A unique Kailash Yatra!

By Chakradhar Yakkala, Switzerland


I am Chakradhar Yakkala from India, living in Switzerland. After reading the book ‘Autobiography of an Avadhoota’ last year, I got to know about Mohanji, and was keen to meet Him for the sole reason because He is an enlightened Master from my beloved Shirdi Sai Baba’s lineage. I met Mohanji for the first time in Slovenia in 2017, and received Shaktipat from Him. While leaving the satsang, I thought I might not meet Him again. Intriguingly, two months after meeting Him, I felt for the first time that He was talking to me telepathically. He said to me, “Come to Kailash.” I replied, “Yes, I will.” Then He asked, “Would you also come to Kailash if you lose your job?” I said, “Yes, I will come even if I lose my job!”


Later, I said to myself, “Me and losing my job, impossible.” Afterwards, when I left for work, the first thing my boss said to me was, “Sorry Chakri, I am running out of funds, and I have to terminate your job contract!” This was highly unexpected and with just 6 months of job remaining, I had to really save money to be able to make it to Kailash. Two months down the line, I was very agitated one day thinking about what will happen to me if I spend all the remaining savings to go to Kailash, but was still prepared to do that. With an agitated mind I went to bed, and during my sleep at some point, I could see that Mohanji appeared and stood next to me. His body was only made of white light. I could see Him with closed eyes. He said to me, “Don’t worry, I will take care of you!”

An angel in our midst. In Limpopo.

The next day following the dream, I got a call for a job interview from who I hardly even expected a response. With almost no effort, I cleared three different phases of the interview, and they offered me a job! Things happened in the most miraculous way for me on my way to get this new job.

Since the day I saw Mohanji in my dream (as mentioned above), I never felt any separation from Him. As Mohanji says, “You will know that you are connected to Me when you don’t feel any separation wherever I am.”


I could connect to Him from anywhere and anytime, and He would provide me with support. Only then did I become convinced that He is my very own Guru, always protecting and guiding me in mysterious ways. As He repeatedly mentions, “I always do my job,” I would say that it is 200% true, and He comes to you in the most unexpected ways because He is an ocean of consciousness neither bound by space or physicality.



I applied for “Kailash with Mohanji 2018,” and my application was selected by Mohanji’s team. I paid the entire fee in advance, and was eagerly waiting to go to Kailash. Two weeks before my travel to Kathmandu from Switzerland for the Kailash trip, I was asked to fly to India a week before my intended date of travel, in order to submit my passport at the Chinese embassy in India for acquiring a Tibetan visa. To submit the passport 1-2 weeks in advance was a new rule imposed by the Chinese authorities in 2018 for the Indian passport holders who are willing to travel to Kailash. I could not prepone my travel and therefore, sent my passport from Switzerland by FedEx, a courier which usually delivers the parcel to India in a span of 24 hours. I sent my passport to an India / Nepal based travel agency that works with Mohanji’s foundation for organizing Kailash trips every year. Their plan was to get my Tibetan visa in 5 working days and return my passport along with the visa, which should reach me by post before my intended date of travel. Unexpectedly, my passport got stuck at the Indian customs for some reason and was not delivered to the intended receiver! I had to write to the Indian customs and had to make many phone calls to get my passport back, without being delivered to the intended travel agency. All my hopes to visit Kailash were shattered and I received my passport back without the Tibetan visa, two days before my already planned journey from Switzerland to Kailash. The travel agency requested me to come to Kathmandu, Nepal despite not having a Tibetan visa. They told me that they will try to contact some influential people who might help me to get a visa for Tibet.



I then flew to Kathmandu, handed over my passport to the travel agency and waited for 2 days. They tried their best to get a Tibetan visa for me, but their efforts were of no avail. When my visa to Tibet did not happen, I went to Mohanji and said, “Father, they say that my visa is not going to happen,” and He simply replied, “That is because you are going to come along with Me to Kailash next year.” After sometime, I asked, “Father, where should I go now,” and He said, “You go to Muktinath and make the best use of that place.” On that same evening, all the people who were going to Kailash had a satsang with Mohanji, and He said to everyone, “Chakradhar will tell you all how difficult it is to go to Muktinath.”



