Since ancient times, the Guru’s unconditional love and protection came to the disciple who had complete surrender and faith. This has been proven time and again through copious examples that are spread through all mythology and religions.
Lord Shiva has narrated in the Guru Gita, “The Guru can remove the fear of aging and the dread of death. The Guru offers protection to his disciples, even if they are cursed by the sages, demons or Gods”
Below are two testimonials that show how selflessly and unconditionally Mohanji protects everyone who is connected to His consciousness. These real-life experiences also show how Mohanji works in extended dimensions through his completely thoughtless, no-mind state. Being at one place, he is able to respond to disciples across different geographies. Nothing can bind Him – time, location or situation.
“Complete and perfect surrender to SATGURU, making HIM the main object of worship, obeying HIS words to the fullest, can cut out the weeds of uncertainty and help one attain supreme bliss.” – Mohanji
Guru Mohanji’s protection – every moment, every time
by Subhasree Thottungal, London
For me, Mohanji, my eternal Guru, is Parabrahma, the manifestation of supreme consciousness. He appears in different roles as per the situation. He is beyond any form of address – not confined to an image or relationship. He protects all the time as a father; loves unconditionally and compassionately as a mother; empowers by giving knowledge and shining light on the spiritual path like a true guru; listens and empathises with every feeling just like the dearest and closest of friends; and brings immense joy and gives the fulfilment of life just like a son! He is Shiva, He is Shakti, He is Vishnu. He is Parabrahma! He is all relations in one name! Being aware of His presence everywhere at every moment is the awareness of the supreme consciousness.
As my awareness of this eternal connection grew day by day, my faith, devotion and surrender kept growing manifold to the point that I now recognise the non-existence of my existence! Total merger with Guru tattva has given me freedom even from the desire of liberation! Bliss in oneness, fulfilment in non-existence. However, while the physical body is there, all karmas need to be exhausted, all worldly dharmas need to be discharged and the character needs to be tested to strengthen conviction, faith, and surrender.
I was recently confronted by a situation that made my conviction more strong, my faith more firm, and my surrender more steady. I am not sure whether it was a karma that had to be exhausted or a test that had to be cleared. But that doesn’t matter.

On a grey foggy winter morning, I was in a rush to drop my son at his school bus stop. In my haste, I rushed and banged into another car on a roundabout. This was my first accident. There were no passengers in the other car. Even though there was a baby car seat, thankfully there was no baby in the car at the time of the accident. No one – me, my son or the other driver – was physically injured. Only the other car’s front passenger door sustained some damage.
My husband was out of town. I had my son in the car and was getting late for school. Deviji (Mohanji’s wife) was at home and I had to make breakfast on time before she goes out. My other son was still in bed and had to be woken up and gotten ready for school! In short, I was not in a good situation. 🙂 Since this incident happened right in the middle of the roundabout, I wasn’t sure how the driver of the other car would react. Myriad questions rushed through my mind in those couple of seconds – would he call the police? what would be the next process? How long would I be stuck on the road?
I looked at Mohanji’s photo in my car, called on Him silently, and immediately felt His protection. I remembered later the shloka from Guru Gita –
Yasya Smarana maatrena, Jnaanam utpadyate svayam;
Ya eva sarva sampraapti, tasmai shri Gurave namah.
“Merely recalling my Guru, knowledge arises spontaneously. Remembering him brings all attainments automatically.”

