Mohanji Satcharita Chapter 3 – December 2018

“Shri Guru Murat Manohar, Pranav Swaroop Sakhaya,
Kamal Nayan Sukh Dayak, Sakal Siddha Svaroopaya
Mudhan hoon Ye Janke, Bhaju Keshav… Putraya,
Maan Mandir Mahi Baso, Puran Roop Tu, Priyaya.
Jai Mohanji Aadi Shiv Shambhu, Jai Anant Kripa MahaSindhu,
Datta Svaroop Aanadi Kripalu, Jyoti Roop Tu Param Dayalu.”

This above verse from ‘Mohanji Chaalisa’ by Sanjay Acharya describes the divine form of Mohanji from a devotee’s heart filled with the nectar of love and devotion for Guru,

The meaning of this verse is as below:

“Thy pleasing form, O Guru, appears to me as the very embodiment of the holy Pranava (Om)
O lotus-eyed perfected Master (siddha), your presence is an assurance of bliss and joy
And so, O son of Kesavan, this ignorant fool implores you to
Please come and reside, in full splendor, within the temple of my heart.

Glory to Mohanji, of exalted state like that of the Primal Guru Shiva
Glory to You, O ocean of limitless divine grace
You are verily the eternal Lord Dattatreya Himself,
Most compassionate One, divine primordial light of Beingness.”

As Mohanji says,

If our aim is to reach God, just look within. Only when you experience God within, you can experience God outside. If you do not get to see God within, you will only see sundry forms outside. If you want to see God inside, you need conscious emptying, trashing of all kinds of internal garbage and coming into terms with yourself as the silent substratum that is the source of your experiences. When silence is established, which also means thoughtlessness, God begins to be visible just like sun sprouting out of thick layers of clouds. Eventually, when all clouds disappear, it is just sunshine. Only sunshine. Just God. “

With loving salutations and reverence to our beloved Guru Brahmarishi Mohanji, we offer the 3rd chapter of the Mohanji Satcharita to you. The Guru, the one who has experienced the Truth, the enlightened one, is described as a lit candle, who shows the way to the seekers of light. Unwavering devotion, selfless service and reverence to the Guru will lead us eventually to find the inner light buried deep within. It is said that the Guru within recognises and leads us to the Guru without, as both are one and the same.

In this chapter, experiences of divine vision, divine protection from theft and divine healing are shared by devotees who have experienced their beloved Guru Mohanji in many different ways. When we have firm faith, loving devotion and complete surrender, the presence of Guru is felt in every moment of our lives. May these loving sharing of experiences inspire us to dedicate our lives to the Guru and reach the highest.

In this chapter of ‘Mohanji Satcharita’, we are sharing nine stories in the following categories:

  • Divine Protection From Theft
  • Divine Healing
  • Divine Grace

Divine Protection From Theft

Each one of us has a personality that is unique. That probably explains why our experiences with our Guru are also varied. We relate the following stories of divine protection, each is unique and profound in its own way. Mohanji’s words, “I am always with you” gives us strength and confidence when we come across difficulties in life. He truly is with us, as can be seen from the incidents narrated below. All persons involved were able to clearly see ‘Mohanji in action,’ so to speak!

Mohanji on Protection:

Mohanji talks about ‘nagamanikkam’ – “When you realise that you are protected, you are liberated!”

1. A Miracle Beyond The Logical Mind: Yohan P, UK


It was the evening of Friday, 26-Oct-18. After work, I went grocery shopping on my way home and used the London tube (underground).

The Jubilee train carriage was full with passengers. I placed my rucksack on the seat behind me and held the shopping bag on my lap. It was a typical highly pressured working week and I had preparations to complete for the ‘Day in Mohanji’s Consciousness’ event the following morning.  I reached home around 6.30 pm and played with my son. As 7.30 pm approached, preparation priorities came to my mind. Suddenly the thought occurred, “Where’s my rucksack?” I told my wife that I had left it on the train. Then came the questions, how could you forget, why are you so forgetful, what about the car keys, you’ve lost it etc.

