Bless The World Family worldwide celebrated Guru Poornima on 11th-12th July this year. For the first time, there was a global live streaming satsang with Mohanji, attended by people in BTW centers from Australia, UAE, Great Britain, Macedonia, Serbia, South Africa, India, the USA, Canada. We are grateful to BTW team Mumbai for organising this and making a leap in the quality of utilising Mohanji’s time and energy. You can watch Mohanji’s message here, or read it here.
How Bless The World Family expressed gratitude to the guru principle, you can see in the following summary of all activities initiated by Mohanji. Feel the global bliss around our beloved master and the attitude of service which is the most immediate way of expressing unconditional love and tuning into our real nature. Living it leads us to the supreme consciousness.
BTW SOUTH AFRICA (Durban, Merudanda ashram, Johannesburg)
“Mohanji thank you. Thank you for being our living guru – our link between the mortal and the immortal. Thank you for showing us the path to the light. Thank you for changing the course of our life, for teaching us the value of personal responsibility, for teaching us devotion and discipline and for helping us to find these qualities in ourselves.
Thank you for your tireless work and the wisdom you provide us with.
Thank you thank you thank you.
Love You.
Feel immeasurably blessed.” by Caroline Moscato
It was a modest yet soulful marking of this auspicious day. Live darshan with Mohanji in Mississauga
The USA also had a programme where they performed Arti of Mohanji and food seva.
The program for Guru Poornima at Muscat Oman started with Mohanji’s AArti, Gayatri chanting and bhajan. It was followed by Food Sewa to construction workers.
“What an awesome GuruPurnima!!! Listening to GuruDev speak and the Skype call……..we all had such a wonderful time. Thank you so much BTW Mumbai and especially Mishraji. Thank you for your grace and time Gurudev, ” says Seema Mahabeer
What an awesome GuruPurnima!!! Listening to GuruDev speak and the Skype call……..we all had such a wonderful time. Thank you so much BTW Mumbai and esp Mishraji. Thank you for your grace and time Gurudev.
This morning on Guru Purnima, we lit a vanilla scented candle at Guruji’s photo, when we returned to the lounge a little later, this is what we saw… so blessed
by Yashik Singh
On my behalf I would just love to say thank you Mohanji for helping me and being with me always. Thank you all for an amazing celebration at the ashram… we all love you with all our heart guruji, Mohanji.
Our programme consisted of various activities, like individual programme of Mohanji’s padukams which he actually wore. It is a great honour to worship guru’s sandals. Adi Shankara says, “Salutations and salutations to the sandals of my guru that is a boat which helps me cross the ocean of life.”
Next there was Mohanji’s feet pooja, where 108 flowers were offered as a group to the mould of Mohanji’s Feet with the chanting of Mohanji’s Padam Pooja mantras.
After Strotra chanting, there was also Abhishekam of Shri Vasuki, who protects Mohanji at Merudanda ashram. Full Mohanji pooja followed including khalsa stapana and homa. Homa was performed with offering to Shri Mahamritunjaya, the deity of healing and protection. Sankalpa is for healing and blessing Mohanji’s physical body.
The afternoon programme also included Mohanji gayatri chanting and Abhishekam of Narmada Shivalinga.