The route is Khatmandu-Pokhra-Jomsom-Muktinath. There are short duration flights of approx. 20 min connecting from Khatmandu to Pokhra and Pokhra to Jomsom. From Jomsom, one can go to Muktinath either by Jeep in 1.5hrs or by an 8 hour trek of 25km. Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be difficult to go to Muktinath, therefore, initially, I couldn’t understand why Father said to everyone that it would be difficult for me to go there. After reaching Pokhra, I waited for 5 hours to take a flight to Jomsom. All the flights were cancelled that day due to unfavorable weather. I thought of taking a flight the next day, but the airport authorities told me that the chances of planes flying to Jomsom the next day seem bleak.



In the meantime, a woman from Ukraine came to me and asked if I would like to share a jeep ride to Jomsom with her. She also told me that she is a spiritual seeker, and was planning to go to Muktinath. I agreed and travelled by road with her to Jomsom. It took 12 hours to just travel 90km by road! It was the most difficult of all the journeys I had done in my entire life! 90% of the time, I was shaking or jumping in the jeep due to the nature of the route; the roads were also narrow and highly risky at many points. In addition, our jeep stopped at random places and at times either because there was a landslide or someone’s vehicle was broken, which blocked the entire route. That is when I understood the words of our Father, “Chakradhar will tell you how difficult it is to go to Muktinath.”

The next day, I wanted to trek from Jomsom to Muktinath, and the woman from Ukraine also joined me for trekking. On our way she said to me, “You know, I have been trying to connect to Shambhala Masters in my meditation for a very long time, and I got an intuition to make a trip to Muktinath. On the trip I will meet someone who will help me connect with Shambhala Masters, which will help me in my evolution.” In addition, she kept on referring to golden color all the time. I was extremely surprised and said to her, “I think I’m the one you are supposed to meet, and my Master Mohanji is connected to Shambhala and represents a lineage known as the Golden Tradition of Shambhala.” She was happy after knowing about our lineage, and I gave her a photo of Mohanji with the foundation logo. I felt extremely privileged that I became a part of Mohanji’s plan to draw a deserving seeker towards Him and our tradition.



There are 108 sacred water streams in the form of a semicircle behind the temple of Muktinath. One needs to take a shower from all those cold streams, and then take a dip in the two ponds in front of the temple before going near the temple’s sanctum sanctorum for the darshan of Lord Muktinath.


I took showers in all those streams on my first day, followed by dips in both the ponds around 3pm, and found that the temple was closed. No one around, I sat in the open in front of the closed temple to do some simple meditation. In no time, the temple guard came to me and said, “Please come sir, I will get it opened for you.” He called a Buddhist nun in charge of the temple, and she came and opened the temple just for the sake of my darshan alone! Although I was nobody there, I was given a beautiful darshan like a special guest, due to the blessings of our Father.


Few days before I reached Muktinath, Mohanji’s team, upon his request, sent all of us a document of a highly evolved alien’s secret interview. I started reading it on the same day I got it, and went on reading all throughout my journey towards Muktinath. After my first darshan of Muktinath, I continued reading that document, and I came across a paragraph where the alien speaks about an advanced being from their race who came to our planet to fight dark forces and guide earthlings towards liberation. The alien says that the people on earth refer to that advanced being as Vishnu. In other words, the alien was talking about liberation, a word synonymous to Mukti; and it is talking about an exalted being who is often referred in the Indian languages also as Nath (other than the yogic tradition). The subtle meaning is that the alien is referring to Lord Vishnu’s role as Muktinath, and I ended up reading that paragraph in the village of Muktinath, after a few hours of having my first darshan of lord Muktinath!


I was amazed at the timing when I came across those lines in the document, and my devotion towards Lord Muktinath multiplied 100 fold!

The day I reached Muktinath, a dog continuously barked standing outside the hotel of my residence that night for a few hours. I strongly felt like the dog was barking for me (never had such a feeling before). The same thing happened on the second and the third nights post my arrival. On the third night, I stood outside my hotel’s residence and tried to pet that dog, and it permitted me to do that effortlessly without any problem. I went into my hotel and came out after a few minutes with some cookies and searched for that dog. It was standing a few feet away from my hotel in the dark, in the company of another dog. I called it and took out some cookies, and it came to me running; surprisingly, the other dog ran away despite seeing that I was there with some cookies in my hand to feed them. I fed the dog to my heart’s fill, and went back to my hotel room. The next day I was exploring some nearby mountains along with someone from the hotel staff. While I was trekking, I asked my co-trekker from the hotel, if it is normal that some dog comes and continuously barks in the night outside our hotel every day? He answered that it is not so and he has been observing that phenomenon only for the past 3 nights (exactly since the day I arrived there). His answer confirmed my doubt that the dog had indeed come for me, and intriguingly, after I fed that dog, it had never barked again outside my hotel’s residence on any night since then, until my last day there. I felt then that it might be some karmic cleansing Mohanji had planned for me at that sacred place, which was reinforced to me later by a great being I met there, about whom I will mention later.

