By Arvind Ananthan, USA
It’s been said that a trip to Kailash Mansarovar is the ultimate pilgrimage for the spiritual seeker. It’s also been said that you can’t really visit that space unless there’s an invitation from the divine, no matter how hard you try. But try, you must, if there’s even the smallest ember of intention and longing burning within you; a longing to behold and experience Mt. Kailash with your own eyes and all other senses and to take a dip in the mystical lake Mansarovar.
Furthermore, making this trip of a lifetime with a living master is something only a select few will get to experience. I had the infinite blessings to undertake this journey with my Guruji, Mohanji, in 2019.
This isn’t a journey for the casual tourist with a doubting and sceptical mind though doubts and hurdles of various sorts will arise for even the most determined seeker. This is also not a comfortable and cosy retreat or a hike in the exotic Tibetan plateau, but rather a journey that’s guaranteed to shake your inner attachments loose. Isn’t that what you really want?
Depth of your faith, conviction, and surrender to your Guru/Deity/God/inner self will be the primary factor determining how you flow through this physical journey, not your physical fitness. However, it doesn’t hurt to have a certain basic fitness level. I saw much older (with non-ideal body profiles) steadily flowing through the three-day journey more gracefully than younger and much fitter people who struggled or were even unable to complete the parikrama. It’s not a race course meant to compare or compete with anyone or anything outside of you. As Mohanji concisely put it, what gets you through this journey is simply: ‘Om Namah Shivaya‘.
With that said, it’s not all serious and scary spirituality! From a visual perspective, the landscapes you’ll see throughout the entire journey are absolutely fascinating and a must-see in your lifetime – from the culturally rich and dense sensory stimulus of Kathmandu and mountain landscapes to the barren and desolate vistas of Tibet at 10,000+ feet above sea level.

A couple of days that you spend reaching the shores of Mansarovar before starting the three-day parikrama helps acclimatize to the high altitudes that we sea-level folks aren’t used to. The staff and helpers of the entourage ensure you are well-fed with tasty vegan food and taken care of in general throughout the trip.
There are numerous supernatural experiences well documented at Lake Mansarovar by many people, and you could easily look them up. I’ve seen things I couldn’t believe with my own eyes, and usually, the mind rejects even your own experiences due to various limited concepts and frames it’s used to. Your mileage might vary, but Lake Mansarovar is a place to truly experience, especially in the wee hours of the morning!
The entire journey and experience are a masterclass in humility, introspection, and truly letting go. You’re headed towards finding the deep silence from which all noises and existence arise; if you’re mentally prepared for that, this is a lifetime trip. You’ll start seeing the fruits of this journey in the months and years to come in a deeply subtle way. The acceleration you get in your spiritual journey (not material progress) is real and phenomenal if that’s what you seek.
“Nobody walks away empty-handed from Kailash”, Mohanji says. That couldn’t be truer in my own experience. Don’t rely on others’ experiences; have your own, as that’s the only one that counts in your journey.
Lay down your fears, doubts, and insecurities at the feet of your Guru, God, or self and go forth to experience this magical journey of a lifetime called Kailash. When you surrender and do what you’re supposed to do without any worries or doubts, it’s the job of your Guru to take care of the rest.
Going on this journey with an incomparable and realised master such as Mohanji, who’s graced us with his physical presence in our lifetime, is a privilege only a few will get to truly experience. Grab the opportunity if it lands in front of you and if you feel the calling to Kailash. Your future self will be profoundly grateful to you.
Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 15th June 2023
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