By Bonit Sharma, USA
For most of my life, I have been a seeker, searching for a purpose I couldn’t quite define. I have always believed in a higher power and known, from several past experiences, how truly blessed I am through my family connection with a Guru who has long since left his physical form. However, I would only come to understand the true extent of the grace that surrounds me after my recent experiences.
A few years ago, if you had asked what my priorities are, I would have said to work, raise my sons to be good human beings, and spend time with family and friends. But everything changed in 2021 when I faced a life-threatening aortic dissection—a condition so rare and severe that survival itself is a miracle. Misdiagnosed by several physicians and dismissed by multiple hospitals, I spent several days in unimaginable pain while I actively dissected for six days before a quick-thinking uncle, a physician in another state, helped uncover the issue.
What followed was an emergency open-chest surgery where my odds of survival were just 10%. I underwent multiple complex procedures and spent eight days in the ICU, fighting for my life. During this time, I received multiple Mai-Tri Method sessions from Bhavani. I later learned that the first session was performed while I was undergoing the initial open-chest surgery. Bhavani, who was not with me in person, shared how she discovered a large blockage of energy in my chest—the exact area where the dissection was manifesting physically. This Mai-Tri session became the first of many moments of grace I would experience through the rest of my journey.
Another moment of grace came in the form of a vision I had while recovering from that surgery. I saw myself lying in my hospital bed, surrounded by an impenetrable bubble of light within a dark cloud. Beyond the bubble, there was only darkness. Then, explosions of light began flashing outside the bubble as the darkness collided with this invisible shield. I have never felt so incredibly vulnerable yet, at the same time, deeply protected, loved, and unafraid.
As I healed physically, gratitude became my guiding light. Inspired by Mohanji’s teachings, which I first encountered through my dear friends Bhavani and Bimal, I began to view life through a new lens. In 2022, I finally met Mohanji in person at an event arranged by Bhavani and Bimal in Long Island, NY. I sought his advice to help me find my purpose, and his words were simple yet profound: “You need to seek within.” While this resonated deeply, I struggled to fully understand their meaning. Still, his advice sparked a shift in me, helping me nurture closer relationships with my family, embrace volunteering with my sons’ Boy Scout troop, and adopt a mindset of gratitude. But my search for purpose continued.

In late 2023, new challenges arose. Episodes of partial vision loss escalated into a major stroke in early 2024, leaving me blind in half my field of vision. After the stroke, Bhavani introduced me to Milica and the Mohanji Transformation Method (MTM). Facilitated by Milica, the session performed by Mohanji helped clear deeply rooted spiritual blockages—burdens my soul had carried across lifetimes, burdens that had caused my soul to leave the body prematurely in every life. Immediately after the session, I felt a profound shift: a heavy weight lifted, and I experienced a sense of release—the kind that only comes once you fully embrace forgiveness and acceptance.
But life still had more lessons in store. In the spring of 2024, I experienced another stroke, losing the remaining half of my vision, rendering me almost completely blind. Fortunately, I reached the hospital in time for medicine to reverse the effects and restore my newly lost vision. Shortly thereafter, my doctors identified the root cause of my health issues, which stemmed from my 2021 repairs, and recommended a series of extensive surgeries, including another open-chest procedure. Miraculously, I survived again. This time, I finally understood the true meaning of Mohanji’s words.
My purpose, I realized, is not tied to a grand mission to change the world. Instead, it lies in being the best version of myself—a loving husband, a present father, and a compassionate human being. Mohanji’s teachings, which continue to flow through Bhavani and Bimal, alongside the love and support of my family and friends, have profoundly transformed me. I now embrace life’s flow and strive not to resist its lessons. I live with a heart full of gratitude and joy.
I have also learned to accept myself for my shortcomings and imperfections, understanding that without them, I am incomplete. My whole self is like a puzzle made up of many pieces: some broken, some flawed, many imperfect—but also pieces that are good and even great. Together, they form a unique and beautiful whole.
Thanks to Mohanji, I have truly come to understand the vastness of the grace that surrounds me—from my family to my dearest friends Bimal and Bhavani, to the physicians who ultimately helped save my life. My recent experiences have blessed me with the greatest gifts: another chance at life, a deeper understanding and acceptance of myself, the clarity and conviction to live with purpose and peace, and the opportunity to help others along the way.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 26th January 2025
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