Dr. Deepali’s First Shaktipat Giving Meditation

Shaktipat - the Master Switch to the higher levels of subtlety


Dear Biba and Mohanji, 

This is about the first BTW in Pune and the first BTW after I was initiated into giving Shaktipat……. 

22nd Jan 2008 – A17, Vijayashree Towers, Dattawadi, Pune

Hardly 72 hours have passed since I was initiated into Shaktipat and there I was, landing in Pune on Jan 21st. With Mohanji’s permission, I organized BTW meditation. 

Mrs. Vimal and Mr. Shrinivas and my dear and respected mother and father-in-law helped me a lot to get things organized. They have a big photo of Sai Baba and Akkalkot Swami. We kept those in the drawing room. With beautiful ethnic looking lamp and incense stick our decorum was ready. 

I had invited 2 of my friends whom I knew are deep devotees of Baba- Mr. Ramdas and Mr. Sudhir. We were total 8 people- my in laws, my son Mohanish and nephew Aditya, and my sister in law Neeta. 

I had given the time of 7.30pm and had informed that to Mohanji. I had constant anxiety about how would I know when should I start giving shaktipaat and where to give!!!! How would I know he is present!! He said that, “Deepali, you will be completely guided”. I had deep trust that I will be; I was lost on how. He asked me to send sms before we start but I did not send………….. 

One person was late but, sharp at 7.30pm my third eye and Sahasrara told me that Mohanji has arrived. I became a bit restless as I wanted to start on time. We started at 7.40pm without waiting for that person. After initial ‘Aum’ makar and breathing, I started the CD. The whole atmosphere changed drastically. Mohanji indicated telepathically very clearly about Shaktipaat…. when and where…… all was taken were. …. beautifully and methodically. …… no more anxiety. 

After meditation……….. all shared that it was wonderful, it was different. All had lost the sense of time and space the moment CD was started. Everyone gave different versions of when that last person came……… ha… ha.. !!! 

Mr. Ramdas 60 year old, real simple person said that he never thought he would sit at one place for such a long time. He said probably this is happening for the first time in his life. He felt tremendous energy surge during shaktipaat. He was so overwhelmed that for 1 hr after the meditation, he was sharing his life experiences with Baba… the way Baba helped him, saved him. 

Mr. Sudhir, paint technologist, said that he never experienced such peaceful sitting before. There were disturbances around but nothing disturbed him. He said, it was for the first time he experienced deep silence. He also said that thoughts reduced drastically after Shaktipat…. I felt it was very good understanding. 

My father-in-law who has read extensively about spirituality and vedic sciences said that he straight went into no thought zone. I noticed that he did not even raise his right hand for blessing. Rare indeed…. 

My mother-in-law who is always so deeply involved in pooja, was also not sure of sitting quietly for long time because of her join problems and cough. She stated that she had wonderful experience of silence and happiness. She actually wanted to laugh. She said “I had told Baba to take care of me and let me be able to sit for long time.” And she actually did. She changed posture once but she did not realize that! She was coughing a lot. I made her drink water in between, but she has vague memories of that! 

Neeta said that she was in a double mind of whether to come. Will I be able to sit? But she said that she did not realize the time. The most important thing she conveyed that was, “Deepali, I felt so safe when you were giving Shaktipat. I have never felt so before!” 

Aditya felt big energy travelling down from crown chakra….. the experience he never had before. He felt so much relaxed and rejuvenated. He was bubbling in joy for a long time. 

Mohanish said he was enveloped in the capsule of white light after the first Shaktipat. He experienced energy running everywhere in the body. He also had few muscle twitches and some of them were painful. Everyone enjoyed the meditation and Shaktipat, the concept which was so new to all of them. That only strengthened their faith in Baba. 

All felt lucky to have this meditation. I sincerely want to express my deep gratitude towards my Mother and Father-in-law, Mummy and Papa. They sweetly accepted my new role and helped me not only to organize but also encouraged me to progress. I am deeply indebted to them and indeed lucky daughter-in-law. 

This was my first meditation to be conducted ever in life. I thank all those who attended because they came out of total faith on Baba. I had just said…. I am conducting Baba’s meditation. Can you come? What a simplicity. 

Dear Mohanji, it was a wonderful experience conducting the meditation. Hope I was able to pick up your suggestions and have done it correctly. 

One sincere request, I need your photo nice and charged with energy. People want to see you also. Sorry for the long mail…. It is a story of the first achievement. 

In deep gratitude and complete surrender, 


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