Mohanji’s birthday message to all: A melting Heart
My Dear Embodiments of Pure Love
What is worth living for? What is real wealth? What is success? All of us would have had these thoughts at some point in our life.
Modern Education teaches us that material success is real success. It tells us that bank balance means security. And, assets means power. Conquests of materials and positions mean success in the world of duality, our waking state world. This is total and complete delusion. These never stay. These never pay. These never last. We came empty handed and naked. We shall leave empty handed and totally naked. But, when will mankind realize this simple truth? Or will they realize it at all?
A few moments of joy, a few moments of sharing, a few moments of bliss and love is all that we could earn in this life time. Whatever we collect from here are impressions of false pleasures. All things false collapse sooner or later. False becomes colorless in no time like imitation gold. Pure gold always survives time and keeps shining against all odds. We see many scenes as we walk this journey called life. People appear and disappear like butterflies. Everything is momentary and temporary. Nothing stays forever except our age old companion, our SOUL that walks with us every step like our ignored shadow, silent, witnessing and yet inevitable.
I always considered myself as a VVIP in this ocean of existence. Very Very Insignificant Person. The ocean of this layer of existence itself is so vast from the mind of a human being. It’s 7.3 billion people just on earth and still counting, plus numerous other beings visible and invisible. Among all these myriad expressions of life, what is one body with the name of Mohanji worth? How does this form and presence matter to this world? I live with this mindset which helps me stay totally grounded. All are equal and all are significant one way or the other. We should love all and serve all as ourselves. Nothing selfish is worth it.
Likewise, the birth and death of this form has no further significance than the birth and death of numerous forms each moment. As we speak, many are leaving and many are coming into this realm of duality. Those who are coming are coming here to feel the same things which we all have felt through our lifetimes – agonies and ecstasies of numerous patterns. Everybody born and to be born have experienced these waves of time and lived their life, collecting some pebbles of experiences, memories, and some desires. This is the only earning of everyone born in this world of duality. In short, the subtle seeds of the pending desires is all that we earn and carry when we leave. What else can we take home? What else can we carry with us?
With a melting heart, I write these words. I LOVE YOU. Each and every one of you out there. Thank you for taking time and wishing me, being in my company, loving me so much and praying for me. Above all, serving the helpless in my name. How can I even begin to express my gratitude? I am sure you see my totally melted heart. It is you that made this life worth living. It is nothing but your sincere love that drives this machine called Mohanji. It is your love that urges me and inspires me to do more and more and more. It is all you. I am you. You are my wealth, my health, my expression and compassion. You are myself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to each and every one of you who took time to wish me personally and write those beautiful words which urge the chronic introvert in me to move on with this incarnation further and further. I thank you again for waking me up to this life and walking with me, cherishing my existence, celebrating my birthday as if it is your birthday, which is true as when we met, we took a new birth. We became a new person, a personality. This is what each meaningful encounter does for us. We are reborn each time we connect and grow together. Hence, it is our birthday. Our DAY. The DAY to celebrate the core of ourselves; we as embodiment of compassion, embodiment of kindness, embodiment of supreme consciousness (Parabrahma) and Embodiment of Liberation. We are the walking and talking truth that we have always been searching around us. This moment is a moment to search within. A moment to recognize, feel, understand and connect with the truth that this birthday represents. The re-birth, the re-enactment, the supreme truth beyond all illusions. The real YOU. Hence, we celebrate our birthday and not just my birthday.
Thank you again, to each and every one out there who wished me, connected to me, did selfless services of multiple flavours which touched the lives of many people of different species and to all those who wished me through blogs, Facebook, WhatsApp and every other means. I cannot even begin to name all of you, except locations. When I say locations it is all encompassing – as in Mohanji at those locations or you in me. I am deliberately avoiding names here to avoid confusions and disappointments. Name is part of ego. We remain beyond the realms of ego, I hope.