I silently asked Mohanji, ‘I really need your help!’ An intuition flashed within – ‘Go to Stanmore Station which is at the end of the Jubilee line.’   I had alighted at the previous station at 6.15 pm, over an hour ago. As I was walking down the stairs, fairly calm, Mohanji’s inner voice asked me to be more anxious and act as if I’ve really lost something of value.
To my dismay, the Station Supervisor confirmed that nothing had been handed in by cleaning staff who would have been the most likely to spot the rucksack. I replied the train would probably have gone back to Stratford (the opposite end of the line & 27 station stops away). Nodding his head hopelessly, he added, “Let me try calling the Wembley train depot” and I wondered why call Wembley and not Stratford?

The Wembley Station Supervisor confirmed that a rucksack matching my description had indeed been handed in with car keys.  On arriving at Wembley and after verifying my identity, the rucksack was returned with all but some money missing. I asked who had handed in the bag, and response was, the train driver.

The next day during the Power of Purity Meditation, Mohanji appeared in my inner vision and showed me how His Astral body was ‘overlaid’ on the train driver, and how the train driver then proceeded to hand in the rucksack for lost property. The doubts arising in my mind vanished! When reviewing the contents of the bag, I was filled with even more gratitude.

In addition to the car keys, the rucksack also had the house keys, and the driver’s license with details of my full home address within my wallet. With Brexit creating economic uncertainty and fewer job opportunities here in UK, one can just imagine the potential dangers.

The analytical mind would call this a miracle.  Unbelievable!

Indeed, the Station Supervisor’s expression at Stanmore was filled with utter surprise when I returned back to thank him with the rucksack on my back.

In the realm of true Masters these happenings are common place. They dance beyond time and space in the eternal energy of timeless consciousness.

I’m sharing this experience as it’s certainly been a ‘darker’ period for a couple of years.  So I’m again reminded of the following:

  • Keep the faith.
  • Hold onto Mohanji (Guru Principle) like a baby monkey.
  • Serve using your innate gifts and talents like Hanuman.
  • Accept everything for your highest good and complete these karmic lessons.

I am eternally grateful beyond words to Mohanji and Baba. This incident is yet another example from the hundreds of other miracles that I’ve either forgotten or taken for granted.

Inspire others.

Love & Light – Yohan

2. Miracle During The London Retreat: Amanda Bevan, UK


I thought, before any more time passes, I ought to share with you all a very interesting Mohanji miracle which happened to me during the London Retreat at Gilwell Park, on the weekend of August 11th, involving the strange disappearance of my beloved van.


I would like to begin by mentioning that the same day my shiny, silver VW transporter was delivered to me, last November, Mohanji appeared to me in a dream. He didn’t speak, but looked at me, bowed His head down and walked away. In my mind, I felt as though He felt maybe I had overspent and wasn’t too impressed.

As I was travelling down the M1 from Liverpool for the Retreat, I had to divert from my usual route on the M25 as my exit at junction 26 was closed due to an accident. I ended up in London Gateway services to charge up my phone as I was using it as my sat nav. I pulled up to a fairly empty car park, and parked as close as I could to the entrance as it was starting to get dark and was also raining. After around 15 mins of charging the phone, I felt somebody squeeze my arm and when I looked around, there was nobody there. I brushed it off as maybe it was the lead of my phone stretching over me and that was the end of that.

15 mins later, I returned to where I had parked my van, but it had mysteriously, completely vanished from the space where I had locked it up. All I had left were my keys, my phone and the clothes I stood up in. I knew there and then I was in for an interesting weekend. Luckily, my good friend Mark was able to come and collect me whilst I called the police and the insurance company.

We arrived at Gilwell Park before midnight and I went to bed in a state of shock but happy to arrive at my destination, even without clothes, toiletries and my vehicle. I was soon to be reunited with Mohanji after 10 long months! The seminar was amazing and I was donated some lovely new clothes by some very kind and generous people. I decided that I would not let the incident spoil my weekend and kept my faith that I would somehow get the van back before I went back north.

After 2 days had passed, and no news from the police, I thought I should think about getting a replacement van from the insurance. I was horrified when they told me this was only the case if my van was being fixed in a garage. As it had been stolen, I would have no replacement van. I suddenly felt very deflated but then out of the window, I could see Mohanji on the path in the distance. I prayed to Him, if He was really my Master, why would He let me go through all this hassle, cost me so much money and inconvenience just to be in His presence and I begged Him in my mind to find my van.

