This is a revelation of how Masters function. This is my story of conducting ‘The Power of Purity’ meditation for 150 souls (110 adults and 40 children) at a time in Shrirampur in Maharashtra.

Jyoti didi (we address elder sister as didi) asked me to give a talk for around one and a half hour, which would be followed by the meditation on the next day. This was the plan.
As soon as the program was decided, I asked Mohanji- what I am going to talk and how should I conduct the program. I wanted to prepare for the talk. His answer was, “Deepali, guidance will happen”. I kept quiet.
Didi and I used to discuss the plan on phone. I told her, “Let everyone come. There is no restriction on women, men, children or age.” I also told her to let more and more children come.
A week later, I asked Mohanji again the same question, and received the same reply: “Deepali, guidance will happen. Don’t you have faith?” I do have tremendous faith in him, but my mind was a bit shaky because this was my first experience of delivering a talk on spirituality to an audience of this strenght – I am used to a planned and structured teaching in medical science.

Mohanji’s Arrival to Delhi and My Illness
Mohanji coming to New Delhi on his way to Singapore was indeed a surprise for me. I thought it is a good chance to take few tips on what to talk and to prepare myself better. But, Delhi had a different story. Mohanji arrived to Delhi on Nov 16th. At that time, I somehow picked up a serious flu. I had a severe headache and fever. Moreover, I developed a serious bronchospasm, wheezing and coughing. I could not breathe or talk. With great difficulty I was able to walk 2-3 steps! At the same time there was a lot of work.
Meditation was planned on 18th and 19th at Dana’s house. Sumeet came from Jammu. Dana, Sumeet, Abhishek, Navin have witnessed fast deterioration of my health. I was surprised. Since I was initiated into Shaktipaat and have started meditation, this routine cough and cold had disappeared from my system. But this attack was rather serious. And I was all the time thinking about my program in Shrirampur…. How will I conduct this program in my current state of illness!!! I had a few medicines and Abhishek promptly brought other vital medicines that I needed. But, medicines were not working on me. It is always hectic with Mohanji. When he is around, normally there is no time to rest.

Meditation on 18th at Dana’s house was wonderful. At that time I clearly felt that Mohanji took away my cough – he coughed during the meditation, once or twice. I felt much better after the meditation; at least I was able to breathe. Lungs were slightly open. I was hungry for prana and could finally get some.
During those 3 days in Delhi with Mohanji, I once again asked about our program in Shrirampur. But, his answer was again: “Deepali, guidance will happen.” I could not understand him. To be very honest, I was slightly upset with him, as I believed that this should not be the way of training a novice or junior. Anyway, I had no choice but to accept and I accepted with full faith and surrender, even though my conscious mind remained obsessed with the content of the talk.

In Shrirampur – Preparation of the talk
As I arrived to Shrirampur, Didi told me that 80 people had registered for the program and that it would be conducted in a big hall. Moreover, the Town Mayor would attend the program, and the Chairperson of the function would be the famous Palmist and Astrologer, Mr. Kantilal Bhandari. When she asked me “Is your talk ready?”, I did not know what to answer…
Next day, I opened my laptop, connected with Mohanji’s eyes and started drafting my talk in Power Point. I simply wrote what flowed from my heart, adding lots of pictures. I prepared 30 slides in two hours, which included:
Guru-tatwa principle; offering gratitude to all Masters, Babaji, Dattatreya Tradition, Sai Baba, Mahavir Swami and Mohanji; uniqueness of each one’s journey; skeptic mind; what is spirituality; how to go beyond religions; experiences with my Guru Mohanji who showed me the reality and made me forget that I am Deepali; my spiritual journey; Experiences in the Vashitha Guha and Ganeshpuri; What is the ‘Power of Purity’ meditation and how is it different from other meditations; What is Shaktipat; Faith-Purity-Surrender; Emotions attached to Thought-Word-and-Action and how we accumulate karma; mind-body-habits and conditionings/samskaras; Ammucare and Mohanji’s blogs.