Grateful to AMMUCARE and STOP the HUNGER team who served food to more than 3000 people only in various parts of India. Mohanji Ka Aangans, ACT LIFE, ACT BLOG, ACT Foundation of South Africa, USA, Serbia, Macedonia, UK, DATTA TAPOVAN South Africa and Serbia. Our family in Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, Malaysia, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Canada, India, UAE, Qatar and elsewhere.
My special thanks and gratitude to our ambassadors and team leaders who envisioned and encouraged such an overwhelming celebration across the globe. I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to the new (silent) global management team who without fail guides the team managers so efficiently and promptly. Thanks to the new Social team who are proving their efficiency so effortlessly and happy to see them grow. Thanks to the new Kriya team too. In general, I am happy to see the flow, the sincere enthusiasm, lack of ownership or ego, lack of inertia and self-inspiration at works which can be easily read as unfailing conviction. I was told that our posters are being shared by many through Facebook and elsewhere. The credit goes to the social, admin and creative teams who are giving birth to such enchanting posters based on my messages. The credit for so many likes and shares goes to you. You are truly helping to spread the message. Thank you. And superb pictures, guys… Special thanks to the inimitable Monja, Madhu, Palak, Biljana and Zoran. A good picture is worth a 1000 words. A great angle is poetry.
Thanks to the testimonials team and all those who are sharing your experiences through blogs, which is indeed inspiring and giving hope and clarity to many well beyond what we can see. I also came to know that some of you intend to write books and publish on us and our mission which is highly commendable. I wish this effort brings forth great success and fulfilment to you who are doing books. I welcome the new locations and those who are inspiring centers in new locations and also inspiring new activities in existing locations. You are doing a great job. We are looking at lot many new events such as trips to Kailash in August 2016 and Machu Pichu in March 2017 apart from the retreats in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnian Pyramids, Macedonia, USA and India. Apologies to Canada for reducing my time there which I am sure you will understand. Just to make you feel better, let me confirm to you that we also reduced my time in UK as well as South Africa. Time is tight this year.
Last but not the least, My special thanks to all those who are reading, sharing and following my messages and implementing them in real life. You are my inspiration. Your growth is my mission.

During His birthday, Mohanji was physically in India.
First, He spent some time with Lamperi Babaji. He longed to meet Him saying His energy, touch and feel are unbelievable. What a birthday gift!
Birthday celebrations continue with a day filled with charity initiatives and celebrations at all centers globally.
Here are some moments from one of the cake cutting ceremonies at Madhuban Katra, India.
Himalayas, Vaishno Devi Temple
While Mohanji’s birthday was celebrated worldwide by acts of kindness and seva, Mohanji celebrated his birthday in an understated manner, spending time at spiritual centres, and with children that he loves so dearly.
In the morning, a special havan (fire ceremony) was conducted. The havan room was charged with energy; as various offerings were made to the fire, the flames rose high. Multiple deities were visible in the flashes, a sign of acceptance and blessings.
Mohanji brought in his birthday in the lap of the Divine Mother at Vaishno Devi. He climbed up the holy mountain with a small group to seek Mata Vaishno Devi’s blessings.
The Vaishno Mata shrine is in the Trikuta mountains is believed to be the abode of 33 koti (type) deities.
It is believed that at some point of time each one of these 33 koti (type) deities have worshipped Goddess Vaishno Mata, and left their symbolic marks inside. It is also believed that during the pooja and Aarti, these Gods and Goddesses arrive at the Holy cave to pay their obeisance to Mata.
Mohanji cut a birthday cake that was specially delivered to him in Vaishno Devi with love.
Channi Himat in Jammu
Revered Shri Mohan ji’s birthday was celebrated with great fun, laughter and enthusiasm at “Mohan ji school of supplementary education for the underprivileged (MSSEU).
It was a dream come true for the children when the staff of the school came to know that Mohan ji himself shall be gracing the occasion to cut the cake and shower his blessings on everyone.
