This Guru Purnima we have a great chance to show we live Mohanji’s teachings and be wealth to the world. He appreciates that as much as or even more than our words of gratitude. Maintaining our attitude of gratitude, Guru Purnima is an opportunity to be practical more than spiritual, to express love, compassion, generosity, beauty and truth instead of preaching about it. We analyse, understand, introspect, meditate or contemplate what we are, why we are and where we are going. Having accepted ourselves and situations as they are, we are sharing what we have. This first Full Moon day after summer solstice is the brightest and God-given chance to enrich ourselves from the inside, expand our hearts and in surrendering mode, feel fulfilment and completion.
You can watch or read Mohanji’s Guru Purnima Message 2017 here.
This is how countries worldwide celebrated it:
Mohanji doing Pada Puja to Nadananda and Mohanji’s devotees to Mohanji
“A pendant materialised on the bed that Mohanji was lying on. It looks like Mohanji was in a communion with Sathya Sai Baba and Jesus. Masters usually leave a trace to signify their presence. An amazing spectacle for us to witness on Guru Purnima. It makes me wonder if we have ever begun to understand the stature of Mohanji. Just like his Guru Purnima message, we just connect with him with the heart and leave the rest at his holy feet. Jai Mohanji!” Ananth Sankaran
“We met Avadhoota Prasobhji today – the Guru bhai (brother) of Avadhoota Nadanandaji. Avadhoota Nadanandaji was really looking forward to Prasobhji’s visit though he was unsure if he could make it. The people at the ashram told us that they behaved like little children when they were together. Pulling each other’s beard, poking each other, singing and dancing, etc.
For those who have not read the autobiography, Prasobhji is one of the three disciples whom Avadhoota Taramayee Ma asks to name a wish. Avadhoota Prasobhji made a wish to achieve her state. We were looking forward to get a chance to meet another great Avadhoota. He came in the morning. He was a very playful personality with twinkling eyes full of mirth and always ready to laugh. He would not accept money from anyone. He blessed all of us one after the other – punching someone, pulling another’s hair, etc.
Mohanji and our group went to meet him. When he saw Mohanji, he said Dattatreya. Guruji also asked him playfully if he saw Lord Datta. Mohanji took time out to sit with him for a long time. Later, Mohanji told us that he was substantial with powerful presence.” Ananth Sankaran
A poem by Namrata D. Prabhkar:
“Silence only silence all around me
Today I am alone just with me
But I don’t feel bored or lonely
Today I am at peace inside and outside of me
Today I am the journey and destination for me
Today I am the only reason for actions taken by me
Today I am the result of thoughts generated by me
Today I own the responsibility of BEING me
The change may not be absolute or error free
At times I am tempted towards my earlier me
Surrounded by self doubts want to give up on new me
But then silently dispelling darkness within me
Filling pure white light all around me
Comes my GURU, my guide MOHANJI
He is not present enough to touch his feet
Or to feel his hands blessing me
That is the beauty and magic of his personality
HE keeps the lamp of guidance burning for all beings
His consciousness invisible blanket of connectivity
The moment of Silence when even the breath is still
Is the time of awareness of being one with MOHANJI
HIS grace guide us towards the infinity
(me is not ego but the CONSCIOUS)”
Mohanji Team conducted “Power of Purity” meditation at 7:00am followed by Mohanji gayatri mantra and His aarti at Nizamuddin.
One more “Power of Purity” was conducted at Janak Puri from 4 to 6 pm.

Gurupurnima celebrations week by Ammucare and Act Angels:
100 Trees planted at D block Paryavaran park by Aangan kids on 5th july. 100 trees were planted and the best part was they were procured free of cost on 6th july we got it from the Government dept…
On 7th July 20kg Dana n water n wheat flour bread kept for birds in Paryavaran park by Aagan kids. Water bottle- feeder bottles made out of waste plastic bottles and jars.
