Rajeev Ahuja, the eternal soul!
It is very difficult to explain what phenomenon Rajeev Ahuja was. He was a whiff of sweet breeze that touched people around him very fondly and spread his eternal fragrance everywhere. He left his body last week, but it does not look like it. His fragrance is as fresh and his presence as vivid. As he is not amongst us anymore physically, it saddens us very much, but we are happy that he left this place of suffering and has merged with Para Brahma!

He was associated with us in this life for a very short period (one month), but it seems that this connection transcended a few lifetimes. He used to say, “BTW is my true family. I have been waiting for it. Why should I hesitate to speak to anyone? My blood relations have only given me pain. They have never been a family to me. You people are my true relatives and I know you will accept me with open arms”. And yes, we all did! We accepted him with open arms… but never knew that his physical presence amongst us would be so short!
From the first time Rajeev ji met Mohanji at the Delhi meditation on the 21th October, the deep connection was unmistakable. The immense transformation in him speaks for itself. Rajeev ji was introduced to Yamini at Ramana Kendra. He said that he had lost hope and doubted that he could feel unconditional love. Yamini cheered him up by affirming that to doubt is good. She said to him, “Please doubt well, so that faith can be equally transformative”.

And what transformation it was. After only one meeting with Mohanji during the Delhi meditation, he started radiating Mohanji’s consciousness. After his first BTW Meditation at Ramana Kendra, he came for the group meditation in Delhi. He said with glee in his eyes, “I have been to so many gurus, so many satsangs, that had lost all hope, if this doesn’t work … Nothing will! I want an experience. I’ve waited all my life…been through a lot. Now I want an experience!”
And what an experience he got! Almost throughout the meditation he cried profusely. When he opened his eyes after meditation he was a different person. He saw Mohanji sitting next to him, he saw sheer brightness of God and Universe, he felt that Mohanji gave him all the answers and made him pay all his dues, he felt empty and healed.
Rajeev ji felt the freedom of the consciousness in each breath. He had done a lot of spiritual practices all his life and was a great writer and painter but words like ‘liberation’ ‘surrender’ were only concepts to him. He was fed up and just wanted to go beyond words. He broke his own conditioning and bindings and decided to have faith and just be open. And that’s it! It happened!
Isn’t it true that when we come with an empty glass, Mohan ji fills that? When we come with an empty tub, Mohanji fills that? And when we come with an empty ocean, Mohan ji fills that, too? But how often do we consciously break our conditioning to be open to receive? How often do we become flexible in our minds? How often do we look within ourselves for our own patterns and ego blocks before asking for more? When ego is at play, Masters just witness and allow the experiences to happen. Unless, life puts us in situations where helplessness leads to surrender. And then the obstinate mind of man stills itself and starts to surrender willingly and lovingly to the enormity of divine love.

In his own words Rajeev ji puts his connection with Mohan ji very clearly, “Time prepared me to be able to meet Mohanji after giving me enough hammering to be able to understand the concept of “unconditional love” through an insertion in the net, where Purity of thought and conditional love were the main criteria. When I met Mohanji for the first time he showed me all what I had never seen before. I wept and I wept and I wept with love. I wept like a baby. The difference had already been made! Mohanji had worked on me! This was the first time ever that I had actually seen something while my eyes were closed. Mohanji’s consciousness is so powerful that it works on you. You just have to watch. There was an unusual degree of love and concern.

