The 27th of April 2016 heralded an unforgettable day amongst the Mohanji Family of South Africa. Our Beloved Baba had returned to his humble abode in Durban. Devotees from all corners of South Africa (Johannesburg, Newcastle, Pietermaritzburg, Cape Town etcetera) and further afield from the United Kingdom waited in anticipation for their beloved father to take his rightful seat in the Ashram. The excitement was palpable and his arrival saw the crowd burst into all flavors of emotion from tears to laughter.
After welcoming Mohanji and performing Aarti, a well-known local bhajan artist Pravesh Shanker and the devotees sang bhajans, melting themselves completely in higher energies. The entire atmosphere was charged and radiating love. We had welcomed our beloved to his home in Durban.

On the 28th of April Consiousness Kriya welcomed 19 new initiates in the city of Durban. The initiation process was rigorous. Would-be initiates were put through their paces and deep cleansing preceded the initiation. Mohanji inculcated a deep sense of reverence for the Kriya tradition. All participants took the Kriya Oath thereby expressing their commitment to the sacredness of the practice.
In the evening Mohanji conducted a radio interview on a national radio station called Lotus FM. The radio interview was well received and callers flooded the lines to have Mohanji answers their questions. Burning hearts from all parts of South Africa looked to our divine master for solace and his words were a soothing balm for all those facing hardships. Spiritual seekers brought forth their questions and Baba lovingly illuminated their path. Each word uttered was a fragrant rose petal and those in search of themselves could follow the fragrance to their inner abode. The true home of the divine.
The day of the 29th of April broke to the news of Baba Ganeshananda Giri Maharaj attaining Maha Samadhi. Mohanji was deeply connected to this humble saint and so all of Mohanji’s children felt the pain of his absence in the world.

A Homa was scheduled to be conducted at Dattatapovan by Mohanji himself. It was amazing how many people attended the Homa during a week day. Many people took sick leave or just did not attend half a day of work to be part of the Mohanji energy at the Homa.
The Homa.. Tears flowed from the eyes as we realized the true depth of Mohanji’s love for his children. His absence, despite being physically present, was noted many times during Homa. Still he put our needs before everything else and conducted a Homa which was completely life changing for all who were present.
There were approximately 130 attendants. Mohanji began the Homa in his eloquent, direct and succinct way. This is the style of a true Master. Everything done is simple and direct. Only the essentials with no frills and fuss. Although it may have seemed simple to the outer eye, the inner eye knew the changes that were happening. Transformation was ablaze and everyone felt the churning of lifetimes of Karma and emotions. Some people felt physical pain, some emotional pain and some had closely held concepts shatter. Many participants reported that they were transported into another level of awareness where they felt connected to everything.
Five coconuts were offered during the Homa. Even before the coconuts were offered they spontaneously cracked. Karma was released. Swamiji described how during one part of the Homa he felt as if there were a million suns in his heart and as it expanded, the last coconut on his left suddenly burst with a loud sound as it stood on the table. Mohanji always says that when he does Homa all the devas come. This is very true. Many people reported feeling various deities around them. But the most important aspect of the entire Homa was the utter gratitude that overflowed. As blockages were removed, people began to feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Many people attest to the fact that this feeling lingers in their hearts to this day.

After the Homa a Conscious Walk took place at the New Germany Nature Reserve. The setting was the epitome of natural beauty. The landscape was untamed and vegetation grew wildly and of its own accord. This amplified the naturalness. The 25 participants experienced the powerful energy boost of walking in your own aura body. The terrain made the walkers more present and contributed to the deep sense of oneness with nature. The connection was strong and many reported being deeply aware and meditative during the walk. The presence of our divine Master made the experience all the more powerful.

That evening, a vibrant Satsang with Mohanji took place at RB Chetty Hall in Phoenix, Durban. The atmosphere was electric with a tangible sense of divinity as Mohanji entered the hall. The event began with the rendition of a few soul stirring devotional hymns by the incredibly talented Deshan Naidoo. Mohanji enthralled the crowd with pearls of wisdom. The audience participated avidly and lapped up the sage words from the unfathomable depth of consciousness that is Mohanji. Swami Siva Yogananda of the Saiva Sithantha Sungam graciously presented a gift to Mohanji after inspiring the crowd with a few chosen words regarding the essence of spirituality. The night was a joyful celebration of Mohanji and buds of devotion began to blossom in the hearts of each devotee.
30/04/16 Day 1- Durban Weekend Program
The first day of the Durban Program opened with great pomp and ceremony as Padam Pooja was performed by the sweet Sahil.
He is an ardent Mohanji’s devotee at the tender age of 10. The naturalness of children was a lesson Mohanji impressed continuously. Sahil was the perfect example of a spontaneously natural child and it showed in his connection to our divine Father.

