By Bijal Shah, UK
On 20th November 2020 – I had penned down thoughts on Facebook – ‘When you are on the path of truth and light, people trying to silence you is only a test. Naturally, the universe provides another avenue. The universe always listens. Power of pure intention! Stay positive and hold on to hope. Naïve, I had no idea the gravity of this statement and the possibility of my life changing.
How did this statement arise? Let me take you back to 2019 when I started to find that I was detaching from the Foundation I was associated with. I was starting to understand the unity of the Guru Mandala. I felt like all Masters are One. I found myself letting go of the Outer Guru and started focusing on the Inner Guru. As this occurred, I started to let go of seva roles associated with the Foundation. And when the living Master came to my doorstep, I was physically unable to attend his program.
On an occasion in 2020, I found myself in a situation where I was being silenced by members of that Foundation. I was disgruntled. I was already looking inward, and this was the final push to cut ties. Hindsight shows that I wasn’t being silenced, but I was, in fact, guided towards silence, and I was taught to stand by my truth. Standing up for my truth didn’t mean that I had to argue with anyone. It just meant trusting myself.
However, with everything that happened, I was deeply hurt, and I started to believe that the Master’s teachings were separate from the Foundation (disciple-led). I didn’t want to ever belong to any Foundation again. Truth be told, my time was up there, and I was no longer aligned with that frequency.

During that time in 2020, NellyAnne directed me towards Devi’s podcast. Devi gave me hope. She gave me a glimpse into her life, empowering me to ask more from my life. I was tired of my mundane life. I deserved better. Somehow, I thought that I could do this with my own practices. The presence of various Kaliyug Datta Avatars was coming to my awareness, and in particular, I started connecting to Sripada SriVallabha.
It was May 2022, and my friend Jumri excitedly told me about Mohanji’s upcoming visit. When she asked me to come with her, I couldn’t say no. There was no hesitation. There was no doubt. I just had to go. I met Mohanji on 15th June 2022 in the beautiful Skanda Vale Ashram in Wales. He acknowledged my presence from the very first meeting. And this wasn’t just my experience; everyone I know had the same experience. He takes the time for each and every person. It’s his sheer kindness acknowledging every person who comes to him who wants to be in his presence.
During this trip, while conducting a Satsang, Mohanji mentioned Sripada and having recorded the Siddha Mangal Stotra. I was gobsmacked. Mohanji was talking about the Stotra I had grown to love. I was fervently asking around for this chant in Mohanji’s voice, but no one knew what I was talking about, and no one heard Mohanji talking about Sripada in the Satsang. Mohanji was, of course, up to his usual mischief, drawing me in.
Attending the June 2022 Retreat in St Albans, UK, I couldn’t help but be impressed by the sincerity, solidarity and transparency of the UK team. Shyama became my go-to person; she patiently helped me answer many questions, always with a smile on her face. Her gentle nature glows with the epitome of selflessness. Inevitably, I found myself engaging and participating in activities every so often.

In January 2023, I signed up to go to the Divine Trails of Puri. I was dissatisfied with the accommodation; I felt I was being cheated and messaged Subhasree regarding this. I was ready to cancel my trip even if it cost me. I felt I had to stand up for myself and speak my truth. Subhasree called me up and spoke to me. She cleared every single doubt for me with kindness and compassion. I was not being silenced. I was given a choice to reconsider my planned trip.
She is a pure, selfless being who wanted to give the participants the best possible experience as per Mohanji’s direction. I was witnessing Mohanji’s teachings being followed in their entirety! The impression inside me of the Foundation being separate from the Master was firmly wiped clean. For completion, Mohanji ensured the dissolution of this impression as I was invited to join the UK team actively a short while later.

Honestly, I was sceptical of the trip, but I trusted Mohanji, and I walked with his hands onto the divine abode of Jagannath Puri in February 2023. The trip was beyond special. The care, love, and kindness the Mohanji volunteers showed blew me away. This was my introduction to the Mohanji Global Family.
The memory that I must share about this trip involves the visit to Shri Jagannath Temple. Only Hindus are allowed to go into the famous Temple, but as I was menstruating, I couldn’t go. Most participants left to eat dinner or go to the Temple. Somehow, I could do neither, so I went back into the Satsang hall and surprisingly saw Mohanji giving Shaktipat to some people leaving the program early. I sat down and watched him and suddenly started crying in complete admiration, inwardly begging for liberation. I cried to my heart’s content.
When Mohanji was leaving the hall, he was looking the other way as he passed close by me. I didn’t attempt to stand up; I was glued to my chair. Before I knew it, boom, I felt a hand land on my head, blessing me! It was Mohanji’s hand. I couldn’t believe it. I was so surprised. I was in awe. In awe of Mohanji. In awe of the Tradition. What divine, perfect orchestration! I’m so grateful!
Two evenings later, there was no Satsang. And the opportunity to go to Shri Jagannath Temple arose. Miraculously, there was no sign of my period that day, even though it was my third day. Temples don’t normally interest me, but being so famous, I thought it was best not to miss the golden opportunity. Boy, was I glad because, 1km perimeter away from the Temple, my heart started to expand multifold, full of light beaming within, and I became acutely aware of the energy of the Temple.
I didn’t feel this before when I did the parikrama from the outside with non-Hindus a couple of days before. I was amazed at this Leela. It was close to 10 pm when we got to the Temple, and the energy was simply ginormous. It was amazing. It was incredible to sit and meditate inside the Temple. I was beaming with an energy unknown to me in this lifetime, yet so familiar, feeling so bright and alive. I am so grateful to Mohanji and the Tradition for giving me such an experience.
There were no signs of my period the next morning, but later that night, I found my period returned. It’s still mind-boggling and scientifically unexplainable. Mohanji took care of everything intricately. What did I do to receive so much love? I’m just so grateful for each and every experience. Only writing it all out has shown me how interconnected these moments were.
It’s funny; for several years, I’ve had all these wishes of being in close proximity to a living Master; I can barely muster the courage to say anything to Mohanji in his physical presence. Embracing his teaching of ‘Be You’, perhaps it will happen soon.
As I looked back on the quote of 20th November 2020, the universe did indeed open new doors for me, so benevolently, if I may say so. I have found my home. I offer my complete gratitude and obeisance to both Mohanji and Devi, who represent Lord Datta and Anagha Laxmi to me. They have changed my life. Thank you to each of the beautiful Mohanji family I have connected with – you have changed my life. May we all merge into the consciousness of whom we love so dearly.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 21st December 2023
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