Within half an hour of having these thoughts, my phone rang and it was the police to say my van had been found. Dumped back at the same services it was taken from, but parked illegally at the opposite end of the car park from where I had left it. I was overjoyed and begged poor Mark to drive me all the way back to London Gateway, almost an hour away as I didn’t really believe this could be happening until I saw it with my own eyes.

When we arrived, I was amazed to see that there was no damage to the lock. I was even more shocked to see that everything was still in their places as I had left them. My handbag, purse and money, all still there! The police were quite bewildered as there looked like there had been no tampering with the ignition and the kind thieves had even locked it back up.

I’ve since found out how easy it is to steal a vehicle without a key from my mechanic friend. However, the biggest mystery is the fact that it was returned, undamaged. This caused little inconvenience to my weekend, although I’m sure Mark wouldn’t agree!

All I can say, is I know that this could not have happened without being in the presence of a true Master who has come here to teach us about letting go, acceptance, love and faith in Him. I have no explanation for where that van went nor who with, but it was surely a miracle that I got it back just in time to drive back home, filled with love and joy of a weekend I will never forget. Salutations to Mohanji.

Yours sincerely
Mandy Bevan

Divine Healing

Mohanji on healing –

  “When you have deep faith it can cut across karma and heal you”

We share below the healing experiences of three women.  While the reasons they sought healing are varied, just like each of our lives are, the outcome, the relief they experienced and the divine source of the healing are the same!

3. Healing From Pain: Shyama J, UK


Mohanji’s love, compassion and protection are always evident, not just for us but for our loved ones too. My fifteen year old son had a dental operation under general anaesthesia a few days ago. The operation was a little more complicated than expected. After nearly twelve hours at the hospital, he came home in some pain and discomfort. As the anaesthetic wore off, his pain increased and he continued taking pain relief every four hours as advised.

Expecting him to get better by the third day, it was worrisome to see one side of his face swelling and a haematoma (defined as a collection of blood outside the blood vessels) developing near some of the stitches in the gum. In the past, whenever I’ve asked him about healing, he has refused, saying that he doesn’t believe in it. This time when I asked, he was in so much pain that he reluctantly agreed, but asked if it would work if he didn’t have faith in it. I replied that I had enough faith for the both of us and he didn’t have anything to lose by giving it a try.

We sat in the prayer room and after explaining a little about what Mai-Tri healing is and how it’s done, we did the healing. It was late in the night and he went to bed immediately afterwards. During the night, I woke him up twice to administer pain relief and noticed that the swelling had increased and his body felt a little too warm. Wondering if he was developing an infection and planning to take him to the hospital in the morning, I went back to bed.

Amazingly, when he woke up in the morning, the swelling had reduced and there was no temperature. He became better as the day progressed and was well enough to go to school the next day. He continued taking minimum pain relief for couple more days and recovered completely.

My heartfelt gratitude and love to Mohanji for taking care of all of us, as always!

Jai Mohanji!

4. Healing From Chronic Pain: Rekha Murali, India

Mohanji’s compassion has no boundaries. This is what I experienced in my initial interactions with Mohanji. When He says, “I am with you,” He really means it. These are not mere words; the extent to which He clears us, empties us of all the samskaras (impressions, karmic baggage) to fill us with the divine, can be realised only to a very small extent. For a gross mind such as mine to recognise this, it took two years! Koti pranaams to you, dear Mohanji!

Since 2013, I had been suffering from severe low back pain caused by a nerve prolapse requiring surgery. The doctor had warned me that I needed to be very careful and had put me on medications to prolong the inevitable. But there was a pattern to the pain. Every six months from thereon, it would start hurting and I would be bed-ridden for nearly a month, unable to take care of my basic needs. I was on alternate healing and allopathy during this time.

In 2015 I met Mohanji, and soon after started communicating with Him through chats. The following year (2016), I was bracing myself for another painful relapse of the back pain and it happened. I would just lie on my bed, crying and mentally pleading with Mohanji to remove the pain. Once while on a real chat with Him, I mentioned my condition to Him for the first time, and added that I was going wrong somewhere.  He said, “You are going wrong nowhere. You are right. You need to tame your mind which is over worked.” He added, “Connect to me more intensely. Leave your mind with me. And when you detach your mind from your pain, the pain will reduce.”