On 8th july Bhandara at Aangan … about 80 children and a few adults enjoyed food which was yummilicious…
There was “Power of Purity” meditation at two places, one in the morning and the other in the evening.
Gurupurnima celebrations week by Ammucare and Act Angels:
Seva at Elderly home and Orphanage. It was heart wrenching to see how the parents are abandoned by their own. We served food and distributed slippers to them.
Gurupurnima celebrations week by Ammucare and Act Angels:
In Kolkata we had a beautiful day which started with magic show for some 45 children at CINI Asha.. this is basically a temporary shelter for runaway/abandoned/ sexually abused/ or children sold by the parents for money, who have been picked up from reached or picked up from railway station or some such place, these children don’t even want to go back home…it was indeed heart wrenching…but the children had a great time watching the magic show and dancing thereafter, all the volunteers too had a great time interacting with the kids…finally we served them sumptuous lunch of noodles, veg munchurian, sweets and mango…
Mohanji Team Kolkata
conducted “Bliss of Silence” Meditation, chanted Mohanji Gayatri and sang bhajans followed by aarti.
Gurupurnima celebrations week by Ammucare and Act Angels:
By the grace of Father we organised food sewa and medicine distribution at Old age home cum orphanage cum mentally challenged home. More than 136 people were served food along with tea…in the end smiley key chains n beads for ladies as a small surprise…
Mohanji Team Jammu
Celebrated Guru Poornima at Mohanji Sadhna Kendra in Jammu. The organiser welcomed all the guests, and the programme started with Ganesh stuti, Guru Vandan and Maa Saraswati upasana. After that there was Guru charan paduka panch amrit snana admist mantra chanting. Next attendees performed Maha abhisheik of
Guru Mandala and Bramrishi Mohanji Maharaj. In the end, there was Homa, Gayatri mantra and Mahamrityunjaya mantra chanting.
Gurupurnima celebrations week by Ammucare and Act Angels:
Food sewa for more than 100 children was organised in Jhansi.
Gurupurnima celebrations week by Ammucare and Act Angels:
In Bangalore 50 food packets were distributed.
Gurupurnima celebrations week by Ammucare and Act Angels:
In Pune as part of Guru Poornima we carried out Food sewa by distributing food packets to kids. We went around different areas having slums and offered puri sashi sweets to them.
Mohanji Team Pune
performed paduka pooja, chanted Mohanji gayatri mantra, conducted “Power of Purity” meditation followed by aarti.
Gurupurnima celebrations week by Ammucare and Act Angels:
Physiotherapy Workshop was organised at Sivanand ashram Palakad…
Gurupurnima celebrations week by Ammucare and Act Angels:

There was “Bliss of Silence” Meditation, Paada puja, Mohanji Gayatri chanting, and
Mohanji aarti.
Mohanji Team in Jamshedpur conducted “Power of Purity” meditation, followed by Mohanji Gayatri chanting, and Mohanji aarti.
Mohanji Team Chennai conducted “Blossoms of Love” meditation.
Activities in Kerala on Guru Poornima Day included Pooja and rituals at various temples in Mohanji’s name. In the morning and in the evening, the team did Aarti and chanted Mohanji Gayatri mantra.
Special archanas were done at Guruvayur temple.
Gurupurnima was celebrated in Hyderabad with a blissful session of Power of Purity Meditation.After that the Hyderabad team had a wonderful opportunity to meet Mohanji on the same day at the Hyderabad airport.
“We celebrated the occasion by chanting the Gayatri mantra followed by the Power of Purity Meditation Shiva Kavachamstrotam and Mohanji Aarti.
A few new people joined us and even they felt the intense energy as we started the chanting. I could feel waves of energy rising from my body right up to the head as I started chanting. Some could not explain what they felt and some felt their bodies vibrating. One person shared that she felt so connected to Mohanji, a feeling which she had never felt before.
