Sunday, Aug 29th, 2010, Meditation in Gurgaon – written by Biba
Mohanji: “So much love…So much belongingness…this trip to Delhi and Himalayas. Not even a moment was wasted. Busy schedules. Well scheduled programs. Sincere thanks to all the people who put it together, all those who worked day and night to make it happen. And all those beautiful people who attended it. We are one. We are one family. Do feel this love and belongingness always. Please remember – when we learn to find happiness and detachment in our deepest sorrows, our whole life will be filled with happiness. Remain Happy. Remain Blessed. Love and Blessings. M”
Dear friends, so many days have passed after meditations in ITC Maurya and Gurgaon, and we are still receiving your testimonials and messages of gratitude – I am feeling so much love that I don’t know how to express it… :-).
I came to know from a few of you that ITC Maurya meditation was experienced as ‘multidimensional’ and that many could smell “a subtle, transcedental Divine fragrance” throughout the meditation (I will include some of the testimonials in this post).
Meditation in Gurgaon happened a day after our event in ITC Maurya – to my great surprize, we experienced, I must say, an even more loving meditation & Satsang, which had its own magic – all I can say is that it was just SO INCREDIBLY LOVING…
I knew this meditation would be different due to what happened 30 min. earlier, while we were getting ready for the event – Mohanji asked myself and Dr. Deepali to come to the bathroom mirror, look at his face and see ‘Who is there’ – to our surprize, the expression/energy was clearly that of Jesus…
As always when an experience like this happens at times most unexpected, the mind just becomes blank. A few minutes before, we were casually chatting with Mohanji over lunch, and then, all of a sudden, there is the presence of Jesus in him. As you can probably imagine, it is quite tasking for the mind to follow these tremendous shifts in Mohanji’s inner space and put aside its logic – I do hope I am getting there slowly, through repeated experience, by allowing the heart to take over :-)….
On the day of meditation in Gurgaon, Mohanji insisted he should wear a white kurta. I would like to share with you an interesting story about how his choice of clothing happens :-).
Our friends in Dubai (where BTW started in 2007) know that Mohanji has no ‘standard uniform’ 🙂 – sometimes he would come to conduct meditation dressed in jeans and T-shirt. However, a day before the meditation in ITC Maurya hotel, Mohanji received a telepathic instruction from Baba that he should wear saffron. We soon came to know why…
Dana booked many individual appointments with Mohanji and distributed them nicely throughout all the days of our visit. From diplomats and dignitaries, to hotel room service staff and sadhaks/spiritual seekers from various backgrounds, Mohanji attended to all who came with equal love and dedication. After each meditation, private appointment requests were increasing manifold…
Evening before our meditation in Maurya, one lady of very high social status came with her husband to meet Mohanji. She has been disappointed with several ‘fake Gurus’ so far and feels connected with Shirdi Sai Baba only. She talks to him innocently all the time, argues at times – like one talks to the best friend. Since after talking to Dana she did have an intuition that Mohanji is ‘real’ and decided to come and meet him, she told Baba: “Baba, I need your confirmation as well. If this man is real, let him wear saffron when I meet him. That is how I will know that you endorse him.”

That same day we noticed that, on one of the pictures of Mohanji’s eyes, there is a face of Shirdi Baba clearly visible on his forehead/third eye, as if slightly leaning to the right (Richa enlarged it and gave it to Dana as a suggestion of a table stand photo). We never noticed this before – again, Baba’s leela. 🙂 The moment this lady stepped into Dana’s and Ranvir’s suite, she noticed the above-mentioned photo and simply got glued to it. Then she looked at Mohanji (who indeed was wearing saffron 🙂 ), and was completely zapped. After she became more comfortable with all of us, she shared this story and that was the start of our bubbly outpour of various experiences with Shirdi Sai (and Mohanji). In the end she received Shaktipat, for the first time in her life, was stunned by the ‘heat of the palm’ and left deeply touched and speechless.
I found this to be really amusing – a typical example of Baba’s leela. If we were to analyze why Baba asked Mohanji to wear saffron, we surely would have never guessed something like this 🙂 – another proof why we should never analyze Masters’ instructions and simply obey with faith and gratitude :-).
I’d like to share with you one more most unexpected blessing that happened, just 2 hours before our meditation in Central Park, Gurgaon. Abhishek told Mohanji that, just a few minutes away from Central Park, there is a beautiful temple of Shirdi Sai Baba called Sai Ka Angaan (Sushant Lok, Gurgaon). That’s all I heard about this place. To my great surprize, when we reached Sai Ka Angaan, we realized that it’s a proper REPLICA of Shirdi – with Dwarkamai, Baba’s dhuni – everything except the crowds! We were overwhelmed.