Mohan ji along with his guests from Coimbatore, Mumbai and Serbia were received by the founder of the school Mrs.Jyoti gupta, Madam Nirupma Chaudhary and others at the entrance and welcomed them with tilak and arti ceremony by the school children. The program formally started with Madam Nirupma giving the short information about the different activities taking place in the school from time to time. She also made aware about the different art and craft items made and displayed by the children to the invited guests.

Mr. Karan read the welcome address about the school and wished Mohan ji on behalf of the children while Muskan recited her small poem. Mr.Arihant Gupta sang a devotional bhajan with his guitar expressing his love for Mohan ji. Finally the group song was sung by the group of children. The birthday cake was cut by Mohan ji with the excited children. It was distributed among everyone present there. Later the food was also served to the children.
Mohan ji school of supplementary education for the underprivileged (MSSEU) extends its heartfelt gratitude and love to Revered Shri Mohan ji for inspiring and putting a seed in my mind to create this small temple of learning which used to be a small group of four to five children who would get together in the evening and I would use to teach them to make small crafts items like collage making, needle work on fabric and pottery etc. with my personal background as a law graduate with diploma in Textile designing and a small course in pottery.

The school was finally opened and named in the year 2011/12 on a small piece of land with the divine blessings of Mohan ji where the children who are down trodden and cannot afford to educate themselves are always welcome. Now the strength of the children has grown up to sixty and I feel so proud to say that the school has produced a girl student named Sobha who was able to fulfill her studies up to B.ed college and remain a part of the faculty here for a long time. I am thankful to all the teachers who have been a part of it from time to time especially Madam Nirupma who always takes lots of efforts in educating, shaping and guiding the children with great energy. The school is also thankful to its two new faculty members, Deepak and Ram pal for putting their young thoughts and ideas into the children’s minds.
(Founder MSSEU)
Ka Aangan in Jammu
He spent the evening with children in Jammu. He first visited Mohanji ki aangan, a school fit underprivileged children, where the children performed skits and songs for him, and handed him a number of creative birthday cards. After the cake cutting ceremony, Mohanji then served food to all the children and blessed them with peace and happiness.
He then visited Mohanji School of Supplementary Education, a school to teach additional skills, including creative and vocational skills, to children. The children displayed their creative talents in poetry, singing, art work and painting.

Celebration of Mohanji’s birthday started with Padam Puja. Everyone applied chandan and offered flowers at His feet. We did Aarti an chanted His Manthras. Power of Purity followed after cake cutting and prasad distribution. Everything went off well because of His grace. All of us are grateful to be a part of it and felt truly blessed.

1. There was Food Seva in Tanal Balashram, Mayannur The team arranged food for 80 children.
See more at

Daily wage labourers were fed at Gurgaon on Mohanji’s birthday. These labourers did not find a job on that day and hence were fed a meal which would help them survive that day. See more at
Over 350 labourers given packed lunch at a construction site at Bangalore on occasion of Mohanji’s birthday.
See more at
Food sewa done for 60 destitute kids in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh by Bangalore team.
On this auspicious day of Mohanji’s birthday Mumbai did anadaan seva at Hanuman Tedki Mandir. This temple is believed to be here since the time of pandavs and it is here that Hanumanji, Maata rani and Ganeshi gave their blessings for victory to the Pandavas…the idol of Hanumanji is a Svayambhu.
It was a different experience for all. Freshly cooked hot food was served to many. It was nice to see them eat to their heart’s content. Many also took parcel.
This seva was a success due to the efforts of Manilalji, our volunteers Deepa, Ruchi and Ritu and last but not the least due to courtsey of our dear friends Preethi-Madhu, Priti-Kedar and Sharad; Rajesh and Seeta for their support.
Without the love and support of all these lovely people this seva would not have been possible.