What a joyous occasion paying gratitude and love to our guru Mohanji and receiving so much blessings in return :)” Bridget Chen
We celebrated Gurupurnima in
Dubai : chanting Gurupaduka Stotram followed by Mohanji Gayatri and Mohanji Aarti
Sharjah : Sai Satcharita reading, followed by POP meditation and Mohanji Gayatri
Abudhabi : Gurupooja and Power of Purity meditation
ACT South Africa
ACT SA celebrated Guru Purnima with continuous Seva for 5 days. Firstly lunch was served to 60 children in squatter camp.
Next day 120 children were taken to Nature Reserve. 3 buses full of very excited children enjoyed the whole day of fun learning about animals. ACT joined another organisation for this day to happen.This was first time all 120 children went to an outing. ACT provided for picnic breakfast and lunch was served after the outing.
Following 2 days lunch was served for 150 children that attended whole day fun holiday program in Shumbashaba also in cooperation with some other organisations that made these 2 days memorable for children from nearby township.
Food hampers were given to 5 volunteers that help ACT team cook every Saturday at ACT permanent kitchen in Johannesburg.
On Sunday food was served to homeless in Pretoria. Many volunteers came to assist to proved for a warm meal to people in great need. Each person received a food hamper as well.
Shelter for abandoned girls has received food and clothing donations from ACT team as well.
Mohanji Team South Africa
“On the 8th and 9th of July we had a 12 hour chanting. We have this on a regular basis. We started around 6 pm and chanting until the next day 6 am. We connected each other via Zoom. So there were participants from Dattatapovan ashram in Durban and Johannesburg centers. The entire night we chanted the mantra and did continuous abhishek to the shiv lingas which were brought by the devotees. It was roughly 20 min per devotee. Swamiji (Swami Mohana Bhaktananda Bharati) at the ashram guided everybody through the chanting and Mohanji also took time to connect via Zoom whenever he could. We ended the Guru Poornima day by Mai-tri healing where we had around 40 Zoom sessions. Thank you Viji for hosting the healing for everybody. Jai Brahmarishi Mohanji” Mitesh Khatiwala
The USA family of Mohanji started the Guru Poornima offerings to the golden feet of our dear Mohanji on Saturday, June 17, 2017 with a twenty-one days vow of group Consiousness Kriya practice and the Blossoms of Love meditation practice. The two separate groups consisted of participants around the US. Kriya practice was done individually with a few group practice by audio conferences during the 21 days period. Blossoms of Love meditation was conducted every day at 9 pm and the group from the East and West coasts of the US came together to offer their love and gratitude. We completed the 21 days vow on Friday, July 7.
On Saturday, July 8, a grand Guru Pooja was conducted with several devotees gathered in Virginia and several others participated from around the United States via zoom video conference. We started with the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra chanting and followed with Mohanji Ashtortri and Mohanji Aarathi and offerings of flowers and prasadam. Our Pooja coincided with the timing of the Guru Puja events at Siddhaganj Kurnool where Mohanji was performing Guru Puja to Guruji Avadhoota Nadanandaji. At the end of our puja, we, as a group were able to witness the Guru Puja conducted directly to Mohanji at Siddhaganj by our beloved family members of the India team. We are all really blessed to witness this together.
Individual mediation and Conscious Walking sessions continued to take place in a regular manner. Two sessions of “Blossoms of Love” meditations were conducted for children in New Jersey.

ACT USA conducted several food seva activities during this period around the states. The team also had planned a Guru Poornima day food seva in Shirdi on July 9th with a goal of feeding 1000 people. But the donations exceeded the expectations. With Grace we were able to double our goal and feed 2000 hungry souls. Food seva was coordinated across multiple cities such as Shirdi, Katra, Shani Shinginapur temple and Kurnool as well. Gratitude to our Guru and the entire Guru mandala for the opportunity to serve.