The talk
When I reached the venue, I was surprised to see how wonderfully organized – from the registrations to the decorations – everything was. In the background, the Dias was filled with flowers and photos of Mohanji, Sai Baba and Anand Rishiji Maharaj (A Great Jain Sadhu), which were positioned on either side.
Program started by lighting the lamp (samai). Hall was full. Children sat on one side. A few more people joined. I was happy to see an audience of 150people in front of me who would soon get to know about Mohanji and BTW. After the initial formalities, I was handed the mike, connected with Mohanji and started talking in Marathi. Before the talk, all of us did AUM chanting and relaxing breathing. Then I spoke for 1 hr 20 min. in fluent Marathi. I was surprised. There was a pin drop silence throughout the entire talk. Even the children were quiet. People remained quiet even after the talk and I knew it had triggered some deep thinking in them.
Mr. Kantilal Bhandari then spoke about meditation from the Jainology viewpoint. Listening to the words of this experienced 82-year-old man was a great joy.
We then had a good question-answer session. One question was – “These are Deepali’s experiences. Why should we accept them?” I liked the question. Before I could say anything, Mr. Bhandari took over the mike and said: “God is everywhere. It was Deepali’s time to know it. Arjun was with Krishna but could never realize his stature. He was blind. At one moment, Krishna had to give him vision to see the real and Lord Krishna showed him the Reality. Let’s open our eyes.” I thanked Baba and Mohanji for this answer.
Another question was- “When do we meditate and how do we start”? I answered but Dr. Uttara Sidhaye completed the answer with shloka from Bhagawat Geeta (18 Adhyay, shloka 66)-

Meaning…. Lord Krishna says: “Do not sit crying over problems in life. When you feel like; offer all your deeds and karmas to me and just surrender. I will take care of all your karmas and sins and give you liberation.”

Meditations on 21 November 2010
A big dilemma arose – how would Moushami and I manage to give Shaktipat to 150 people at a time. We decided to divide them into 3 groups of 50. The first group was called at 5.15am in the morning, second at 7.15am and third, reserved for children, at 9.30am. In the end, more came for meditation than expected!
Conducting ‘Power of Purity’ meditation at 5.15am on Bramha Muhurat (the most auspicious time in the day, from 3 to 6 am) with the chirping of birds and cool breeze had a deep effect and was a beautiful experience. All meditations went undisturbed. Mohanji’s energy was flowing very, very strongly. He was in Singapore at that time on a business trip. Moushami and I were able to effortlessly give Shaktipat to all. We were wonderfully surprised at the ease with which this happened!

Experiences during Meditation
How can I narrate the experiences when hundreds got connected with Mohanji’s consciousness at the same time? All 3 groups did wonderful initial breathing. They really breathed as a one body, one group! All followed instructions so well and were fully receptive to Shaktipat! We began the meditations by connecting with Mohanji’s eyes followed by AUM, humming and breathing. A spectrum of the post-meditation comments are given below:
This was my best ever experience,
we felt completely relaxed,
we saw white light,
we never thought we would be able to sit for such a long time,
we did not realize the time,
we felt things leaving our system,
we saw Sai Baba.
I felt I am not in my body.
Shaktipat reduced thinking. Shaktipat gave energy surge in the body. Shaktipat was warm and felt it ran everywhere in the body. We actually felt Shaktipat.
I had a few jerks in the body, but was fine.
I felt I am in a closed room.
We felt Loved!
We felt light.
We have done other meditations, but this was the most relaxing and powerful one ever.
This is different. We feel happy and released. ….
So many cried and so many wanted to cry, but suppressed it. Stored and suppressed emotions of lifetimes were leaving their system!! Almost everyone had melted. Some said that so many emotions surfaced and gave pain but at the end all pains vanished and they felt relieved.

