These are two testimonials that show the presence of Gurudev Mohanji in our lives. All that is required is remembrance!
by Brinda Menon, India
If you think of me, I am with you!
The above reassuring words of Gurudev Mohanji always resonate in our hearts. During a recent episode, my daughter, who is in 12th grade, was stressed while preparing for her unit test exams. She felt she had prepared quite well for her forthcoming exams. Despite this, before the exam, she was stressed out as she felt she was blanking out intermittently, and this demotivated her a lot.
However, whenever stressed, she has the habit of listening to Mohnaji’s voice messages of her old birthday wishes. It makes her feel very relaxed listening to the words echoing, ”I am with you always”, along with a powered birthday wish with his blessings. The words, “I am with you always”, are very true.
There have been times when she felt close to tears, demotivated, with a fear that she would not be able to recollect anything and would go blank. I always encourage her to remember and pray to Gurudev Mohanji and to be assured that her efforts will not go in vain, as I believe that sincere efforts never go to waste. She has been doing well consistently due to her efforts and grace. Even a tiny prayer with bhaav is heard, there is no doubt about this.
She recollects listening to Gurudev Mohanji’s voice message amid tears and with a fear of not being able to complete the revision before the exam in the past. It has always helped her.
This time again, the night before the second exam, around 11.00 pm, a big chunk of her portion remained for revision. The syllabus being vast, it would have normally taken a considerable amount of time to complete it. She was flustered, wondering whether she would be able to complete the revision, and so decided to listen to Mohanji’s greetings. The minute she heard Mohanji’s voice message, she felt a reassuring divine presence that calmed and energized her completely. And that boosted her confidence immensely. Surprisingly, she could complete the balance portion within an hour that night, whereas earlier during the day, it was a great struggle to complete it. The speed at which she completed the revision was surprising.
Another instance was during the following exam when she had almost given up hope and was doubtful if she would be able to do a complete revision of the topics at least once before the exam. Like always, she prayed to Mohanji sincerely to help her do well while feeling hopeless. She felt the same divine presence again and she could complete the revision, feeling fully energised, and went smiling for the exam.
During one of the meetings with Gurudev Mohanji, he confirmed his presence, reassuring us that what we both sensed was indeed real and not a coincidence.
Mohanji’s words are indeed true: If you think of me, I am with you. Physical proximity is not required if you remember and seek help from your Guru ‘Dil se’ (from the heart).
My daughter has also noticed at times, when she only had a few minutes to complete her exam paper, a helping hand would speed up the writing, and much to her surprise, she would complete the paper on time.
All we need is to put in our sincere efforts and hard work, and the rest is taken care of by the divine.

by Garima A
Last night, I was walking back home. In my country, we can’t trust policemen or pass by them if we are not following the suggested dress codes. So I had to choose a dark and quiet street instead of walking down the street full of police and people to avoid the policemen.
In my country, we have to follow strict rules about how we dress as citizens. If we don’t, then we are criminals by law. As I wasn’t following those rules that day, the situation was hard for me. There are hundreds of policemen in every street, arresting people for this matter. So, when I mentioned that I couldn’t pass the street that had policemen, I mean officers are there to arrest people like me. The other street was dark and quiet, and there was a possibility of thieves and dangerous people, so I was sure if I walked into that place alone, I would have been robbed or harmed by them. I also had my phone with me, that could be stolen.
I felt that this dark street was dangerous and not safe at all. So I started praying to Mohanji for protection but I couldn’t go any further. I ran back to the crowded street; I didn’t know what to do or where to go. For a few moments, I just waited there and asked Mohanji for protection. I asked him to look after me so I could pass that street safely.
At that moment, I saw a young policeman talking on the phone. I felt I could trust him, and I felt he wouldn’t harm me. I asked him if he could accompany me, and without any hesitation, he agreed to that. He left his current position, controlling traffic in a very crowded street, to walk me back home. I knew he might get punished for that. I didn’t expect him to go with me. When he instantly accepted my request, I felt that it was Mohanji, as if he was in that police’s heart and he was protecting me using that man’s body.
The policeman walked me through the street, and while he was walking with me, I wasn’t afraid of him or the dangerous street. I was sure that Mohanji was walking with me; he was there answering my prayers. Even after I crossed that street, the policeman stood watching to ensure I reached home safely.
Mohanji has been looking after us even from miles away. We may know him by his physical presence and body, but I felt last night his consciousness and energy like hundreds of Mai-Tri practitioners connecting to him every day and working with his energy.
Mohanji’s consciousness has no limits and is unfathomable. It can protect all those who need protection globally. He can see us, hear us, and answer us when we call out or connect with him. His consciousness operates in different ways. I have felt him through Mai-Tri while my body and soul needed Mai-Tri energy; I have felt him while I was in the hospital in the form of a kind nurse or a wise doctor. That night, that policeman could easily have said no to me or even arrested me because of my appearance, but Mohanji was within him, so he helped me. You need to believe that he is always there for you, and he will be there, protecting you and looking after you. You just need to call his name and trust his powerful energy.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 1st August 2024
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Mohanji Testimonials team
2 thoughts on “If you think of me, I am with you!”
Very true. When I think of him. He is always there
Mohanji’s presence is felt when we think of him yes it’s true and I believe it . After chanting ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ for 27 days, I connected with him unexpectedly. I joined the Mohanji Family Kerala, and met so many great people. I’ve experienced his presence twice – a dream-like vision and a blissful, calming sensation. I believe Mohanji represents pure love and support, and as Brinda Ma’am mentioned in this article, I trust the divine will take care of the rest 🙏
Jai Mohanji 🙏