Timeless Leelas

By Sandra Sankar, South Africa

|| Om Shri, Bhagavan Shri, Brahmarishi Mohanji Namah Om ||

|| Om Namo Bhagavate Sada Shivaya ||

It mattered not if one was resting or working, there was a prevalent feeling of time racing past. Feeling besieged by the need for urgency, there arose a desire to speed up everything. The periods of ‘thoughtlessness’ were growing longer. Coming out of states of emptiness is unsettling at first. The conscious mind tends to become fearful and fights right back. It starts to find reasons for the sudden lapses in time and memory. Nothing made sense except the connection to the ALL-KNOWING SELF, whom I lovingly refer to as beloved Mohanji

Mohanji Chronicles Blog - Timeless Leelas - Mohanji in deep contemplation in Mother Nature.
Mohanji in deep contemplation in Mother Nature

The mind seemed to be in stasis for longer and longer periods. Absorption with daily life and the people connected with me seemed to be the furthest from my mind during these loops into Absolute reality.

In this world, we were prepping for our home-schooled son’s final exams when Mohanji was due for a visit to South Africa. Still there was no sense of urgency, no fear, no connection to the importance of exams unlike previously. All around me, the ‘noise’ of life went on as usual. Everywhere I looked people were jostling with each other. So much absorption with ‘my this, my that.’ The only thing I effortlessly connected to was beloved Mohanji. Still do.

In hindsight, the only shiver of apprehension I did feel was when reading the dates announced for Mohanji’s visit to South Africa. Smack bang in the middle of our son’s final exam schedule! My heartbeats thundered in my chest. A very big test? My heart cried out ‘Mere pyaare Mohanji! Am I  going to miss meeting you when you are going to be here in person?’ Such anguish and yearning at the thought of potentially missing meeting Mohanji. What to do? Yes, was this a test? Yet that decision was made quickly. All outcomes were surrendered to Him.

Mohanji arrived in the country. I saw pictures of Him on Facebook arriving at the airport in a bright yellow shirt. My heart jumped for joy. Inside I was jumping up and down in anticipation like a little girl. Our light of lights was finally here! When I do meet Him this (second) time in person, it was going to be the very first time that I set eyes on Him, really ‘knowing’ who Mohanji is. There are simply no words to explain the thrilling exhilaration of meeting Parabrahma or Supreme Consciousness in human form. By this time, my son had started writing exams but I kept the timetable close with me to work out how we could make an approximately four-hour return day-trip to meet beloved Mohanji in Durban during that period.

Our beloved Mohanji family had already called many times to ask when we were coming to meet Mohanji. It was tough explaining the reason for our delay. It just got too much to bear. Mohanji was live on Facebook at a local event in Durban. Everybody around Him looked deliriously happy, being so close to Him at long last. In utter frustration at the circumstances that kept us away, I put my hands on Mohanji’s face on my cellphone and cried like a little girl. In that second, I heard His voice in my head saying ‘I am with you.’ Instantly pacified, I calmed down becoming quiet and peaceful. No overthinking about how I heard His beautiful voice gently reassuring me. Just calm and quiet inside. Inside where it is always peaceful.

We did eventually make a long day-trip to Datta Tapovan ashram in Westville, Durban. My son and I drove down enveloped in a bubble of giddy happiness. We arrived too early yet didn’t mind. After a while, I had walked out of the ashram (monastery) for a moment and as I looked up there was our beloved Mohanji walking towards the entrance! Baba! Heedless of being in a sari, I instantly fell to my knees, then prostrated from the ground and remained there. My third-eye and palms pressed firmly on the ground. Time stopped!

When I did try to get up, my lower legs just refused to move. I felt rooted to the ground. As it turned out, I had troubled beloved Mohanji and Milica to help me getting up. It was hard to think coherently. I struggled to stay focused enough to remember to thank Mohanji for His hug saying that the hug was also for a lot of bhaktas (devotees) around the world who specially messaged me for this darshan (seeing a Master). I thanked beloved Mohanji in all humility and awe for the innumerable divine leelas (play) experienced by the global family on the Facebook group  ‘Mohanji Consciousness.’

Mohanji just smiled gently and confirmed He reaches out to many people globally through the group. Yes indeed, there are no coincidences. If we are meant to be where we are, we will be. All sincere prayers are always answered. Although many do not openly write about it as English is not their first language, everyone continues to experience Mohanji’s beautiful leelas in some way.

For some, terrible physical or emotional pain was averted, others experienced divine contact and still more, direct healing during meditations. Many others reached transcendental states of bliss listening to Mohanji Shiva Kavacham, chanting Mohanji Gayatri Mantra, looking at His eye-card or picture. Their heartfelt expressions poured out so much awe, gratitude and humility to our Mohanji. Jai Baba Jai!