Although I knew that He was right, at that point, the pain was unbearable, and my mind seemed to take control. How do I detach from the mind, particularly when bed ridden and unable to even turn or move. It is then that the mind becomes over active and plants its seeds.

Little did I know then, that He had been working on me as promised and had removed a lot of garbage from the mind and body!

Soon after, Mohanji came to Chennai (where I live) and He sent word that He would like to meet me.  I still had back pain but could move around gently.  Luckily for me, He was staying at my sister’s place and my sister asked me to spend the night there too.  Surprisingly, I had no pain when I was in His energy field. I took His blessings and to my astonishment, I was able to offer my pranaams (prostrations) at His feet, which until that moment was an impossible task.  I assisted my sister with serving Him and spent a blissful evening. Again I was totally unaware, that He was working on me and healing my condition. The next morning again in a gentle and loving voice, Mohanji asked me how my back was. I was feeling so happy that I could not even reply and showed Him the thumbs up sign!  My heart was filled with gratitude and bliss.  He then left for His next destination.

Thereafter, I recovered completely within a month and was able to resume most of my other activities, including driving.  But the most beautiful part is that since then for the last two years, I have not had a single attack of back pain! In such a casual way, Mohanji held my hand, carried me through a difficult part of my life, and showered me with His healing, blessings and love. I am for ever grateful to Him. He taught me the biggest lesson in life – to let go of the mind!

Since then, whenever the mind takes charge, I try to push it back as His words resonate within me. “Pain is in the body. Suffering is in the mind. Why should pain affect the mind when your mind is connected to me? You can convert every pain to karmic relief by detaching your mind from it. I am with you.”

Jai Mohanji!

With immense love and gratitude

Rekha Murali

5. A Healing Miracle: Monika B, Serbia

Monika B

Today I feel especially grateful. Miracles do happen when you have faith! For a long time, I had a medical condition (I don’t like to use the word ‘illness’) for which the doctors said, “There is no cure and you’ll have to take the medicine all your life. But don’t worry it is not a deadly disease.”  I’m smiling as I recollect because what was said to be impossible actually wasn’t so! I sincerely respect doctors and traditional medicine; I really do respect their hard work and dedication. However, something in me refused to accept that taking the harmful medicine all my life was the only solution and the only truth. I tried almost everything and many times I was disappointed, but I’m grateful to all those who tried to help me. Sometimes, doctors’ voices were very scary, but even then I knew that something else could be done. I knew that there was something sitting inside of me that I had to let go.

Luckily, I was blessed to meet my Guru Mohanji three years ago who helped me to go deep inside myself, and to remove so many blockages. All the retreats, meditations, healings, visible as well as the invisible hand of Mohanji, all the techniques that He used helped immensely. They were there only to guide us to ourselves. He is just showing us where to look, but not what to see. And He never says that we MUST do anything. There is always freedom of choice, which I really appreciate. I only listened to my inner voice. One may call it intuition and knew that I was in the right path. I didn’t have any doubts. I am eternally grateful. How can I ever repay?! He told me “Don’t worry, things will be alright, I do my job.” I have always had faith in Him.

Every disease, when it’s already on a physical level, is only the manifestation of what was sitting inside of us for a long, long time. Suppressed emotions. If you don’t cure the root of the problem, the problem will appear again and again. I felt that was the only truth. And it is!

My intention isn’t to advise you to go away from your doctors and not take any necessary medicine. Even if you don’t have a Guru, the lesson that I learnt from our dearest Mohanji and experienced would be – listen to your body. Listen to yourself. Spend time with yourself. Get to know yourself. There is something sitting inside you… maybe it is anger, hatred, sorrow, pains from the past, guilt… Find it, face it, and let it go… Don’t run away from it, it won’t go. How you feel IS important. Emotional health is directly linked to physical health. Be positive but don’t be ‘artificially’ positive. Keep emptying yourself from all the negative things that are sitting inside you and making you sick, although it takes time and effort. Love yourself and do not give up!

Mohanji’s compassionate nature and healing energy has helped many and continues to do so, even as we read this blog. Being aware of the same and placing firm faith in Him can truly help us to lead fulfilling lives!