While giving Shaktipat to a lady, I could feel that she was suffering from a severe cough and that Shaktipat was working on this specific problem of hers. At the end, when I asked her about her condition, she was surprised that I was able to know this. Moushami and I had many experiences similar to this. Shaktipat was happening effortlessly through us.

For the 9.30 group, initially only few people and 2-3 children had arrived, but within next 5 minutes, all arrived. Moushami was so happy.
Children were so receptive, much more than the adults. Some were naughty and opening their eyes in between! It was so pleasant to give them Shaktipat. Their spontaneous reactions were: “This was very comfortable; we felt like sleeping; we feel fresh; Shaktipat is like the mother’s love; we were floating; we feel so happy; we want more!” Their reactions were deep, from the heart. Giving Shaktipat to children was the most beautiful experience…
Moushami, my sincere thanks to you. Children were so happy to see you there. They could identify with you and could see that children also meditate. Their parents gained confidence seeing you there. Mohanji always says: “Children are more receptive. It is better to instill this knowledge at this young age before they get conditioned. Baba loved children. They would become better beings.”
Next day, a group of 25 people requested one more meditation. News had spread in the town and a few new people joined. We thus conducted another meditation on 22nd evening.

Shrirampur usually has electricity problem. And yet, interestingly enough, during the talk and throughout the meditation, we did not have any problems. Moreover, the owner of the meeting place expressed his wish to build a Sai Baba temple in the premises! Everyone was satisfied and was given what they needed. This is guidance and it will happen if we remain open.
This was a beautiful demonstration of how Mohanji planned the whole thing and never told me anything! He quietly worked towards it from a much higher dimension. We only see things next to us. Masters look at things from the top of a mountain. They have a holistic view of what is needed for humanity at that time. They ensure things happen properly, in accordance with a higher purpose. What we need to do is allow that to happen. At the end, I felt I did nothing and was just an instrument – ‘I’ does not exist in this equation.
Guidance does happen. My conscious mind had no role to play! I have no doubt that, whoever will try to organize Mohanji’s event in the future, will also automatically experience this divine guidance from his side.
I am grateful to Adrash Jain Mahila Mandal and Shrirampur Taluka Medical Association, especially Mrs. Chhaya Gandhi, Mrs. Shital Mutha, Mrs. Rani Babel, Mrs. Jyoti Sanghavi, Mrs. Mangal Mutha and Mrs. Sarala Gandhi, for organizing this event. I thank everyone in the meeting hall who took care of ensuring cleanliness and sound system operation. I thank the photographer and all others who helped in making this event such a success.
Dear Mohanji, I feel words like ‘deep gratitude’ and ‘complete surrender’ do not exactly express my feelings. My feelings are much deeper than that. Moushami and I came back with deep satisfaction of being instruments of connecting people to you, to the Divinity.
Love and regards to all, Deepali

