By Tanjila Akhter, Bangladesh
Namaste, I am 23 years old and I have a small beautiful family with my husband and a son who is only two years old. I have completed my Master’s degree in Nutrition and Food Science from Dhaka University. I would love to share my experiences and journey towards Mohanji and how his teachings helped me and transformed my life completely; and how my life became so open from any small and limited notions.
Even though I am from a Muslim background, now I have the same respect for all religions because I realise that even though our rituals are different, our destination is the same. We came from one Source and we will return to that same Source, and this actualization makes me feel that life is full of blessings and grace.
My spiritual journey started with my first Guru, Sufi Saint Baba Jahangir. But it was just a ritual at that time. Even though Baba’s teachings are very powerful, I found it very complicated to understand the deepest meanings of his core messages with my limited capacity and knowledge about spiritualism. My lack of insight was such that I was not able to understand Baba’s teachings about liberation, detachment, unconditional love, no expectations, silence, etc.
On the day (25th April), when Baba Jahangir took Maha Samadhi, I realized something very unique as if from the very core of my being a confirmation that Baba does not leave us, he is always with us and I felt his presence very strongly that day. Even though I felt his strong presence inside my heart, yet another thought arose in my mind about who would teach us practically when Baba is no more in his body! But I surrendered all my thoughts to Baba with the conviction that time will surely be the answer. A few days later, my husband and I came to know about Lisa who is also a devotee of Baba Jahangir and a Mohanji Acharya (even though at that time I had no clue who Mohanji was).
We created a WhatsApp group with the intention that we could have some discussions about spiritualism. We were 9 people at first. Later on, a few more people joined us. We started our satsang through video call and Lisa started talking to us about various aspects of life and truth. We continued for almost two months, attending the satsang every single day. Sometimes we discussed all night long, tirelessly. All of us started enjoying the satsangs as if a new zone had opened up for us.

Now, this was entirely new to me and I was very surprised just to listen to all these various types of topics which were kind of food for my thoughts. My feelings were such that I had been hungry for this food for long periods of time and searching for this kind of clear explanations and insights which were extremely meaningful to me, and I felt like everything made perfect sense to me now. Later on, we came to know that these were Mohanji’s core teachings, which is the same as Baba Jahagir’s teachings, but Mohanji’s teachings were really easy to understand not only theoretically, but we were also inspired to do things practically.
For the first time ever, I realized each life is valuable in this world and no beings were born to satisfy my selfish desire for food, clothing, etc. From that day, I took the decision to become a vegetarian. Before that, beef was one of my most favourite foods.
One month later, I felt that Lisa should come to my house. I invited her and she immediately agreed, (I was completely unaware what great blessings were waiting for us) and on 27th May, Lisa came to our home and straightway from the next day (28th May) my husband, I and the other people who were present there became completely vegetarian without any effort.
I was totally surprised to see my transformation. This would never have been possible if we had not known about Mohanji’s teachings through Lisa. For the first time, I could feel how cruel and insensitive we had been! Just for the taste of our tongue, we killed so many lives and this is a huge crime we are performing through our wrong traditional pedagogy. After becoming a vegetarian, my spiritual journey started to improve immediately.
My awareness became sharper than before. I even started realizing the main goal of my existence which I was completely unaware of before. I realize that liberation is my only goal, and I am ready to do anything to achieve this goal. I also realize that all my roles in this lifetime have to be played without any attachments which were never clear to me before. After Mohanji’s teachings, I have started practicing all these things deliberately, and with patience. I never knew that patience could be that hard for these practices, but I am so grateful that I am growing slowly but steadily.
Also, I have learned how powerful gratitude could be! Lisa recommended us to practice the Power of Purity (PoP) meditation every day and just listening to Mohanji’s voice made my mind so peaceful. Now PoP guided meditation has become my regular practice.
Also, I realized the mind factor, and how our own mind can be the highest destructive force of our lives, and with conviction and regular practice, we can even change the blueprint of our mind. In that absolute sense, we all have the power to destroy our comfort zones and make our lives positive and worthwhile by living and sharing unconditionally, which is an act of tremendous courage that we all have. We just need the right guide to give us directions and we are so lucky that in this life we found Mohanji. The absolute Truth in our life is our living Master Mohanji.
I am unable to explain my gratitude to Mohanji, but I am sure he knows my heart which is beating now by his name, all day and night. His name has become my maha-mantra (MOHANJI). With his holy name, one can participate in any aspect of life. This is my conviction. During the first few weeks, my mind was playing a game with me – what if I am doing wrong by trusting Lisa or accepting Mohanji as my living Master? I was a bit confused but Masters knows our minds more than us.
One day Baba Jahangir appeared in my dream and gave me confirmation that Mohanji is my present Guru whom I came to know through Lisa. When I initially saw Mohanji’s picture, my first thought was he is none other than Moula Ali, who is our Imam riding a horse in a battle against all negative energies. And I knew that my journey had started with my Guru Mohanji.
On the 4th of June, Lisa inaugurated the altar of Guru Mandala in my house. What a wonderful experience we all had that day. Everyone felt Mohanji’s strong presence and we were all amazed at how Mohanji is giving us so many experiences without even asking. We could offer only love and we did that from our hearts, but Mohanji gave us everything, that love which we never felt in our entire life, even from our parents. On the same day, I saw Mohanji’s smiling face standing in front of my eyes and watching me always.
When we finished the aarati and sat down for the meditation, I felt that Mohanji was looking at me and smiling. Then two glorious faces appeared in front of me and both of them were looking at me with their bright eyes, with lots of light coming from them. A few days later when I sat for meditation, I felt that I was sitting inside Mahavatar Babaji‘s body and his body was as big as Kailash. After inaugurating the altar, I witnessed many experiences. Many times Mohanji gave me experiences through dreams.
During the time Lisa stayed at our house, for the first time, we visited many temples such as the Kali temple, Shiva temple, Loknath Baba’s temple, ashrams, etc. and had various types of experiences.
We also had the opportunity to meet a living Avadhoota, and this was later confirmed by Mohanji (we didn’t know the meaning of an Avadhoota until Lisa explained to us later on). Our experiences with Ma Avadhoota were so sacred. She knows everything about Mohanji, and told us, “Mohanji is Mahadev.” She is blind but she saw Mohanji through her third eye and explained how Mohanji looks like, and she prayed to Mohanji if she could see him in her lifetime.
Now, only Mohanji knows if he would come to us or not, but we keep calling him from our hearts. I want to share about my two-year-old child who has started chanting the Maha Mrithyunjaya mantra and keeps calling Jai Mohanji and Sai Baba all the time. We are really amazed to see how he could do that continuously. Almost every day, my two-year-old child goes to the altar and rings the bell, says Jai Mohanji and kisses him, bows down like a grown-up man, as if he knows everything that he needs to do, and this is truly beyond anything anyone can even assimilate.
It was beyond my imagination that I could have all these experiences and to have found my living Master Mohanji like this. I often wonder what I have done to have all this grace and blessings within this sort period of time. I have also learned never to take anything for granted.
I surrender everything at Mohanji’s holy feet as he is my protector, he will protect me and my family till my end. With this prayer I started my journey, and I will pray until my end. I would like to dedicate the first Guru mantra that I memorized, to Mohanji.
Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshaat Para Brahma, Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha
Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 13th August 2020
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