A Dip At The Kumbh Mela – Freedom From A Bond

By Pritam Purohit, India

Mohanji Chronicles Blog - A Dip At The Kumbh Mela - Freedom From A Bond - Mohanji signing Pritam's medicine study book
Mohanji signing Pritam’s medicine study book

The Kumbh Mela is one of the most sacred events in India and happens to be the largest peaceful gathering in the world. Millions of people congregate during the event and many great saints and spiritual masters choose to come out of seclusion and share their wisdom and blessings with ordinary pilgrims. The magnitude and scale of this glorious spiritual gathering is awe inspiring and makes for a wonderful, unforgettable experience. This year in 2019, the Kumbh Mela takes place in Prayagraj (also known as Allahabad), starting on the 14/15th of January (Makar Sankranthi) and ends on March 4th (Maha Shivarathri).

Mohanji explains,

“At specific times of a year, certain planetary positions align in a way that the entire energy or frequency is higher on earth. That’s the best time for inner purification. This is referred to as taking a dip and involves a few aspects. One is that we are surrendering to the water. Second, while we are purifying the external body, the inner body is also getting purified and third, we are using the right planetary positions to elevate our consciousness and our awareness.”

Previously I have shared a life transforming experience with Mohanji, in Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 1.

Once again I feel very fortunate to share an astounding experience of  my life that happened at the Kumbh Mela in January 2019, I was very fortunate to be with Mohanji. So here it goes:

Mohanji Chronicles Blog - Timeless Leelas - Mohanji with the people participating in the January Kumbh Mela 13-16 Jan 2019
Mohanji with the people participating in the January Kumbh Mela 13-16 Jan 2019

I had no plans whatsoever of going for a dip at the Kumbh Mela, not in this lifetime at least. But when Mohanji decides, who am I to resist. It all started with my visit to Kochi to meet Mohanji. Gitanjali and I went to attend a satsang in Thrissur, Kerala on 27th Dec 2018, which was scheduled to be entirely in Malayalam.

Mohanji Chronicles Blog - A Dip At The Kumbh Mela - Freedom From A Bond - Mohanji with Pritam and his wife Gitanjali
Mohanji with Pritam and his wife Gitanjali after the public satsang in Thrissur

We don’t understand a word of the language, but His presence fills me with such happiness that I went. It is there that we decided we would be going for the Kumbh Mela, just to be near Mohanji. We did not know the significance of it, had no idea whether our sins would be washed away, but we knew for sure that whatever punya it had, would be multiplied a thousand fold just by His divine presence.

Now, my decision was not enough as I had multiple hurdles before me which had to be taken care of. I was under pressure at the work front and the nature of my work was such that whatever I missed for the duration of my absence was going to be piled up and was to be done once I was back. The headquarters was to be informed of my leave if it exceeded 3 days and Mohanji kept it exactly for 3 days! My senior agreed to my leave immediately when I applied, something unheard of in my organisation, but with a rider that my next leave scheduled in January had to be cancelled. I had made a flight booking in advance to visit Odisha, so I was expecting to incur losses during cancellation. When I enquired from the agent, he told me that the cancellation would be entirely refundable as I was some premium member. I was stunned at the developments. When one surrenders to Him, He micro manages everything in detail.

Mohanji Chronicles Blog - A Dip At The Kumbh Mela - Freedom From A Bond - Mohanji Chronicles Blog - A Dip At The Kumbh Mela - Freedom From A Bond - Pritam and his wife Gitanjali at the Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj
Pritam and his wife Gitanjali at the Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj

My wife Gitanjali has attended more events of Mohanji than myself and is definitely more social than me. Whenever I attend, I sit in a corner without speaking to others, listen to Him, meet Him if possible and go back avoiding any interaction with anyone else. I was telling Gitanjali how I feel funny when people hug each other, especially when some start crying after getting emotional at these events. I felt that everyone should get some control over their emotions. I am a physician and due to the nature of my job, see more deaths than other people, in fact more than the doctors of other specialities as well. I didn’t cry when my grandfather died, not even when one of my closest seniors died. Years of working in a military environment had made me immune to emotional displays and I used to feel that crying was a sign of weakness.

So Kumbh Mela with Mohanji started and I was happy being a part of it. On the day of the dip, we took different boats to reach the sangam (confluence of rivers) and there were people in each boat who did not belong to our group. After coming back, I met Mohanji and He told me that the dip couldn’t have been better for me. I didn’t understand the meaning of His words then. The following day was the last day and we were all packing to leave. I met a person whom I had met the previous day on the boat, while taking the dip at the sangam. We had taken the dip together and we started talking about the various experiences of life.

I felt a close attachment to him in the five minutes that we talked and hugged him thrice as he left. After he went away, I felt an intense sorrow unlike anything I had experienced till date! And then I suddenly started crying, tears rolling down from my eyes on their own accord without any rhyme or reason. Since I was in public, I went inside my tent to understand what had just happened. Once alone, I started crying even more and while it happened, I realised that this person was related to me from some other birth and I had betrayed him. I continued crying for some more time and then suddenly had a feeling that I must meet Mohanji.

I washed my face and went to Mohanji’s tent. As I reached the entrance I heard Him asking people about me.  I went inside and as soon as I saw Him, I knew that He was aware of everything. I fell at His feet, asking Him for mercy. He held me like a father holds his child and told me, “It’s over, forget about it.” And then, like magic, peace descended upon me. With tears in my eyes, I touched His feet and thanked Him for burning my karma. I had washed away my sins; my Kumbh Mela happened at that very moment. He had called me to that place for a specific reason and He was smiling serenely as this realisation dawned upon me. Something inside me changed that very moment and I realised what peace actually is. The artificiality was gone and I became a child again. I hugged each one while they were leaving and experienced true love.

Also, while coming back from Prayagraj, I remembered one of my old relatives telling me that no pilgrimage is truly complete until one experiences discomfort. The entire thing had been so comfortable, thanks to Preeti Duggal didi (sister) that I had a feeling of uncertainty if my pilgrimage was complete. I reached Delhi airport late, due to a flight delay and had a train to catch from the railway station. The entire cash with me was exhausted after paying for the taxi to the station and I missed my train by 3 mins!! There was no ATM nearby and the last train was in 5 mins. I had to travel in the general compartment, standing for 3 hours and without ticket!! That’s how my pilgrimage was completed. So, beware of whatever perceived notions you have. Mohanji will ensure that the smallest of your desires come true.

Mohanji Chronicles Blog - A Dip At The Kumbh Mela - Freedom From A Bond - Abhishekam of Mohanji by the participants of the Kumbh Mela with Mohanji pilgrimage in Prayagraj
Abhishekam of Mohanji by the participants of the Kumbh Mela with Mohanji pilgrimage in Prayagraj

My thousand pranaams at the feet of my Guru Mohanji, He truly is my everything.

Pritam Purohit



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3 thoughts on “A Dip At The Kumbh Mela – Freedom From A Bond”

  1. sabina plestenjak

    Beautiful..Thank you😁

    tor., 22. jan. 2019 00:09 je oseba Experiences With Mohanji napisala:

    > Mohanji Testimonials posted: “By Pritam Purohit, India Kumbh Mela is one > of the most sacred events in India and happens to be the largest peaceful > gathering in the world. Millions of people congregate during the event and > many great saints and spiritual masters choose to come out of ” >

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