Thank you all and heartfelt gratitude. See more at

Kolkata Angels celebrated Mohanji’s birthday at Atghara Jyoti Public School… a school run by an NGO for 100 poor children… the event started with a colouring activity for the children…they were gifted with crayons for the purpose…the children enjoyed the activity thoroughly…after that we had the cake cutting which all the children were looking forward to..the volunteers distributed the cakes to all the children and there was pure joy on their faces…finally we had Annadan of puri , subji and chole. See more at
Leprosy Home in Kolkata
Sewa was done at Leprosy Mission at Kolkata on Mohanji birthday. Things donated were apples, rice, dal, oil.
Furthermore, a Power of Purity meditation and aarti to Mohanji was organized on 23 Feb at Kolkata.
21 mentally challenged girls were fed in Kerala on Mohanji birthday.
515 orphans (both girls and boys) were fed in Delhi in Mohanji’s birthday. They relished the rajma, rice, cauliflower curry and rotis. They also got sweets on the occasion. It was heartening to see the smiling faces or hundreds of children all wishing Mohanji a very happy birthday!
Power of Purity meditation was organized in Jamshedpur to celebrate Mohanji’s birthday.
On this very day, Ammucare Charitable Trust launched a new Facebook page Ammucare Life and its Blog Site. The first blog on the site has been lovingly written by Mohanji himself, which you can read here.
A devotional video as a birthday gift compiled by your young devotees Apoorva Teotia and Aastha Teotia from India.
“You graced the world the day you were born and you have graced our lives every day since. We love you Baba”
Mohanji’s birthday was also celebrated in Tehran, Iran by Aniss.
This was a very special day indeed, in addition to Mohanji’s B’day it was also Chottanikkara Makam and Attukal Pongala (special days in 2 temples in Kerala). On this special occasion we had Power of Purity meditations in two locations in Singapore – one in the East and another in the West side of Singapore. After the meditation we did Baba’s Arti in our East location. We did Lalitha Sahasranamam and Kanakadhara Stotram chanting, following by Devi Aarti. All had a blissful time filled with divine grace.
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Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi had a get together at Anil Kumar’s residence. They had a Power of Purity meditation followed by Shaktipath. Later, they all chanted Mohanji’s Gayatri. One of the devotees made payasam (Sweet) and offered to Mohanji. Later, they had that as Prasadam. All in all, they had a blissful evening.
Abu Dhabi Team dedicated this Malayalam lyrics & it’s tune to you at Mohanji’s lotus feet on this auspicious day!
ജഗദീശ്വര ദേവ കരുണാകരാ
കനിവേകണേ എന്നിൽ കരുണാമയാ
വിരലാല് പിടിപ്പിച്ചെന്നെ
അകതാരിൽ എഴുതിച്ച ഗുരുനാഥാ
അകതാരിൽ എഴുതിച്ച ഗുരുനാഥാ
(ജഗദീശ്വരാ …)
അജ്ഞാനമാം അന്ധകാരത്തെ നീക്കി നീ
നിത്യപ്രകാശത്തിൽ ആനയിച്ചു
അമ്പത്തെട്ടക്ഷരച്ചാർത്താ ലെൻ മനക്കണ്ണിൽ
മങ്ങാത്ത പൊൻനാളം കൊളുത്തിവച്ചു
എന്റെ കണ്ണിലെ തിമിരത്തെ ഒഴിച്ചുവിട്ടു
എന്നിൽ അറിവിന്റെവെളിച്ചത്തെ തെളിയിച്ചു
(ജഗദീശ്വരാ …)
മായതന് മാറാലമൂടിയ മണ്ണിലെ
കാഴ്ചകള് നിരര്ത്ഥക വസ്തുവല്ലോ
ഉള്ളില് വിരിഞ്ഞൊരാ ബ്രഹ്മ സൂനത്തെ
കണ്ടുവണങ്ങുവാന് ജന്മ സാഫല്ല്യമേകൂ
പുനരാത്മാവില് നീയായ് ഉണര്ന്നു വരൂ
എന്റെ സഞ്ചിത പാപങ്ങൾ തീർത്തു തരു
(ജഗദീശ്വരാ ….)