In the meantime, I returned to the Ashram for Consciousness Kriya initiation, a day before the Retreat. It was overwhelming as we were going to be initiated into Kriya after almost a year of training with beloved Deviji. Kriya Shaktipat as Mohanji explained, was going to be the only one we were going to need for the rest of our lifetimes. We learnt that Consciousness Kriya is a sacred rocket to liberation. Mohanji also gently reminded us that we are the path, the journey and the destination.

We were ecstatic as realisation dawned about the magnitude of this moment of Consciousness Kriya initiation. Standing in line for Shaktipat (Energy Transfer), I tentatively held onto my flower, fruit and dakshina (offering) money when suddenly, waves of energy surged through exactly half of my body. Mother’s Shakti energy always makes me dance. By the time I reached Mohanji’s feet to kneel for His sacred Shaktipat, it was hard to come back to full cognizance or awareness. As Mohanji performed Shaktipat, a deep silence settled within me.

Safe to say I managed to bow down at His divine lotus feet before returning to my seat. It didn’t end there. As I settled into my chair, I became aware of tremendous waves of energy still cascading through my body that it took a little longer to assimilate. Somehow there was also a feeling of completeness. The careful balance and poise of Shiva and Shakti reached an equilibrium. Full integration. Stabilisation.

Mohanji Chronicles Blog - Timeless Leelas - The beautiful KwaZulu Midlands for the Calderwell Retreat
The beautiful KwaZulu Midlands for the Calderwell Retreat

Next day we drove up to the beautiful KwaZulu Midlands for the Calderwell Retreat. There were majestic wild horses near the entrance as we drove up the driveway. This heralded the promise of many divine leelas to come. Joy, joy, joy. Finally spending uninterrupted time with mere pyaare (my loving) Mohanji. Just joy. The main part of the hotel was quiet because we were early again. Somehow, I found myself in the beautiful rose garden outside. Kicking off my shoes, I lay down on the grass under a big shady tree looking up at the azure blue sky.

Mohanji Chronicles Blog - Timeless Leelas - Colors of nature at the beautiful KwaZulu Midlands during the Calderwell Retreat
Colors of nature at the beautiful KwaZulu Midlands during the Calderwell Retreat

The colours of nature seemed more intense. It was also quieter than usual. My body seemed to settle into the soothing comfort of Mother Earth’s lap. As I lay there, I became aware of what can best be described as ‘roots’ growing from my body into the earth. A sort of grounding, it seemed. Felt more like merging into Shakti Maa. Oneness. Not sure how long I lay there in a timeless state of no awareness.

Next morning was our first meeting with Mohanji at the Retreat. Whilst we waited, I went to check on the ‘goldfish’ who told Mohanji two years ago that they could hardly breathe because the owner had not cleaned the pond in a very long time. 

This time the pond sparkled with vitality and the goldfish were numerous and very active. Undoubtedly, because they knew their Mohanji was back! The skies again, were very blue and the golden sunlight felt crisp and warm. A dapple of sunlight that fell on me felt like Mother’s soft gentle caress. After a deep refreshing night’s sleep, we were ready.

Mohanji Chronicles Blog - Timeless Leelas - The beautiful pond at the beautiful KwaZulu Midlands during the Calderwell Retreat
The beautiful pond at the beautiful KwaZulu Midlands during the Calderwell Retreat

Not long after Mohanji began the satsang (sacred gathering), we began to feel very sleepy. He told us not to stop for anything but return to our rooms and sleep for an hour and then return for the afternoon . If I thought I could check my phone, it was not to be. I literally dragged myself up to my pillows and immediately satsang fell into a deep sleep. Lots of hectic incomprehensible dreams blitzed past: then ‘click’ my eyes opened and it was exactly an hour of being in a deep sleep state. Soon we had to return for the afternoon satsang. In fact, as it turned out, every one of us experienced the same sleep and awakening sequence. Awed at the magnitude of such a synchronised intense causal cleansing, we were all quiet.

Mohanji confirmed that when we are in dream state, it is easy to burn lifetimes of baggage. ‘It goes fast’ He said! Needless to say, we spent the first few days struggling to keep our eyes open, dealing with aches and pains that seemed to pop up from nowhere and experiencing intense personal cleansing from lifetimes past. Such are the divine leelas of our beloved multi-dimensional, intergalactic, beloved Master. I was learning fast to recognise that it was Mohanji’s grace that relieves us of the burdens we accumulate during innumerable lifetimes. At best, I was simply awed at how blessed we were to be there with our beloved Master.

Mohanji Chronicles Blog - Timeless Leelas - Mohanji leading the Conscious Walk
Mohanji leading the Conscious Walk

Conscious Walking with our beloved Mohanji was another eye-opener. The skies didn’t look promising but He soon took care of that. His Grace showed us the new techniques to maximise and harmonise our energy’s output and input. We had walked up to a little island attached to a large pond. As Mohanji reached there, a tumultuous consternation broke out amongst the wild ducks in the water. We all soon filled that circular space as they settled down near Mohanji at the water’s edge.