22 thoughts on “Guidance Will Happen”
A wonderful and nice experience for all the followers of Baba. Seems like all of us, though belonging to various places in India have something in common esp with Maharashtra having an important role in the Dattatreya tradition being like a magnet even attracting those beyond our shores.Jai Sai Ram——
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!!!
Dear Deepali,
What a nice experience. We are all perfectly guided by Mohanji’s energies. Just connect to his eyes and he will show us his presence. We are all experiencing this daily.
A deep gratitude start flowing out while reading your experience.
Thanks a lot for sharing such a loving experience.
Dear Ramudu,
I completely agree with you. I feel his guidance at every moment and this has completely changed my life. It has certainly become more meaningful.
Thanks for reading and appreciating.
Let Mohanji’s blessings flow for you and everyone. Stay connected with his eyes.
Love and regards,
“Do not sit crying over problems in life. When you feel like; offer all your deeds and karmas to me and just surrender. I will take care of all your karmas and sins and give you liberation.”
I liked this message very much as it proved true in my life.Thank u so much for sharing this wonderful experience of yours dear Deepali.The greatest blessing in life is to act as a tool of god and you are really blessed.MERRY CHRISTMAS
With Love
Dear Deepa,
When to meditate and how to start….. are questions by many.
Mohanji never gave any rules for meditation. He said, “Meditate when you feel like. Meditate where you feel like. Stay connected. Nothing is required other than Faith, Purity and Surrender”.
Many thanks for appreciating the expereince.
Deepa, I am sure that guidance will happen for any question that anyone have. Just remain open and connected with his eyes.
Love and regards,
My dear Deepali,
I am so happy with your sharing. Your spiritual mission in this life has really started intensely. We all are so inspired always with your intense sharings. Actually we can do nothing without Master’s grace.
If we can connect and know what the Masters want us to do and accept their Will and live our lives accordingly without questioning and analysing we will be really much blessed.
Dear Shri Anand Durlabha,
Thanks. You have always whole heartedly appreciated my writting and experiences.
Spirituality should go hand-in-hand with one’s routine. Master’s grace is must in life. It is always there, but unfortunately we do not accept or tap the grace. Many times, we block the grace with our mind and intellect.
Heartful of thanks once again.
Love and regards,
It is really a wonderful experience even reading about this event! I can just imagine how uplifting the experience of being there would have been.
Deepali ji, Thank you very much for sharing !!
Vinay, Delhi
Pranaams dear ma!
what an intense sharing. i felt i was receiving Shaktipath while reading this.! Every sentence i read in your english tone! couldnt believe it!. And also this sharing is very very inspiring.
Thankyou so much!
Dearest Deepali
thanks for sharing this lovely experience.
Fantastic that through BTW you and Moushami were able to touch so many souls.
Just beautiful!
As far as the preparation of your talk is concerned I can imagine how you must have felt. I had a talk about BTW & Shaktipat lined up at the beginning of this year. The group was smaller though (not more than 20), but I believe that does not really make a big difference to ones state when the message is simply “guidance will happen”. The level of discomfort is surely equally high, whether there are 10 or 100 people. Truly nerve-wracking!
But guidance did happen. And the strongest inspiration and best impulse came even only 5 minutes before I started the talk…!
Best wishes for the festive days ahead.
Blessings and lots of love.
And: guidance will happen! 😉
dear mom,
THANKS MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
🙂 %)
Very nice Deepali Didi.
Thank you so much.
Will it be also possible to share the actual talk in details you had shared with the audience which you have already summarized above. 🙂
With Love,
can you please give us contact number of Mr Kantilal Bhandari?
Dearest Deepali,
What an unexpected meditation I just had!
I was reading your lovely experience sharing and suddenly my entire body started trembling and swaying. I could hardly finish reading it till the end… Since I was reading it in bed, I just put my lap top on a side, lay down (due to my acute arthritis pain I’m not able to meditate in lotus position these days) and just “got lost” in such soothing light where your image was present as well… Doorbell brought me out after more than half an hour. What a lovely gateway you’ve opened for me! Even my usual morning stiffness and pain are less…
Thank you for all your love, care and help during your stay in Delhi. I truly cherish those moments we spent together… And thank you for sharing your experiences. Masters love and guidance are so much felt even in your narration.
Yes, “guidance will happen”… to those who surrender…
dear deepali,