In loving surrender, Jai Mohanji
“I wish you all a Happy Guru Purnima. To my beloved Sadguru, Brahmarishi Mohanji, I offer humble pranams over and over and deep, deep gratitude! I’ve composed a recording of “He Mere Mohanji”, which has yet to have voices added to the “response chorus” from devotees from around the world.” Natesh Ramsell
Param Pujya Mohanji,
“God is everything, Everything is god” Mohanji godliness quality is unconditional love,simple,humble ,kind mainly selflessness always giving giving to anyone whoever it is comes to him. Always ready to help anyone in physical or astral or any dimension without any expectations or conditions or anything..
Masters have rightly said that ‘In search of Light, ask for a Guru instead of God, for the Guru will lead you to the Light’.
Our humble prostration at the lotus feet of our beloved Master Mohanji on this Guru Purnima day. It’s because of HIM we are today what we are!
Indeed, Gurupurnima is a celebration. A celebration of having a Guru in our life who has not only showed us the way but walked the path and transformed our life.
Today’s celebration was for the Guru principle that we have been graced with, a small expression of gratititude for all that HE does for us.
“We were privileged to spend the last two Guru Purnima celebrations with you in the UK. We certainly missed you on this occasion. Nevertheless we had a wonderful satsang which was an expression of love and gratitude for everything you have done and is still doing for us. I remember you telling us once that our path and tradition is like the baby monkey clinging to the mother while the mother does all the work and climbs to the top of the tree. All we have to do is hold on. Please help us to hold on tight. We offer you our love and sincere gratitude for everything you do. With love from me and all the UK team.” Vijay Ramanaidoo
A song by Subhasree Thottungal:
Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur devo Maheshwarah,
Gurur sakshat para Brahma,
Tashmei Shree Guruve Namah.
“Tumhi ho Mata, Pita tumhi ho, tumhi ho Bandhu, Sakha tumhi ho.
Tumhi ho saathi, tumhi sahare, koi na apna sivay tumhare,
Daya ki drishti sada hi rakhna,
Tumhi ho bandhu, sakha tumhi ho.
On this occassion of Guru Purnima, koti koti pranam my Gurudev. As the song mentioned above, this is voice of my heart.
You are eternal consciousness to me starting from all possible forms to para brahma himself. I have no other goal or aim but to merge with you completely.
Let me serve you this life and for ever and be merged with you.
Let my remaining time to be unconditionally devoted and surrendered to you accomplished with my faith.
My Gurudev, excuse me for every mistake I do and guide me in the path of unconditional love and service.
This is my prayer to you today, on this pious occasion of Guru Purnima and every moment of my life.”
Jai Mohanji.
We started the Guru Purnima celebration with Conscious Walking in Novi Sad, Loznica and Sremska Mitrovica:
On the day of biggest full moon in the year – Gurupurnima, when we celebrate all that Guru principle represents (true knowledge and fullness that purity of love, selflessness and joy of giving truly gift us) ACT Serbia team experienced this fullness during a beautiful charity initiative when needy children were gifted their first ever experience of a play zone. Pastries, sweets and cake were out-shadowed by the sheer joy of playing – it was a blessing to witness this joy and activate the inner child in us as well. Gratitude to play zone “Blesavko” and all those who supported this initiative and made it possible. With love, ACT Serbia team.
“Our 3h long Gurupurnima program at Datta Tapovan in Novi Sad, Serbia was just amazing! 360 degree meditation, mantra chanting that made us intoxicated and then a 30 min Tibetan bowl concert. People were overwhelmed. My spine is still burning which is why I’m still not asleep … Forehead and crown chakra exploded, heart chakra during Arati in the end was super heated. Mohanji’s presence was felt big time! There were a couple of first timers and a clairvoyant lady called Lidia was one of then. She came to me with a big hug and said super happily, ‘I finally experienced Mohanji – boy, it sure was strong! My body is still vibrating. This was my best meditation experience ever!’ ” Devi Mohan
Mohanji team in Zrenjanin conducted “360 Degrees” meditation, chanted 108 times Mohanji Gayatri and did arati with a lot of love, gratitude and devotion.