Mohanji’s candor and humble demeanor captured the hearts of all 120 attendees. The audience remained captivated as Mohanji dispensed jem after jem in the Q and A sessions. A great amount of releasing took place and every person was visibly changed. The Shiva Kavacham instilled a sense of protection around the room. From this protected space participants freely shed eons of baggage. Our divine master graciously presided over the entire process and gently guided those experiencing difficulties. Once the heavy weight of the karmic burden was cast aside, Mohanji filled the audience with the mercy of his grace. A chanting walk with 108 steps was available to participants during the break. The children were regaled with tales of the Bhav (devotion) of Hanuman and the perfection of Lord Ram. The children’s corner was a hive of activity with young and old joining together to color pictures of their favorite deities. The day closed in Arthi by the vibrant youth group of Datta Tappovan Ashram.

The resounding chants of the glorification of Mohanji inspired many people to find their hidden inner voice. A shower of gratitude and love rained forth.
01/05/16 Day 2: Durban Weekend Program
The second day was also intensely cleansing. Activities included a breathing meditation. Through this meditation many caught a glimpse of the perpetual inner stillness that is available to all of us. Tapping into this deep seat of power energized most participants. Attendees were then introduced to each other’s souls in an activity that evoked a great deal of emotion. Some were left raw with recognition whilst others were running for the hills.
With all the grace of a loving father Baba broke the walls that held many back. The participants had advanced in leaps and bounds, all due to the sheer grace of our beloved Master. Next we participated in a dance of reckless abandon expressing the essence of gratitude and love for the divine. This incredibly moving experience brought on a torrent of unexpressed emotions and the final cleansing for the day was complete. Mohanji then proceeded to perform Shaktipath, filling up the vessels that he had lovingly emptied.

Thus concluded the second day with people shaken to their core and then elevated to the heights of spiritual ecstasy.
02/05/16 Day 3: Durban Weekend Program
The day began with a healing meditation conducted by Swami Mohana Bakthananda Barathi. Karmic baggage from many lifetimes were cleared in a catharsis of emotions. On the final day of the program laughter became the predominant theme. The crowd was often thrown into seemingly unending bouts of roaring laughter in a cleansing that was beautiful to witness. The Datta Tapovan Youth group enacted a play highlighting the role of Spirituality and Mohanji in our lives.

Our children are the pride and joy of Datta Tapovan Ashram and their enactment displayed their deep love and connection with our divine Master. Expressions of gratitude and love for our beloved Guru flowed from every individual present. Every single person had undergone a monumental change that showed visibly on their faces. Through the maze of emotions and thoughts some had attained a deep stillness while others processed difficult emotions and events that had plagued them through lifetimes. Many had come full and left empty. Concepts had been unabashedly destroyed. The weekend events had created a tremendous sense of unity and the feeling of being part of a wonderful extended family. A divine sense of oneness pervaded the room that day as everyone hugged wholeheartedly and wished each other well on their onward journeys.
Mohanji visited the Om Hari Sabha temple in Verlum on his last day in South Africa.
He began the program by joking and reminding everyone that even last year he concluded the program in exactly the same place. It was the case of saving the best for last.

People were so receptive. They asked many important questions that affected their day to day living. They enquired about numerous topics, from methods to deal with tragedy right to explanations and asking guidance about specific prayers. There was so much love showered.
Finally came the time for us to wish our beloved Master well on his travels.

Mohanji went through South Africa like a storm. Upheaving lifetimes of karmic bondage and negativity. He left the landscape forever purified by his grace. He flung the doors of closed hearts wide open. The outpouring of love, not only for our beloved Guru but for each and every being from a humble ant to the tallest tree, was felt by so many. This kind of unconditionality, exemplified by our Master, was experienced in every sense. We in South Africa are forever grateful and forever changed. We see Mohanji in everything and especially in each other. Thank you Mohanji for this most precious gift. Words will never be enough but we dedicate our hearts to you.
Love Forever
South Africa
5 thoughts on “Mohanji’s Visit Changes Durban”
Thank you so much for posting this.
Jai Mohanji
Jai Baba
A beautiful account of a truly magical, transformative period with our Beloved Babaji! Thank you!
Mohanji blessing and love was divine . Jai Mohanji
Babaji Mohanji how blessed is one to see you change into pure specks of white blinding light. My heart sang with joy as the realisation of whom you really are resonated deep within me. Even before you arrived the hum was so powerful that my son and I could not sit still. Thank you for your great blessing for our son. No doctor could find a solution to his inconsistency in concentratration. At a glance you realigned his Charas and healed him. Only a few days later did one notice he was brimming with your blessed energy and sent his teacher out to tell me he will only come out of school when he was finished!!!! Never before had that happened. Your concentratration on him revealed many truth yes born little premature he is misunderstood and yes very intelligent. As for me Beloved Mohanji you heart my heart..Atma, knew of my deeply spiritual experiences at a mere glance. Confirmed many of them and blessed me with the knowledge of crossing over in this lifetime🙏💞still shaking with that revelation. Confirmingmy deepest yearning to go home you your last words were ,I will never leave you’ was the most deeply emotional…my Atma itself shook in joy….the hum stays with me Beloved Lord of Lords, your words, your astral presence stays with me. Our deepest gratitude to you most loving Babji Mohanji. Despite busy days one is always in contemplation of thou Lord of Lords Beloved Para Brahma👳👳👳🙏🙏🙏💞
To our beloved Mohanji and all his worshippers ❤️🙏