I again experienced the shibir & its preparations. You was looking very spiritual, energetic. Your voice was divine, calm & effective. the atmosphere was …. Oh, I cannot explain. I was little bit busy in technical work. I had great pleasure,satisfaction. Come again to shrirampur with mohanji. I think he comes shirdi in February – March. Do tell him to come Shrirampur.
Dear deepali mam’n,
I read this article of yours, this very good work.
Actually i am searching for contacts of a person who was chairperson in the session i.e. Mr. Kantilal Bhandari. I want to discuss some problems with him.
So if you have any contact information like phone number, ect. Plz reply me asap.
I am waiting for your reply. Expecting your help.
Thanking you….. 🙂
Dear Vipula,
Many thanks for appreciating the article and the work.
Just a thought…..
Who does not have problems in life? All of us have. We do not take efforts to understand the problem but run all around to find solutions. Astrology is one such place from where we seek help.
All that matters is whether we are secure in the present or not. Our mind shifts between past and future all the time. It creates insecurities. We hardly remain in the present. Staying in the present would solve all problems and also would never create problems. Neither you would be anxious about the future nor you would regret over past. You will be in perfect balance. Our present life is the effect of our past thoughts and actions. We only created our present and we only complain about it. Answer to any problems lies in this understanding. If emotions are attached with your every thought, word and action; it will create karma. Karma will drive your life. Understand all individuals as karmic beings. Everyone lives their karma. Each pattern is unique. Respect it. Accept your problems.
I encourage you to read Mohanji’s blog “Path of Pathlessness” at this link…
I also encourage you to read his other blogs.
Having real understanding of life from Mohanji has solved every problem of my life. His meditation and blogs has made my life smooth and meaningful. Please log on to for details of meditation.
Mr. Kantilal Bhandari stays in Shrirampur, Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India. I am sorry, I cannot help you with his phone no because, I do not have it.
Love and regards,
Dear Deepali
when ever i go through your blogs, I feel a very strong vibration in my body.while I am reading it ,its a very strange feeling ,I am unable to express in words. Ever since i hv connected to MOHANJI its a different experience each day. Just keep on going through Mohanji’s and your blogs and m altogether in a different state of mind. even after finishing the blog, for quite a long time i feel the vibrations in my body. Can u just tell me what does it signifies. An other thing I would like to know is that is there any particular way to connect with Mohanji’s eyesas I find it difficult to concentrate for long and at times it gets hazy.Please update me on this.
Before I pen down I would like to congratulate u for writting so well and also u and Dear Moushmi being so fortunate for being with MOHANJI always.””’What a beautiful feeling u must have going through every day.
With loads of love to You, ” OM SAI SRI SAI JAI JAI SAI”
Anita Puri
( BTW family )
Dear Anita,
Your soul knows what you need and when you get that, bubbles of energy surge and emerges. It is a beautiful merging with the reality. Not your mind, but your soul has understood Mohanji’s reality. It simply gets translated as an experience of vibrations, going into a different state of mind. But, why go into theory of this phenomenon? Accept the truth. Accept the connection with Mohanji.
The more you are connected with Mohanji, you may experience different things. Mohanji, though far away from you, his energy is working on you, and helping you to shed many sanskaras. He is aiding your journey towards liberation. It will happen to all those who are connected with Mohanji.
Connecting with Mohanji’s eyes: Select his photo which appeals to you the best. Look into his eyes for a min 2-3 times a day or whenever you want to. No rules exists in his Path of Liberation! More you connect, it is better for you. Surrender all thoughts and worries at his lotus feet. Believe me, everything reaches Mohanji and he certainly answers.
The most meaningful and beautiful happening of my life is that I met Mohanji. I am very thankful to my husband Dr. Sanjay and both kids, who never stopped me. They also willingly joined Mohanji and his mission.
Meeting with Mohanji was a turning point in my life and life became meaningful, smooth and full of purpose forever and beauty is that Mohanji only provides energy to accomplish all tasks!
Mohanji says, “If you are ready to take one step to walk on this Path of Dharma or Path of Liberation or Path of Pathlessness, I will take you 10 steps futher!” In shopping mall sales, at times we get “Buy 2, get 1 free”. Mohanji is giving 10 free on 1 step !!!!!! Better deal! Dear Anita, if this is guaranteed, then what is a problem in start walking. The walk is at times smooth but at times it is also very tricky and difficult. But It is enjoyable and meaningful.
Love you loads,
Thank you for sharing this wonderful experience.