On my second day of arrival, I went to the room where they perform yagna in the premises of Muktinath temple. I expressed my interest to the priest in charge to perform yagna alongside him.


He told me to come the next morning, and then asked me if I had eaten or not. I told him that I was planning to eat and requested him to join me. My plan was to take him to a hotel and feed him, but instead, he took me to his small ashram, offered a place for me to stay and sleep as long as I wanted without asking anything in return, and made some tasty chai for me. While I was having that chai and talking to one of his friends, he cooked for me; with the very minimum resources he had and offered me that food with all his heart. I was so touched by his love and compassion that it almost brought tears to my eyes. After I had my food, he insisted that I come to him twice a day and eat with him while he would cook for me. Afterwards, every time I met him, he would first enquire if I had eaten, then would joke about some random thing, followed by laughing and hugging. He was a rare being of pure and immense love, and I was so lucky and blessed to meet him in Muktinath.

On one of my days there, I did an arduous trek, and was very tired. I was on my way back to my hotel room after the trek, and came across a 60 yr old couple from India who could not walk up the hill leading to Muktinath temple. Due to their severe health complications, they were giving up. Although I was exhausted, I somehow felt like helping them to reach the temple of Muktinath. I started talking to them, held their hands firmly and walked along with them. I continuously tried to divert their attention from their fear and pain to something else by talking about random matters while they were walking with me. Whenever they felt like giving up, which happened multiple times, I gave them encouragement, and somehow managed to take them to the temple of Muktinath on the mountain, while holding their hands all the time. After they had their darshan, I brought them back to their jeep which was about to leave Muktinath. The husband asked me why I felt like helping them when I saw them. I told him that there is one lesson, which I absorbed well from my Master, and that was to always see what I could do for people around me in need, which is what made me come to you naturally without much thinking. That night, when I went to bed, I had a strong stimulation of my third eye that never happened to me before with such intensity. I felt like Mohanji blessed me immensely for implementing His teaching in a wholehearted manner.



On my last day in Muktinath, I went to the main temple’s priest, and requested him to chant mantras for transmitting blessings of Muktinath to my biological family and Mohanji’s family, by telling the gotras and the names of both the families. After the temple priest finished chanting the mantras, I asked him for directions to hike up in the mountains beyond Muktinath. After explaining the route, he also told me without asking that there is a Swami up there living alone in the mountains doing his spiritual practices. I proceeded with my trekking as per the plan, beyond the temple, and I did not come across any isolated structure indicating the presence of any Swami up there. In the late afternoon, when I trekked back, I saw an isolated room like structure from a distance. I said to myself, if that Swami lives there, and if I am supposed to meet him, he should appear visible to me outside his residence. I saw him outside his residence in a minute, and I went straight there.


He invited me inside his single room that had a cave like setting, and is located in the middle of nowhere. I looked into his eyes that were like an embodiment of stillness. He lives there and walks on those mountains barefooted throughout the year. I introduced myself, and told him that my Guruji had asked me to visit Muktinath, and that is why I was there. When I showed him the picture of Mohanji, he looked and paid respects to our Father in the photograph. When I sat down to talk to him, his first words were the following, “I was expecting you this morning, and even made tea for you. You did not even see me when you were trekking up, you just passed this way. I thought of calling you by shouting from a distance, but then I felt like I am not supposed to call you.” He then added, “You cannot come here without your Guru’s kripa, only sadhaks with Guru kripa can come here. Lord Vishnu Himself lived in this room and did some spiritual practices 2.5 million years ago. You can meditate and experience for yourself!”

