LOVE – Across the Universe!

The Grand Cross Meditation(s) on June 26th, 2010

The White Flower - Grand Cross gift from Marina

Dear friends,

So much has happened on the day of Grand Cross meditation that it became a real challenge for me to present it to you in a condensed form. As a group of sincere, experiential spiritualists, we did our best to contribute to the wave of Love and positivity that was spread on our beautiful planet on June 26th.

BTW meditation was conducted at more or less the same time in Dubai, Muscat, Greece, New Delhi, Thane, Mumbai, Munich, London and Belgrade (and other locations where it was done individually). All were tuning in and all had their own profound experiences – Mohanji’s presence was clearly felt at all the locations.

Here’s the account of Dubai meditation and synopsis of what happened at some of the stated locations:

Dubai, June 26th- the Grand Cross experience

Since early morning, Mohanji and I were in full action, running from one end of Dubai to another  in order to complete the Seva tasks for the day. Last was the blessing of one house in Mirdif – the lady who invited us had many beautiful artifacts in her new home, but did not know how a picture of Sathya Sai Baba appeared in her kitchen. After we spent some time together, she understood just how big of a blessing this is and that it is not a coincidence that Mohanji, from all the people, was the first person she offered lunch in her new house. Baba’s leelas always bring ever-new joy!

The young Sathya Sai Baba

We rushed to Ashima’s apartment but, by the time we arrived, most people have gathered already. We barely had a few minutes to freshen up – such haste is not our normal practice before Mohanji conducts BTW and goes into expanded state, but I guess this was a part of Grand Cross scenario…. 🙂 At the edges is the chaos, but at the center, where the Soul resides, the order is found. The gateway to that center is only through Love.

Expanded Heart - gateway to higher dimensions

Grand Cross teaches us that, by lifting the consciousness and experiencing the unconditionality of pure love, we reach the center free of all the chaos, free of all the agony of the gross. It is like an eye of the storm. Only brave ones dare to enter, only brave ones dare to love unconditionally…

Eye of the Storm - the cyclone image taken by NASA

The impromptu meditation that Mohanji conducted on that day arrived straight from that sacred space. It was not about the words, it was about the tangible experience of that overwhelming energy. I have seen Mohanji in Samadhi before and could understand, by the way he was uttering the words, that he was in that state and that talking is a great struggle for him. But the experience he delivered (i.e. that was delivered through him) was superb. I became like a stone statue – at that time no photo taking and no movement was possible from my side. At one point I had a clear intuitive message to change the CD, which I did somehow, and we all allowed the love and devotion to blossom following the loving tunes of Arati from Siddha Yoga tradition.

Ramaduji receiving the Shaktipat in the company of an orb

Since so many people came that some had to even sit in the hallway, Shaktipat during meditation was simply not possible. Mohanji thus said that he will give individual Shaktipats to all after the meditation. That lasted for more than an hour and gave us enough time to bathe in the experience until it was time for Mohanji and I to fly back to Muscat.

The humble Jayan receiving Shaktipat

At the airport he went into expanded state again, as so many people from different locations across the globe were still tuning into his consciousness. I knew how difficult it was for him to move while in that supple stage – as we were moving through the security checks and boarding the plane, I witnessed the sweet balancing of all those activities at different planes of existence, all happening at the same time… Through that consciousness, we were all connected, although at different locations:

BTW in Munich (Germany) – sharing by Marina

“I felt we were having a private audience with Mohanji. Very dense and intense energy. Brilliant and touching. Lots of heat got generated. In fact I felt as if lava was surrounding my body when I gave Shaktipat. White lava. And it was as if we were hovering on a soft white cloud of love and light – I felt and saw the most intense yet gentle heat of white (!) fire within that cloud. White lava and fire! Just brilliant – pure and powerful!

The soothing radiance of Marina

 And one of the most touching feedbacks came from a lady who described the big and bright light she saw, the enormous heat she felt in her hips and lower back and that she saw flower petals opening up at the top of her head at one point during Shaktipat. In fact I also felt an opening on her head when I touched her Sahasrara. When she talked about her experience after the meditation her eyes and mine just locked – clicked – and tears welled up, on both sides.
What an energy that Mohanji and the divine forces let flow through us!! Nourishing and purifying at all levels.”

BTW in New Delhi – sharing by Dana

“[…]During the meditation so much of heat got generated that my chest and cheeks were burning and throat was so dry. Contrary to that, my palms were ice cold. I couldn’t wait to drink some water as well as to place my cold palms on my burning cheeks.

My body was vibrating even before we started with breathing techniques and meditation. Richa told me later on that I didn’t have a human form at all. I was moving amongst all of them as a white light (actually she described it as “if I was touched, I would fly higher – like cotton”).

Dana - the white light

For the first time, my home was full of people. When I came to give Shaktipat to Suzy, an amazing thing happened – the moment I placed my palm on her crown chakra, I became so expanded that I felt again like a giant from Alladin’s lamp. It was like being connected straight to the source… putting your finger in the plug point which is Creator Himself.”

BTW in Muscat – sharing by Dr. Deepali

“[…]I could clearly see the soul of each person present. I also could see the attachment of the EGO with the soul. I also saw Mohanji’s energy working on them. I realized that the side movements which I felt distinctly throughout the meditation were nothing but fight between ego and his energy. Ego was resisting the energy. It did not want to leave the soul. Soul was quiet, watching the game. Soul is a pure energy; unaffected by anything. The fight was quite serious. Mohanji had tough time to fight with each one’s ego. Ultimately Mohanji won the fight. His energy is so pure and hence it is strong. He gave only two choices, either work with awareness or with emotions.