Moreover, there was one golden looking life-size statue of Baba sitting gracefully on the floor like a Raja – I swear, all of us felt this is a LIVING BABA smeared with gold, and will move any time (unfortunately, photos are not allowed..). The statue is just SO REAL – I had goosebumps while looking at it… time stood still. One of our friends had a sudden flash from her past life in Shirdi – Mohanji then further clarified what she saw, and, to her great joy, added a few more details. Those were unforgettable moments.
After offering coconuts and coal for Baba’s dhuni, we left this sacred place feeling so blessed and assured that Baba is fully taking care of the upcoming meditation… We hurried to have a shower and lunch, in order to reach the meditation venue on time. And that was when Mohanji called us to the bathroom to look at his face in the mirror – I never expected to see the expression of Jesus… Baba loves us to experience the unexpected :-).
The meditation in Gurgaon, and Satsang afterwards, thus had a completely different flavor. The turnout was again surprizingly big – but as per the Divine plan, there was exactly enough space for all.

There were many people who already attended BTW in ITC Maurya the previous day, and said they ‘felt the pull’ to come again. As always, this meditation was unique – amazing energy filled up the room from the very beginning of meditation… We felt the presence of the Masters….
After the meditation was over and Q&A session started, I noticed how beautiful all the people looked – the expressions on their faces were so loving and serene… (Video recording of the Q&A will be shared with you soon).

The Shaktipat session was incredibly beautiful, filled with grace – its effect was profound and lasting. To express his love and devotion, our new friend (in this life, that is..:-) ), Vinay K. Jha, brought his flute and played so beautifully, while others were queuing for individual Shaktipat.
Later on he said: “When I look back, I have no idea what I played that day. I never played that tune before and don’t know if I could play that again – just closed my eyes and left my emotions take hold of the flute. So, whatever was being played was coming through me, as if somebody else was playing me…” In other words, Divine took over. Out of humbleness, he stopped playing after some time, but Mohanji asked him to come back and play again… 🙂 The flute and the Shaktipat intertwined into a beautiful web of purest Love experience…

This is Vinay’s meditation experience sharing: “I’m still wrapped in warmth of peace and joy….want to express the feeling but no word has yet been known to express the experience that comes from beyond-mind state.
In Gurgaon, I had difficulty in coming out of meditation. I knew I was there, but I didn’t know where is the eye to open and where is the palm to look at. By the time instruction came to raise the right hand in the blessing position, I had already lost the sense of left and right. I just felt some external force was raising some part of my body with little murmur of muscles that I could hear.
At last, when instruction came to lower down the right hand, I found it was never raised, and left hand was raised instead.
These were just the experiences that I could express via words and are just the tip of iceberg. The submersed parts are still enjoying the depth of love and blessings that Mohanji, Bibaji,Dr Deepali ji and Dr Vishwajeet ji have given us.
I bow at the feet of all of these saints and sages whom I could meet in this life again after our last meetings in previous lives in different bodies………”
Vishwajeet: “Thank you so much angel sister Biljana. Namaste from me and my wife Shalini. We have been given so much by our spiritual master Mohan ji that we do not have sufficient words to express our gratitude. Both meditations were highly intense – with high emotions, an amazing experience of love and light and bliss and healing, and so many blessings together. I am still having intense effect at crown chakra, full of bliss and bliss and bliss, even after 24 hours of Shaktipata, and want it to continue like this ♥. No words can explain my experience – as if I have done a higher Kriya for hours….

….Mohan ji is a Jagadguru and this term came to me a few days back from the Source by intuition. I am not coining this term but it is as it is – ‘Jagadguru’, meaning Guru of the whole world, whole universe. That is what I consider him to be.
Everyone had highly intense experiences – Vinay, Anju, Sikh Sufi friend Pinta, Paritala ji, Anand ji and just everyone. And today I received Dinesh Saxena ji’s phone call and he was so happy – even today he felt the similar experience which he had at the time of Shaktipat.
I also shared my experience with him which happened in Nagpur when I was highly tensed due to my daughter’s admission, as she was in the waiting list in a Medical College entrance examination and I had no capitation fee to pay. Mohan ji appeared and assured me and and everything went as Mohan ji had said – daughter got the seat in the merit list in the first counseling itself, without any capitation fee! And I was shocked when Mohan ji came to our home and said, “I came to Nagpur to meet you” – this secret was known only to me and my wife who met you all for the first time in her this life. We were deeply touched. Mohan ji is working at various planes and we all are blessed with the presence of a Jagadguru in his form.”
Ruchika G.: Thank you Mohanji for the blissful experience and initiation. It was my first time meeting with you. Not only Babaji+Lahiriji+Yoganandaji, but there were many other Ascended Masters present in the prayer meeting. There is an exremely strong Shiva energy present with you.
Please forgive for any big words. I am truly blessed to know you and be guided by your grace. Thank you so much. 🙂
Paritala Gopi Krishna (who just returned from Kailash yatra): “I felt blessed amongst you all, on 27 and 28 August, the true seekers on the path. And, many thanks to make me feel that I am one of you, though I know nothing. May God guide and bless. Love and Love alone ….. ”