By Sulosh Pillai
Today our cancer outreach in Polokwane went to an informal settlement to render our screening and awareness program, So glad that we blessed to serve these communities, Thank You Transnet Foundation for your mobile clinic that reaches the most vulnerable communities that is otherwise out of the radar! Cancer can be beaten! Be cancer Wise!
50 Underprivileged elderly folks were given warm woolen hats, with a scarf and gloves. We are deeply affected to once again see the poverty and suffering, and how blessed we are. We thank all the Gurus throughout the ages – this is our way of saying thank You.
We had the privilege of handing out 55 sets of woolen caps, each with hat, scarf and gloves.We were once again made so aware of the profound depth of poverty that millions are steeped in. Today we decided to focus on the elderly folks. There were so many different dynamics at play. Some of the people were suspicious because the history, namely “Apartheid”, where the indigenous African people were totally suppressed and abused by our so-called ‘white’ ancestors.
Then there were the ones who showed such joy, love and gratitude. The old Magogos (Grandmothers), and the old Madalas (Grandfathers) were so open to us, and we saw many a smile, some toothless grins also. It was a beautiful and infinitely sad all at once.
Our dear Riana could not unfortunately attend, she is snowed under with work, but they will be doing seva at an animal shelter soon.
We are so grateful that our Mohanji has inspired us to do seva with gusto and with deeply felt appreciation. We would also like to introduce Marina Coetzee, who will be going to India to meet Mohanji. Another shining soul. Thanks to Abby, Sue and Irene for joining us also.
We’ve realized that blankets are another huge need, and we’ll all do our utmost to see to blankets in this freezing weather, asap.
With love,
As the moon was waxing into a full moon of Guru Poornima, Manjari Rao shared Sant Kabir’s verses which sum up what or who a Guru really is…
Sab Dharti Kagaz Karu,
Lekhan Ban Raye.
Sath Samundra Ki Mas Karu
Guru Gun Likha Na Jaye
“Even if the whole earth is transformed into paper with all the big trees made into pens and if the entire water in the seven oceans are transformed into writing ink, even then the glories of the Guru cannot be written. So much is the greatness of the Guru.”
They had Power of Purity meditation followed by Mohanji’s aarti and online Satsang on the occassion of Guru Poornima.
We are grateful to have Mohanji in our lives. We attended the global satsang.
For the special occasion of Guru Purnima, BTW Macedonia gathered to participate in the first online Satsang with Mohanji. We chanted the Mohanji Gayathri, and collected Guru Dakshina. To mark this day and show our love for our Beloved Master Mohanji we planted trees in the yard of the Home for Orphans “11 October” in Skopje, Macedonia.
When we showed up with the proposal in front of the director of the institution, she was happy to accept our kind donation and did everything to help us realize it. Many kids showed up in the yard and wanted to help with the digging, planting, and watering of the plants. They were so joyful.
In the end we bought some chocolates for the kids and we bid farewell.
All throughout the tree plantation activity, from collecting the money, to buying the trees, and planting them, our hearts were melting from joy and gratitude for having an opportunity to celebrate our Mohanji’s special day. We were all feeling His heart-warming presence throughout the whole day.
Eternal Gratitude to our Beloved Master Mohanji,
BTW Team, Macedonia
Sabrina Koletic paid for the healing of a cat who has been in an infirmary for two months and Kristina Jelavic bought food for abandoned animals. Sanja made a beautiful video Mohanji – Manasa Bhajare Gurucharanam, a collection of various quotes on Guru principle and Guru – disciple relationship given by different saints and Gurus. Some of them are Sri Mohanji, Sri Yukteswar Giri, Paramahansa Yogananda, Neem Karoli Baba, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Shirdi Sai Baba, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Rama.
It is beautiful how people from the countries of former Yugoslavia (Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia) connect well to Mohanji. The more divided their country was, the more they craved for unity and oneness.
We are extremely thankful to AB Live for making the first online satsang possible on this very special occasion of Guru Poornima for us
It’s through their benevolent gesture of providing technological know how, equipment and an attitude of ‘let-us-know-how-we-can-help’ that the entire BTW family all across the world will be able to get darshan of MOHANJI
We thank our dearest Mohanji, our friend, philosopher, guide & guru for the beautiful message of Guru Poornima.
We Thank our friend Sandeep & his team for bringing the Whole BTW Family to rejoice with Father on this auspicious occasion of Guru Poornima.
Thank You all our lovely BTW Family without your love & support it wouldn’t be possible.

On 12th July, the auspicious day of Guru Poornima, beloved Master Shri Mohanji did Pran Pratistha of Shirdi Sai Baba Idol in South Mumbai. After that he performed Havan.
This Temple in South Mumbai is coming as a replica of Shirdi Sai Baba Temple. Shri Saibaba’s grand temple has been built in South Mumbai with the blessings of Sai Baba to fulfill the desire of Sai baba devotees.
Inspired and designed from the original Shirdi Temple’s Shri Sai BABA’s 5.3 feet idol ,this divine idol installed by Parampujya Rajayogi Sadguru Shri Mohanji Maharaj.
Accompanied by Respected Ved Visharad Shri Yashwant Bhaskar Paithan, great bhakt well versed in Vedas. Gratitude to Shri Dinesh Shah and family, the benevolent donor of the idols of Shri Sai Baba, Shri Ganesha and Shivalinga.

