Guru – Disciple Relationship

Written by Geetha

“The Guru is God Himself manifesting in a personal form to guide the aspirant. Grace of the God takes the form of Guru. The Guru/Disciple relationship is the highest expression of friendship for it’s based on unconditional love and wisdom. It is the loftiest and most sacred of all relationships.”


I consider myself  twice blessed as I had the great fortune of knowing two great saints at a very close proximity, apart from many virtual gurus. I met my first Guru, Paramahamsa Ramananda,  after my marriage, who initiated me into meditation out of His great love and kindness. Soon after that he attained samadhi at a ripe age of 93. Though I found his unmistakable guidance at every step of my life, my heart longed for a Guru who is approachable and with whom I could converse freely and satisfy my spiritual quest. I would fervently pray my Guru to bless me meet  a “true saint”.
My prayers were finally answered and  the auspicious day had come when I met Guru Mohanji. His unconditional love, compassion, warmth and friendly attitude stuck the chords of my heart. I started to feel that YES this was the Guru I was looking for. Other than praying Him sincerely I knew nothing. He would respond to the prayers immediately and  always said that ‘a true devotee’ is his weakness. I started experiencing a lot of spiritual upliftment in his divine presence and my family and friends also started noticing the shift taking place in me. Just being in His divine presence was enough to experience the change taking place mentally and spiritually.
One fine day Guruji called me aside and said that he wants to initiate me into  “Shaktipat”, so that I am helpful to the people around who are in distress to remove the negative vibes and blocks. Since He cannot be everywhere physically, he told me to do my part for the society. He assured me that it will be through me He will be operating and I  being only the medium. My happiness knew no bounds as this was my mission in life, to be helpful to the people around. I was wondering how a True Guru understands the psyche of His disciple. I just couldn’t thank all the Gods and Gurus who were guiding me above for giving me this rare opportunity to help others.
I noticed on my first POP meditation Guruji’s hand doing Shaktipat to me first. When I started to give Shaktipat to my friends, I strongly felt the invisible hand of our Guruji over mine. It was blissful to feel how a True Guru keeps up His word.
I messaged my experience to Mohanji for which he said he was there during the meditation and he was very happy the way it was conducted. Last but not the least, in his usual sense of humor he said that the “dosas” which I made as an offering to him were very delicious. What a fortune it was to hear this.
When a Guru’s grace falls on the disciple, so many bad karmas gets washed away due to their compassion and benignity. All that we need to do is to follow the Guru’s teachings and love Him sincerely from the heart.


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