Qatar had a small get together and a Power of Purity meditation.
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It was a joyous day indeed on Mohanji’s birthday as we were blessed with a new location and also a new venue to hold activities for Mohanji’s family here in Malaysia. Power of Purity meditation was held at both venues in celebration of the special occasion.
Mohanji’s birthday was celebrated with Power of Purity meditation in Johor:
Birthday greetings from Kuala Lumpur:
More greetings from Kuala Lumpur. One family member created lovely rangolis at her home in celebration of the special day.
Birthday greetings from Serbia:
Mohanji’s birthday was an auspicious occasion for several activities streched throughout a few days.
First, a spiritual center Datta Tapovan was inaugurated in Novi Sad, Serbia. The programme started with a prayer for success, prosperity, love and light for all beings on the Earth and for the love and light to always be in this place, so that its energy heals ad elevates one who enters it. Then an oil lamp was lit in front of Shirdi Sai Baba’s icon by Devi and Mila Mohan, after which we chanted mantras. Thus energised we had a Skype satsang with Mohanji and did aarti.
There were also 360° meditations in Novi Sad and Belgrade, and on the very day, The Power of Purity meditation in Obrenovac.

Charity work included a visit to Children’s Shelter in Belgrade. The team donated clothes, shoes and toys and also purchased various items that were marked as most needed (socks, underwear, hygiene items, hair dryers, etc.). See more at
Children enjoyed thoroughly a lovely heart-shaped cake as well as a white board on which they wrote beautiful expressions of love and gratitude.
On the very day, there was also a small meditation, Mohanji mantra chanting and Arati to Mohanji at Datta Tapovan Serbia.

Macedonia team has gathered to mark Mohanji’s Birthday with a ecological event of cleaning up the Vodno mountain. We started the event with practicing 40 minutes of Conscious Walking in the woods of Vodno. Than we did a cleaning of one part of the mountain area. The atmosphere was elevated throughout whole of the gathering. See more at
We finished the event by cutting and eating a vegan made cake especially for Mohanji.
Event ended with Mohanji Aarti with the best of wishes for Father’s Wellbeing.

The Hungarian team celebrated with Power of Purity meditation in Budapest.
We experienced renewed energy and enthusiasm as we came together to celebrate Mohanji’s birthday!
Here are the highlights of the various activities that were organized:
Food Seva:
On a cold and rainy morning of Sunday, February 21, our team served some hot soup, bread, pasta and sauce and cake at the Embry Rucker Community Shelter in Reston, Virginia. About 60-70 men, women and children partook the meal.
Conscious Kriya Practice and Power of Purity Meditation:
Later in the evening we met for Conscious Kriya followed by Power of Purity Meditation. The meditation was intense as Mohanji’s presence empowered the environment with peace and bliss within and outside.
