Written by Nikunj Naredi
With immense gratitude I want to share two recent experiences of how Father “Mohanji” watches out for all of us and in his own beautiful unusual ways keeps guiding us .
I have been staying in Mumbai for the past couple of years and last week moved back to my home town Jamshedpur where my parents stay. With Father’s permission I want to set up a center here facilitating meditations, Conscious Walking and Seva activities. To initiate it I decided to go for Conscious Walking the day before, along with my parents.
We, especially my parents, had a hectic day so I volunteered to wake them up. I was to put an alarm for 5am in the morning. But just when I went to bed I received a call from a friend and after finishing the call forgot all about the alarm and just dozed off in seconds. Suddenly in the middle of the night I got up and the only thought I had in my head was I had not set the alarm. I checked the time and it was 3.15am. And the next thing that occurred was that it was Father who woke me up to remind me about setting up the alarm which I did at 3.15am. So that I don’t miss my first Conscious Walking, especially when I have taken the responsibility to facilitate it.
It’s difficult for me to explain but I actually experienced his guidance during those few minutes when I got up in between that deep state of sleep. Had I not woken up, I would have felt I let myself down but that’s not possible when he is watching out for us. I was careless about the alarm but the intent for the Conscious Walking was genuine and strong. Father ensured what was intended got materialized. So we had our first lovely successful Conscious Walking even if there were just three of us.
Even more amazing was an incident that took place the next day.

Yesterday, yet again I overslept having slept late. I was supposed to get up early, meditate, go for a walk and then finish some work. But at around 6.50am my mother noticed a maina (bird) in the balcony outside my room, who was refusing to go and it kept knocking at the air conditioner of my room. Out of the blue my mother had a thought (which she told me later) – that Mohanji had come to wake us up, so we could start work again. And just then she called out to me, asking me to wake up and co-incidentally I had just woken up.
Also I checked with Father, when he confirmed that it was him, and followed by motivating me to work hard and wake up, which clearly means to get going with my responsibilities. I was so amazed and actually it was a reality check for me that father with all his many children, takes care of them individually. So the least all of us can do is to be honest in our efforts. It’s humbling of how he makes us realize his presence in our lives and gives us assurance that he is here to guide us even when our behaviour is sometimes stubborn, irresponsible or reckless .
One important lesson to learn is to put in our best of efforts and results will flow. Amazing are his ways to teach us the very simple but very important lessons of life which we sometimes forget or ignore. Love you Father.
Feeling blessed,
Nikunj Naredi
3 thoughts on “He Watches All of us”
Yes . Father is always standing right by each of us. He is the wind beneath the wing. He is the courage which I need. He is the medicine which heals me. He is the grace of supreme almighty showered on each of us. My complete self and love and Pranam to Guruji . Our light and guide as each of us know how He is constantly standing tight by us.
Yes indeed. He is watching over us. And lovingly guiding us, even though we become irresponsible, falter etc etc. This is my first hand experience too and am sure are many others experiences too..
I received an answer by this blog.
O Mind, do not pose any more doubts for what my Guru knows me and accepts me with all my weaknesses.
Jai Gajanan Maharaj
Jai Mohanji