By Palak Mehta
On the blessed occasion of Guru Poornima BTW Pune decided to give food to the poor, hungry people after washing their feet and hands. This was Guru Bhiksha. Chanting Mohanji’s Gayathri during the seva. We intended that we offer food to our Master by feeding the homeless and do pooja of Mohanji’s feet by washing the feet of the uncared for.
Shubhangi narrates that even though she cancelled her participation because she had to go somewhere else urgently yet she still wanted to join others for the seva. She needed that extra push and right at the last minute when they were about to leave for the food seva got a call by the team, she could come back in time and jumped at the opportunity. She felt so good after the seva and thanked Mohanji for never leaving her. She says he fulfills all her desires always.
Palak writes,” India as a country has no dearth of poverty. Beggars, homeless destitute and addicts are ample in number. In a busy marketplace with profuse number of restaurants would also be a number of homeless at different junctions. It’s a convenient thought to assume that they don’t work, they beg while we work day and night. This makes us so insensitive and non compassionate towards this bitter reality that we acknowledge them as the street people. As if that’s where they belong and we cannot do or should not do anything to change that. Most of us walk past them without a single decent glance at their condition.
I saw some of their eyes again today. I don’t know their past, or why some of them were lying semi naked in dirty corners of the street, so lonely, unloved and uncared for, some probably hadn’t washed their hands with soap for months.. some were handicapped, some smelt of human excreta, some of alcohol, some of pain and loss and some looked like zombies.. but their eyes couldn’t lie.. their eyes had soul in them. It was the same soul as yours and mine. There was no difference between me and them. And we all know who’s consciousness was working through this experience. (Mohanji’s of course!) I clearly recall that radiance in the eyes of a young man who walked up to us.. his hands were black with dirt…. before giving him food we gave him soap and shampoo and helped him wash his hands with soap. Oh boy was he happy!

In the middle of the street at night he started to wash his face, gargled, neatened his hair, he felt so fresh after that and had a big soft and genuine smile on his face. When we gave him food, I automatically started feeding him the hot dal and rice with the spoon. Spoon by spoon I made him eat and he ate so gently and gracefully.. He ate like a baby! His eyes looked at me with so much love.. incredible. He must be around my age but he looked at me like you would to a mother. A very strong eye contact throughout. Black beautiful eyes.. just like the spark Mohanji’s eyes have But it was soooo loving! I’ve not had such a meaningful eye contact with so many people I’ve known closely in my life…
We could also give food to 4 dogs. It happened spontaneously. The last dog came out of nowhere and ate like a gentleman! Ok I’m not exaggerating, our driver who we met for the first time said, “Now this is Lord Datta.. !’’ (Bhagawaan Dattatreya had 4 dogs which represent the tradition)

Today’s seva truly transformed me. We could spend time with each person we did seva for. We washed their hands, spoke to them, opened hot food and served them each dish, sat with them, fed some, hugged some, they felt human.. they felt loved.. we felt loved.. love is the only universal language. Love needs to be expressed more tangibly. I cannot imagine a life without serving these people in some way or the other. Life would have been shallow, a meaningless self centered drama of emotions had it not been for my saviour, my Guru, who not only taught me to serve by His example, by walking the walk, but also always gives the grace to aid the service. Always makes it happen, provides the needy, provides the material to serve the needy, provides the people who would assist in the seva (Service), provides the thought to serve, aiding our liberation and spreading love on the planet. My whole life can go by singing praises of my Guru and it won’t be enough. Nothing .. no expression can express even a fraction of the grace, compassion, love of a Master such as Mohanji. HE is the journey and HE is the destination.
The driver who went with us to for the seva was so happy he could come and said that his coming was arranged by Lord Dattareya. Need I say more ?
In gratitude,
BTW Pune
We had a divine Satsang and Meditation with Our beloved Biba ji today. At Patel Nagar… Followed by Food sewa in west and central Delhi distributes more then 300 food packets. In Gurgaon we had Cow Food Sewa as well after 5 pm. Love to all of you.

Cold sharbat was served at Madhuban Katra on Guru Poornima throughout the day. Quenching thirst of the passers-by and street people quenched our thirst to serve…
On the day of Guru Poornima, we dedicate this space to the thoughts of a person whose love and graciousness has touched a lot of souls, leaving each inspired, motivated and at peace with oneself.
Mohanji’s ashram Kud
Today on the auspicious day of Guru Poornima there was pooja, Bahajan, satsang and Food seva for the children at Mohan ji’s Ashram Kud in Jammu. The day was celebrated with great enthusiasm and seva bhaav. Here are some of the images of the occasions.

There was food seva in Dharamshala.

2 thoughts on “BTW Worldwide Guru Poornima Celebration 2014”
my herat is full of love for each of You, beloved ones!!! This is Love! This is who we are!!! One family!!!
Thank you Team Mohanji for your dedication, passion, time and efforts in transcribing and collating all the BTW 2014 Guru Poornima events. It was truly an unforgettable, heart swelling experience!!! Gratitude also to the amazing production team in India for making it happen. ♡