Krishna – The One and Only Truth of my Life

Written by Deepa Nair

27th Aug, 2013

On the occasion of Janmashtami I wish to share the truth existence  experienced during last 4 years. It is Krishna and nothing else. But the truth was shown to me after several tests only. When Vivek, my son left his physical body I could feel the strong and loving presence of lord for the first time in life. Till then, completely lost in terrestrial existence I could never feel the love he was showering on me. On the 3rd day after Vivek left us lord came to my hand in the form of Bhagavatham. Ever since lord is guiding me with his unconditional love. Lord asked me to see my child in all the children and serve them selflessly. He showers endless blessings to his devotees.

Soon after Vivek’s death I got the fortune to meet lord as a young boy in Guruvayoor temple who assured me that Vivek is safe in his abode. But illusion is so strong that it keep on creating doubts in the mind of devotees. The kind lord answers all prayers of his beloved devotees again and again.

In the path of liberation whenever I stumbled, lord sent his representatives to pick me up and lead me forward against all odds. There are numerous occasions like that.

These tangible experiences prove lord’s immeasurable love and kindness for his devotees. Two of them I want to share with you.

Although I was getting profound experiences in POP meditations, I had doubts about possibility of hallucinations. Some external opinions added to it. I prayed to Krishna intensely for help. Shernazji was the instrument to clarify this doubt. One Friday I could not attend the group meditation and I meditated from home. Then  I had a beautiful vision of lord Muruga blessing me. Next day Shernazji took me to a swami who is in the consciousness of lord Saravana. Without any enquiry swami told me that he came in my meditation to bless me. He assured me that I am going to have a soul union with Krishna soon.

The next one is the most profound experience I had. I lost my son at the age of 38. Due to tubal sterilisation which I had done and my age doctors were negative about the chance of having another child. But due to intense mental depression I was not able to digest this fact and went for the treatment. There was no result and after one year I left that desire too. On my birthday on March 2012 Baba sent me blessings in a unique, miraculous way.

I had earlier mentioned about Mukundanji in Dubai famous for Baba’s consciousness. That particular day I was in a very bad mood feeling the emptiness and with a troubled mind I was spending the day. Suddenly I felt the presence of Baba with me and started meditating on him. I had a clear vision of Baba blessing me putting both hands on my head. In a trance state I phoned Mukundanji. Usually I never call him and he will not go to bless anyone unless Baba asks him. When I called him he was surprised. He asked me to come down from the flat. It was a surprise for me. There is at least 20 min driving from his place to my home. But when I reached down I saw Mukundanji waiting for me. He was taking the blessings to one of Baba’s devotees and when he reached near my home Baba asked him to give it to me. He gave me some rose petals from Babas garland in Shirdi and asked me to keep it with me in my bedroom. Baba’s message was to keep faith and rest is assured.


During the Kailsh Yatra I was cleared of many of my past lives karmas by Mohanji. Again in many dreams, lord asked me to keep faith in him and serve unconditionally. In the month of August I had the most powerful astral journey. Sree Sathya Sai Baba came in my dreams for the first time and lead me to the abode of Krishna, taking my hands. I wish I could share the beauty of that experience in words. I saw my child and many other children in lord’s abode. When my body was lying motionless in Sharjah, the real me was taken to different astral planes. I could feel the oneness among all, could experience the detachment and finally I had the bliss of merging to Krishna consciousness. Lord asked me to take pilgrimage with my family to fulfill certain vows and towards the end of it I got the miraculous news that I am blessed with a baby. We got Anagha Lakshmi on 22nd April, 2013. Now when I turn back and see the journey I can see that it’s all Krishna’s mercy. Again and again lord appeared in my life and he is the only truth. This journey will continue…

The power of pure devotion and selfless love can be experienced only with his grace. Even devotion is his gift. I am blessed with  the experience of lords mercy and love in day today life. I had doubts and had been judged wrongly for my devotion and love. But masters kept me under their protection. I had seen Krishna in my father, husband, children and above all in my guru. Today seeing Krishna in every being around me, I am able to face all the challenges with smile. “Whoever is your guru, surrender to the guru tattwa flowing through him”. Soul is much more powerful than body. This is my own experience in the path of truth and the messages I am getting constantly.

As a closing note I humbly invite the soul presence of all family members on the occasion of inaugration of “Vivek memorial hall ” in my small village. This too is a wish came true by master’s blessings. The inauguration is on 1st April at 3pm .

Wishing all of you Krishna consciousness.

Love Only.


5 thoughts on “Krishna – The One and Only Truth of my Life”

  1. Profound experience. Thank you for sharing
    Hari sundara nanda mukunda…
    hari narayana hari AUM…
    We dont know if we were there when Krishna was there in human form but now we have Mohanji, everything for us…

  2. The visions are always a question, yes? I once asked for proof–never doubting God–but always doubting me. And, miraculously, God found a way to “prove” it to me, silly little brain that I have. <3

    Congratulations on the birth of Anagha Lakshmi. Children are the greatest gift.

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