After I felt Mohanji’s energy, I asked my son to step out of the car and walk to his bus stop. I also got out of the car. I was expected a heated up shouting but to my surprise, the other driver approached me and very calmly and quietly asked me, “Were you not looking?” This was the first indication of Mohanji’s protection. I immediately apologised and said, “Apologies. It was my mistake, but I could not really see your black car.”
He asked me to move the car to the side lane to clear out the main road for others and talk it over. This was the second indication of protection. He didn’t create a big scene in the middle of the main road and was definitely not involving the police!
Once on the side lane, he asked me details about my insurance. I informed him that all the details are with my husband who is currently out of the country. However, I did give him my contact details. While I was trying to contact my husband, he was also trying to contact his insurance. In a few minutes, he came and offered me a chance to consult with my husband if we would like to settle this through insurance or privately and inform him later. He allowed me to leave! This was the third indication of protection – not worsening the matter and also not getting stuck on the road for long. We agreed to catch up after he gets the quote for repair.
I returned home at about the same time as I would have otherwise returned after dropping my son at his bus stop! There was no delay and I could easily tend to the rest of the tasks that I had to do in the morning. This was the fourth indication of protection– Everything went on normally, as if nothing had happened! All through this situation, I was much calmer inside, feeling the cushion of Mohanji’s protection.
After I completed all the morning chores, I sat down and thought about what happened. It could have been a major accident had there been a passenger in the front seat or a baby in the back (on the same side). I always believe that Masters don’t interfere with our karma, especially when exhaustion is a must, but they certainly reduce its intensity. In this case, that’s exactly what happened. This was probably a karma that had to happen, but my Guru’s protection reduced the impact and let me come out of it with very less damage. A potentially larger problem was reduced to a miniscule dent! The monetary damage was insignificant compared to bigger issues that could have otherwise happened. This was the most important indication of how Mohanji’s protection shielded me!’
“The front of my car had miniscule dents”
With this incident, my conviction, faith and surrender to Guru and Guru Tattva (Principle), have become more strong and it has only proven that the understanding was correct.
Being in Mohanji’s protection feels like being in the most secure and safe place like a mother’s womb. I know he is carrying me and will never ever let me fall. When he says “I am with you”, he really means it and this is just another experience that confirms it.
May everyone with the conviction and faith in Guru and Guru Tattva be blessed to realise and understand this truth and bliss of being in the eternal protection of Guru. We may leave Guru’s hand, but He will never leave ours!
Upon reading my update regarding this incident on Facebook, Preeti Duggal, who was with Mohanji at that time in India, immediately commented the below:
“On that day, Mohanji had planned to visit a place later in the morning. We were all ready by 11.30am but He did not come out. The door to His room was closed. It is unusual for Him to be late! I thought that He was resting so we didn’t disturb Him. He came out at 1 pm and said that he had slept off. It has seldom happened that something is planned and He forgets about it. After I heard about your incident, I realized why He was resting. Mohanji is omnipresent. When you remember Him with full faith and devotion, He will always be there by your side and what He promises, He always delivers. His message to all of us, “I AM WITH YOU” was proved again yesterday. Thank you Mohanji for always holding our hand and being there for us in all situations.”
Upon reading this comment from Preeti didi (sister), I realised that He was with me the moment I glanced at His photo in my car and remembered Him! For me, this was a clear indication of His expanded existence and His ability to work in multiple dimensions beyond the physical body.

Mohanji, my loving gratitude for your compassion, unconditional love and protection to me and to every being in this world. Thank you for being with us every moment, every time.
Shaken but not Stirred
by Anja Jeremic, Serbia
I haven’t managed to write any of my experiences so far, but today’s event just forces me to share it with you.
A few hours ago, I experienced a traffic accident – seemingly banal. After work, I was leaving the parking lot when a car hit the door on my side. The glass from the window was shattered and scattered all over me. Tiny bits of glass everywhere.
All this happened in an instant As it usually happens! For a moment, I didn’t realize what happened. It was so fast, but then again the blow seemed to last long. I got out of the car through the other door and went into the building to remove the glass, which was all over my face, hair, and clothes.
The important point is that even the glass fell all over me, I did not have a single scratch. Usually, I put on the seat belt before starting to drive, but I did not have the seat belt on at the time of the accident! This was a blessing in disguise because the force of the impact threw me on another seat due to which I didn’t get hit or scratched. There was no physical pain, no hurt – as if nothing had happened! Just a shock with the accompanying shaking 🙂
I immediately realised that it was Mohanji’s love and protection that allowed me to come out unhurt! I am infinitely grateful to Mohanji and all the Masters of the Tradition for their protection and love 🙏❤️
Mohanji’s message
With heartfelt gratitude to life for teaching us many great lessons and to the Guru and Guru Mandala for their constant protection, we leave you with this powerful message from Mohanji (sent after the incident was conveyed to Him) that brings utmost clarity about these incidents and is relevant enough for everyone to remember always.
“Nothing that destiny brings can be avoided 100%. But it’s impact is substantially reduced with grace. Grace happens when faith happens. Doubts removes grace or at least blocks its flow. The incident is over. Now the residue memory of it. The aftershocks. This also need to be handled gracefully. Every compelling incident leaves a strong impact in the mind. Conscious nullification of it is extremely important. Otherwise, memories reproduces everything at a later date which we call pattern. You are not directly responsible for this accident but your residual memories are. Hence, surrender and trashing or total clean up is essential. Less analysis is better for this. More you analyse, more you remember and more you store. More you talk about it, the more you remember. Let go. Leave it. Your part in this story is over with this experience. I always do my part but I don’t remember it afterwards because I have no house inside to store anything. Be Mohanji. Do not store anything. Be free from memories. Avoid re-creation of anything in life. Incidents experienced one time need be considered like a daily newspaper. Once read it should lose its value. Keep floating through life and gather nothing. I shall do my job. I love you and am always with you. Keep flowing without residual memories of any events of life. The world loves you and the world is you.
With Love
|| Jai Brahmarishi Mohanji ||
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