The purity of Dr. Deepali - her Seva of recording & transcribing Mohanji's talks

This fight was to make a big shift towards awareness. I remembered that, during QA on 18 June 2010, he had mentioned about these choices. He actually installed the choice of awareness. This is the need of the time. Consciousness is shifting at faster speed. If we catch up, we get it. Otherwise, we wait; we may have to wait for a life time or few life times.

There was resistance by each person’s ego. Degree of resistance was different. At last, Mohanji gave everyone a thick solid shield and lifted them up in the higher consciousness. Hope each person understands what they have been gifted with. He achieved the purpose of today’s meditation. This was a beautiful experience.”

BTW in London – sharing by Fabian:

Fabian and Nicole - BTW in London, Grand Cross day

“This was an extremely powerful Shaktipat for all the participants. We started the meditation in sync with the Dubai group at 2pm London time (which was 5 pm Dubai time) so that we could join Mohanji’s group astrally. After the meditation we had a brief satsang and during the sharing of experiences we found that two meditators had the same vision of mainly Egyptian content. Metta to all, Fabian”

Belgrade BTW (Serbia) – sharing by Marija:

“On this special day in the universe we chose to ‘get wired’ to the opening of the new chapter in universal consciousness, chapter of increased awareness – through love, understanding and compassion.

The glow of sweet Marija's smile and third eye

Belgrade’s Power of Purity Group was great both in quantity and quality.  The presence of Mohanji’s expanded state was so large, like I’ve never experienced before. Once I started giving Shaktipat, my heart started beating unbelievably hard until the very end of meditation. The heat on my palms was so intense, as if they had 100 degrees in them.  Also, I could clearly feel strong vibrations along the spine of many who were present. At one moment, after giving Shaktipat to Dusan (highly evolved boy you could read about in the “Blast in all Directions” blog post) my entire hand became numb and my face started getting numb too (later on, his father Goran said that Dusan went home singing out loud, smiling and being so open and extroverted, despite the fact that he is most of the time quiet, observing, and more introverted).  What a great transformation!! 🙂

Our multi-faceted Goran, Master of Kendo, Tai Chi, and more 🙂

As meditation continued and the group energy expanded even more, I felt as if our entire room lifted off the ground and that we were about to start flying collectively, just like in the greatest fairytales :-). It is just that this was real, cuz the energy was so tangible, and present.  After meditation was over, there was a long silence, and I was practically speechless.  I saw the happiness in people’s eyes, their level of openness, and the invisible bonds we all made together.

Thank you Mohanji, thank you all the great Masters, thank you Universe for allowing us to witness changes both in ourselves and in the world itself, and for reminding us that we are made of pure energy and love.  It is Oneness that we all are part of, and that we need to go back to.”

And finally, I would like to crown this blog post with the following words of Mohanji, echoing into eternity:

 There is deep clarity in the path of Shiva. Same consciousness operates. The path is both simple and extremely difficult. Simple because there is nothing to do. Just like the monkey’s child clings on to its mother, disciples cling on to the tangible Guru and the Guru takes them to the highest possible elevation, only as much as the disciple can handle. The child monkey is not climbing any tree. It cannot, by itself. The mother climbs. The child holds on. If the child leaves its mother’s hands, it could fall into the depths and die. So, the path is both simple and difficult. The main difficulty is the fall due to our ego. Sometime, when great experiences are happening to all around us, through us, we feel that we are giving those experiences and we forget the hands behind our power.

The power happens to us, due to the Grace. The unfailing grace happens from the Lord Almighty. When we forget the Almighty and His angels, do-er ship happens and then we fall. Do-er ship increases our ego. It makes us alienated from the reality. So, our path is all about FAITH, PURITY and SURRENDER. Then, we will always remain in the lap of the Almighty. We will always remain well protected. We will always operate in Supreme Consciousness.

In deep surrender,


Mohanji and Biba - holding on, with Faith, Purity and Surrender...

2 thoughts on “LOVE – Across the Universe!”

  1. Last Saturday (June 26th) the experience with Dana in Delhi was awesome-I love to attend BTW sessions as I feel a fundamental need for silence, inner peace, and a moment of reflection to reduce stress and enjoy moments of relaxation. Dana was dressed all in white and looked like a fairy-an unusual calmness was around her, though when she gave us Shaktipat, her hands were cold like glaciers! It is difficult to explain all the moments spent while meditating (because it involves a state of consciousness that cannot be expressed by words) – while my body was sitting, my whole being was jumping and I was bouncing inside! Mohanji’s presence was felt at the very beginnning of the session. I have realized fully the great truth that when the bowl is full, trying to pour more water into it just causes an overflow. The same happens with our mind. May we remain open and receptive like children.
    I thank god for this wonderful joy and bless all those who are making it happen
    Thanks Mohanji, Biba and Dana

  2. Goolcher Navdar

    “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
    – Mahatma Gandhi

    That is what I felt that day in the presence of the Divine energies surrounding us through Mohanji.
    After a thorough cleansing on the 25th, the Grand Cross meditation was such a peaceful inner contentment of just Being, that I could not word my feelings vocally. I was just HAPPY to be there.

    I thank my good fortune to receive such blessings.


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