by Vipin Koodiyedath, Kerala, India
Water droplets do not know about the ocean. But those drops of water are not satisfied until they become the ocean. Every drop of water is a journey in search of the ocean and the journey of that water droplet to dissolve in it. The water droplet can only be completed on target when it reaches the river.
Mohanji is like a river, and it keeps flowing. When we drown in that river with our minds full of the filth of antiquities, we become aware of our purpose.
Overcoming all obstacles, the first water droplet begins its journey through the cliffs of the mountains, and its life journey through the valley is always challenging. Mohanji’s life was like that. By the time Mohanji had flown into the abyssal valley of enlightenment, much of the value of his talking life had left him. One thing we do not remember is the pain of the river when we enjoy the beauty of the great waterfall.

Researchers and philosophers can only be found in the timeless tradition of India. Overcoming all worldly desires, they will carry out their enlightenment work quietly and unselfishly and complete their mission, and they will be fully realized. Mohanji is the Guru of that series.
Mohanji says that it is not time but the conviction that heals your wounds. That conviction is not merely physical. It’s about recognizing who we are.
From the Indian subcontinent, Mohanji’s journey spans 92 countries. From a place called Puthur in Palakkad, his mission has now spread worldwide. For some, Mohanji is a friend; for others, he is a guru. For many, he is a guardian; for some, he is worshipped as the incarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba, and for those who rejoice in the play of an avadhoota, he is an incarnation of Dattatreya Maharshi.
The life picture of any person is never static; It is subject to change over time. Those changes must be in pursuit of his purpose in life.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 19th May 2022
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