Anjani: I can’t point out exactly what has happened post Shaktipat from Mohanji, but I do feel something changing within me.. Maybe in terms of my handling of day to day issues of mundane life…or just sitting down in meditation…..One thing I can certainly say is that the image of Babaji comes to the closed eyes during meditation more often. And I somehow feel that pull which he has on millions across the cosmos…..
As far as Mohanji is concerned, when ever I think or concentrate of him, his deep powerful eyes, his assuring voice saying “I AM HOLDING YOUR HANDS” echoes in my subconscious. And it feels so good – that I just can’t describe it in words. Furthermore, till date, I used to pray and subconsciously call upon Mother Divine ‘Shakti’ only whenever I prayed or meditated…..But now, by Mohanji’s grace, his and Babaji’s pull is pretty visible, as a subtle new wave churning underneath the subconscious…..
Thanks for being there. I am happy to have the joy of ur words/company..and the grace of Mohanji :-). Reading every word u write fills my heart with some unknown joy…..thanks once again for being there. For people like me, whose lives u fill with a warm sunshine of ur personal radiance and joy, it’s truly infectious….and makes each of us glow and bask in its warmth and brightness :-)”
Anju:“[…]When we were meditating in Mohanji’s presence, the powerful energy waves in that room became so strong that I felt a surge of energy crushing me against my seat, something I have never experienced before during meditation.
Getting Shaktipath from him has been one of the most blissful experiences of my life. I felt like I arrived home that day, after a long journey. It was an amazing and wonderful experience. I am calmer, feel less stressed and am getting unique insights into old situations, even breaking patterns which had imprisoned my thinking over the years. It feels as if I have gained freedom from myself, a blissful experience indeed, all thanks to Mohanji, an amazing amazing Guru indeed.”
(an excerpt from the blog post Anjali wrote about the Delhi meditation experience with Mohanji:
Mohanji: “Thank You so much. My presence is based on yours. I exist because you do. It is a relative existence. I experienced immense love, sincerity and commitment from the New Delhi and Gurgaon sadhaks. This makes me. This moves me. I loved being there. A great feeling indeed. Love, M”
6 thoughts on “BTW magic in Gurgaon”
The beauty of the moment is unsurpassed … the grace, the love, the peace and the purity … shining through each and everyone. Thank you Biba for sharing. Thank you Mohanji for making it all possible. Love to everyone, Connie
Truly inspiring. The crowds soon will grow and become bigger and wider and more people will come to see and ask for a Blessing from Mohanji. Goodness shall always grow and expand.
Love and Blessings, Jolita
The memory may fade down the time-line, but the effect won’t.
After 15 days of my meeting with Mohanji, Vishwjeet ji, Biba ji, And Dr Deepali ji whenever I want to recall the meeting, I could say only one word: “Reunion”.
It IS a reunion.
tears, tears, tears of happines.
Love and love alone ! Jai Sainath Maharaj ji ki Jai !
~….Mohan ji is a Jagadguru and this term came to me a few days back from the Source by intuition. I am not coining this term but it is as it is – ’Jagadguru’, meaning Guru of the whole world, whole universe. That is what I consider him to be(….)
I also shared my experience with him which happened in Nagpur when I was highly tensed due to my daughter’s admission, as she was in the waiting list in a Medical College entrance examination and I had no capitation fee to pay. Mohan ji appeared and assured me and and everything went as Mohan ji had said – daughter got the seat in the merit list in the first counseling itself, without any capitation fee! And I was shocked when Mohan ji came to our home and said, “I came to Nagpur to meet you” – this secret was known only to me and my wife who met you all for the first time in her this life. We were deeply touched. Mohan ji is working at various planes and we all are blessed with the presence of a Jagadguru in his form.” Vishwajeet
Other..Miracle!! My admiration and Love beyond words…with or without Miracles..but I just ~know~ Miracles..all types…Miracles from Beyond of Beyond.. just starts to appear all over the world where You will STEP.. Only love & appreciation, Carmen