Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 215 and 216

By Christopher Greenwood

Day 215 – Relative truths

Yesterday (15/06/21) was the final day of the trip to the Bosnian pyramids, and it concluded with an open satsang and Shaktipat in the tunnels – the tunnel which goes into one of the pyramids.

During the Satsang, Mohanji shared a simple yet effective story, illustrating how we all tend to live our lives based on relative truth rather than absolute truth. It’s a story I’ve heard him share before, but for me, each time, it’s a beautiful reminder and also a tool which I can come back to, which helps me understand my interaction with people around me a little better.

In the story, there’s a seven-foot man, a six-foot man, and a five-foot man, all standing together. From the 7-foot man’s perspective, there are two short people. In the case of the 6-foot man, there is one tall and one short person with him, and for the 5-foot man, there are two tall people next to them. For each of them, their perspective is correct. It’s a truth to them but a relative truth. The absolute truth is there’s a 7-foot man, a 6-foot man and a 5-foot man. That’s it.

This story is a great tool, which has helped me learn more about my perspective and how I’m basing my understanding of the world in relation to others. I could describe more, but I think the story is powerful enough just to leave it as it is. It’s worthwhile contemplating – what relative truths do we have based on our perspective in life?


Day 216 – A secure person will never humiliate another

Living with Mohanji has opened my eyes and awareness to the types of people in the world. It’s been good to recognize the more subtle dimensions between selfish and selfless interests, trustworthiness, dependability and other characteristics we could classify as good personalities.

This has helped me position myself with others better – moving closer to those with more positive qualities and creating a distance with those less positive while still being respectful. One of those good qualities to recognize in a secure and stable person is that they would never humiliate another. Only insecure people would seek to humiliate someone else. If I witness the humiliation, I can clearly understand that the person is operating from insecurity.

I share a story in the audio Mohanji shared with me as we drove to the Bosnian Pyramids for our final Satsang and Shaktipat of the Bosnia trip. Enjoy, and this awareness is also good for understanding people better to position ourselves better and keep our inner space clean.

Click here to listen to the story



Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 3rd May 2023


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