ACT-inspired Seva in Jammu and Thane, India

Dear friends, I would like to share with you two beautiful testimonials of proactive Seva activities inspired by the “ACT NOW!” slogan of the ACT foundation and the principles expounded by Mohanji and Bless the World meditations. Interestingly enough, both happened on the same day, which happened to be the birthday of a great Master, Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh path. With love, Biba


SUMIT: “Dearest Divine Sister,

Due to the grace of Mohanji, we were able to distribute blankets and woolen caps to needy people on the occasion of Guru Nanak ji’s birthday (Nov 21st).

A Woolen Cap, Blessing and a Blanket

I believe that, with Master’s grace and guidance, this winter will be the warmest winter of Jammu.

Eyes full of Gratitude

I pray the same for all the needy beings all over the world.

Blankets for the Family Sleeping on the Pavement

Didi, Mohanji loves me so much that it can never be understood fully by a living being like me. But I know only one thing – that HE is my FATHER, a TRUE MASTER sent into my life by the HEAVENLY FATHER, and I am doing my best to be HIS son. After meeting him Mumbai and experiencing his Unconditional Love, all I wanted was to be of use to Him and his Mission.

During this Seva activity, I could clearly feel Mohanji’s energy presence and was amazed to see his presence in the form of orb on several photos.

The Crystal Lotus in the orb - Mohanji's presence


The photo on which Mohanji’s orb is visible the most is with a stray dog that we fed (dog represents Dattatreya tradition) – everything was more meaningful than it appeared to be…

Mohanji's orb next to a dog - the Crystal Lotus, representing Para Brahma

The way Mohanji has accepted me and answered my soul’s call, whatever I may do in this life or whenever, I cannot express my gratitude enough…..

After our recent BTW meditation session, during which all participants had very deep experiences, we felt very inspired and ready – LET US MOVE AND ACT, AND MAKE THE DIFFERENCE……… 

Nothing like the Amrit of Love felt during Seva

The ONLY one goal I have now is service to my FATHER to the best of my abilities. I pray that, till my last breath in this life and forever, I live as per HIS wish with courage, humility and love.


Biscuits & Love offered to a dog - the heart-touching moments...

Love and Act Always,



SUDEEP: “While still in Muscat, as per Mohanji’s guidance, I committed to do 9 consecutive Thursday Vratas of Shirdi Sai Baba, but could not complete the same by feeding the needy children. However, I made a vow to Shirdi Baba that, once I am back in Mumbai, I will certainly do so.

Our Humble Seva Team

This commitment was thus fulfilled on 21st Nov 2010 when a team of 8 of us (my family members (wife Shampa, daughter Shubha and mother-in-law), as well as dear friends – Shantanu Haldar, Sushma, Murari & Ravi) went to Takarda village in Thane around noon time and fed about 80 village children with lunch that comprised of satwic vegetarian food. My friend Gopal, who is a caterer, prepared the foodstuff (Khitchri, one mix vegetable & sweet dish- Jalebi) with great care and lots of love.

Anna daan in Takarda Village

Takarda village is located on the foothills of Sanjay Gandhi National Park at Ovla, Thane W. There are about 140 families who live there (very, very poor). The families belong to many local tribes.

Shantanu, Sushma & myself went to Takarda a day before the Seva activity to arrange the things and do prior survey and meeting with the village chief Larkaya. We were amazed to see the conditions they live in…

Children in Takarda Village

On 21 Nov, eight of us thus collected the foodstuff, plates, spoons, glasses etc.  and joyfully conducted the food distribution followed by distribution of clothes. The clothes were collected from Murari, Sushma’s neighbour & my own household.

Proudly Wearing my New T-Shirt 🙂

As per Mohanji’s guidance, they were collected neat & clean and as good as new, apt for both children & adults.

A Lovely Dress for a Sweet Girl

The whole function ended on a very happy & satisfactory note at about 3 pm and we all left with a deep sense of joy and fulfillment.

Their Joy is Our Joy - Multiplied Manifold

I am enclosing a few pictures taken on this occasion. You can see many Orbs even during the daytime. We surely felt the presence and blessings of the Masters.

Sudeep, Children and a Luminous Orb

Being in a position to do this Seva is a great blessing and we hope to do more such activities in the near future….

Loving regards,


Sudeep and Love that oozes during Seva


7 thoughts on “ACT-inspired Seva in Jammu and Thane, India”

  1. Dear Sudeep and Sumeet,
    Your photos speak a lot of love, commitment, selflessness and more importantly Master’s guidence.
    Your act is very heart touching. I wish it inspires many.
    Wish you all the best
    Love and regards,

  2. are so very divine..I have tears in my eyes…kindness.limitlessness kindness. blessings for you huge heart..and beauty of the Soul. Love, Carmen

  3. dear Sudeep uncle and Sumeet bhaiya
    i am very happy.your photos have shown a lot of love,care and lots
    and lots and lots of(100 lots) of selfless seva.

    little MOUSHAMI

  4. Dearest Moushami,

    Thanks for your good wishes.
    It all happened because of Immortal Masters And Mohanji’s Grace.


  5. Dear Sumitji and Sudipji

    You have done a great job of selflessness,needless to say anything since the pictures are speaking for itself and Mohanji’s Blessings and presence is so visible in the form of such big orbs. You really have done a commendable job. May you get all the Blessings from immortal Masters and our own Mohanji always and ever.

    With Gratitude and loves

    Anita Puri
    ( BTW family )

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