Divine Grace

All of us have desires on a regular basis. But there are some desires which the mind fathoms but cannot be verbalised. Many of these desires are linked to the divine or the Guru. It may appear to be an impossible task due to our conditioning but the desires remain. How can these desires be manifested? It happens only through the Grace of the Guru. A true Master understands the deepest desires of his devotees and satisfies them in unexpected ways! Mohanji, in his unpredictable style, has enabled deeper connections and faith through manifestation of desires of his disciples. Here are some wonderful experiences shared by Tayiji, Jyoti Bahl, Sanjay Acharya and Subhasree, in which through divine grace, their innermost dreams were realised!

6. The Divine Manifestations: Vasanta (Tayiji), India

Tayiji_1.jpg‘Mohanji Sahasranaamavali’ and ‘Mohanji Ashtottari’ – are the 1008 and 108 names of Mohanji respectively are written by Aunt Vasanta, lovingly called as Tayiji. Tayiji has also written ‘Mohanji Chalisa’ .

Tayiji and her sister lovingly called as Amma are very deeply connected followers of Mohanji. Mohanji respects them as His mothers and loves to spend time with them with their abundant love and caring.  Tayiji had a deep desire to see visions especially of Mohanji in His various forms and mentally prayed very deeply to Mohanji. Her pure desire manifested itself with Mohanji’s grace and she started seeing Mohanji in His various expanded forms. She documented this by naming the form of Mohanji that she saw, felt or experienced each time. This became the Ashtottari – the 108 names of Mohanji. As her experiences grew, this gradually expanded to become the Sahasranaamavali – the 1008 names of Mohanji. She was able to experience those forms (or states) because her deep surrender to Mohanji was such that she has ceased to exist as herself.

Mohanji once asked her why she was writing the Sahasranaamavali and Ashtottari for Him when it is typically written for the various forms of Gods (Shiva, Vishnu, Ganesha, etc). Tayiji innocently but firmly responded that since Mohanji had manifested the various powers of God, then it should definitely be written for Him as well. Tayiji had planned to complete the Sahasranaamavali on her birthday (2nd December) and, on completion, informed Mohanji that she managed to complete it before her birthday as she had wished. Mohanji told her, “How can it be completed before your birthday? It will be complete before my birthday.” At that point, Tayiji did not understand Mohanji’s cryptic comment. Mohanji’s birthday (Feb 23rd) was a few months away. Subsequently, she went back to review the Sahasranaamavali and noticed that there was a mistake in the numbering and hence it was actually incomplete. As predicted, it was completed for Mohanji’s birthday. 🙂

The Sahasranaamavali and Ashtottari provide us a window into the stature of Mohanji and also bear testament to the Grace that flows when surrender, purity and faith flower fully in a devotee. We bow down to both the devotee and the Master and pray that we too experience and reach that state of unity that is critical for us to reach the hallowed goal of liberation.

We sincerely hope that the Mohanji Sahasranaamavali and Mohanji Ashtottari and Mohanji Chalisa serve as a useful tools to enhance our connection with the Master. They are available on Amazon and iTunes for your listening pleasure.

7. Mohanji’s Amrit In My Life: Jyoti Bahl, India

Jyoti Bahl

It is only through Mohanji’s and the Guru Mandala’s immense grace that, in this life I am able to sing devotional songs in praise of God and the Guru. It is a divine blessing that I am able to compose and sing songs that expresses my devotion. In this journey, I surrender to Mohanji completely requesting Him to guide me through the entire process, whether it is writing the songs, setting it to music, singing and recording it. And as always, every single time, He helps me! Every time, for each and every song, when I sit in front of His photo, He lets the words flow, He lets the music flow through me. Many times, the person with whom I record my songs, is surprised to see how the music comes to me. He cannot comprehend easily how my Gurudev is helping me in creating these songs – the lyrics, the music, the rhythm etc. When I record the songs, I always keep Mohanji’s photo in front of me and everything flows smoothly.

One day, while I was practicing Mohanji’s Chalisa, my sister asked me to write Mohanji’s Amritwani.  I told her that this has to come from Mohanji and if He wants it, He will definitely help me write it.

I sat in front of Mohanji’s photo and He started giving me the words, which fitted the usual Amritwani rhythm very well. I was stunned when I read the lyrics, as most of the words were new to me! I realised, its only with the grace of Mohanji that these words came to me as the lyrics of Amritwani.

