Aditya Nagpal, India
How it started
Before meeting Mohanji in December 2013, I felt as if nothing was in place. I did not have a job, had relationship problems, and had bad habits. However, I was attending the Power of Purity meditation regularly in Bangalore. That gave me reasonable peace of mind in difficult times.
Soon, Preeti Duggal invited me to meet Mohanji at her place for meditation and satsang. When we opened our eyes after the meditation, we saw Mohanji sitting right in front of us. This was the first time I saw Mohanji. There was something different there, something I had never felt before.
Being unfamiliar with spiritual words at that time, the only thing I remember from the satsang was that Mohanji looked into my eyes for a brief moment. I will never forget that eye connection. The shift started happening there. I did not realize it then, but now I fully acknowledge and know what he did when I look back. That was the initiation I received, and I am eternally grateful to him for that. After the satsang, we all received Shaktipat from Mohanji.
I wanted to share certain personal things with him and was called to his room after the satsang. I sat looking at Mohanji, and I could not express what I wanted to share. I was extremely low in self-confidence and was afraid to talk to anyone. There was so much going on inside me, but I just could not say anything. But omniscient Mohanji knew what was going on. He told me to start doing some seva and meet him again after a year and tell him what transformation has happened. I followed it.
During the early years (2014/2015), I was fortunate to spend a lot of time with Mohanji. I got Shaktipat from him many times. After some time, I started seeing changes in myself. My awareness about myself began growing, and I became aware of my habits and eventually gave them up without forcing anything. I started loving Mohanji and his teachings. I had found a path for myself. I was not very deeply connected to him (at consciousness level) at that time, but I had accepted him as my Guru and started to follow him fully. After a few months, I started seeing a huge change in my confidence and behaviour.

Getting a job and moving to Hyderabad
I did not have a job for almost two years. I had lost hope. But after I started practising Mohanji’s meditations and after meeting him, I realized that there was nothing wrong outside, but the blockage was within me. All the negativity was sitting inside me. I was pessimistic, and Mohanji changed this. He eradicated my negativity, and it changed things for me externally as well. I became positive; I was not depressed anymore; I felt happy vibes most of the time without any reason. I gained confidence and got the job very soon after that. It was I who had blocked it.
I settled quite well in the job in Hyderabad. Soon I was ready to conduct Meditations as suggested by Mohanji. But things took a dramatic turn, and my company crashed, and I was laid off. This was disastrous for me. I did not know how to react to this. But at that time, Mohanji already had an impact on me, and instead of crying over spilt milk, I accepted it and started looking for another job.
It was a difficult time, but I felt Mohanji’s presence with me all the time. I often saw him standing in front of me and heard him saying, “Don’t worry! You have to live in Hyderabad for long. You will establish my base there.” These words came true eventually.
I got another job within 10 days. I worked in this company for almost 3 years. I started Ammucare seva work in Hyderabad, and with his grace, new people started joining. My confidence grew immensely, and I also conducted yoga sessions in my company. This was a big transformation for someone who was afraid to talk to anyone.

Test of faith
All was going great until a distraction happened. A known person whom I had met in Bangalore spoke ill of Mohanji. He had some bad experiences and blamed Mohanji for them. I became extremely angry as I loved Mohanji and never thought anyone could talk like this about him. When I met Mohanji in Bangalore, he asked me to ignore this. That meeting somewhat settled me down, but some distraction was sitting inside me.
Another time somewhere in the middle of 2017, I had another experience that kind of distracted me. I went into a relationship and was swayed by it. I became emotional and was unable to connect to Mohanji and do his meditations. During one of my meetings with Mohanji in Bangalore, I told him that I was distracted and unable to meditate and connect to him. I did not tell him what exactly was happening with me, but he knew it and brought it up in our conversation. He said, “No, you are not distracted, I am always with you, and you are progressing.”
Then he told me to put a poster in my room and write ‘Body, Mind, Intellect, Ego and Soul’ on it and see how much I was connecting to my soul each day. He said no need to try and connect with me; just watch this daily. I followed it. I started watching it daily and contemplating on it, and it worked for me big time. I could clearly observe myself going through various emotions in my relationship. This helped me remain stable during that phase; I continued seva in Hyderabad. During this period, I was a little distracted, and even though I was following Mohanji with full dedication, I was unable to connect to him fully.
Turning vegan
After following Mohanji, I became a vegetarian in the early months. With his techniques, I became more aware of myself and could see the connection between food and my emotions, which turned me into a vegetarian. In 2018, as I continued practicing his techniques, I started to have the same feelings about milk products. I realized that whenever I ate something that had violence in it, it had a negative impact on me. This turned me into a complete vegan.

Sai and Mohanji
During the period when I was unable to connect to Mohanji fully, I got deeply connected to Sai Baba. It can’t be a coincidence that my first visit to a Sai Baba temple was with Mohanji in Bangalore. Soon I became a frequent visitor to Shirdi, and I loved that place and its energy. Every visit to Shirdi gave me something.
I also started doing Ammucare seva in Shirdi. I was connecting deeply to Sai, which was extremely transformative for me. I had some wonderful experiences in Shirdi. I also used to follow Mohanji with full dedication, but there was some barrier to the physical form. Maybe I was not completely ready for a living Master.
On one of my visits to Shirdi when Mohanji was there, I thought I would miss the chance to meet Mohanji. But his plan was different. In the evening, after having some snacks in a café, I started walking towards the main Sai temple, and suddenly I heard a strong voice. It was something like ‘Meet Mohanji tomorrow and then leave’. This was so strong that I cancelled my bus trip immediately and stayed back to meet Mohanji. The next day, I had a short but wonderful meeting with Mohanji.
During our conversation, Mohanji asked me, “What did Baba say to you?” I replied impulsively, “Baba told me to meet you.” He laughed at it. After this meeting, I started seeing and feeling some kind of oneness between Sai and Mohanji. It was something like after every visit to Shirdi, and after worshipping Baba, my connection with Mohanji would become stronger. It was as if Baba was pushing me towards Mohanji. Baba was telling me that Mohanji is your Master; go to him. I still had some physical barriers in my mind. But one thing I was sure about, my connection with Mohanji was becoming stronger.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 22nd September 2022
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Mohanji Testimonials team

1 thought on “My destiny with Mohanji – Part 1”
It was wonderful to read about your experiences Aditya.