Photo 8

When I sat down and closed my eyes, it was so powerful that I was strongly pulled into meditation. I literally could not open my eyes, and had to force them open after some time (normally it is vice versa, I cannot close my eyes for long, hahaha!). By the time I opened my eyes, he made some sweet tasting tea for me, which only I had to drink. I then touched his feet and asked for his blessings, which he gave me by touching my spine in a certain way. When I was about to leave, he expressed his interest to also walk along with me down to the Muktinath temple and also further down to Muktinath village. I had developed pain in my ankles due to some tough trekking, which miraculously disappeared without a trace after that short time I spent in his residence! While we were walking down towards the temple, I held an umbrella for him while it was raining, and he was teaching me different things like a loving father.

I am mentioning here only the key aspects of our conversation. Without me saying anything about my spiritual practices, he said to me, “Sadhaks/spiritual practitioners can do any spiritual practice effortlessly except the one that is taught by their Guru, because when you try to do that, your karma comes in your way.” This was exactly what I was doing unconsciously (performing different spiritual practices except Consciousness Kriya given to me by our Father Mohanji) at that point in time! He then said to me, “Feeding dogs cleanses the inherent demonic patterns within you,” which reminded me of the feeding I did to a dog few days before, outside my hotel (as explained above). He walked barefoot on that difficult mountain terrain, and was a little extreme in dealing with himself; I thought of our Guruji Avadhoota Nadananda as he reminded me of him. He then immediately started to speak about the sadhana of Goddess Tara, which our Guruji Nadananda did (as mentioned in his autobiography)! He then asked me to buy him some cigarettes, and took me to the village of Muktinath. Out of all the shops that were there, he took me to one particular shop and said, “You buy from here.” I had a verbal fight with the shopkeeper of that shop a couple of days ago! I went to that shop and had to drop my ego completely in order to ask him for cigarettes. Also, the shopkeeper could not be angry with me because I was there with the Swami whom he very much respected. Therefore, we both had to keep our egos down and interact pleasantly in front of the Swami. After I bought the cigarettes and offered to Swami, he bid farewell to me with the following words, “Next time if you come here, of course only by the wish and will of your Guruji, please come and stay with me; don’t stay in these hotels!”

By the compassionate blessings of our Father Mohanji, I had such an amazing and spontaneous pilgrimage to Muktinath that will be etched in my heart forever.

Now comes the experience of Kailash. Two weeks after I returned to Switzerland from Muktinath, one night, I did my Consciousness Kriya and went to sleep. In my sleep, I felt as if I was lifted up from my sleeping spot, and I started travelling somewhere. In other words, my subtle body left my physical body and went on a journey. During my journey, it was indicated that I was going to Kailash. I was so excited thinking that I would get to see many beautiful mountains and lakes like Gauri kund on my travel. I saw none of what I thought I would see or was excited to see. Instead, after travelling sometime, I saw some dark hills, something like an abandoned place. Mohanji was standing there alone. In no time, I transformed into a tiny triangle, and merged with Mohanji at a particular point located on the midline of His forehead. After merging, He said to me, “You are in Kailash now.” Merging into Him was an experience beyond all experiences; it felt as if I ceased to exist as an individual person or entity, and only existed like some shapeless and formless witness. Next morning, when I woke up from my sleep, I felt extremely tired. Few minutes later, I could recollect the whole experience in my awakened state. Sometime later, I could also recall Mohanji explaining in one of His satsangs about Kailash, that the journey to outward Kailash is to reach the inner Kailash that is already present in every one of us. Father also mentions in that satsang that the inner Kailash is located between Ajna chakra and Sahasrara chakra, and the kundalini after raising beyond Ajna Chakra has to pass through that inner Kailash before it reaches its beloved Shiva residing in the Sahasrara chakra. In other words, Mohanji unified me into His own inner Kailash, which is a rare and precious gift that goes far beyond the power of my articulation! Such is the love of a true Master that always flows towards you like an infinite river beyond your imagination and comprehension, when there is trust that is firmly rooted in Him.


Jai Brahmarishi Mohanji

My humble prostrations to our Father Mohanji, an embodiment of boundless love and compassion!

— Chakradhar

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4 thoughts on “A unique Kailash Yatra!”

  1. Gayatri JayShankar

    Chakri …oh so beautiful your experiences..With tears of joy and adulation to our Guru Mohanji Baba,I thank you…I feel elated…lots of love to you… JaiMohanji Baba 🙏❣️

  2. Speechless ! And so boundless ! As if this cAme to convey some message to me !! As I failed to trek to kailash after going alll the way . And I keep feeling guilty about it on and off . What a Divine timing . 🕉🙏

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