Group Chanting:
On Mohanji’s birthday, February 23, a few of us joined together for a beautiful evening of chanting and prayer. We all chanted the Guru Stotram, Mohanji Ashtotra Namavali and other chants including the Mritunjaya Maha Mantra and prayed for Mohanji’s good health and long life as He walks this path of our grand tradition, uplifting and liberating seekers. We are every so grateful for his Grace upon us to allow us to follow Him in this life’s journey. As we ended the evening with Aarti, we were totally surprised with an opportunity to talk to Mohanji himself. As usual when Ganesh sent the pictures of the evening, Mohanji asked that we call. We were fortunate to convey our Birthday wishes directly and naturally the evening lit up with thousand lamps as Mohanji talked to everyone and the house was filled with laughter and joy, as wishes for Mohanji started early morning on April 23 from one end of the planet and went day long and night long and culminated as we ended our April 23 and Mohanji began April 24 in Dharmshala. How Beautiful…
Skype Satsang with Mohanji
The awesome week ended with a fantastic Skype Satsang with multi locations in USA – Virginia, Connecticut, North Carolina, Kentucky and Michigan. As Mohanji was answering the questions by some seekers, everyone present got their unasked questions answered. One of the newer members of our team, Reyes Gonzalez-Gutierrez from Spain had a question on what is prayer and how to pray to which Mohanji so beautifully explained: “The best prayer is the prayer of Gratitude. From outside you only see one form, the form is only a representation of your total constitution; the form is not you 100% as it does not include the total consciousness which is ever present. The moment you start connecting to you within, you then see the heart beat is happening evenly, beautifully, the breathing, the respiration, circulation, digestion, mental waves, connection of nerves everything is synchronized and you will see you as a full universe within you. When you connect with that universe within you, you are connecting with God who runs the universe. What is outside of you is just the reflection of what is inside you. Once you are aware of this whole point, huge gratitude will happen. That is the best prayer ……..if you clearly understand this, you will be clear about existence and there will be no ambiguity, you will love everything around you and yourself.”
Thank you, dear Mohanji, from the depths of our hearts. It has been an incredible journey and continues to be, as we live and learn by our experiences and continuous contemplation which you help us and guide us go through. Deepest gratitude and love as we await your presence in about a month.
Vardhapan……Mohanji’s Birthday Celebration – Toronto
The Divine Celebrations for The Divine Soul Mohanji Started on Friday 19th with an extremely intense POP session. Deep silence and a broad smile on faces spoke all. Strong energy was felt by devotees connected by the phone for meditation as well. Though they were on the other side of the phone, they felt cool breeze and felt shivers and goose bumps during this session. Mohanji’s ways are unfathomable
On Saturday the 20th, The Sun was at His Glory, bright and Powerful. As though Mohanji was giving us a message in the subtlest manner “I AM WITH YOU”. The day started with Mohanji Invocation and Mohanji worship. This was followed by Mohanji Paad Pooja (Sandals) with saffron and Rose water.
At some point one of the devotees felt as though Mohanji was physically sitting in front of him and She was actually washing Mohanji’s Lotus Feet, Silent tears of Gratitude drenched her heart within. The 108 names of Mohanji chanted were felt strongly each time Abhishekham was performed. Another devotee felt as though she had a Déjà vu. Sweet loving tears flowed down her eyes in the warmth of Mohanji’s presence within and around her. She said washing Mohanji’s feet was a yearning she had from Lord Jesus time and that Mohanji fulfilled her wish in this life.
After this Divine experience we chanted Mohanji Mantra continuously for two and half hours.
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With each mantra chanted a pinch of rice grain was held against our heart chakra and then offered on Mohanji’s Lotus Feet. The rice grain filled with divine energy was later distributed amongst devotees as Prasaad. The chants grew louder and stronger, the senses within started getting dispersed. There was a time when numbness was felt in the body and mind. IT was so calming within. Altogether 21 Jap malas ( 2268 mantras) were performed. The energy and the enthusiasm amongst us was amazing. At the end we all did Aaarti , Mohanji was gearing the program with full vigour. HE ALWAYS DOES HIS JOB!! After performing the naam jaap, the rest of the day our minds were silent to an extent that we felt like we tasted the Thoughtless State
While gracing us with his Mantra Mohanji had said that it draws energy from him and even if a million people draws energy from him it will just be like a bucket from the ocean. In these turbulent times chanting a mantra not only gives us the strength to bear the unforeseen but heightens our awareness and keeps us connected to the One Consciousness which Mohanji represents.