I know I’m nothing. I am not the doer. With so many obstacles in life and unfavourable situations, still the way everything flows smoothly, shows Mohanji’s grace and His blessings which is behind every single song that I sing.

A recent incident proves this, how Mohanji enables everything to flow through me while protecting me completely. It was the day when I was going to the studio to record Mohanji’s Chalisa and Amritwani. It was raining at that time. While I was climbing the stairs, I suddenly slipped and the file I was holding in my hand fell into muddy water. There was a photo of Mohanji in that file, which also fell out in that muddy water. I was in tears and was cursing myself to have let the photo of my Bhagwan fall into that muddy water. There were so many questions in my head as to why this happened.

During the recording, suddenly I felt a message coming from Mohanji, “You were going to fall from the stairs. I saved you by making my photo fall down.” I was dumbstruck! Oh, My God! We are not even aware of the risks and challenges that come our way, but Mohanji is there like a shield, protecting us every moment! It’s needless to say that if I had slipped and fallen down the stairs that day, then the recording of the Chalisa and Amritwani would have been incomplete! Not only did He save me from the fall, Mohanji helped me complete my activity too. Once again, this incident showed me, without Mohanji’s divine grace, I have no existence.

I also realise that the ability to sing devotional bhajans is part of my sadhana and seva in this life. It is a seva to mankind by spreading praises and devotion to the Guru. Hence, not only my Gurudev but the entire Guru Mandala empowers me to perform in this capacity. Not only me, but everyone who supports in this seva, also gets empowered, protected and blessed. I have witnessed this myself. The pure soul, who helps me in my recordings, is not a follower of Mohanji, in fact who had never any inclination towards spirituality and was bound by a bad habit of alcoholism, has shown tremendous improvement. This transformation is happening just by observing my devotion towards Mohanji and His protection and grace being showered on me. He conveyed recently that after the few recordings that he helped me with, he has noticed changes in his own family situations and he is coming out of his alcoholic habit. He started feeling the grace and blessing of Mohanji in his life too, even without meeting Mohanji! I realise that through recording Mohanji’s songs, he has established this connection which has brought so much positive changes in his life too.

My head bows at my Gurudev’s feet as I realise how His grace helps me accomplish my sadhana through my singing bhajans, and for blessing my life and others through His unlimited love and protection.

I would complete my experience through this bhajan that I surrender to my Gurudev

“Gurudev..Gurudev, Ab charno mein rakhlo mujhko Gurudev”

Jai Mohanji!

Jyoti Bahl


Jyoti Bahl has sung Mohanji Arati (female version), Mohanji Ashtottari, Mohanji Sahsranamavali, Mohanji Chalisa (by Tayiji) and many other devotional songs. You can listen to them on You Tube in the following links.

8. Mohanji Chalisa – The Flow Of Grace:  Sanjay Acharya, Toronto, Canada

Sanjay Acharya_450.jpg

Jai MohanJi!

I recall the day when the journey of expressing love through ‘Mohanji Chalisa‘ started! It was around the last week of Guru Purnima Days in July 2016. I was sitting in front of Shirdi Sai in my home temple. Suddenly a thought sparked in my mind and I asked Baba Sai, “Baba, I want to write Mohanji Chalisa. Please give me an indication.” Immediately I picked up the Book “Shri Sai Geeta.” This book has around 875 pages. I randomly opened a page and it was the page of ‘Shiv Chalisa.’ My eyes started flowing! Immediately I stood up and turned on my computer. During those days Mohanji was replying to messages on FB messenger. I remember the date & time. It was July 27, 07:09PM.  I asked Him, “O Mere Guruji. O Mohanji. Hey Shivtatva. Mujhe Ashirvad dijiye (Please bless me) ..mai aapki ‘Mohanji Chalisa’ likhna chahta hun. (I want to write the ‘Mohanji Chalisa.’ Please bless me). At 11:47PM on the same day I received His reply, “Bless you. Tathasthu! It will happen. (The message was with a rose and love symbols). When I read the message, oh my God! I started crying like anything. With shivering hands, I replied to Him, “Millions of thanks” and I sent Him sastaang namaskar…..And the journey of Mohanji Chalisa began!

