Peru with Mohanji – a healing journey

By Livia

This is a personal story. Being an introvert, I wasn’t planning to write about it for a broad public, but I feel there is a reason for sharing which is beyond our preferences. May it reach those who were meant to read it.

For about ten years, I have been suffering from a lung condition, which is so rare that the medical profession doesn’t have any expertise on it and therefore there is no appropriate treatment. My lung would collapse all of a sudden. In the beginning, it was every three to four months, later on, once per month or even more often. On most of the occasions, the collapse was partial, followed by a sharp pain in the upper chest area and shortness of breath. The pain would subside after some time, but the shortness of breath would last for days; and depending on the severity of the episode, sometimes for weeks.

The years 2014-2018 were really hard for me. I was physically quite weak but was doing my best to keep up with my daily schedule and house chores. Many people from my surroundings, who are not very close to me, hadn’t noticed much, but I was exhausted all the time. When I finish my obligations, I would withdraw to recharge because my energy was very low. Also since 2014, I wasn’t able to travel by plane because of this condition. The pressure change in the cabin during a flight could worsen my health. Living in Western Europe with parents and family in the Balkan region, it was quite a challenge to travel. Needless to say, it was exhausting me on different levels, the physical, but also the anticipation and fears connected to it (“what if it happens…,” “will this ever come to an end,” “would I be able to heal,” and “what if it gets even more severe?”).

Being a holistic therapist myself, I tried many modalities and nothing really gave tangible results.

When I met Mohanji in 2017 in Hvar (Croatia), where I traveled for three long days by train, bus and ferry and, probably from the exhausting journey, by the end of it, I got another episode of a collapsed lung. I was weak and worried. Mohanji told me that the condition was to do with one of my previous lives and advised me to have a Mai-Tri session with Devi. During the session, Devi saw me in a war-like scene, being physically abused by men in uniform and an iron claw-kind of a weapon being forced into my chest. She didn’t know anything about my problem at that point in time. The resemblance of this picture with the sharp pain in my chest I was feeling at the beginning of every episode was stunning.

My second retreat with Mohanji was at the Bosnian Pyramids in 2018. I came by airplane! It was my first flight after four years. I was already feeling Mohanji’s protection and although my health was still not good with many collapses, pain, and weakness, I felt it’ll be ok to fly. And it was.

Every time I met Mohanji, receiving his blessings, cleansing, and with my practices and connection to his energy, my condition started improving gradually. I also started sessions with a healer who told me that my problem was of a karmic nature and therefore the modalities that are not addressing that deep level cannot have much impact. The collapses were gradually getting less frequent with more time to recuperate in between.

At the end of 2018, I saw the announcement of the Peru trip with Mohanji scheduled for April 2019. My first thoughts were: how great this journey must be, such beautiful nature, how magnificent it all looked in the photos and how precious the experiences were of the participants who went there the year before. The energy of the female principle, Shakti, the nurturing, soothing, beautiful energy of Pacha mama and the impact that it had on the people was heartwarming. But my rational mind reminded me of my condition, the flight of 14 hours and the altitude of the places where the pilgrimage was taking place. Yes, it looked great, but it wasn’t for me. I dismissed the whole idea, maybe some other time. I just whispered to myself: if I have to go, I will get a sign, but I had no expectations as it really looked impossible.

One morning at the beginning of March just before waking up, I had such a clear dream of Mohanji. He was sitting at a big table together with many other people and I was sitting next to him. I had one question on my mind, regarding that trip to Peru, but I wasn’t able to utter the question, although I wanted to ask. So he reached out to me, by telepathically asking me what the problem was with that trip…”Is it about the money?” “No,” I answered, “It is about my condition…” then he said, “It’ll be taken care of.” I further said something like, “I was expecting a sign.” He said, “Well if this is not good enough…” I woke up in amazement, in complete awe! “This is extraordinary! I have never had a dream so clear before! I told my husband, and he acknowledged my thoughts and supported my intention to go. The same morning I wrote to the organization of the trip to ask if it was still possible to apply since it was only one month to the beginning of the program. And of course, it was!

This was quite a long introduction, but necessary to explain how this Peru trip happened for me in the first place. The preparations for the trip were made in a very short time. I would lie if I said that I wasn’t anxious or that my mind didn’t doubt the whole ‘invitation’ dream. But I was committed to go and really happy that I was going, despite all odds. Just before the trip, I googled a couple of names of the other participants and amongst them all, I remembered a lady, Thea, a Mai-Tri practitioner from the US who looked very light and seemed to have fine energy. I thought to myself how nice it would be if I could have a chance to talk to that lady… and sure enough a couple of days later, although the original schedule was different, Thea was sitting in the same mini-bus (transfer to the hotel) at the airport in Cusco together with one other lady from the US! So, the three of us traveled together, had a beautiful exchange of life stories and great fun. What a perfect beginning to the journey! I already felt that soothing, feminine energy that I was so looking forward to.

Over the next few days, when we were traveling from the hotel to the places of interest, I was again sitting next to Thea on the bus. As she already knew about my health concerns, she offered to do a Mai-Tri session for me, right there on the bus! I was really pleased with her offer and thankfully accepted it. She did a couple of sessions on different bus trips. She would invoke Mohanji’s presence and his energy was palpable to her. It was very special and a little surreal because Mohanji in his physical body was sitting in the front line of the same bus!!

Although I feel weak and exhausted at home, I felt very energetic during the whole Peru pilgrimage. I felt a lot of soothing energies, lots of love from the group members and people surrounding us. I climbed to the Sun Gate of Machu Picchu, walked and chatted with people, in some places at the altitude of almost 4000m without any physical issues! It was completely unbelievable from the perspective of a rational mind!

On the last day on a bus to an Inka site, I sat next to Mohanji. That was my first chance on this trip to talk to Mohanji about my personal issues. We talked about ways of protection from negative energies, expressing positivity, non-doership and some personal issues that I brought up. He gave me some practical advice and then said, “You are much more liberated now than when you came here!” I looked at him a bit puzzled. He said, “Your lung, how is it now?” Then it occurred to me that I was breathing with full lung capacity with no pain! I really felt liberated at being able to freely move, walk, and climb mountain trails without any pain, shortage of breath or tiredness. How smoothly it was all going for me and how different it was compared to my state of health I was experiencing at home. Mohanji was tirelessly working on me and the result was really liberating! I was immensely happy, but I was also wondering if I was going to be able to keep this state and stay liberated from the pain and suffering after I return home and resume my ‘normal life.’

Now we are almost eight months later in linear time and I still feel and cherish the gift I’ve got from Mohanji on the Peru trip. I still feel quite well physically and much more at peace mentally. Although I am a worrying type of person, I haven’t been anxious or thinking much of the possibility that the condition might reoccur. I am much more at peace with my health. The condition is still not completely gone, but the episodes occur less frequently and they are far milder than they used to be. I have started traveling by plane again on a regular basis!

I feel deep gratitude to Mohanji for healing me on many levels. I feel that the healing started as soon as I connected with him for the first time and culminated during the Peru trip last spring. But of course, the journey doesn’t end there. I’m still ‘rowing my boat’ and the weather changes. After this experience of healing that is so real and unquestionable to me, and after practically experiencing what Mohanji meant by “It’ll be taken care of,” deep in my being, I now feel that I can relax and have faith.

Thank you Mohanji, for this wonderful experience! Thank you for your work and availability to every being who asks or connects to you in any way! Thank you for your teachings, they make my journey smoother and my life much more meaningful!

With deep gratitude.


Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 2nd January 2020


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