Rajeev ji was very expressive about his love for each and every person in BTW. He really loved Mohan ji. He compared himself with “Meera always in love with his Mohan”. He used to get restless if he was unable to speak to anyone of us. He even used to complain like a child if you missed his calls and did not reply to email. That was his longing and yearning to talk to his family, to be with them all the time. This was what he missed all his life. The feeling of being loved, the feeling of belongingness, the feeling that there were people who cared for him. That what he missed in his life, he saw in the BTW family. We were just the reflection of love that we get from Mohan ji and he use to see Him in all of us.
He was a brilliant writer and used his words impactfully. He was a very wise man. He seemed to have the knowledge of zillion years in him. He had a saintly facet yet was grounded and humble. He once wrote, “I think we all as a family of Bless The World have a very important responsibility. Unconditional Love may be a very practical requirement for healthy existence, but it is a theory for most of the people, and a far-reaching thought for the entire world. It becomes a very difficult task for us to understand the seriousness of this problem. The whole world is diseased with ‘dis-ease’ of the mind, because we do not operate with our soul. If we had managed to operate with our soul there would have been no problem. We have to first practice this within ourselves thoroughly to make sure that we do not slip or fault. It is a great and a difficult task I understand. When I slip at times, I am again able to hold myself and bring the train back to its track. But the slipping happens continuously. I would need the help of you all to bring me on the track as soon as I slip. Also to make me aware when ever I falter.”
This clearly reflected his ability to see things with heart and express it through his soul.
Rajeev ji had an admirable command over Hindi, too. Here is one of the poems he wrote in Hindi:

In a short period he was with us, he touched everyone very dearly. Mohan ji’s consciousness gave him everything. He hardly ever spoke/wrote to Mohan ji physically but in such a short span, he felt the Essence of the consciousness which is missed by people who come with fixed notions and expectations from a Guru, or limit the Guru principle to a physical frame.
Direct communication is not necessary for deep connectivity. Bonding happens from the soul.
How can we understand the divine with the limited human mind or our fixed ideas??
The results were visible to all. He was there with us for all seva activities.
He would talk about Mohanji ALL THE TIME! So much transformation so instantly… he loved Mohanji so deeply that even in front of new comers he’d share his own example… and speak about Mohanji as if he knows HIM forever! He just never felt separate. He wanted experiences and he got those, too. He said, “Yes please us my artworks and if I can help more… my entire life is for Mohanji and all of you…”
He connected with every member he met of the Gurgaon and Delhi BTW Family which touched us all deeply. The sufferings in his life were to polish the rough edges of his ego, and the love and divinity of that was visible to all.
During his last few days he was suffering from acute gastroenteritis. Those few days he met all his family members, had healthy conversations with them. A night before he passed away a BTW member cooked some easy to digest- simple dal (pulses) and rice for him and sent it to his house. Rajeev ji came halfway to collect. On asking, he even told his wife that it was prasad from Mohanji. He ate that happily the next day too and went to bed. The morning after that he passed away in his sleep due to a heart attack, merging into the divine. His wish to be with Mohan ji was completed. His wife said that his face was so serene and peaceful and divine. The family is eternally grateful to Mohanji and also a bit surprised. Someone like Rajeevji who went through so much in life and didn’t have much peace passed away so beautifully with a glow on his face.
When we were at his house, we asked his daughter to show us his paintings. We were spellbound by the magnificence of his inner beauty that reflected in his works. Rajeevji, this was your deep wish, to show your works to Mohanji and your spiritual family. And now the whole world gets to see it…
Rajeev ji, your story and surrender inspires us all. We truly feel your angelic love and protection. When you said that you feel you’ve finally met your ‘spiritual family’ you meant it.
Pictures of His paintings
“Some connect because they see light and they are flexible in their mind. They have no mental obesity. They merge with the truth eventually. They need not even meet physically. They know the source and the millions of forms of the source. They connect without mental blockages. They get everything from me. I fill them up.” Mohanji
No words can explain how mystically this shift has happened during last days of his life. The deep transformation. This whole process of merging of his consciousness, his bond with the infinite consciousness; Master’s consciousness.
Let us pray for the kind Soul,
Lords and Master’s grace be Yours in abundance !
3 thoughts on “Rajeev Ahuja, the Eternal Soul!”
Dear family, thank you for this heartfet sharing. This blog speaks beyond words. Touched my heart deeply and body reacted with goosebumps throughout the entire reading. What a beautiful connection! What a celebration of Divine! Indeed, as Mohanji always says, for one worthy soul, he is ready to travel and make himself available. When disciple is ready, the Master appears..
With endless light expanding from the heart, we pray for you dear Rajeev ji, to ascend furhter into the living Light.
Love only, Biba
Mohanji liberated Rajivji.
Rajivji left behind profound message about Mohanji for all of us.
Pranams to Rajivji and his soul.
You’re in our Hearts always <3