Now the real challenge! Where to start from? How to start?  Because He has already blessed, it started to work out automatically! I felt that it should have exactly the same format as the Hanuman Chalisa! Okay! That’s done! Now what? Again, Mohanji inspired me. I went to my friend Shaloo Prasad’s house. She had recently moved to Canada at that time! She was singing the glory of her experiences with Mohanji during her stay in Gurgaon, India. Suddenly, she said, “Sanjay, do you know, very soon Mohanji’s Ashtottari Namavali (108 names) is coming out.” Again, a spark in my mind!!! Later, I had Mohanji’s 108 names and that was the real beginning of Mohnji Chalisa. I wrote down a few names and with Mohanji’s blessings, I (HE) started writing His Chalisa! Honestly, only with His inspiration and His blessings was it made possible. I referred to Mohanji’s 108 & 1008 names, Shirdi Sai Chalisa, Krishna Chalisa, Shiv Chalisa, Sathya Sai Baba Chalisa, Datta Bavni etc. Slowly He created the rhymes and sequences for 40 verses.  Sometimes it took weeks to write just one verse. I used to sit for hours in front of Baba and nothing would happen!

Once it happened that I was looking for a 3 letter word with ‘N’ as a third letter in Hindi script! This word was to fit in the third line. Trust me; I felt as if I had gone mad, as it had been three months and I still hadn’t found that word! Frustration was building up. Finally, I got mad with Baba Sai and started crying! After 15-20 minutes of shedding tears, I was very calm. Then I randomly opened Pothi (Over 800 pages of Sai Satcharita)! And Oh! It was Das Ganu Maharaj’s story (Das Ganu Maharaj was writing and singing Baba’s glory) whereby he wrote a poem about Baba after a particular leela (miracle) of Baba. I found the word ‘Mudhan’ (ignorant)! I said, “Oh! Baba! Oh! Mohanji! …Thank you soooooo much…..”

FinallyMohanji Chalisa’ was completed. I offered the completed ‘Mohanji Chalisa’ to Mohanji through my friend Nilesh Parekh during His visit to Canada in March 2017. After two days, one early morning, I heard the doorbell! I wondered who was at the door that early. My wife Alpa opened the door and I was watching from the staircase. It was Mohanji standing behind the doors! As soon I saw Him, we both literally shouted “Mohanji!…..” I fell down three steps, with tears in my eyes! HE came to bless me! Late during the previous evening, He went through ‘Mohanji Chalisa.‘ He said, “Acharya (my last name), it’s amazing. Kuchh kam baki hai (Still some modification is required). Bless you.” Later on, With His blessings, the write up was completed. I sang HIS Chalisa, in front of HIM, for the first time during the Rishikesh Retreat in December 2017. He was so happy, that like Bal Krishna (child form of Lord Krishna), He said to Vanamali Mata that, “He (Sanjay) wrote my Chalisa.

At that time, there was another Maa Ganga (River Ganges) flowing through my eyes! He then asked me to record it with professional music. Finally, with His grace, ‘Mohanji Chalisa’ was recorded and was published on Guru Purnima Day, 27th July 2018.

You can hear Mohanji Chalisa on You Tube in this link.

I offer Him my sashtang namskar. I love you Mohanji.

Sanjay Acharya

9. The Music of Grace: Subhasree T, UK


With my heart filled with devotion and gratitude for Mohanji, I would like to share my experience from the Retreat with Mohanji from 11th to 14th August in London.

Two days before Mohanji was due to arrive in London, Priti and I were doing some prep work together and she mentioned a song that Mohanji enjoys, and later on, she sent the link that Jelena had sung. I heard it and just fell in love with it! Next morning, I started writing a blog on an experience that I had a couple of days ago. While writing that blog, this song popped into my head and I started humming the tune, even though I didn’t have the words. I felt like listening to it, so started playing Jelena’s recording repeatedly. Suddenly, I felt like singing it. So I got the lyrics from the internet and started singing. I don’t know what made me record this song when I sang, ‘Garuda Gamana tava..’ I then sent that recording to Jelena. She replied, “You are ready to sing together with Father tomorrow.” Seeing her message, I burst out laughing…….I singing, that too with Mohanji!!! She must be joking! Little did I know that the divine sends messages in any form! I just didn’t recognise it at that time.