21st February, Sunday morning breakfast sandwiches of cheese, peanut butter and jam was prepared along with cookies and juice for the needy and handed over to The Sathya Sai Centre of York Region. Later the volunteers in the centre distributed amongst the homeless and the needy in Toronto downtown shelter. See more at
Satisfying someone’s hunger is Mohanji’s prime priority which has taught us how we can share more and more. Gratitude in the Lotus Feet of a Divine Master for walking us the Path of Unconditional Love, Compassion and Service. A devotee informed us that it was full Moon Day and performing Havan would be most the most sacred worship for Mohanji’s birthday. Hence in the given time a Havan was performed and the energy that filled us up was to the brim. Again he showed his presence by accepting everything that was offered in the Havan.
Monday 22nd the celebrations continued with POP meditation in a Coporate office. People felt light and relaxed.
Tuesday February the 23rd, The Day a Great Master, a Divine Soul chose to walk this Earth out of sheer compassion and love for his people had arrived. All were so excited. The morning started by offering Shawl and food to Shirdi Sai in The Shirdi Sai Temple. Sai Baba looked so happy and gracefully accepted the shawl; HIS smile said Mohanji is happy.
Mahamrutyunjay Yagna was performed in the evening for Mohanji’s good health and Long Life. It left us speechless. Aaarti was performed at the end.
Swami Bhaktananda (First Disciple initiated into Sanyaas by Mohanji) had beautifully explained the importance of doing Aaarti. The flame that we light and rotate in front of our God/Masters image/statue with faith and devotion represents the fire element that every person has in their body. As we know Fire destroys everything that comes in its contact, doing Aarti increases the vigour of fire element in our body and cleanses us of all the impurities and negativities that we gather in our day to day life.
These little gestures were a way to show our love to our Master. This is nothing compared to what a Master does and goes through for His Devotees. HE never asks or wants anything from anyone, our happiness and our journey inwards is all that HE is working for day and night. We pray together that this light called MOHANJI that has been sent to us in this life brighten more and more within and we merge totally in this Glow. The celebrations were concluded by another Corporate POP session on Wednesday the 24th. Mohanji’s energy is always strong and loving. Neha who was conducting the meditation had a profound experience of how a Masters grace can heal, this has been shared in another blog Mohanji hears the unspoken. All were smiles and thanked us for sharing this wonderful mediation with them.
Mohanji’s Grace knows no bounds! If emptiness is maintained within, one experiences HIS Grace in Leaps and bounds!!
Jai Ho Mohanji!
Jai Gurdev!

Datta Tapovan ashram
Written by Swami Bhaktananda Bharati
Nine days celebrating the birth anniversary of our Beloved Master, Guru, Guide and self…. Mohanji Navavarsana 2016 Celebrations. It was a spectacular event, with so many people having such wonderful experiences. The one outcome of these nine days, was that we all bonded even closer as a family. This to me, is the sign that Mohanji was at work. Thank you Babaji for every single thing that you do for us. How can we ever express how much we appreciate what you have done. If Ananta Sesha, with his thousands of heads cannot express your glory, how can we express even 10% of what your unconditional love means to us? Read the full blog.

Act Youth Ambassadors organised a birthday party for the street children round the shelter. They had a meal, sandwiches, cakes and sweeties. They received gift bags filled with cosmetics, little cakes, sweeties and chips.
Another volunteer
Could they take him to the taxi or give him some money? He said no leave me here I need to beg longer as I promised my daughter that I will collect enough for her school fees and I will not come home until I have enough.
Others gave him some money and our volunteer took the man in the car to rest a bit and asked him more questions.
He asked how much do you need for your daughter and gave him the full amount and then drive him to the transport home.
It was like living a dream the way it all happened. Mohanji’s grace flowed through the volunteer and with the awe and gratitude of a blind man completely transformed our volunteer. He said when you help someone you become as happy as they are!