Mohanji Macedonia started this year’s Gurupurnima celebrations on Wednesday with a big Food Seva for the unfortunate and homeless people. There were around 140 portions of warm freshly homemade vegan meals that we delivered. ACT Macedonia team coordinated this event with so much love and devotion and all who participated by any mean, brought food or helped it be delivered got many thanks and smiles from this people who hadn’t had a decent meal in months.
On Sunday morning like every week we had our Conscious Walking meditation. After the Conscious Walking, inspired by the Mohanji Youth Club – Macedonia we fed the birds in the City Park, and brought meals for some homeless dogs that we found on the streets. Many thanks to every participant in this action and the support they had given to the MYC.
The Gurupurnima Sunday evening started beautifully. We chanted Mohanji Gayatri Mantra 108 times and enjoyed Mohanji’s presence while doing the Power of Purity meditation. The energy in the room was shining. But the fun was just starting. Few devotees had prepared to preform few mantras which sounded magical. The atmosphere rose up to an even higher level. This inspired others to preform mantras that they enjoyed and we sang for the rest of the evening. Like every other celebration also this one came to its end. We did the ritual with fire Mohanji Arti after which we had a rich fruit serving in the name of Guru. Everything tasted delicious. As a cherry on the top we all joined to see and listen to the video message from Brahmarishi Mohanji that touched everyone deeply. So with big smiles on our faces and hearts full of love and caring we ended this beautiful Gurupurnima celebration.
“In the past 7 days I was presenting Mohanji’s meditation to the group of 40 people from different parts of the Spain. We are involved in summer program at the islands of Lastovo and Vis in Croatia. Experiences are amazing and many people expressed desire to learn more about Guruji. I myself am going through big shifts thanks to Guruji and Grand tradition. The biggest gift we can present in return is to spread their teaching and live it fully. On this day, I cannot imagine better expression of gratitude than seeing many new hearts melting in love and energy of Mohanji.
Thanks to Spain Team all these new people listened meditations in Spanish, this helped a lot as many of them don’t know English. It also sent a strong message that Mohanji is recognized as international spiritual figure. Thank you Spain Team for a great work, male and female voices in Spanish meditations sound amazing !
Enjoy a few photos from beautiful island 🙂 love to all!” Milan Bojic
In addition, there were also Conscious Walking and “360 Degrees” meditation in Croatian in Split conducted by Mohanji Croatia team:
On the occasion of Guru Purnima, ACT Australia explored the opportunity to be part of a community kitchen run by Compass Care non-charitable organisation by visiting their Sunday meal program.
ACT team was happy to understand their work and needs of people being served by this community kitchen.
In Australia food health n safety regulations are pretty stringent hence it is important to understand the process involved.
The compass care volunteers treats patrons very nicely, get engaged in friendly talks with them while they are being served food. When they leave , usually some take away food boxes/bread/ fruits/non-perishable groceries are distributed (these are the donations by businesses or individual) to them .
The people who come there are not always very poor or homeless but either sick, weak , lonely, old age , cannot cook food or in anyway doesn’t have means to put a plate on table through the day.
It’s about not only serving food but also about taking care of them emotionally and being human.
The volunteers of community kitchen were very welcoming and pleased to know About ACT foundation work.
My daughter who is 11 years old also joined me as she has keen interest in social service.
We donated some non-perishable food items to this community kitchen on behalf of ACT Australia.
“On Guru Purnima, we went to Shirdi Sai Temple on Sunday. Fathers presence was there. Prevern was cold and I was stone cold. We did have a wonderful time with the bhajans performing.
We also took a tray of can food so that they could distribute it to the needy. Fed the birds daily.We will feed the homeless this Saturday.” Sandra Naidoo