During the Conscious Walk up to the island, I suddenly felt myself speed up and take a position in the centre of the group. There was no conscious intention from my part to do that. My thoughts had slowed down  to almost nothing during the walk. It was only later when I thought about it that it became clear. Mohanji then told us to sit down on the ground and close our eyes as He spoke about connecting directly to Mother Earth’s energy. At first, I found it hard to connect but as I registered that thought of discomfort, all my fingers dug hard into the earth. Then as I connected, the disquiet inside settled. Mind became empty. Later many others also testified to amazing experiences with the strong Shakti energy they had experienced there. 

Mohanji Chronicles Blog - Timeless Leelas - A moment of contemplation with Mohanji after the Conscious Walk
A moment of contemplation with Mohanji after the Conscious Walk

As we walked back up the hill, Mohanji asked us to stop and look back at the very spot where we had connected with Mother Earth.  He pointed to the energy vortex that  had formed there. At first, most of us struggled to see it. Mohanji then advised us to use our subtle vision by looking through the slits of our eyes. It was an overwhelming sight. We learned that every time we connect to Mother Earth in this way, we create a vortex of power that regenerates and rejuvenates all of nature in that space. 

When I looked back at the island from a distance there was a vortex of white light going up into the sky.

Timeless Leelas with Mohanji_vortex
Photo sourced from publishingbones.com – a vortex of white light going up into the sky

Mohanji mentioned that we are beings with incredible abilities. It was awe inspiring to hear this. Again, we were silenced by the magnitude of our experiences. Needless to say, we all experienced many timeless leelas during the Caldwell retreat. 

Milica already wrote about the bees that filled the rooms next to Mohanji. They later all died together. I previously shared Mohanji’s story of the Hadedas (big grey birds) who protected the area of the hotel from other entities during our stay there. All is the grace of our beloved Guru of all of nature. Hari Om Tat Sat, Jai Guru Datta!

During the satsang, Mohanji quoted a line that literally jumped out at me.

“When we do not ask – Shiva happens.”

It resonated strongly with me having come with no expectations.

“Watch, witness, let go.”

I learnt this is how we empty ourselves.

“Doership causes karma.”

I learnt we accumulate painful karmic baggage by holding onto things or relationships. There is already too much emotionally charged ownership and attachment in the world. This belongs to me, myself and I. Nope. Everything is Mohanji, Mohanji is everything. We are all Mohanji.

We may be emperors of nothing, yet at the same time we are everything. Super Beings with an unimaginable power for goodness and connection to the Source. Best not to waste precious time dwelling on why we forgot who we are. It’s far more expedient to rediscover our true Self. Tick-tock. Time is speeding up. Best not to forget that Mohanji works through us all. No more no less. Skip past the rose-tinted lenses of duality and recognise we are all part of nature. All Oneness. We are the Source beyond our limited comprehension. Supreme Consciousness. For the sake of writing this blog, there had to be a lot of painful ‘I’s. However it is enough to be aware of it. 

I will conclude by saying to our beloved family that if there is an opportunity to meet our beloved Mohanji ‘Don’t Miss It.’ This is not just an opportunity of a lifetime but rather a culmination of blessings from innumerable lifetimes. Time for connecting to our Mohanji’s pure consciousness is pressing. Frankly, there are not enough words in the English language to describe who Mohanji really is. When Mohanji acts as a mirror it is only His grace that grants us our hearts desire in the form we want to experience it.

I would also like to quote an extremely important message that Mohanji gave in His speech for ‘World Consciousness Alliance‘.

“The World Consciousness Alliance (WCA) is a very high and noble instrument of service to Earth. There is a whole vibratory shift happening now in our world and beyond; the next four years till 2022 are critical. The W.C.A. has a major role in this shift.

This is not just an activity. It is the highest possible thing any human can do in his existence. In that way, your own awareness will peak to the highest possibility.

WCA is completely incomparable to anything that has been done so far. There is no time to waste. You have to move forward with conviction, and rapidly. Through music festivals and creating awareness, you make an impact.

This is for the world. This is LIFE. This is the highest possibility of your human existence. There cannot be anything more important than this. Please understand this very clearly. “

Love Mohanji

For me Mohanji is everything and everyone. There is no longer any need for rituals. There is only …Mohanji. Coming back from spending time with Mohanji results in enormous shifting. The biggest shift is finally understanding why Mohanji never leaves us even though some of us leave Mohanji. It is knowing beyond any doubt we are loved beyond measure by our beloved bike-riding, para-gliding, shark-diving Avadhoota in blue jeans that gives me peace beyond measure. Thanking Mohanji is living His teachings. In short. Live and let live. Be Mohanji. Tathastu! (so be it)

Love you eternally mere pyaare Mohanji!

Mohanji Chronicles Blog - Timeless Leelas - Shark cage diving in Durban
Shark cage diving in Durban



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