The next day, Mohanji arrived, my busy schedule started, and I forgot about the song. On the day we were going for the retreat, Shyama and I were alone for some time in the morning hours, preparing breakfast, when a discussion about the bhajan programme that we were planning during the retreat came up. Suddenly I thought – can I sing ‘Garuda Gamana‘ and sang it in front of Shyama for her suggestion. She liked it and said I can sing. So I kept that aside then, thought I will go with the flow, not sure if I would get time to practice at the retreat amidst my other activities. On the second day, I got an opportunity to be part of the bhajans. When I was about to start, I felt as if I was forgetting the song. Before starting, I conveyed my gratitude to Mohanji to have given me this opportunity to sing one of His favourite songs in front of Him and requested Him to excuse me if I go wrong, as this is a new song for me. I mentioned the name ‘Garuda Gamana.’ At that moment, I could see the spark in Mohanji’s eyes. Honestly, I was very nervous, worried about making a mistake in the wordings, pronunciation or forgetting the tune! In my heart, I surrendered to Mohanji and started singing.

I was sitting just below the platform on which Mohanji’s chair was placed, near His feet. Suddenly, within a few seconds of starting the song, I noticed, Mohanji bending towards me and signalling to me to show the paper (in which I had the lyrics written down), with a mike in His hand. Spontaneously, I got up, kneeled on the platform next to His chair to be close enough to show the paper to Him. He slowly said, “Let’s start from the beginning,” and we did! The song just flowed! Those few minutes, I forgot myself, where I am, what I am doing…all I could feel was divinity. My heart was beating fast, breath was racing, but words were just flowing out of my mouth in sync with Mohanji. When we finished, I didn’t know how to express my gratitude, I just did pranam at Mohanji’s feet. Deviji said, “One more desire fulfilled.” “This wasn’t even in my wildest desires,” I thought and said, “… can I even dare to dream this!” Nevertheless, this was true and it happened, beyond my expectation, whether I desired it or not. Jelena’s message to me came true.

When you get something that you wish for, you get immense joy. And when you get something, that you don’t even dare to desire, how do you feel? It is difficult to comprehend, right? That’s how I was feeling. No words to thank my Guru, who doesn’t need me to tell Him anything, ask anything. He not only knows my thoughts, but also knows what I need and gives exactly that at the right time, not before or after, not a second late!

I hope you can sense my feelings by watching this video, which is not a professional one, but I am eternally grateful to Priti to have captured this amidst that sudden surprise and excitement. I will cherish this experience and the video my entire life and beyond. Well, every moment with Mohanji is ecstatic and joyful, but moments like these are pearls that need to be saved in the memory box with utmost care!

Thank you Priti, for introducing the song ‘Garuda Gamana‘ to me.

Thank you Jelena, for teaching me this song by sharing the beautiful recording.

Thank you Shayma, for encouraging me to sing during our bhajan session.

Above all, thank you Mohanji, for giving me what you gave me…beyond words!”

I leave you all with the link of the video to enjoy the divine grace of Mohanji that has no limit!

With my heart filled with Mohanji’s grace and love, koti pranam at the feet of my Gurudev,


Guru Paada_650.jpg

The ‘Mohanji Satcharita’ is a treasure trove of true and sincere experiences as we journey through this life with guidance from a living Master. Each experience is a step leading us forward on this path of pathlessness, towards liberation. Sharing of these experiences helps others seek answers to situations that may be similar. It is the Guru who gives us these experiences as and when required. To such Guru, we offer our gartitude and leave you with this shloka from Guru Gita:

“Sosanam paapa-pankasya, Dipanam jnana-tejasaam,

Gurupadodakam Sanyal, Samsaararnava tarakam.”

Which means,

“The water of the Guru’s feet (has the power) to dry up the mire of one’s sins, to ignite the light of knowledge, and to take one smoothly across the ocean of the world. (Guru Gita Verse 13).”

— Compiled, edited & published By, Mohanji Testimonials Team, 13th December 2018.


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— Mohanji Editorial Team


1 thought on “Mohanji Satcharita Chapter 3 – December 2018”

  1. Reading Mohanji Satcharita is something like boosting up your own faith towards your Guru. Each and every experience of people just gives our mind a way to connect more to Gurudev. Its amazing to see how our beloved Mohanji just takes care of each one of us at every baby steps that we take. Jai Gurudev 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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