by Namitha Bhat, USA
Mohanji, embodying the very essence of Lord Krishna, radiates divine love and eternal wisdom; his actions mirror Krishna’s timeless principles from the Bhagavad Gita—selfless service to all beings of nature, unwavering devotion, and spiritual enlightenment.
With profound reverence, I offer my heartfelt koti pranams at the sacred lotus feet of my beloved Father, Mohanji, to all the revered Gurus of this profound tradition and to Lord Krishna, the eternal source of love and compassion. Through a miraculous incident that unfolded on an auspicious Thursday, I realized how all Masters and Gods share the same divine consciousness. In the sanctity of Baba’s 11 assurances, one resounding promise echoes: ‘You look at me – I look at you.’

On April 25th, 2024, Thursday afternoon, amidst the serene surroundings of MCB USA Ashram, I found myself singing to the cows. These were livestock cows from the neighboring farms.
Among them, a particular cow tagged ‘J’ approached and stood before me, her gaze filled with pain and fear, silently seeking solace. Tears welled in her eyes, streaming down her face.
Moved by compassion, I began to sing: ‘Be not dismayed whate’er betide, Mohanji’ll take care of you, Beneath his wings of love abide, Mohanji’ll take care of you…’
That evening, during Baba’s Aarti at the Ashram Temple, a divine moment transpired. Mohanji emerged from his sanctum and beheld the same cow ‘J,’ gazing intently through the fence toward Baba. His infinitely compassionate heart stirred and, in a gesture mirroring Krishna’s divine love for all beings, resolved to rescue her. He felt her energy and named her ‘Kali.’ He instructed the Ashram team, akin to the devoted Gopas and Gopis of Vrindavan, to inform the owners of his intention to adopt her, ready to pay any price they asked. With great love and care, efforts ensued to gently bring Kali into the sanctuary of the Ashram.
When she finally entered the Ashram, Kali reveled in her newfound freedom, joyfully frolicking in the grasslands stretching before Baba’s temple. However, when Kali came inside MCB premises, another pregnant cow from her herd began making distressed sounds and gestures, worried that Kali was being taken away for the wrong reasons. Moved by the pregnant cow’s cries and sensing her deep sense of loss, Mohanji immediately advised adopting her as well, naming her ‘Devi.’ When her baby daughter was born, He lovingly named her ‘Dia.’
Thanks to Mohanji and all the gopas and gopis at MCB, Kali, Devi, and Dia whose lives were once sealed for the slaughterhouse, now bask in a life of bliss, love, and care under the trees of Vrindavan at the MCB USA Ashram watched over by Mohanji, Baba, and Krishna’s divine gaze.

Witnessing these profound moments, I saw Mohanji as the living embodiment of Lord Krishna, whose divine compassion had bestowed new life upon these gentle innocent souls. His boundless compassion and grace transcend all boundaries, exemplifying Krishna’s love that knows no limits of language, species, or form.
True devotion and sincere prayers are never left unanswered. As these beings gazed upon Krishna, He, in turn, looked upon them and bestowed them the gift of divine life in His sacred Ashram. ‘You look at me…. I look at you….’
Jai Mohanji, Om Sai Ram, Jai Shree Krishna.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 19th January 2025
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Mohanji Testimonials Team
1 thought on “The living embodiment of Krishna”
Om Sai Ram, Jai MohanJI, Jai Shree Krishna, Namitha, Thank You for sharing this Divine Leela…Loving You BABA, always..