By Shyama Jeyaseelan, UK
23 Nov 2024, it was Sathya Sai Baba’s 99th birthday. We were going for a house bhajan in the evening. At the end of the evening, one of the devotees shared an experience with Swami that had happened 20 years before. He had gone to Puttaparthi on a seva pilgrimage and was one of the chosen few for an interview by Swami.
He had entered the interview room, and Swami invited a couple of people to go within a curtained area for a one-to-one session. Swami then comes to this devotee, kneels in front of him to the shock and surprise of everyone there, and by holding both his hands, makes him stand and takes him in. For 45 minutes, Swami doesn’t let go of his hands; even while giving vibhuti to the other devotees, Swami keeps holding this young man’s hands.
Months later, while renovating their home, one of the radiators bursts, hot water pouring out, damaging the newly laid floor. While trying to close the radiator, this devotee got 4th-degree burns; the skin was hanging off his hands, and bones were exposed; the burn was so severe. He was advised by the doctors in the hospital that he would need a skin graft, months of therapy, and most likely would lose all sensations of his fingers.
While all this was happening, he was praying to Swami, and when the doctors took off his bandages 3 days later for assessment, they were shocked to see the level of recovery; he was almost healed, with just small burn marks and blisters being the only signs of the accident. He realised the reason why Swami was holding his hands for so long, ensuring his divine energy and protection would minimise the effects of the accident.

While listening to this amazing story, I was thinking of what had happened at home before leaving. I was making coffee to have in the car and was preparing it in my usual flask. While twisting the lid on, there was a loud pop, and the lid came off forcefully, half of the coffee pouring all over my hands. It was black coffee, with no milk to reduce the temperature, and perhaps the pressure in the flask was too high to be contained within.
I was really startled by the loud sound and looked in surprise at my hands, boiling water running over my hands and going all the way to my elbows. I was so surprised because there was no pain; my logical mind thought this was boiling water; there should be a lot of pain, and blisters were going to form, and the skin was going to burn for sure.
Amazingly, there was no pain, no blisters, and no burn marks. After pouring some cold water on my arms, I looked again to see if there were any signs of burnt skin, but there was none! My heart was filled with gratitude to Mohanji; his presence and protection yet again so tangible in my life. I turned to my husband saying; see how Mohanji is taking care of me all the time.
The devotee’s testimonial reminded me of something else too. A couple of months ago, I was drawn to the merchandise stall on Shirdi Sai Baba’s Maha Samadhi day, walking into the satsang hall in Macedonia. I spotted a beautiful ‘Tree of Life’ pendant on one of the tables. As someone who doesn’t wear any jewellery, I would often notice something pretty, think about it for half a minute, and then move on, knowing I would not wear it regardless of how lovely it is. A wish to wear something Mohanji had blessed also came to my mind, as it does every so often, as I stood there looking at the pretty pendant.

Suddenly, a familiar voice next to me said, that’s really nice. Turning to look at Michael, his expression as joyful as usual, I agreed that it was, and we moved to sit in our places, waiting for Mohanji to come. The hall was full and after a wonderful satsang about Baba and many other topics, Mohanji was happy to bless items, sign books, and interact with the participants. For the next 2 hours or more, Mohanji very patiently spoke with everyone, signing books from the stall, blessing items and pictures of loved ones, giving guidance and fulfilling wishes, making every person there feel gratitude and love for his presence with us that day.
Sitting on the floor, watching this beautiful being giving so much regardless of his physical needs, I was mesmerised. I could have sat there for hours, just watching Mohanji, his presence and energy working on us, bringing many levels of transformation. I was startled out of my thoughts when Michael suddenly crouched down next to me and said hello. As I turned to say hello back, he held out his hand, saying, this is a gift from me and Jenny, and Mohanji has blessed it. It was the very same pendant I had wanted to buy. Not only had they bought it, but they had also got it blessed by Mohanji on this most auspicious day!
Such a beautiful and thoughtful gift; my wish being fulfilled even without asking, in an incredibly beautiful way. I immediately wore it and kept in on for the next few days until I came back home. Once in England, the thought of wearing any jewellery disappeared, and after wearing it once, the pendant stayed in a safe place in my drawer until the day of Swami’s birthday. While getting something else, I spotted it and felt happy to see it again and wore it, thinking of Mohanji and that special day when I had received it.
While this Sai devotee was speaking, I realised that it was no coincidence that I had worn the pendant that was blessed by Mohanji, protecting me from what was going to happen a few minutes later that evening. It’s incredible to think how each moment, each experience, and each interaction we have with the divine is woven intricately within our journey of life. The grace of our beloved Guru’s presence in our lives is the most precious gift that one would ever need.
My love and gratitude to Swami for bringing Mohanji into our lives, to Mohanji for the numerous ways he takes care of not just me but my family and lineage, to Baba for his beautiful blessings, and to Michael and Jenny for this precious gift that I would always cherish.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 28th November 2024
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