences we had – there was depth as well as lightness in all of this. Laughter and tears, movement and stillness, questions and confirmations, sense of humour and matter of fact, … all natural, all authentic.

One new challenge for me was to keep pace with Mohanji’s talk as I was translating into German what he was saying. And I have discovered that also translating “through the third eye” works! Mohanji talked about many important things, the soul and its liberation, about various masters, spiritual “laws”- all spiced with lovely stories and experiences from his own life or quotations from the old scriptures. We could have sat with him forever.
In fact, after we finished and got up people naturally surrounded Mohanji again, hugging him, asking questions, taking photographs. ..
With a review of all those impressions and a light meal in a nearby restaurant Mohanji and I ended the day just before midnight. A long but magnificient day it was.

And about the “miraculous phenomena” I experienced with Mohanji – like how the heavy traffic just vaporised when I had Mohanji in the car driving through the city from his hotel to the location of the meditation, or those animals and smiling children that kept popping up and surrounding us the minute we sat down somewhere … – well, I might talk about this some other time. 🙂
Enough for now.
P.S. BTW Munich with Mohanji next Wednesday!

2 thoughts on “BTW With Mohanji in Hamburg, Germany – sharing by Marina”
in facebook plz say how should i sent request to u 🙂
very good writeup on Mohanji. please add more experiences & messages of Baba thru Mohanji in your blog.