By Madhuri A, India
A story of love, faith and grace
I would like to narrate a couple of my deep, personal, and powerful astral encounters with Mohanji that showed me who Mohanji really is, his different operating dimensions, his supreme love, and also the manifestation of the symbol “Om” in the sky while watching Mohanji’s video. Until this moment, these were written only in my spiritual diary. But, as the Guru Leela book reading sessions are going on every Sunday on Zoom as well as on the YouTube channel “Mohanji and I,” I thought to myself that these leelas ought to be shared as a service to the Tradition.
Roughly two years ago, I was guided by one of the Mohanji followers to feed the birds regularly. I tried as hard as possible but couldn’t find the birds to feed. We kept food grains for birds to come and eat in our backyard but to no avail. Hence, I requested my maternal grandmother to feed the birds on my behalf. Without further ado, she started throwing food grains on her veranda, putting a sankalpa in my name. That day itself, she called and informed us that around 4 to 5 birds of different species came and ate to their heart’s content. I was happy to hear this.
My grandma did it consistently with pure intention. Hardly a couple of days had passed by doing this seva, I had a powerful astral encounter with Mohanji around 6 am. I saw myself in a room whose floor was covered with a couple of bird’s feathers. The room was pulsating with Mohanji’s energy. There were 2 chairs in the room. I saw Mohanji dressed in a golden kurta, come and sit on that chair. And an old man dressed shabbily, covering his head with shabby white cloth, and sat next to Mohanji on the right chair. I intuitively recognized him to be Shirdi Sai Baba. Sai Baba was gently swaying his head left and right.
There was a huge photo of Lord Shiva in that room just in front of where these 2 Masters sat. Suddenly, a huge amount of udi (holy ash) started pouring from Shiva’s third eye and collected at the base of the photo, forming a heap. That moment was so intense that I found no difference between the energy of Mohanji and Lord Shiva. I felt Mohanji is Lord Shiva and Lord Shiva is Mohanji. My whole body was pulsating with intense high energy, so much so that at one moment, I felt that I should walk out of the room, and I did the same after a while.

In this lifetime, I am not connected to Lord Shiva but only connected to the Avatars of Lord Vishnu like Lord Narasimha, and Masters of the Datta Tradition like Sai Baba, Narasimha Saraswati, and Akkalkot Maharaj. I didn’t feel like knowing much about Lord Shiva and his glory. But this direct experience from Mohanji made me understand how Lord Shiva’s energy feels, that too, experientially. I got a clear message through this encounter that Mohanji is truly happy with our tiniest seva.
I immediately called my grandma and thanked her by narrating my dream that her seva for the welfare of her granddaughter is reaching the Master. Just a couple of birds were fed and Mohanji was extremely happy and gave darshan! This experience was confirmed by Mohanji with a giggle when I excitedly blurted out this to him when I had the good fortune to talk to him over a phone call.
On an other occasion, I was feeling extremely low emotionally and blaming myself for some reasons. This made me feel very guilty. This kind of feeling rarely happens to me. Since I follow Mohanji’s teachings at the thought level, I hardly carry guilt, regret, or any other low-frequency thoughts or emotions because of their binding nature. I slept that night, keeping these emotions unresolved. In the early morning, I found myself with Mohanji astrally. We both were seated in my maternal grandparents’ house. Mohanji gave me a pleasant embrace.
What transpired next was hard to put into words. My every cell was bursting with supreme love. My whole being was melting in that love every fraction of a second. It was perpetual, so full of life. In this state of love, all the things that the material world could offer, from small to luxurious, felt trivial. In “Sri Sripada Srivallabha Charitamrita,” it’s written that Lord Datta’s love surpasses the love of crores of mothers. This embrace from Mohanji proved that to me, experientially. The embrace continued.
Suddenly, a couple of European Mohanji Acharyas came to meet Mohanji for his guidance. I told Mohanji that I was feeling fine and he could attend to their needs. Mohanji didn’t listen and like an extremely caring mother continued the embrace and did not let go of me. I clutched onto Mohanji like a baby monkey, and Mohanji, like a mother monkey, started knuckle-walking on the floor to meet the Acharyas without letting go of me! Watching the discomfort that Mohanji was going through, I gently loosened the grip only on my own accord, and both were separated from the embrace.
Then Mohanji caught hold of my left arm and asked with genuine love and concern “Are you fine now?” I said, “I’m very much fine now, Mohanji,” as I was totally drenched in the torrential rain of love, feeling expanded and abundant. Mohanji let go of me only after making 100% sure that I was fine and could handle myself on my own. Such was his concern and unconditional love. Experiencing this kind of expanded state cannot be a figment of my imagination, and my limited mind was completely shut off from that state.
I recount a story where Shirdi Sai Baba asks his devotee what does he want from him. Upon this a devotee asks for “Prema Bhava” (a state of unconditional love). Upon receiving this state, the devotee starts experiencing perpetual love towards all beings. While I recount this story and my astral experience, I feel like it’s time to redefine the meaning of “Love” as we human beings keep chasing vain glories in the name of love while the state itself is possible which is not dependent of any kind of stimulus.

Ever since I am connected to Mohanji, I have greatly reduced the consumption of news from the world and the nation. Earlier, it was the opposite. But one day, I felt like watching some news since the general elections were around the corner. After half an hour of watching the news, my whole being felt contracted with a feeling of no hope and peace. My mind and heart became negative with bad energy. So, to calm my mind down and positivize myself, I thought of watching some videos of Mohanji. I stumbled upon a video of Mohanji on the “officialPETAIndia” YouTube channel, where Mohanji emphatically talks about the atrocity that animals are facing and the importance of veganism. Click here to watch the video.
The video was about 47 minutes long. I was almost halfway through the video, and my heart felt expanded, and I felt much lighter. Then, I felt like I should take a stroll in my backyard before resuming the video. As I was walking in my backyard with my sibling, we both spotted a gargantuan sign formed by clouds in the sky. Without any confusion we both mutually perceived it to be an OM symbol. Hence, the picture was taken immediately. This is what we both saw in the sky that day on May 28th this year.

Thank you to Mohanji and the Tradition for their loving presence in my life.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 3rd November 2024
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1 thought on “Mohanji – the supreme love”
Jai MohanJI, Thank You !, Madhuri for sharing these Divine Experiences…Feel Blessed to read