Sulosh Pillai says, “There was an absolute shock and then total joy and a thunderous round of applause! as we announced that In honor of Guruji’s birthday all health clinic patients will get all their medication paid for by us! So proud to be an instrument of Kindness courtesy of Our Guru Mohanji! Blessings”
Keshnie Shanon Pillai says, “Happy Birthday to my beloved Mohanji. Thank you for all your guidance, patience and love. You give me the strength to stand. I hope everything I do is a testament to your unconditional love and nurturing. In honor of your Birthday my friends and I handed out pressies to all the children in the Paediatrics Ward of our hospital. With your grace we brought a little bit of laughter and joy to the lives of the most innocent and precious beings on the planet. Please bless them Guruji, that they are well soon. Let them be healthy and happy and take unconditional love forward to the world. Thank you to the mums of these magnificent kiddies for allowing us to take pictures and post them. Blessings all round”
Mohanji Birthday celebrations in Australia and New Zealand were mainly focused around Seva activities. In addition, a Power of Purity group meditation session was also held in Melbourne on February 23rd, and a Conscious Walking meditation was held in North Queensland on Sunday 21st. Thank you, Mohanji, for all the love, compassion, kindness and effort you have put into the realization of higher awareness, peace and non-violence on Earth. You have inspired and helped many to find meaning, truth, peace and hope in their lives. We pray for your long life and good health. Today we celebrate your wisdom and inspiration! Jai Mohanji! With love from Mohanji Australia and New Zealand Family.
On Sunday February 21st, members of the Mohanji/ACT Australia family visited the Maribyrnong Immigration Detention Centre a centre for refugees, asylum seekers and illegal immigrants. As access to this center is difficult, we worked with a volunteer organisation called Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project. They regularly visit asylum seekers at this Centre and take required aid to the detainees.
Our volunteers (Ananth, Raksh) spent a good 1.5 hours with inmates from Sri Lanka. They said: “We took with us some biscuits, fruits, dates to be shared with them and few others who were around at that time meeting their family/ friends. The stories of how they survived a 20 day boat journey, the hardships, the unforgiving seas, etc., can never be expressed by words.”
The second initiative through which we celebrated Mohanji’s birthday was donation of food items by Smriti on behalf of Mohanji/ACT Australia family members who are working with the Sacred Heart Mission in Melbourne to assist people who are homeless or living in poverty.
A beautiful Power of Purity group meditation session was held on Tuesday 23rd February in Melbourne and a Conscious Walking Meditation was held in North Queensland and Melbourne on Sunday 21st of February. Special video tributes marked these occasions.
Power of Purity on 23rd February
23.02.2016 The Power of Purity… – Mohanji Australia | Facebook
Conscious Walking on 21st February
Conscious Walking in Australia – 21.02.2016 – Mohanji Australia | Facebook
To celebrate Mohanji’s birthday, Mohanji New Zealand family members donated dog and cat food to the Auckland SPCA Animal Rescue Center. They also spent time feeding the wild ducks at one of the parks in Auckland. A truly beautiful, love-filled video tribute was made by Verona:
23.02.2016 A birthday tribute from… – Mohanji Australia | Facebook
There were also Power of Purity meditation and Conscious Walking meditation sessions organised in New Zealand.
Auckland, New Zealand – 2016 Glimpses of… – Mohanji Australia | Facebook
There were also individual wishes worldwide, to name a few:
Please have darshan of Sai with shawl offering for your auspicious day
Poojya Prabhu Sri Satguru Mohanji, Happy Birthday Prabhu Sri, May Lord Dattatreya Ji Shower upon you long life coupled with good health. May we aspire humbly to guide all of us to purity & divinity & total surrender at the master’s feet. Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram
With love & utmost devotion
3 thoughts on “Mohanji’s Birthday Celebrations Worldwide”
Thank you for posting this. I am overwhelmed.
May this spirit of kindness spread in each heart. May we be kind in our thoughts, words and actions always.
Jai Baba
I have a extended feeling of joy after having read the blog.
There is so much of team work involved in both execution of Mohanji’s path as well as compiling & presenting it in a professional manner. I convey my love to all in making our beloved Mohanji’s birthday a pious event.💖💖💖💖💖💖💖🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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